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How will the Authority angle end?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
While I think this angle has gotten stale, I had to give credit to the writers for portraying the Authority as dangerously savvy. They used dirty tactics, but they always seemed to stay afloat. Sure, their bullying caused Big Show to turn on them...but they defeated the Big Show and corrupted him all over again. Sure, the Shield was trashing them, but the group fell apart once they turned Rollins and neither Reigns or Ambrose has been as effective. In the end, they arguably turned out to be correct about Daniel Bryan, as he had to step down shortly after his big victory.

But right now, they're kind of being...really stupid. I don't understand why Stephanie is bullying John Cena when that NEVER works out well for anyone-except Cena. Cena didn't seem interested in the Authority right now, but she has just given him an excuse to rebel. They've handled the Orton issue rather clumsily and strangely, they haven't really addressed the tensions growing between the Big Show and Kane. Nor do they want to acknowledge that Rollins is displaying similar behavior that Orton did during his cowardly days- which pissed Triple H off. They also don't seem all that interested in the WHC right now, not to mention that Triple H keeps getting his ass handed to him by Sting. There's also the rebellion of Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan- who finally overcame the authority in a 6 man tag team match.

The Authority seems to be spreading itself thin and relying on people who are noted traitors. Is there a reason for this? Are the writers setting up their inevitable fall? Or is this just flimsy writing? I'd like to think that this is the former, as the Triple H/Sting storyline seems to be effecting his abilities as a leader. When they were bringing back Orton, he seemed oddly out of it. There is a rumor that Rollins might be paired with Heyman after the departure of Brock, which suggests that the Authority might be dead by wrestlemania- if this is true. Will a stipulation be added to the Sting/Triple H match?

Will it implode from the inside? I thought the Survivor Series (2014) match would go against the villains due to in-fighting. Henry had just been in a feud with Rusev and Rollins had been established as being too much of an egomaniac to lead, but there were never any tensions shown. In fact, they were more united than Team Cena.

Or will it involve all the past victims in some sort of epic angle like Survivor Series? Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Ambrose, Reigns, Orton and maybe a newly faced Kane might conquer them. Personally, I'd want something more bombastic, like the entire locker room throwing the authority out. I'm not really sure how this would work, but 'Sting Vs Triple H' would be a bit anti-climactic in my opinion.
Interesting thread and interesting question. I'm just sick of this act. The authority angle, was at a time, awesome when they were feuding with Daniel Bryan. This angle gave a benefit only to Daniel Bryan and no one got a single penny due to this act. It all started at Summerslam 2013 and now it is coming Wrestlemania 2015. So, slight less than a 2 year period. An angle entertains me max for a 6 months. No, I'm not talking about stable, I'm talking about these governing figures. I, for now, find this act as stale. The authority storylines are nothing but disgusting. It feels like irritation. It was looking like, this angle will be scrapped after Wrestlemania but, now it seems like this is going to be only a match between Sting and HHH. But, still there is some time left before mania so they can go in that direction. My request is For God's sake, please end this authority angle now.

And for finishing this, Sting is the perfect choice. I give The Bookers credit for sticking Sting with HHH but, if they add some stipulation (like the authority goes if Sting wins). Sting was the most loyal guy to WCW and he was the Icon of the company and HHH stated that he helped destroy WCW (I think he said it for real). So, he wants to seek revenge on HHH. Sting wants HHH to leave the company and this is the way they could Sting vs HHH and also kick Authority out of bussiness.

If I had to guess, I would imagine that the beginning of the end for the Authority will begin at WrestleMania. When Randy invariably turns on Seth Rollins and sets up the match at Mania, I can see the whole thing falling apart. The way I see it, Stephanie will be the one that will be trying to keep things together; looking towards Triple H to help her out. But with Triple H focused on Sting at WrestleMania, the divide will be more and more wedged until it becomes untenable.

The real question is what everyone does after the Authority angle has finished. Rollins will go into the main event, perhaps even as Champion. Roman Reigns will do the same. But what about people like Kane and The Big Show? It seems likely they will be lost in the shuffle again thankfully. Truth be told, I really hope that this thing has a short lifespan now, with Survivor Series the most likely end date for this run.
The main problem I've had with the Authority is not really that the fact that they're there, it's the way they've taken over the show. Almost every major story line has involved them and their cronies at some point, and it's almost like half the roster has been forgotten about.

If you were a new viewer to the WWE in the past year or so, you wouldn't even think that half the wrestler's on the roster existed, we see so little of them. I know they have a 3 hour show to fill, but 20 minutes of promo's each week at the beginning get tiring after the first few.

I'm almost bitching about creative about not doing their jobs, but I guess it's hard when you have to write for the same people each week. There is nothing new or surprising with the Authority story lines, so it's time for them to take their leave. Or at least cut back on it substantially. They have ruined Kane, and gotten most of us so sick and tired of seeing Big Show, that if we never seen either of them again it would be best for business.

The amount of RAW's that have gone off the air with Rollins, J&J Security, Big Show and Kane standing over a beat down superstar are amazing. But how to get rid of them will have to be done in a way that they won't come back like before.

Also as most of the show revolves around them now, it will be a shock to the system almost as the entire landscape of the WWE will change. I can always see HHH and Stephanie having their mitts in something, just not a obvious as they do now.

It might be a match stipulation at Mania between HHH and Sting, although you would thought that would have been announced by now. Considering the weak build to the rest of the marquee matches, at least that would have been something for us to look forward too. Or it just might be the entire locker room revolting against them week after week, and driving them out of power.

However it happens it has to be done right, so I don't see it happening all at once. More gradually over a period of time. The biggest question is what do they do after the Authority is gone?
I'm guessing the Triple H vs Sting match will be a huge part. Sting came back to help get rid of The Authority and then to get Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan their jobs back. That's the logical step.

So after Mania, Triple H and Steph disappear or are too embarrassed to show face. Perhaps, it is the stipulation for the match. Who replaces them is another discussion. Rollins would still have Show, Kane and J&J but eventually Orton takes them out too Thus leaving Rollins vulnerable and perhaps getting the comeuppance he deserves. Thereafter, he can progress in whatever way.

I don't absolutely hate The Authority as a concept but, overall, there are times it can hurt the show. Kane and The Big Show have become stale and I'm not enjoying watching them. It is, however, good for Rollins. Moreover, Triple H and Stephanie and two of the best talkers they have which can't be overlooked.

The Authority, or at least Triple H/Stephanie, will be back soon enough but now is a good time to write them off. Use Sting as the guy to do it and wait for the right time to bring them back. I also reckon Triple H can still give back as a babyface if they ever wanted to go down that route.
There is a rumor that Rollins might be paired with Heyman after the departure of Brock, which suggests that the Authority might be dead by wrestlemania- if this is true.

I've read that rumor too, but I think it will take more than the loss of Seth Rollins to disband the Authority.

Remember last year when many were thinking a huge part of WM30 was going to pit Triple H and Stephanie against Vince McMahon? A few months before the big event, they even seemed to tease some sort of angle involving the three, which was then quietly abandoned.

I've always figured it would take Vince to go against the Levesques' and throw them out; who else is powerful enough? John Cena, maybe, but as the OP said, that's already been done. No, there isn't time to build it up for WM31, obviously, but when WWE is finally ready to dump Trips and Steph, I believe it will be a war of executives, not wrestlers.

Of course, if it happens, what do they do with the on-air roles of the Levesques'? I can't see Vince wanting to replace them with a regular TV role for himself, so it could be we simply stop seeing the Authority on our screens, which would be fine with me. We got along without it for a long time before Triple H and Stephanie started showing up regularly.
The stipulation for the Authority disbanding in the event of a Sting victory should really have been implemented by now, which leads me to believe they'll stick around after Mania.

I can't help but wonder if there's a hope that Shane will return & have a role to play in their storyline demise eventually. I'm skeptical about that however. Hopeful but skeptical.
Sadly I don't really see the whole "evil authority figure" thing going anywhere, even if HHH/Steph leaves again they'll be replaced by another version of themselves before long. Anyone remember post Survivor Series when they couldn't even finish 1 episode of Raw before needing to bring back the almighty laptop from hell? I get that they have to constantly keep the show going. that the battle never ends and all that, but to keep going back to the same well despite having a even small window to at least try something different is disappointing. :disappointed:

More on topic this topic ironically reminds me of when they were doing the whole "entire locker room walked out because they don't trust HHH" storyline from years back, except I guess they had more of a backbone back then. I don't know what they can do anymore, storyline wise most of the locker room are either too scared of getting fired to do anything and/or found ways to ignore the Authority to a point that they don't really care. (ex. BNB probably doesn't give a crap about the Authority when 5+ guys keeps stealing his title) Maybe that's the Authority's way of trying to fly under the radar? Because really outside of eating up the first half hour of Raw, not liking Reigns and Cena for.....reasons....I'm not even sure what they really do anymore to make me want them gone. :shrug:
I remember after the Authroity got kicked out after Survivor Series the repeat of guest hosts and the short time return of that stupid computer left the show lacking an on air leadership. If the Authoirty was just HHH, Stephanie and a maximum of 2 top heels I wohldn't mind that as much.

When Vince was the lead authority figure apart from the Corporation/Corporate Ministry most of the time he only had himself, 1 main heel as well as Brisco and Patterson. That works a lot better than the HHH, Stephanie, Rollins, Orton (although we know he'll turn on Rollins), as well as the two largest guys in the company in Kane and Bog Show plus J&J security on top. 8 people is way too many. 6 is even too many unless it's' done right.
The question is not when it ends, but who ends it. I set up the perfect scenario after the RR: Rollins pins Cena for the World strap, Bryan wins the Rumble. Rollins then beats Orton at Fast Lane, with DB beating Reigns. Bryan V. Rollins at WM with the Authority disbanding if Bryan wins. Bryan wins at WM, Authority angle ends.

Now, who ends it? It will probably Reigns after he drops the belt to Rollins, but how long will this take? And, there is no guarantee that he will beat Rollins. If the ticker on his merch does not move, and there are tons of empty seats, I then cannot see him doing it. So, who is left? Orton? He is going part time. Cena? He did it once and brought them back. Lesnar? He is gone after Mania. So, the only one that can conceivably do it is Bryan. But, VKM does not want him as the top guy. So, who is left, and it will NOT be Sting. I cannot see Trips jobbing to him.

My God, are we that brain dead regarding professional wrestling that we need to have Commissioners, authority figures and guest hosts? Give me 8-10 matches and let the matches sell themselves. Let them cut a 2 minute promo, and move along. You want to keep people watching? Give them a reason to not want to get up. A couple of squashes, couple of Divas, a couple of mid carders and two 20-25 minute main event matches and all is well. As far as this Authority angle goes, it has gotten about as rancid as milk sitting on the counter for a week.
Well I still think the best fit to end it is Sting at Wrestlemania. They haven't gone down this route yet but on the Raw before Mania we could get a promo from Sting saying he isn't back to avenge WCW but that he's in WWE to get rid of the Authority. He could mention that he was the lone wolf fighting the nWo back in 1996/97 and say that he knows evil when he sees it and Triple H is worse than the nWo ever were.

Have him goad Triple H into accepting a stipulation whereby if he loses the Authority are gone and have it end with Sting pinning Triple H.

Only issue with that, and with the idea of the Authority going away in general, is that I don't see Triple H wanting to be an off screen talent and I don't see him resuming his in-ring career even part time. Having the Authority around is a way to keep a McMahon and Triple H on screen, it's the reason why it has lasted so long and it's the reason why it might continue after Mania.
The short answer is, it won't be over anytime soon.

Now, let me proceed in making my answer as convoluted as the angle itself has become.

Currently, this act is about as stale as a story can get. Big Show and Kane are inexplicably beating guys that were gaining momentum (Ryback and Ziggler), and the authority angle is permeating through way too much of the product.

Together or not, Kane and Big Show need to be positioned as glorified jobbers. Their size is not an attraction anymore because they have been around too long.

In it's current form, the storyline needs a major overhaul if HHH and Stephanie are to remain as on-screen figures long-term.

The Authority saga has a major plot point remaining:
-At some point, Seth Rollins will turn face and feud with HHH (this may even be next year at Mania).
- HHH and Stephanie will always stick together, you simply cannot have mommy and daddy arguing on TV, too weird for young children.
-I think this will lead to some sort of alliance which reunites the shield. Ultimately, Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns will disband the authority.

HHH and Stephanie are always going to be a part of the on-screen deal as long as they feel they can contribute. Will their collective ego allow them to scale it back as needed? We can only hope.
HHH and Steph aren't going anywhere, folks. They were essentially written off TV after SS so they could have some holiday time off, and were back in no time. Like many of you, I'm about 10 exits past being sick of the Authority, the obligatory 20 minute promo to start Raw, Kane's continuous botching, the Big Slow, etc., but they're not going anywhere after WrestleMania. Shane is not coming back, he saw the writing on the wall, and got out of town to start his own business ventures. Vince is too busy pumping iron and being on magazine covers (I guess the wellness policy only pertains to performers, not the front office) to be an on-screen performer, so that leaves us with Steph and HHH (not like you have to twist his arm to be on TV). Not to be a "Negative Nelly", but I'm sure the Authority will live on past WrestleMania. Maybe they will mix up who is aligned with who, but don't hold your breath.
The entire roster throwing the Authority may seem interesting but you have to realize, it'd make no sense. The Authority is their boss, they can fire anyone who just does something like that. I mean Big Show has an iron clad contract (remember?) and he still decides to side with the Authority.

That makes me think that the best way to end the Authority is by defecting it's biggest and most promising prospect, Seth Rollins.

I don't know how to work the story in place but it ends at the 2015 Survivor Series or Summerslam PPV. The reuniting of the Shield and alliance of the top 3 faces, besides the Shield, at that time; John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton could all come together and form a super team to take on the Authority and their super team; HHH, Kane, Big Show, Rusev, Brock Lesnar(Or Batista) and a fresh Kevin Owens or someone from HHH's NXT.

The collision is of The Authority and the top 6 enemies it ever made.

The match doesn't have to be a tag team match even as it can b distributed to fill up a PPV.

Bryan Vs. Rusev
Cena Vs. Kane
Reigns Vs. Owens
Ambrose Vs. Big Show
Rollins Vs. HHH
Orton Vs. Brock Lesnar
AJ Lee Vs. Stephanie

This sounds to me like on hell of a card which could be a one time event that replaces a smaller PPV for the year. The final implosion, the last encounter. If the good guys fail, specially Rollins, than they all have to do as ordered by the Authority but this time if the Authority, specifically HHH can't pull out a win then they disband forever.

You sell the PPV as a very big event that will change the course of the WWE forever. Show all the other talents patiently watching from the back to see what lies ahead for their careers. Make it special.

I don't want to see a single match end the whole Authority story which has gone on for so long now..like a 2 year story ending in a 25 minute match just feels under climatic to me..
The question is not when it ends, but who ends it. I set up the perfect scenario after the RR: Rollins pins Cena for the World strap, Bryan wins the Rumble. Rollins then beats Orton at Fast Lane, with DB beating Reigns. Bryan V. Rollins at WM with the Authority disbanding if Bryan wins. Bryan wins at WM, Authority angle ends.

Now, who ends it? It will probably Reigns after he drops the belt to Rollins, but how long will this take? And, there is no guarantee that he will beat Rollins. If the ticker on his merch does not move, and there are tons of empty seats, I then cannot see him doing it. So, who is left? Orton? He is going part time. Cena? He did it once and brought them back. Lesnar? He is gone after Mania. So, the only one that can conceivably do it is Bryan. But, VKM does not want him as the top guy. So, who is left, and it will NOT be Sting. I cannot see Trips jobbing to him.

My God, are we that brain dead regarding professional wrestling that we need to have Commissioners, authority figures and guest hosts? Give me 8-10 matches and let the matches sell themselves. Let them cut a 2 minute promo, and move along. You want to keep people watching? Give them a reason to not want to get up. A couple of squashes, couple of Divas, a couple of mid carders and two 20-25 minute main event matches and all is well. As far as this Authority angle goes, it has gotten about as rancid as milk sitting on the counter for a week.

Exactly. Wrestling got along just fine for decades without an "evil authority figure" angle. When the WWF had Jack Tunney as "President" he made a three minute cameo three or four times a year and the show didn't roll over and die. It's time for creative to find a new angle instead of recycling the same tired one over and over again for the past twenty years.
Exactly. Wrestling got along just fine for decades without an "evil authority figure" angle. When the WWF had Jack Tunney as "President" he made a three minute cameo three or four times a year and the show didn't roll over and die. It's time for creative to find a new angle instead of recycling the same tired one over and over again for the past twenty years.

There is an angle actually, It's called Bray Wyatt, and IF Taker vs Sting can't happen or even if it can, let Bray Wyatt be the one responsible for ending both of their careers. And given they both are 'Vigilante' type heroes and Legendary ones at that, it could be the perfect way to kickstart Bray Wyatt' s recruitment drive and his quest to take over 'the Machine'.

Such an angle could first elevate Bray Wyatt big time and also be the perfect vehicle to eventually reunite the SHIELD for one huge takedown after Bray's Reign of Terror goes too far.
Never. As long as Triplr H and Stephanie are around (which will be several decades) they're going to keep coming back. Maybe this current iteration with Show, Kane, and Rollins will soon end. But Triple H and Stephanie, the real Authority, aren't going anywhere anytime soon.
If I have to guess my money is on "good ol' fashioned Vince comes back and fires them". But not after they have some kind of tag team turmoil on Extreme Rules and PPV after that.
Never. As long as Triplr H and Stephanie are around (which will be several decades) they're going to keep coming back. Maybe this current iteration with Show, Kane, and Rollins will soon end. But Triple H and Stephanie, the real Authority, aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

There's a difference between being "the real Authority" and being part of an on-show "authority angle".
The Authority angle will end this year. But it will be replaced with "The board of directors" angle featuring HHH/Steph joining them and then Vince finally being forced into retirement/he dies.

So basically, nothing changes. HHH/Steph will still come out every week, but the wrestling will be better. This "storyline" will actually be based on truth.
I think it won't end anytime soon. It's a whole new ball game for them when Reigns become champion, they could bully him. Since The Authority has been around they hadn't really been hard on Reigns like they have with Bryan, Cena, Ziggler, etc.

I could see it ending at WM 32. Triple H vs. Roman Reigns. HHH has his job on the line, meanwhile, Reigns has his title on the line.
I think it won't end anytime soon. It's a whole new ball game for them when Reigns become champion, they could bully him. Since The Authority has been around they hadn't really been hard on Reigns like they have with Bryan, Cena, Ziggler, etc.

I could see it ending at WM 32. Triple H vs. Roman Reigns. HHH has his job on the line, meanwhile, Reigns has his title on the line.

And that is the one thing that has always bothered me is why not bully him now? They focused more on Bryan, Cena, Ziggler and the rest, and Reigns who is going to face Lesnar for the title was treated like he wasn't there. Yes he has a feud with Show but it was a garbage feud, Reigns should have been dealing with Rollins instead.

That could have gone a long way to putting Reigns over, having the Authority come down hard on him. They did after the Shield broke up, and it helped the fans get behind him but then nothing. I also think that a lot of fans saw Kane and Big Show helping him out at the Rumble by getting rid of the all the popular guys. They left him to the last. Now why would you leave a powerhouse to the end, and then fight among yourselves?
it'll never end, the "evil boss" storyline been going since Eric Bischoff joined the nWo in November 1996 and has kept going and going down on through Mr McMahon, the heel GMs and now finally to the Authority. This angle has been going for 19 years now non stop and I don't see it dying out any time soon. Funnily enough WWF managed without a heel boss for quite some time through the golden era all the way til 1998 and I don't see why they can't just have a Jack Tunney like figure; impartial and only there when the story calls for it, can't these peabrain writers come up with ANYTHING else to use as conflict in wrestling??
I can understand the thinking of a lot of folks in this topic who say the Authority angle will never end. It makes me think of Vince McMahon; during the era of some of the greatest TV ratings success in WWE history, Vince was an integral part of what we saw on our TV screens, yet was smart enough to realize when his active participation had played out. Thinking back, I can't even remember exactly when he started stepping aside.....but before the Levesque Two started their on-screen shenanigans, there was a long time that no one from top management interfered with proceedings on Raw or Smackdown; when interference was needed, it was left to the General Managers of each show.

I believe the Authority angle will end, just as it's ended before. It's not that Triple H and Stephanie won't be around....we just won't be hearing from them on regular TV broadcasts.

Yes, they'll make a major production out of getting the Levesques' out of the way....and I have no idea how much time will pass before they get to it .....but we'll see it, eventually.

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