How Will WM30 Be Rememberd If Bryan Doesn't Make It Back?

The Brain

King Of The Ring
WrestleMania XXX received high praise and was liked by many people on this forum. Some even called it the greatest mania of all time. While I wouldn't go that far I thought it was a very enjoyable show. I went to mania with some friends and we were talking about if it would be fondly remembered years from now if Daniel Bryan didn't have consistent main event success after his big night.

Here we are only three months later and Daniel Bryan has become irrelevant due to injury. It's not his fault and I'm not criticizing him but as usual the show goes on and right now Bryan is a complete afterthought. We were hoping Bryan's injury was minor enough to keep him out of action for only a month or so but at Money In The Bank we learned that the injury was worse than originally thought. Now we're finding out Bryan not only has a problem with his neck but with his shoulder too. It is uncertain how long he will be out and time will only tell if he is able to pick up where he left off.

What if Bryan doesn't regain that momentum? What if management loses faith in him due to the injuries? What if someone else, like Roman Reigns, takes his spot as the hot new star? I'm sure Daniel Bryan will be back but it's entirely possible he doesn't return to the main event as champion. If he fall down the and doesn't regain the title will you look at WM30 differently? Instead of a feel good moment and a night of triumph will it be remembered as a fluke win for a flash in the pan?

Most people probably won't care. They enjoyed mania the night it happened and that's all that matters. As long as you enjoyed it that night who cares about its place in history or its ranking among other manias? Since we all decided to become a member of a wrestling forum we're not just the average fan. A lot of us do care about things like that. Years from now how will you look at WM30 if Daniel Bryan never makes it back to the top?
I don't see how you conclude that Daniel Bryan is irrelevant. If he returned 6 months or even a year from now the fans are going to be behind him.

Irrelevant is Rey Mysterio who had a similar climb to to the top in 2006. Only difference is his climb to the title wasn't as long of an uphill battle as Bryan's. Injuries ultimately plagued him consistently and fans moved on but his win at Wrestlemania 22 will forever be a big moment in history despite how the last several years of his career has been.

Same goes with Chris Benoit. His win at WM 20 and his celebration with Eddie Guerrero were big moments. Despite the events two years later - that moment in which Benoit won the title will forever be remembered.

Bryan has to come back at nothing less than 100 and if so I believe his spot as a main eventer is secure. WWE could really capitalize off this upon his return.

If he doesn't come back fully healthy, well you be the judge. You're the fan just like I am - we tend to move on after a while if he comes back and gets hurt again. We will still respect and admire him, but can no longer expect much contribution. Christian is another prime example of that.

Bryan's moment at WM is sentimental just like the ones listed above. I won't forget his climb to the top if he never makes it back on that level. It's memorable as they pushed him for nearly a year to endure that moment.
i dont think it will hurt the legacy of wm 30, after wm 18 jericho fell back down the card and thats still looked at as a good mania. i think the quality of the matches and event stands the test of time on its own merit.
This is what I've always told people when it came to Bryan. People think I'm a troll but I said it because I saw it from a mile away. It WAS a fluke win, he WAS a flash in the pan. You can hate me and call me a troll and say I don't know the first thing about wrestling all you want, but the facts are right in front of your faces. He won, had one title defense, and then was stripped of it. The fact is Bryan really doesn't belong in the main event just like other wrestlers who are 3x more talented than him aren't main eventers. Guys like Dolph Ziggler. Im a huge Ziggler fan but he isn't going to once again be a main eventer, I've come to terms with that. Tyson Kidd is another perfect example, all the talent in the world, but at this pace he'll be lucky if he ever gets off of NXT. WrestleMania 30 was supposed to be the BEST WrestleMania ever, and now it has become abundantly clear that the main event spotlight and the biggest moment of the entire show was utterly wasted. Will Bryan be back? Odds are he will most certainly be back. Will he be put back in the main event? Odds are he wont be but if he is it will be short lived since the main crowd focus is now on Rollins, Ambrose, and most of all Reigns. Im sure Bryan had fun in the spotlight, but its just like The Brain said himself, Bryan is now, and from this moment he will continue to be, an afterthought. So long, farewell, goodbye.
This is what I've always told people when it came to Bryan. People think I'm a troll but I said it because I saw it from a mile away. It WAS a fluke win, he WAS a flash in the pan. You can hate me and call me a troll and say I don't know the first thing about wrestling all you want, but the facts are right in front of your faces. He won, had one title defense, and then was stripped of it. The fact is Bryan really doesn't belong in the main event just like other wrestlers who are 3x more talented than him aren't main eventers. Guys like Dolph Ziggler.

So, you are saying that this injury proves that Daniel Bryan should never have been in the main event, and you are saying that Dolph Ziggler is 3x more talented than Bryan? Bullshit. Many other wrestlers have had severe neck injuries, such as Austin and Edge. Does getting those injuries mean they weren't main event worthy? Shawn Michaels had to drop the WWF title and retire from a back injury, should he not have been in the main event either?

How the hell does getting an injury have anything to do with deserving a main event level spot? Bryan looked set for a long term title reign and a consistent main event level run before these neck issues. It's just an unfortunate injury, which could have happened to anyone, and its a damn shame for Bryan it happened at this moment in time.

A "fluke" means something that is unexpected and totally out of the blue, which is unlikely to happen again. I think you are using the term wrong. Daniel Bryan's title win was not a fluke- it was the result of a long-term push from WWE which the fans got behind, everyone knew it was coming. If he never returns at the same level its very unfortunate for him, but it doesn't make his title win a fluke. It's just a title reign sadly cut short by injury.
Long time listener, first time buyer, and this thread seemed interesting to me in order to actually reply. Although I do not consider Daniel Bryan's win a fluke as a previous poster, I have to say that his match and title win was not memorable by any means. WrestleMania XXX was a decent show overall, but the only two things I clearly remember were Bray Wyatt's entrance and Paul Heyman being the one behind the one in 21-1, you know the rest of the spiel.

Great title matches do make a WrestleMania successful, but with The Streak in recent years, they have been overshadowed, which, of course, has been WWE's fault. The last two big title matches I truly remember at WrestleMania were Chris Jericho vs. Edge (26) and Edge vs. Undertaker (24) - Side note, I had to Wikipedia these because I didn't realize these two matches were so long ago. - due to their great build and intrigue.

Roman Reigns' push was inevitable, actually, but came to the forefront due to the injury and the company lacking top baby face talent. It won't change my outlook on Reigns, though, as I have no strong feelings on his push.

If he falls, he falls. That's just the way it happens. It doesn't mean he won't get back there, and it doesn't mean he will. I enjoyed WrestleMania for what it was worth. Sadly, everyone knew Bryan was going to win, and that killed the joy out of the whole event. Just like how Rey Mysterio was handed the title to as a dedication to Eddie Guerrero at WrestleMania 23.
Unlike most people on this forum, I wouldn't call myself a fan these days. I grew up loving WWF and still keep my finger on the pulse. I watch RAW once or twice a month and watch the Rumble and Mania every year. I never watch SmackDown or Main Event or whatever other shows they have now. I also come on to this site on weekdays to look for posts relating to my favorite time of fandom (1986-1992). So, the success of WMXXX--to me--will be different than many people.

The idea of old PPVs and TV shows from my childhood being available is interesting to me. However, I had no interest in subscribing to a brand new network that was going to have hiccups, as is still the case. So, I paid the $60 for WrestleMania XXX. And the first thing I remember was thinking "It's already worth it!" during the Hogan/Austin/Rock segment. I still feel that way.

I enjoyed Bryan beating Triple H, I was glad to see Andre honored and Cesaro winning the battle royal, the Streak was surprising (though I had posted beforehand that win or lose, the Streak was long since "done" in my book, as beating an old Undertaker would not launch any young superstar--just like beating Michael Jordan one-on-one today would not make a young player the next big thing), I love Bray Wyatt and what he is doing and, finally, I was more relieved than anything else that WWE made the perfect decision of giving Bryan the belt and ending the show with a giant Yes! chant.

I think all of those things, along with being an anniversary--and their acknowledging of past superstars--and the Hall of Fame class, which was heavily loaded with guys I grew up watching, will keep this a memorable WrestleMania down the line. Warrior's title reign was a huge disappointment to many, but that does not take away from the impact of WrestleMania VI. I feel the same about Bryan's win at WMXXX.

Before WrestleMania, I said that Bryan should win the belt to close the show, with the whole SuperDome doing the Yes chant. They did it, it was great! I also said that Bryan's run of massive popularity would be done by the end of 2014 and I wouldn't be surprised if it was before that. I did not anticipate an injury, of course, but his underdog story--combined with his unimpressive look, personality and "it" factor--loses its luster once he reaches the top. I figured he could coast to SummerSlam, but it wouldn't be much longer before his act got old. Not his career! But his wave of popularity at the top.

If anything, this injury helps his staying power. His eventual return will be welcomed and his popularity will (temporarily) resume at that time. Had he not been injured, I feel he would have been back to average by then anyway. So, the injury, in my opinion, put his demise on ice.

Daniel Bryan seems like a really good and decent person. I don't know, or think I know based on watching TV shows, how any of these people are in real life. But, some guys you can just tell are legit. Some guys come across as phony. Bryan seems legit to me. I wish him nothing but success.

That being said, I think the injury is actually prolonging his chance at relevance. When he comes back, he will have a run of popularity, which will heavily depend on booking and creative. Then, he will go to where I thought he would by year end anyway. He doesn't have what it takes to carry the ball for an extended period, I'm sorry. I like the guy and would root for him if I was a kid, but that's the way it is, I feel.

To the point of WrestleMania XXX, whatever comes of Bryan from here on out will not ruin WMXXX and its legacy. (Within reason, obviously I would have felt the same for Benoit before that tragedy. But, something tragic aside...)

Great Mania! Great Moment! Great decision by WWE! Great guy, it seems.

But his hourglass is laying on its side while he is injured, and will quickly pour out once he returns.
I think that's a good question.

I think that regardless of what happens with Daniel Bryan from here on out, his wins at WM30 were absolutely "best for business" (in a real sense).

It will be a shame for D-Bry if he's not the same after these surgeries, but I don't see that as diminishing WM30 at ALL. He was the hottest thing going, so much so that the fans sh*t all over everything else WWE was handing them until they gave them what they wanted. That says something. Daniel Bryan was wrestling every TV show for months on end, and about half the time, was wrestling twice a night at a very high level...which, obviously, led to his injuries.

The time between him being screwed at SummerSlam until his victory at WrestleMania was worth the trip, love or hate him.
When Austin and Edge were injured there was always a huge feeling of anticipation of when they'd be back. The Brain starting this thread, and all of the amounts of people recently changing their feelings towards DB recently in comment sections and threads is all the proof you need that not too many people care about him anymore. Everyone is sick and tired of him being given the ball and dropping it whether it's storyline related or related to his health. People are fed up with him and I don't blame him. And yes, Dolph Ziggler is far more talented on both the mic and in the ring than Daniel Bryan.
Because WM 30 was the logical conclusion of what the WWE had built up over several months, it will remain a satisfying and very entertaining WM in my mind. As a counter example, this is why WM 17 falls short for me, even though it is often considered the best by many. That match set up something that it failed to deliver on subsequently because it was meant to be the start of a major angle: Austin's heel turn and alliance with McMahon. That angle ended up fizzling out and dying, and to me, it always left a pall over WM 17 as a result.

Daniel Bryan did not need to have a huge run with the World Title for me to consider WM 30 a success, much the same that Ricky Steamboat did not have to have a huge run with the IC Title for me to consider WM 3 (or more specifically, his match with Savage) a pure classic.
It really doesn't change anything about the event itself. Even if DB announces his retirement tomorrow WM30 will be remember for the things it should be remembered for. That great promo with Hogan, Rock and Austin, a MITY caliber match as it's opener, (not forgetting HHH's entrance anytime soon I can tell you that) Taker's streak ending, another amazing match as it's main event with great efforts from all 3 men and of course the ending where the entire arena chanting Yes at the top of their lungs. And if Cesaro makes it to main event status it'll also be remembered as the start of his big push.

Time will tell how DB's future in the WWE will turn out, but no matter what happens WM30 should be remembered as a brilliant event that gave us some really great matches and some awesome memories.
No matter what happens with DB, he got something 95% of wrestlers dont get and thats a HUGE wrestlemania moment. Having 70,000 people chant yes after his win is something that will always be remembered by fans. I am not a huge DB fan as i prefer ziggler but DB's rise to the top for 6 months was a great story to follow and his injuries just came at a bad time for him.
I think WM30 will always be remembered for the night the streak ended. Regardless of what happened or happens with Bryan, I always thought it'd be overshadowed in the long run to Lesnar/Taker (in WWE video packages, DVD's, etc). I'm sure when Bryan comes back he'll get a good reaction, and it won't take long for fans to remember why they liked him so passionately. He may get another run with the title, but it won't be in a big WrestleMania moment like this past year. I don't want to compare him to Benoit, but after Benoit lost the title to Orton he almost immediately went back down to upper midcard and midcard title status. This could (I hope not) be similar to what happens to Bryan, but I don't think the fans were ever behind Benoit the same way they were behind Bryan. To answer the original question though, my bet is the streak ending will always be what WM30 is most remembered for.
Another note on Daniel Bryan: The guy has been written off by the WWE before. He's been fired, he's been pushed then de-pushed, and he's been booked as the squashee in a WrestleMania squash match. I know that there's a gut feeling that everyone has that this is as far as Bryan gets. I'm just not sure that we can count on that because of the work ethic the guy has.
Assuming the worst case scenario that Daniel Bryan never makes it back, then it might make the Wrestlemania 30 ending and the event as a whole be looked back on less fondly. It wouldn't lower the overall quality of the show too much when it gets looked back on, but it would leave a bittersweet feeling. Bryan had one of the best title chases I have seen in many years, leading up to the moment of a lifetime at the end of the show. Everyone would always wonder how the rest of his main event run would have gone, but it's better to look at it in a positive light. Even if he never comes back, nothing can take away the great moment that ended Wrestlemania 30 and his epic story of overcoming every obstacle thrown his way by The Authority from Summerslam all the way to Wrestlemania. That will forever be a part of WWE history. If he comes back and gets another world title run, it's icing on the cake really. That's a better way to look at it and one that more fans will hopefully realize.

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