How would you book Hogan appreciation night!!!

That N Word

Actively evolving
You can do with you want with this as long as it is in the least bit realistic. You can either fantasy book the show or make it how it would really happen. If I was booking it a few things would need to be in order. Sting would need to be signed, Taker would need to be cleared to return, The Rock would need to agree to return for the night, etc.

WWE Monday Night Raw 8/11/14 (Hulk Hogan Appeciation Night.)

-Opening Segment Hulk Hogan's music hits he comes out he does his usual bit and he say's tonight he has a surprise for us later tonight (nWo reunion.) He say's it will happen in the 9:00 clock hour. He tells everyone to enjoy the show. He goes to leave but Sting's music play's he makes his debut. He thanks Hogan for being a legend and a friend. Brock Lesnar's music hits and he interrupts. He get's in Hogan's face and moves him to the side and get's in Sting's face. He pushes Sting and Hogan pulls him to his face and Brock knocks Hogan out. He get's back in Sting's face. Cena runs out and fights Brock off and he runs the rope for a shoulder block and get's F-5'ed. He get's back in Sting's face and... (Gong) The Undertaker returns beats Brock down and chokeslams him. He goes to leave but get's back in the ring and looks at Sting. He does his rest in peace taunt. He kneels at the titantron and a WrestleMania 31 logo is on there before leaving.
-Recap of what just took place
-Main Event is Rollins vs Reigns
-Reigns calls out Orton to brawl (segment )
-Stephanie/Brie will face off on Main Event
-Match #1 Chris Jericho, Dolph Ziggler,The Uso's vs Miz, The Wyatt Family
-winner :babyfaces. After The Wyatts attacks Miz to send a message.
- The Rock via satellite saying "Happy Birthday" to Hulk Hogan. He announces we haven't seen the last of him.

-Match #2Big Show and Mark Henry vs Slater Gator
winner: Heath pulls another upset but this is after Mark walks out on Show turning heel.
- Backstage birthday party for Hogan - Flair,Hogan face-to-face. Hogan telling Flair he is alright after earlier.Jimmy Hart does something funny with the megaphone. _________________________________________________

-Backstage Interview : Mark Henry on his actions. He walks away

-Match #3 Hulk Sangowgan vs. (A legend from Hogan's past.)
After Sandow attacks that legend. nWo's music hits they make their return and beats him up. nWo calls out The Authority and Triple H comes out and he say's wassup to everyone. But they get on him about getting physical with Brie. They also tells him no one causes more chaos than them. Triple H get's pissed and yells. Hogan punches him, Hall (if he still can) hits his finisher and Nash hits jackknife. Triple H rolls out pissed off.
- Via satellite (more celebrity and legends.)

Backstage Interview: Seth Rollins. Dean attacks him from behind.

SegmentRoman calls out Randy. Randy attacks from behind but this time Roman get's the upperhand and spears him through the barricade.

Backstage Interview Sting say's he will reveal his answer next week.

-Match #4Goldust/Stardust vs Big E/Kofi /w/ Woods. Big E get's the pin Henry comes down. He WSS Goldust and Stardust.

Revealed that on Main Event: Bo Dallas vs. R-Truth will happen along with Mark Henry vs. Big Show.

Main Event:Roman beats Rollins by DQ. Randy attacks, Ambrose makes save.

SD! main event is revealed as Ambrose/Reigns vs Rollins/Orton

Brock and Heyman trash talks Cena and how they decimated him earlier tonight. Cena comes on stage and say's you want some well your gonna get some before running down. The two brawl to end Raw

That is an example of fanasty. Your turn
There was a report a few days ago that WWE have contacted Kevin Nash and Scott Hall for an appearance, although I'm skeptical about Hall showing up considering the state he's in, but I could see Nash turning up for Hogan Appreciation Night. I'd love to see a one night nWo reunion, but it's doubtful.

More familiar faces from Hogan's past like Jimmy Hart, Mean Gene, Paul Orndorff, Sgt Slaughter, Roddy Piper, Ric Flair and maybe Mr. T will likely show too. I doubt we'll see Sting or The Undertaker though. Hopefully Mr. McMahon will return for a showdown with Hogan.

I like the idea of Damien Sandow parodying Hogan. Maybe he can wrestle as Hogan, do all his moves, poses, taunts and everything, then after he loses his match, Hogan comes out and takes out Sandowgan with a few punches.

And somewhere in the middle of the show, I see a segment involving Hogan and Rusev to hype up the Flag Match at Summerslam. Hogan comes out to talk to the WWE Universe, only to be interrupted by Lana and Rusev. They put down Hogan and America as usual, Rusev and Hogan tease a fight with each other until Jack Swagger runs out with Zeb Colter, and he takes out Rusev before he can get his hands on The Hulkster. Hogan raises Swagger's arm and they both swing the American Flag around to end the segment.
I'd do anything except make it a giant Network plug like I know it's planned/going to be since the Network goes international next week + the initial 6 month subscriptions from the launch are ending.

I expect Hogan to come out, then Hall and Nash, then Sting and then something about watching WCW on the Network.

Although it WOULD be KINDA cool if Hogan comes out, then Hall and Nash, then Sting, then Goldberg. Then Austin, Rock, HHH, HBK, Foley come out and they use this as a plug for the Monday Night Wars documentary series that they are taking FOREVER to put on the Network.

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