How Will The WWE Roster Look In 2012?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
How do you see the WWE roster looking for 2012? Who will we gain? And who will we lose?

If you go back to the beginning of 2011 just 10 months later there has already been quite a few changes, although in 2011 the WWE hasn't lost a 'big star'. In 2010 they lost 3 (Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho and Batista). It was a bad year for WWE!!!

New Faces

Samoa Joe - I really think in 2012 we will see Samoa Joe end up in WWE. His contract is coming to an end (rumoured), he is been underused in TNA and he is good friends with CM Punk. It all makes sense. He could be a decent mid/main event carder over in Smackdown.


Chris Jericho - A return is pretty much a given. I do however see him returning to a lighter schedule and only been a part time employee.

Mick Foley - Will return late 2011 but will be there next year. Maybe in a few matches here and there or as a General Manager.

Undertaker - Will obviously be there for Wrestlemania 28. Then maybe dissappear again until just before Wrestlemania 29. If it allows him to return for a month or two every year for the next 3/4 years then so be it.

Skip Sheffield - Has been injured for over a year now but rumoured to be returning anytime now. WWE has trademarked the name 'Ryback' which is an old gimmick of his.

Call Ups

Bo Rotundo - I don't watch FCW so excuse me if I am speaking out of turn but I hear good things of him and a call up is due.

Husky Harris - Definately see WWE recalling him and returning with a new gimmick like Brodus Clay is.

Richie Steamboat - Son of Ricky. Seen a few of his matches on a reccomendation and he definately looks the part. Hopefully will get his chance.

Titus O'Neill - Been in development forever, although currently on NXT. If they have held onto him for this long in development must surely be getting a call up soon? Has a great look.

Seth Rollins - Again, don't know much about this fella but wasn't he in ROH? I hear he is an 'internet darling'. No doubt keep the IWC happy if he gets called up.


John Morrison - I think he will be possibly the biggest star missing from the Roster in 2012. In the doghouse, contract coming to an end and getting buried. It doesn't look good at all for him. Good in the ring, good look but poor on the mic. Midcard will miss him, WWE won't.

Drew McIntyre - Another one in the doghouse because of a Diva. His talents are wasted and until they find something (quickly) I don't see him seeing out 2012. This guy is good, but better have been released before now. You could argue a case for Chris Masters.

The Great Khali - Looks immobile, and ready to retire. Will depart on good terms and may make the odd appearence now and again.

JTG - Has more lives than Scotty 2 Hotty and Funaki put together. WWE needs to get rid.

Heath Slater - Just had a wellness strike, has other troubles and has the personality of a fish finger. He is doomed in 2012.

Darren Young - I actually feel a little sorry for this guy, but like Slater, he is doomed.
I agree with all of yours but I'd add Batista to the "returns" category. As much as fany fans don't want to see it, I think he'll come back for one more run. He has said in the past that he'd like to.

Totally agree with your "released" or "future endeavored" in particular Morrison. As much as many of the fans (same people who think he should be champion right now) will hate it, he needs to go.
I do agree with nearly the entire list, but there are a few points I think will be different. I don't think Morrison will necessarily be released as it will mostly go by if he will just wait out his time in the doghouse without complaints. As Waltman said, if he can do that much like Triple H after the curtain call than he should be just fine. I would also add David Otunga to the list of people to be released, unless they possibly move him to be a manager for someone as well (which I don't think he'd do that well with either.) Between how green he is even after this much time, and the fact that his relationship with Jennifer Hudson is on the rocks, I could see him being gone right after Wrestlemania.
This might be a very bold prediction but I believe that Rey Mistrio will probably be added to the releashed list. I think it would be a bad move but he can't stay injury free and with Sin Cara there I beilieve WWE will wish him well in is future endeavors.
Mysterio Released?? Seriously?? As old and stale as he is to me, the WWE would never Release someone of his caliber due to injury. His merchandise sales alone are worth keeping him on the roster. The kids love him. I see him retiring very soon on his own term, but never released.

I agree with alot of the list, i would love to see Samoa Joe get a shot in the WWE.

I would add Colt Cabana to the list of new signees/returns and I do see a few random Divas being sent packing as well.
To be honest, I can't think of any new faces that might join the WWE at the moment. Even Samoa Joe is unlikely.


Chris Jericho - This one is pretty much a no brainer. Jericho is definitely eventually returning to the WWE soon so look for him to be back in time for Wrestlemania 28 or after the big event.

Mick Foley - I can see Foley being the "permanent" General Manager considering Johnny Ace is just an "interim" General Manager who better to take on the GM role than Foley? Plus I can see him put over someone like Cody Rhodes if he returns so he's definitely gonna be there for awhile even if his return comes late 2011.

X-Pac - I can see him coming back to help out Kevin Nash in a feud with CM Punk. Punk Vs X-Pac would be great and considering Waltman is "working with the WWE" right now I can totally see him returning.

Undertaker - Just like Jericho, Undertaker is a no brainer. The second main focus for WM28 after Cena/Rock is Undertaker going 20-0 so we're definitely gonna see him back in action around Wrestlemania.

Skip Sheffield - Like you mentioned the WWE already trademarked "Ryback" for Skip so his return is pretty much confirmed. He's a talented big man that can really go far. Look for him to make a return sometime in early-mid 2012.

Call Ups​

Richie Steamboat - He has a vey good look and he's one of the most talented guys down in FCW. I actually watch it every now and then and I'm a fan of his. I just hope the WWE don't give him a crappy ring name like "Brandon Steam" like they did with Joe Hennig.

Dean Ambrose - This guy is just awesome in the ring. He has a great old school feeling into him and he's decent on the mic. The WWE isn't stupid enough to keep him in developmental for another year. He's like a heel Daniel Bryan only with more charisma and better mic skills. Definitely can be something big if called up.

Leo Kruger - I am by no means a fan of Leo Kruger. But I think he can really go far. He's been pushed in FCW and I can see him getting a push if he gets called up. Kruger has had an impressive run in FCW so far and I see him making his WWE debut sometime in mid-late 2012.

Seth Rollins - The former Tyler Black. Like CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, he's already made a name for himself in the wrestling business before getting signed to a WWE contract. He's fantastic in the ring but he lacks charisma. I see him getting some more personality before getting called up some time in 2012.


John Morrison - It's been rumored that WWE aren't planning on renewing his contract when it expires and I can definitely see why. Morrison has been in the company for about 7 years now since winning Tough Enough and he still lacks the charisma factor. Not to mention Melina got him into that whole Trish Stratus incident around Wrestlemania 27. I won't be surprised if he gets released at all. He's been jobbing for months now.

JTG- The sad thing is, JTG is really over considering he's just an undercard jobber. He's still average in the ring though. The WWE definitely released the wrong Cryme Tyme member. Shad could have been huge. Won't be sad to see JTG go that's for sure.
I do agree with nearly the entire list, but there are a few points I think will be different. I don't think Morrison will necessarily be released as it will mostly go by if he will just wait out his time in the doghouse without complaints. As Waltman said, if he can do that much like Triple H after the curtain call than he should be just fine. I would also add David Otunga to the list of people to be released, unless they possibly move him to be a manager for someone as well (which I don't think he'd do that well with either.) Between how green he is even after this much time, and the fact that his relationship with Jennifer Hudson is on the rocks, I could see him being gone right after Wrestlemania.

IU agree with the OP and you but I would switch JoMo for Drew Mc, I know hes sorta billed as Vinces guys but isnt he really HHH's guy??? so I think he is staying

also I think Outuga is staying, for some reason he is sticking around, I dont quite think he will be repackaged but for some reason Ih ave him "hanging" around, i dunno why

I dont know too much as call ups, but as far as S. Joe, i dunno I really didnt watch (know what TNA was) when he had the angle feud and was told he was "popular" I just dont see it for him, I like his style but he just dont seem to "fit" that WWE image, if he does join I cant see him being anything better than khaili or santino and unless WWE goes out of there way to promote him, being he's been around for a while it "could" happen....

Mr. Andersen and The Pope "could" come back to but im not projecting that...
WWE didn't lose a big star in 2011? Edge anyone? I'll make it quick cuz I'm at work:

New Faces

Bo Rotundo later in the year when he is fully healed and worked out some rust in FCW.

Claudio Castagnoli (sp?) aka Antonio Ceasaro in FCW. He is ready and is using Florida to hone some stuff. I expect big things when he debuts.

Outside of those two I doubt anybody will come from FCW straight to the main roster. Steamboat, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins might all go through a new NXT Season if the "Network" gets underway.

Releases/Not resigned

JoMo- Obvious reasons, but also I think he's run his course with WWE. Almost a decade in and he hasn't put it all together.

Primo- They will try to work his brother (Tito) in maybe NXT and then give Primo one last chance. If he doesn't work, they'll let him go and keep his brother.

Khali- Retire

Kane- Might have one last go at it, then retire.
i agree with every thing u said but i would add yoshi tatsu,micheal mcgillicutty if he does'nt get to use his own name,and as much as i hate to say it ted dibiase to the relased far as come backs i see shawn making a few appreances and edge to come back as a manager or something like for new faces i would have said beer money until james strom won the title,but even though booker doesn't like them i see the young bucks getting a run
To be honest I though Khali had already gone.


I can see William Regal having one last run in the ring before retiring. Ideally i'd like to see him have one last run as either US or IC champion.

Chris Jericho I can see him returning in the Rumble and winning, it's the last thing he needs to win in my opinion.

Edge I know he wants to stay out the public eye for a while. At some point in 2012 I can see him returning in some capacity, GM or commentator.

Rhino He's still really young and I've always been a fan of him. I can't remember why he was released. But I'd like to see him given another run in WWE.

Call Ups

I don't really know enough about FCW to know who could be brought up to the main roster.


JoMo. In fact I think he'll be gone by the end of this year

The Undertaker. He'll retire after 'Mania. He's pretty much retired now and seems to be having one match a year.

Rey Mysterio. Like The Undertaker he'll retire soon. His knees are short to pieces. I think he's on injury away from being crippled for life.

Rey Mysterio - He has one more chance I think, to wrestle without injury, he should probably develop and new style that's less high-risk maybe more technical and submission based.

Chris Jericho - Lots of buzz around this, would be a great part-timer and could go for longer than most part-timers.

Mick Foley - same as Jericho

Undertaker - Wrestlemania (nuff said really.)

Kane - I think he'll be back in a couple of months looking for Henry or something, he could do with a re-boot, maybe a new look or finishing move or something, I remember when Undertaker brought Hell's Gate in, it was fierce.

Call Ups

Ritchie Steamboat - He's great in the ring, has some charisma and a legendary father.

Dean Ambrose - Watched the FCW show where he called Punk out and they had an awesome match. Charisma, Ring skills and cojones he needs to be called up.

Windham & Bo Rotunda - These guys with the right character and promotion could be a great tag team especially with their different weights and huge wrestling family.

These guys as well have alot of buzz around them and some of them just need re-packaging, I feel NXT failed many of its wrestlers when helping them develop better characters. (I know a couple of these haven't been in NXT yet.)

Derrick Bateman
Titus O'Neil
Leo Kruger
Seth Rollins


JoMo - I'll be surprised if we see him after TLC.

Heath Slater - Violated the wellness policy and never gets a real crowd reaction, probably the worst guy to come from Nexus. (McG and Dotunga, had the title run so...)
I agree very realisitc predictions... i would like to see a new stable with a name like "The F'n Noise" with guys like Seth Rollins, Bateman and Johnny Curtis they wouldnt be another nexus instead they would be practical jokers messing around, college frat boy gimic always wanting to party ...with a catch phrase like Make some freakin noise were here for the party...but we gotta show up and wrestle on monday night raw first ...but its not all bad."

They would do the silliest things...bateman would be the leader initially...making jokes like" so i called in to wwe today for the day off because i partied to hard last night at a college party then i changed my mind and decided to chase the divas instead... curtis would be a practical joker, bateman is always tryna date the divas and girls in the audience telling them im goanna be staying in the hotel across the street if u got a boyfriend dont tell him anything and he would say my diva of the week is...kelly kelly and he would bring a life size cut out to the ring each week for there segment/ show...seth would be the one who tries to keep them focused...

i think they can pull off a humor funny college frat boy face stable very well...its never been done. They can call dean ambrose a dork and pick on him.
Mysterio Released?? Seriously?? As old and stale as he is to me, the WWE would never Release someone of his caliber due to injury. His merchandise sales alone are worth keeping him on the roster. The kids love him. I see him retiring very soon on his own term, but never released.

I agree with alot of the list, i would love to see Samoa Joe get a shot in the WWE.

I would add Colt Cabana to the list of new signees/returns and I do see a few random Divas being sent packing as well.

dude i dont think you realise that mysterio has said hes almost at the end and the fact that solidifies this is his long term contract ends after wm 28 and yeah i no it will be a shame to see him go but i agree with you that sin cara will never replace him and i think sin cara will be released before rey any ways after this whole deportation thing and the lack of good matches
dude i dont think you realise that mysterio has said hes almost at the end and the fact that solidifies this is his long term contract ends after wm 28 and yeah i no it will be a shame to see him go but i agree with you that sin cara will never replace him and i think sin cara will be released before rey any ways after this whole deportation thing and the lack of good matches

Um... That's totally what he said, dude... He said Mysterio may well *retire* on his own terms, but he will not be *released* Please understand the distinction between the two, as they are radically different.

As for the thread, I agree with most of the common responses as to the likely returns and departure. Unfortunately I'm unfamiliar with FCW, so I can't really comment, but I'm excited at the possibility of seeing Steamboat. I remember previously the rumors of a season of NXT that was all WWE Legend pros and their son rookies, that would make me watch NXT again.
I really dont get why everywun is so sure that morrisons getting released. I mean when the year started he was just as hott as any superstar had been in the last year. But now cause he's been in the doghouse that means he should automatically go? Im sorry how long exactly was HHH in the doghouse after the curtain call incident before he was given a bone? WWE knows Morrison has potential star power. He is still putting on great matches and still getting pops from the crowd so i dont see why people are so convinced he needs to go. Im sure that if he weathers the storm he'll get back on track. He's too good of a talent to just be let go like that and WWE knows it. And its not like he didnt bring it on himself for being so disrespectful to Trish Stratus at WM..I for wun will be surprised if they let him go
I don't figure on Triple H being a regular member of the roster in 2012, though he might work half the year. I'd think a post Mania break for sure. We might see a call up or two in that time frame, depending on if NXT ever gets its shit together and starts a new season. If that does indeed happen, expect Black, Ambrose, Steamboat...maybe Cesare. Also a bunch of other FCW dudes I don't know about and probably have more clout than these guys.

Jericho will probably be back. I think it's a likelihood. If Drew McIntyre doesn't get drafted and pushed, he'll be let go. Tyson Kidd will probably be gone. I don't really see Hunico as a long term deal unless they repackage him. Johnny Curtis is on a one way train to Future Endeavor City.

Pretty much the usual, I think. They'll trim the fat - guys you never see, or only see jobbing on Superstars, bring up a few new guys, what have you. Jericho will hopefully return. Not a lot of huge roster moves methinks, unless the Rock is somehow enticed into a regular deal, which I think is staggeringly unlikely. Maybe Foley back in a legends contract, making appearances (or an authority figure).
I would say that's a pretty good list you got there.

But aren't you forgetting about Kharma's return? I'm pretty sure her return to the diva's division will shake things up a lot.

I kind of think John Morrison will be around and see a dramatic heel turn ala R-Truth. This time last year, hell back in April of this year people were saying R-Truth was going to be let go. Turns out that save for CM Punk's shoot heard round the world, Truth would have been the summer sensation. I really think John Morrison will have something similar coming his way, perhaps timed with The Miz's face turn.

All in all, you're pretty on the mark. Enough so that I'll be very surprised if 80% of those predictions don't come to pass.

You know, I can kind of agree with you on Samoa Joe, but I can't see the WWE adding a bunch of extra members to the roster. I mean if you look at this year alone, they have been able to bring back The Rock, Kevin Nash, Booker T, so I don't really know if the WWE is going to go in that direction, I can't see many guys jumping the ship over to the WWE. I can see a bunch of returns though next year.


Chris Jericho: It is almost a given that Jericho will be returning between now and The Royal Rumble. I can't see Jericho winning the Rumble as his return will most likely be temporary. I can see them putting him into a program with Cody Rhodes, possibly Sheamus or even Wade Barrett. Trying to get the younger talent over is most likely what he is going to be doing at WrestleMania. I could also see him as a possible opponent for The Undertaker which would be amazing!

Mick Foley: Foley is another interesting one, I mean I could see him having a program with John Laurinaitis, you know with Laurinaitis wanting to be the permanent GM of RAW, and then having Mick come in to takeover. I can see that, but I don't want to.. Especially a match at WrestleMania. Mick will probably be brought in as a GM/Wrestler, and might have a few feuds and matches next year.

Shawn Michaels and Sean Waltman: Putting them in the same category because I think that they are going to be brought back for the same reason, the whole situation between Kevin Nash and Triple H, bringing in two of the men that were closest to them, possibly building to a match at WrestleMania (although I do believe that by then, the angle would've run its course). Maybe a reuniting of DX?

Call Ups​

Seth Rollins:: He is the only person that is in FCW that I have been paying any attention to, I was a big Tyler Black fan so I would love to see him called up. I just hope that he doesn't turn into the next Kaval. I would think that by Summerslam of next year, he would be in some sort of mid-card title feud, and would probably be put on Smackdown. Please note that just because I only put Seth that means that he is the only one I think is going to get called up, I just said, he is the only one I have paid any attention to.


The Great Khali: To be honest, I don't think we are ever going to see him again, apparently he is already done with the company and just waiting for his contract to run out, so this one is a given.

Drew McIntyre: Smh.... Where has he been? Last time I saw him he almost got killed. It's a shame.

Sin Cara:I have a feeling that he might get released as well, he has been in the company for about 6 months and has already created a lot of controversy, and I only see more coming, by December of last year he will be out for either causing too many problems, or the WWE just giving up on him.

your list seems to be about right, but who knows things change fast in wrestling. you mentioned "chris masters" and a few years ago when he came in with those video packs and was the masterpiece, with the masterlock. i was sold and thought he was going to be a big deal. but then it just went flat and ive seen him now and then. thought he would be a cocky heel that i would have liked to see have a feud with cena.

if you have seen the video of c.m punk against drew ambrose from fwc on you tube, then id say add him to call up. i think he is awesome in the ring and sells moves great. reminded me of ric flair when he took moves. hopefully he will be on tv soon. with a better name though.. he could me the next raven or better.
Losing Edge this year was pretty big so I wouldn't say the WWE has not lost any big stars this year if you count him.

I like your list and thread idea.


Kane - Hopefully Kane will return as a monster either with or without the mask. I can see him holding the World Championship for short while and then putting a younger wrestler over.

Chris Jericho - I think this one is a given. I am looking foward to the return of Jericho and hope he starts off as a face then turns heel. Jericho Vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania would be interesting.

Undertaker - Hope he can get fit enough to be involved a little more next year than this.

Road Dogg and X- Pac - Both are working for the WWE once again so seeing them in the ring for one offs or just being involved in storylines is not impossible.

Headbangers - This one is purely down to the recent video they produced. If they do come back I am guessing it would be for a short period of time to bulk up the Tag scene and put teams over.

Goldust - Still injured but has been tweeting or blogging about a return and a face off with Cody Rhodes.
With the new WWE Network coming, we really have no idea whats ahead.
There will be Multiple new signings and a few releases.

The one thing i have to say is this... John Morrison will live through this period in his career. He WILL NOT be released anytime soon. He has been with the WWE since 2004. This is just a rough patch in his pro wrestling time.
I honestly feel that if WWE wanted to build up their tag division more, they could EASILY have Husky Harris team with Brodus Clay to dominate the tag division and build up the belts on top of what Air Boom has done.

New Faces - I don't think we'll see any new faces, other than the call-ups to be honest. I would enjoy seeing Samoa Joe in WWE though.

Returns - I could definitely see Sean Waltman return for a short time in early 2012 in a build to WM. Mick Foley is going to come back and I hope to god that he'll be the GM. The #1 show needs a solid authority, not John Laurinaitis, who by the way, is the Executive VP of Talent Relations and Interim RAW GM. A return of Y2J would be fantastic, especially against CM Punk. Skip Sheffield will return, but i wish it wouldn't be as Ryback. If he didn't get injured he would be in Mason Ryan's place right now, which I would definitely prefer.

Call-Ups - I don't really pay enough attention to FCW to really know who's doing well, but from what I hear Seth Rollins is good. Can't wait to see it. From what I see, Titus O'Neill does have a good look, and I'm interested in what he can do in the long run.

Releases and Retirements - Morrison will be gone, his contract running out and him losing every match. Same goes for Drew McIntyre, unfortunately. I could see Taker retiring at 20-0 and Rey Mysterio retiring because of his (seven?) knee surgeries.
Here goes mine

New Face - Samoa Joe I and alot of other people believe that he is WWE bound

Returns - Y2J Is A Obvious Choice Also Mick Foley and Skip Sheffield Yipp Yipp Yipp

Call-Ups - Dean Ambrose(Jon Moxley) I loved this guy in the indies Seth Rollins(Tyler Black) again Loved him in ROH and had a little mark out when he decided to join WWE over TNA I'm hoping those two can put on a great program together

Releases John Morrison well I just hope he can get out of the dog house if not I won't be surprised if we get the oh so familiar headline. Heath Slater god just go away If superstars does get canceled than the superstars that call Superstars home are going
The WWE roster in 2012 will be the new gen of superstars that have been new will start to become established stars, such as Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Alex Riley etc...the list goes on...The roster will look allot of stronger by next year and then into 2013. I see several superstar being released I will not mention them because everyone else has already and I agree with them. Kane and Undertaker probably retired and a few guys called up. The problem with some these guys is they have 0 character, they need to start giving guys like Alex Riley, Wade Barrett decent characters and gimmicks.

Top carders:
John Cena
Cm Punk
Randy Orton
The Miz
Mark Henry
Wade Barrett
Danial Bryan

Mid Carders:
Alex Riley
Dolph Ziggler
Jack Swagger
Kofi Kingston
Evan Bourne
Skip Sheffield
Overall I think the roster will look stronger than it is now
WWE's developmental system is crowded so I would expect to see plenty of new faces in 2012. A few of the rookie's stuck in NXT would probably be promoted to the main roster.

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