How will Kaval be used?


The Best At Everything I Do
If you have followed kaval's career, then you know he is great in the ring. He's taken people like aj styles, christopher daniels, samoa joe....etc. to the limit. He was a dominant figure in tna's x-division. His mixture of martial arts kicks, submissions, and high flying wrestling has made him what he is today. i'm actually looking forward to seeing him come up to either raw or smackdown.

The discussion is do you think he will be utilized? Will he be buried once he gets called up? What titles do you think he will win (if any)? Is he destined to stay at the midcard level once on one of the brands? I personally think Kaval will not be successful as a singles wrestler in wwe. He's just too small IMO. Look at evan bourne, great in-rings skills...but his size has held him back. I feel this will be the case with Kaval. The only way I see him being credible in WWE is being part of a tagteam. Someone similar to his size, and skill level. Someone with high flying ability and the OMG factor. Perhaps someone guessed it, EVAN BOURNE. IMO these two forming a tagteam would be awesome. MCM-like. Im not saying Kaval wont make an impact as a singles wrestler. But I HIGHLY doubt he will hold a singles title. :shrug:

Well they're grooming him in FCW at the moment so they obviously have faith in the guy so when he does get called up he should do alright. I personally see him fueding with someone of his own size to start out with (there was a rumour he might fued with Mysterio) and this will get him a decent crowd reaction, after the fued (and hopefully some momentum behind it) he may go after the US or IC title, he's certainly got the skills to be a great midcard champion.
Honestly, I think he should just tear through shit and dominate guys. He should come off as a badass and never look bad (which would be something rare for a guy his size in WWE), eventually leading up to a feud/match with a big name like Rey or Punk, or even Jericho at some least someone who he could believably stand his ground with.

^BTW, sweet Mother Love Bone pic guy
I adore LowKi (Kaval is a really sucky name - keep thinking of Kamala), but he really doesn't have a chance - 18 months with WWe and still in FCW. No size, no mask, not quite the rep of Danielson and couldn't even make the NXT 10! If anything, he seems to be left in purgatory to prevent TNA or RoH utilising his undoubted abilities:banghead:
Love me some Low-Ki! I agree that the new name sucks. He's one of the most innovative ring technicians I've ever seen and I'd like to say that I think he'll have a successful WWE career, but unfortunately that's not going to happen. He's to small. Unless your name is Rey Mysterio there's no way WWE will give you a chance to succeed. There have been a slew of great cruiserweight talents come through WWE in the last 10-15 years and most have fallen by the wayside because Vince only cares about having characters that are larger than life. Remember Taka Michinoku, Tajiri, Shannon Moore, Jamie Noble, Gregory Helms? I rest my case. I feel sorry for guys like Low-Ki, Evan Bourne, Chavo Guerrero and Santino because they're very talented, but they'll never be given a fair shake in WWE. They need to go elsewhere if they ever want to be appreciated.
Yes, he's small, but I think he stands a good chance. He's ripped. More ripped than other guys of his height. Evan Bourne has really toned abs, but Ki has more muscle mass. Plus he flat-out looks like a scary man. That's not a work, I don't think I've ever seen him smile. He has the eyes of a killer, and his kicking ability will give him instant credibility. His kicks will make CM Punk look like a novice. Oh, and he can "jump out of the gym", so he has that going for him too.

I honestly think he combines the best of Evan Bourne, Bryan Danielson and CM Punk, three guys who have come up from the indies and made it in the WWE to varying degrees. The first two are short, and Punk doesn't have the best body going, and yet all three were signed up and as I said, have all achieved some level of success. Danielson is officially bigger than NXT, not just in terms of how much the audience care, but how much creative care, and if you try and argue that point, you're a moron. Punk has won endless gold and is one of the biggest parts of Smackdown every week. Say what you want about Bourne jobbing, he has a huge fanbase, sells a lot of merchandise, and whenever they give him the go-ahead he knocks it out of the park. Sure, he doesn't get used every week, but I don't think he's in any danger of being released whatsoever.

So if you take Bourne's leaping ability and muscle tone, Punk's martial arts ability, and Bryan's technical and submission skills, add greater muscle mass than any of them have individually and a grade-A intense look, and you have Low Ki.

But what to do with him? Well, before Mercury joined the Society, I was determined he would debut as CM Punk's Straight-Edge Soldier, his Pure Assassin, his Perfect Weapon. Gallows is the muscle, sure, but he's also more of a right-hand man. Punk could unleash Kaval on opponents, and then call him off when he's satisfied. His look fits the group, and you could believe he fits their lifestyle because of his intense training, strength of will, purity of a warrior etc etc etc.

This could still happen. We all heard the rumours that Ki would debut as someone from Rey's past, and shortly thereafter Punk began a feud with him, leading many to believe he would bring him in to get the 'Edge' on Mysterio. But then Gallows became more prominent and Mercury was cast as his masked helper, and the WWE seem to believe 3 is the new magic number in terms of stables, or 3 and a manager, and that would be Serena. Gallows and Mercury could form a team, Punk could go for the main event, and Ki could challenge in the mid-card. But I just have a gut-feeling this group will get no bigger than it is now.

They seemed to leave him off NXT in a very deliberate fashion. It suggested they have some specific plans for him. Perhaps they feel he can just debut as-is and get over. I mean the criticism of the 8 rookies was that they didn't really have much personality, and it seems NXT has been nothing more than a multi-week vehicle to showcase them and try and force a connection with the audience. It came to Danielson almost immediately, so he no longer needed the leg-up the show provides, and was booted, or at least that's my take on it. I think they feel the same about Low Ki, that he can just debut and get over.

So baring those two things in mind, I think he'll end up just appearing randomly and attacking someone... or win some squashes. I think he'll appear on Smackdown, and I think he'll dominate the mid-card and if it goes well, he may even flirt with the main event. I don't think he'll achieve Punk's level of success, because I think he's the gold standard of former indie talents, but I think he can do well for himself.

The only thing I think that might hold him back is he is injury prone. He's had quite a few in his career, including at least two major ones to his legs (I think). He's out of action as we speak because of injury. Mr. Kennedy/Anderson's career hit an unmistakable speed-bump because of his frequent injuries, and this could happen to Ki as well.

Finally, his ring-style. I was sure they'd force him to tone down his stiffness. I never imagined he'd be allowed to do the Warrior's Way/Ghetto Stomp. I thought he'd become frustrated at not being allowed to kick at full-strength. But I've watched footage and give or take a little, he's the same old Ki, murdering fools and showing no remorse doing it. His finisher is the same, his stiffness is the same, he's still Low Ki. So basically, a problem many thought he'd face, is not a problem.

If he can stay healthy, I think he's golden.
I would LOVE to see him come in and do well in WWE, but they just refuse to push smaller wrestlers for more than a month or two, Rey being pretty much the only exception. Maybe they put him in a feud with Bryan Danielson or Evan Borne, but I just don't see him going over HHH, Undertaker, Cena, Edge, Orton...I think the absolute best we can hope for is a short run with the tag titles, or maybe a miracle win for the U.S. title, which likely wouldn't last more than one or two PPV's. I hate that I have to think like that, but historically that is what WWE does. I love watching him work, I really hope they prove me wrong. He certainly deserves better than a feud with a non-wrestling announcer, like other smaller wrestlers...
Ok, so I have a personal experience to share with you guys regarding Low-Ki/Kaval (agreed though, worst fucking name ever). I saw him wrestle a few years ago at a FOW (Future of Wrestling) event in Florida. He had a match against this one dude, forgot his name but it was a thin dude with long hair. I had heard of Low-Ki via websites like this for a while so I knew he was becoming a veteran in the ring. Well, this dude fucked up with Low-Ki and he decided to show him that he fucked up with the wrong guy. Low-Ki decided to just destroy him with stiff kicks that made me literally cringe and turn away. The dudes chest was red as hell with welts. I talked to him after the event and he was a real cool guy but basically said he gave him a stiff shot to the face, gave him a bloody black eye so he thought he'd return the favor. Moving on to the topic, I think he's going to be royally screwed in the WWE. They've never been friendly towards smaller stature guys unless your already a legend of the ring. Granted, Low-Ki is to us but not to the general consumers. If he was a Chris Benoit or Eddie Guerrerro he'd have a world title run in the next few years. He's going to end up being doomed for mid-card status. I have hopes he'll become atleast a contender for the world title if they build up his mic skills because thats probably all he has to work on. He is a unbelievable talent in the ring. I can't even think of what he might be lacking besides mic work. I agree with GreenLight though, he's got all those qualities wrapped in one. Hopefully he'll be atleast given a chance... :-/
honestly. with his his new york mentality---i can see him coming in as a hired street thug---a mercenary of sorts. Perhapas another anti Straight-edge Society member
Lets not forget, he is currently injured..i think when he returns, he would do a couple of weeks in FCW and then debut on Smackdown!...i could see him coming in as a heel character at first, maybe insult Rey Mysterio..they could have a great match...
About his injury, i don't have an idea on how long he is out has been along time..
I, for one, love the idea of him being CM Punk's Secret Weapon.

He has that crazed look, and could punish people.
He can even take down bigger guys with kicks, and the Warrior's Way.
And that move looks great when someone is hanging Upside Down from the Turnbuckle.
I honestly think he was left of NXT because him and Danielson on the same show would've completely eclipsed the other guys right from the start, everyone who knew of them would have wanted to see how they went against each other in a WWE ring and everyone who didn't know them would have been amazed by their individual talents and it would have taken some serious writing (better than they have done already even) to put over the other guys over both 'Kaval' and 'Bryan'
When he returns from injury or what not, I'm hoping he takes on Rey. Those two could put on a hell of a show. He could very well be the masked man in the SES and be the one to put Rey out since Rey needs to take time off anyway to heal up, and that would set up a nice return feud. Kaval has the skills and yeah he's an old school stiff guy, but his in ring skill can't be denied and you'd have to assume he's coming up this year.
kaval is pretty awesome. i've seen quite a bit of his stuff and he has always struck me as a "real deal" kind of guy. not just somebody that laces up the boots and plays a part or a gimmick, but actually a guy that if you were to meet him in a back alley would just go to work on ya and kill you. he is one of the meanest looking people ever... and i love it! he could be huge in WWE, but then again, i've always been an optimist.

got two ideas for stables or angles that he could do, not including the Straight Edge Society hired assassin idea which would work and could lead to some great matches with Rey.

1. have a stable of smaller guys that never got a big break. have them fight to be noticed and to be more than jobbers to the stars, etc. simple idea, but i don't know that i've seen a stable of only small guys before. can't think of any off hand, except for maybe the LWO, but that was more for latin wrestlers that just so happened to be cruiserweights. anywho, that's one route.

2. have a stable of guys that have been injured a lot. have them fight the GM or CEO or somebody in authority saying that they're sick and tired of putting their lives on the line to, not only please the crowds, but because they're ordered to and because they need a paycheck. so now, they're not gonna get injured anymore just to please the boss and pay their dues, they're gonna start giving injuries to the powers that be. this is another idea that i've not really seen, at least not played out to its fullest, and the plus side of a stable or angle like this is that you can involve a lot of different talents with a lot of different characters and abilities and sizes. might be tough to pull of in PG, but i bet it could still work. we still have Chamber, Cell, TLC and other hardcore matches and so this could work i guess.

just a few thoughts. but either way, best of luck to Kaval. he has earned it!
Kaval is one of the few that can still make a 5 ***** star match, along with Swagger, Jericho, Triple H, John Morrison and Bryan Danielson. If I was head management in wwe I would push him very fast and immediatley make him start a feud with a top star. We have seen Kaval vs Bryan Danielson, but if they were to be improved headliners of the WWE, This would make one hell of a main event at wrestlemania, I really hope cena would stop going for the main event by then, GOD.

Ki would be a GREAT addition to the SES. Punk could talk about how he met Ki on the Indie circuit, and how they bonded over their love of competition and warriors will to win. He is now bringing in Low-Ki as the next chapter of the SES and Ki can just beat the crap out of everyone!

He looks like a psycho, and those kicks are devastating. He would get over no question, and I could see him in matches against Truth for theUS title in no time
And then he could also eventually tire of CM Punk's preaching and break away from him.
Go crazy and just all-out attack him and the Straight-Edge Society.
Setting up a kind of Lone Wolf type character, who 'won't take no crap off of nobody'.

IF they wanted to do a Face Turn, that would be a possibility.
I adore LowKi (Kaval is a really sucky name - keep thinking of Kamala)

I don't. Something about him essentially just being a guy who kicks really hard bores me.

but he really doesn't have a chance

He's got as much chance as any uncharismatic, stiff as a board midget. Indie star or not.
18 months with WWe and still in FCW.

Your point? Punk was in OVW for a year. Barrett's been in FCW for three, and he's bigger, more charismatic and in my opinion better than Low Ki.

No size, no mask, not quite the rep of Danielson and couldn't even make the NXT 10!

Forst off there were only 8 NXT rookies. Second off, thosw ere the literal cream of the crop. Barrett was the best promo cutter in the joint, Gabriel was the FCW champ, Tarver was his number 1 contender, Heath was the last champ and a bonafide MEer, Skip was on an undefeated streak, Otunga is going to be HUGE when he can wrestle, Young was a hot newcomer (and they needed a filler guy), Danielson goes without saying. No room for Kaval. He'll be playing second fiddle to Alex Riley in NXT season 2, gievn that he's got a character and charisma (which are two things 'the world warrior' lacks)

If anything, he seems to be left in purgatory to prevent TNA or RoH utilising his undoubted abilities:banghead:

Wait, you mean purgatory is the place where WWE superstars typically spend a few years while learning the WWE style (i.e. telling a story, not getting in spots)? Damn, best tell that the the main eventers who were in OVW for so long. Kaval will be up soon then we can judge if WWE sees anything in him or not.
If I'm being honest and fair, WWE won't be able to use Kaval to his full extent. I'm positive that he will win NXT2. I have a hunch.

WWE just can't pull off how TNA used him. WWE don't have the right talent such as TNA's X-Division. WWE hardly have cruiserweights anymore.

I think WWE will give Kaval at least an Intercontinental title run, maybe a Tag Team if WWE can be bothered to set tag matches up.

So yeah, WWE will probably give Kaval a few mid card title runs...maybe a World title run if he wins a Money in the Bank or starts a rivalry with a champion. But I don't think they'll be able to match how TNA treated him, in match perspective.

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