How will DX break up?


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here is an intersting question i have for you...we all know DX will break up...but how...Will HHH turn on HBK, will HBK turn on HHH? what do you think...i think HHH turns on HBK which will cause HBK out of action for months so HBK can get his surgery

Edit: sorry can someone move this i posted it in the wrong spot
No I dont think thats how dx will end, acutally it'll be cool if orton interferes and injuries hbk, i mean that wouldnt be cool but that would be a good start on triple h vs randy orton feud, but i think the best bet would be big show injuring hbk because randy orton getting involved would confuse the fans, but randy is a legend killler and dx is a legendary group and he would kill the legend of dx, that would be a good way to end the dx saga.
wwe is to dumb to think to do that but that would be cool to see it happen like that...i have no clue how it will end
it has to end in a good way, not to ruin the DX saga. I would give DX a long run since its probably the last time there will be a DX, so im thinking let HBK go have his surgery, and annoucin the return of X-pac ( de ja vu from after Wrestle Mania 14) then let them go on and maybe turn X-pac heel to have alittle feud with Triple H ( just like when HHH backstabbed X-pac, but vice versa now)
hhh will eventually turn on hbk
in my opinion everyone likes hhh better than hbk in d generation x and hhh turning on hbk will break everyones hearts..even tho hbk stands for heartbreak kid lol
HHH isn't gonna turn on HBK and HBK isn't gonna turn on HHH
DX will break up after Survivor series, because I'm saying thats when HBK will leave for the surgery hes getting.
:wwf: :wwf:
Triple H probably won't stay face after SS, so I'm thinking that the most likely he'll turn on HBK, maybe injure him so that he can get his surgery.

Flames Out
Eternal Dragon said:
Triple H probably won't stay face after SS, so I'm thinking that the most likely he'll turn on HBK, maybe injure him so that he can get his surgery.

Flames Out

no, he already needs surgery on his knee.
My God.... Triple H already said he was working as a face for the rest of his carear..... I wish I would of saved that article.... But I dont know where its gonna end... But noone is gonna turn on each other... Triple H said he liked working as a heel better yes... But that was last year.... He wants to finish his carear as a face.... Its going to be someone comes out... Does the little injure Shawn angle.... Shawn goes away for 2 months... Comes back at the Rumble.... By then it should be Triple H vs whomever the WWE Champ is... HBK enters the Rumble.... Eliminates whoever took him out... They start fueding blah blah blah.... The WWE is predictible... For ex. Rumble is in HBKs hometown.... He is gonna have a big part to do with it... Ad then Shawn and Triple H will evantually team up... But it wont be DX... There just gonna drop that like they always drop angles...
PauLwaLL50 said:
My God.... Triple H already said he was working as a face for the rest of his carear..... I wish I would of saved that article.... But I dont know where its gonna end... But noone is gonna turn on each other... Triple H said he liked working as a heel better yes... But that was last year.... He wants to finish his carear as a face.... Its going to be someone comes out... Does the little injure Shawn angle.... Shawn goes away for 2 months... Comes back at the Rumble.... By then it should be Triple H vs whomever the WWE Champ is... HBK enters the Rumble.... Eliminates whoever took him out... They start fueding blah blah blah.... The WWE is predictible... For ex. Rumble is in HBKs hometown.... He is gonna have a big part to do with it... Ad then Shawn and Triple H will evantually team up... But it wont be DX... There just gonna drop that like they always drop angles...

hes already injured ******.
he needs surgery on his fricking knee!
I had a feeling it would end with HHH turning on HBK, but now i'm guessing is Shane and Vince making HBK get surgery so he can't wrestle, dumb idea, but it's so far the only thing i can come up with.
DxFreak said:
hes already injured ******.
he needs surgery on his fricking knee!

No shit... I was saying there gonna make an angle for him to take time off... Dont tell me about HBK cause I kno 10x more bout him then you do... And your probably 12....

Why does everyone say Triple H is gonna turn on HBK.... Ughh... Im goin to find the article I read....
That's what I meant. They could have an angle where Triple H injured HBK's knee, and than he could go and get his surgery (kayfabe).

Flames Out
PauLwaLL50 said:
No shit... I was saying there gonna make an angle for him to take time off... Dont tell me about HBK cause I kno 10x more bout him then you do... And your probably 12....

Why does everyone say Triple H is gonna turn on HBK.... Ughh... Im goin to find the article I read....

Haha, actually no, im not 12.
nWo (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & X Pac) and DX (HBK, HHH and Justin Credible)
will feud for a while in the not so distant future, but will eventually form as one solid unit ala "fingerpoke of doom" angle of january 99, thus forevermore
killing both groups and they will reform as The Clique for the first time on TV, then they will dominate the wrestling universe like the original nWo did 10 years ago, this will get under Ric Flair's skin and he will reform the Four Hor-
semen with Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle to go after the Clique and only one stable will survive
this is how!!!

HHH comes out after the hell in a cell, no HBK (off for surgury)

HHH: last night HBK Dropped the ball! now im the leader off DX and im building an army, and when you build an army you look to your pals you look to your buddies.... you look to the CLIQUE!!!

X-PAC's music play's

JR: Well look whos back!!

getting a feeling of dayjavu here!!!

Later that night during a tag title match two wrestlers interfere and DX is reborn with the 3new members!!

i swear this will happen once again, in exactly the same manner as before!!!
I dont think thats going to happen... They already did that once and there not planning of having DX last much longer anyways...
JSCT said:
this is how!!!

HHH comes out after the hell in a cell, no HBK (off for surgury)

HHH: last night HBK Dropped the ball! now im the leader off DX and im building an army, and when you build an army you look to your pals you look to your buddies.... you look to the CLIQUE!!!

X-PAC's music play's

JR: Well look whos back!!

getting a feeling of dayjavu here!!!

Later that night during a tag title match two wrestlers interfere and DX is reborn with the 3new members!!

i swear this will happen once again, in exactly the same manner as before!!!

umm that isn't going to happen..
Yeah. when it "ends" it will be a respectful way, and no one will turn on the other.
randy orton is gonna be the one who breaks up DX than he will fued with HHH
I have a feeling that when the whole DX thing ends, it's gonna go unexplained. HBK is just gonna play up an injury after one of the matches, will post a story about how he's gonna be out a while and all to get surgery on his knee and HHH will start back up his singles career. When HBK is ready to come back, he'll come back solo.
How about after DX wins Hell in Cell at Unforgiven. Vince decides that instead of fighting both of them or firing them, One of them (probaly Shawn Michaels) have been traded or moved to Smackdown. The timing is perfect because the next Smackdown right after Unforgiven, is the first Friday Night Smackdown on CW.
i think the feud could work if....nwo was brought back, and end at survivor series with the show going off air with nwo spray painting nwo onto hhh and hbk's back, hbk leaves to get a knee injury and gets back in time for wrestlemania. hhh goes to main event on raw and the perhaps stone cold comes out the next night on raw or even at ss or even b.o.d come out and have a feud that lasts until nyr in a 6 man tag elimination chamber match instead of a match for the title.

elimination chamber.

hhh/undertaker/kane vs hogan/hall/nash


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