How will Cena drop the belt to Punk & not be fired


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I was thinking hard about this... If indeed Punk has re-signed in some form it would be stupid for the WWE to not have him go over Cena at MITB...

However if Punk leaves MITB & Chicago with the belt then Cena is fired...

So how can the WWE continue to build on Punks momentum and still not "fire" Cena...

Remember on Raw tonight Vince said if CM Punk Leaves Chicago with the WWE Title he will personally walk down and fire John Cena... He never said Cena was fired if he lost to CM Punk...

So what I see happening is this... Punk & Cena have a hard fought battle where both guys are exusted at match end... So the Raw MITB winner takes advantage maybe at McMahons pushing and goes out and beats an exausted Punk... By causing Punk to lose the title like this it will not kill his momentum and also keeps Vince from firing Cena because Punk isnt leaving Chicago with the belt...

Then Punk can show up on Raw and talk about how he was screwed out of the belt because he was exausted and the MITB winner took advantage of that... So he signed a short extention to get his belt back...

Ties it all together perfectly... Punk stays and has a reason to stay a little longer, gets belt off Cena + keeps him from being fired, and pushes someone else up to the top of the card to make an X factor in Punk vs. Cena and Punk vs. WWE...
No matter what, Punk's not staying. I highly doubt he is. So while I agree that Punk will win then the MiTB winner cashes in, I don't believe Punk will stay longer
If WWE will do the same thing "over again" with the Montreal Screwjob it will create an atmosphere that the event is not believable as they wanted it to be. However being Cena involve in the match there's a big possibility of a "Clean Win" from him but we can still consider that there's also a possibility of Punk winning it via "DQ".

Bottom line is that there are too many endings for the match and we just have to wait for it and see if WWE will please us or disappoint us.
If it's me, I go balls to the walls. This isn't completely hashed out, but let's see what we've got:

This thread is about Punk winning the belt and Cena not being fired. I don't see that happening. However, I CAN see Cena getting fired.

Let's say Punk wins and Vince does fire him that night. It could happen and would strictly be a storyline thing. The next night, you open the show with someone random like Evan Bourne or Zack Ryder, a babyface that has been friends with Cena would work best. That person calls out Vince and questions how Vince feels about letting go the locker room leader/popular guy in favor of having Punk around. Passionate promo about making the wrong choice ensues and the babyface in question says if Cena is fired, then he quits. Then, one by one, the roster starts to quit if Vince refuses to hire Cena back. While this is going on, something bigger is also happening.......

Punk DOES leave with the belt and appears at ROH with it. He also appears at say Jersey Pro Wrestling, Pro Wrestling Ohio, whatever bullshit indy that isn't TNA that he can. WWE's belt is actually there and plants are at the events getting cell phone footage of Punk promos. These are shown on Monday Night Raw and you have a situation where neither Cena or Punk are there yet are the focus of the show.

Moving forward, Vince reaches out to Punk via phone call and tells them that he wants to work this out. Whatever Punk wants, he can have..........IF he can beat John Cena at Summerslam. You have your big main event for Summerslam, but I haven't explained how to bring Cena back yet. Presumeably, the threat of tons of dudes quitting makes Vince bow to the pressure and give Cena one more chance. That part I haven't hashed out 100 percent yet but I literally just came up with this so cut me some slack!

Anyway, with this scenario, you'd be doing something completely different and hopefully intriguing. I do believe WWE could pull off a deal with some Indy's to make this work and it would be quite the spectacle. In all honesty, there is so much more to gain with Punk winning here. If Cena wins, more than likely you get a feud with Del Rio for Summerslam which will suck donkey ass. Del Rio will talk about destiny, Cena will make fun of his accent, blech. With this angle, in just two weeks you have something intriguing that can sell. This is much bigger than Del Rio if done right so I think you have to pull the trigger here. Be ballsy and give the belt to Punk. Hell you could bring back Bret Hart next week to challenge Vince about what would happen if the belt left. Obviously that's what was being referred to this week. That's another wrinkle that could be fun.

This whole thing has potential, but it's all based on not going the safe route so far. Thus, don't go the safe route! Take a chance and hope for the best. That's what I would do.
About a month ago, there was a report that John Cena was working through some nagging injuries. So, maybe he does get "fired" to take some time off and comes back a few months later. Leaving CM Punk a few months as WWE Champ until Cena is "reinstated" and takes it back and goes on to headline Wrestlemania 28
I too believe Cena is still hurting and he will ultimately take time off before WrestleMania 28 because they cannot run the risk of having him become severely injured and ruin the entire buildup with The Rock now that they have committed a full year in advance. That said, as much as I WANT to see a huge swerve in Punk winning and Cena being "fired," I don't think we're going to see it. WWE is more than likely going to take the easy way out and have Punk win only to have someone cash in the same night. Punk gets his last hoorah (I do believe he is leaving), Cena doesn't get "fired," and WWE can tout Money In The Bank being unpredictable despite the fact that we already saw a same night cash in last year. They're just trying to use CM Punk's departure as a way to generate short term PPV buys for MITB. You need Cena for a big PPV like SummerSlam so he will likely stick around till at least then and take time off in order to return for Survivor Series.

Here is my legit prediction: CM Punk will beat Cena, Del Rio will win MITB & cash in on Punk immediately and Vince McMahon will be revealed as the man behind that particular plan, aka he told Del Rio to do it, sparking more heat on Del Rio. Del Rio vs Cena is what they wanted at SummerSlam so this is the way they'll do it. As much as I like watching Del Rio I think it's unfortunate that he was scheduled to win the title 4 times already and now it looks like he is going to get it as a panic move to save a storyline. I genuinely hope I am wrong as I want WWE to surprise me but I wouldn't get my hopes up and I hope no one else does.
I really hope Punk stays...I know this whole shoot thing is scripted but maybe an ROH invasion could be good? My prediction is that Punk wins then McMahon fires Cena then MITB winner comes out and beats punk with Cena's help. Monday night raw has new WWE Champ come out and Cena challenges but McMahon says he is still fired but whole Nexus fired angle over again. Either McMahon is making Punk worth more so that he helps him make money and he returns at WM28 during the Cena Rock WWE title match or he gives him what he wants....the rights to his name.
If Cena doesn't win, as you said, the MITB winner will cash it in on Punk. The way Vince worded it, Cena will be fired only if Punk walks away with the title, not if Cena loses. So, I think the obvious answer is that if Cena does not win, a winner will take it form Punk.
as soon as i saw the thing on raw i thought CM Punk's chances of winning the match went up big time! as of right now (because i keep changing my mind) i see 1 of 3 things happening:

1. CM Punk BEATS Cena CLEANLY so cena gets time off to handle his nagging injuries and punk leaves with the title BUT vince introduces a new title (or the same title :disappointed:) the next night on raw and says starting tonight theres gonna be a tournament ending at SummerSlam where a NEW WWE Champion will be crowned and i could see ADR facing Rey or Truth vs Rey here or maybe a 6 pac or fatal 4 way match and cena comes back either at Survivor Series or TLC (at the very latest Royal Rumble) and wins back the WWE title.

2. Punk beats cena giving him time off and punk is cutting a promo after the match then from behind the RAW MITB winner hits the ring and lays out punk then pins him and wins the title.


3. Cena goes over Punk via screwjob ending and ends up having a horrible match with Alberto Del Rio at summerslam (like seriously cena knws 5 moves and del rio knws 2! doesnt sound good to me)

but thts just me
There is a better way.

Punk beats Cena clean. McMahon walks down to the ring fires Cena and then turns to Punk...raising his hand showing that Punk has aligned with McMahon. McMahon possibly puts on a New Nexus arm band. Now that's what I'd like to see. It would cause Punk's character to EXPLODE. As far as Cena not being fired, he can always invoke his rematch clause, thus winning the title back.

Plus to get Cena rehired you just bring in Rock who demands his match. Win-win for all.
I'll assume you didn't read the spoilers last week because even I saw Punk winning the title then a MITB winner cashing in instantly last tuesday afternoon when I saw the spoilers for last night's show after first finding out about that epic promo.

Seemed the most logical choice and I've been spreading that sentiment wherever I get into a discussion about the match for a week now.

(Lets hope this isn't perceived as spam this time since the Nazis in staff here find anything they disagree with as spam or some other bullshit apparently)
Man I swear any way they just let Punk walk away is a waste. Having Cena fired for anywhere less than 5 months would be bullshit since they just did that shit 8 months ago.

They should bite the bullet and let Punk carry the title for a few months, at least, give him a good run.
Cena is reportedly carrying alot of injuries and may require some surgery as reported by WZ a while back. I think this is just a quick way to give him a slight break until maybe SummerSlam where he will come back and fight for his title back with either Punk or Del Rio!

Vince will give in and give Punk "alot" of money to stay with the WWE in the storyline just so he doesn't leave with the title. After Summerslam, I believe Punk will take his break. :)
Exactly. Then Del Rio becomes Vince's guy cause he saved the belt and the feud into Summerslam begins. Plain and simple.

I like the idea of whomever cashes in becoming Vince's new "chosen one" so to speak. Now imagine if a guy like Miz wins a 2nd year in a row and wins the belt in this fashion. Wouldn't that be enough to cement his status at the top of the card with a McMahon backing him up?

Also, the briefcases are simply for a title shot. What if the SD winner cashes in on CM Punk? It would do wonders for someone like Sheamus or even Wade Barrett.
Im sorry buy hasn't Cena already been fired in the past year? Did that stop him? NO. He was back in 2 or 3 weeks.
How many times were guys like Stone Cold, The Rock, and The Undertaker "Fired" in the past? I think the Big Show has been as well. Come on now. Anytime someone gets "Fired" they only go away to make a movie, or heal up (remember the Cena injury reports?) Jericho got fired for not beating Cena to go take time off. He came back and no one mentioned it.
I don't know if Punk will beat Cena or not, and really, I don't care. It's going to be a good match, that will have people split on the outcome till the final 3 count. I'm looking forward to the match, not the "What if's" that come after.
But to satisfy your desire for it.. If Cena wins, Punk goes. The crowd erupts in boo's (Punks home town after all)
If Punk wins, Cena takes some time off to heal, or comes back 2 weeks later like last time.
Either way, come Royal Rumble, both men will be involved in the WWE still.
I think this will happen well one of these

1. Punk will beat Cena and Cena will be fired giving him the time off he needs and ince will turn to Punk and slap him and who ever wins the raw MITB will come out from behind and beats Punk

2. Punk will win and take the WWE belt and Vince will either bring out a new WWE title or just "buy" old one back off Punk

3. Cena will win and will not be fired

4 Punk will win and reveal he changed his mind and will stay and fucking up a good story once again
The actual outcome of Punk/Cena is far more open than it would first appear.

Sure, the immediate reaction is that Cena is not going to get fired so he will either win or, taking advantage of Vince's wording, Punk does not leave Chicago with the WWE title with a MitB cash in.

However, as has been mentioned already, Cena has been fired before and while the relative recentness of the Barrett-induced firing might make it less likely to happen again, it is a definite possibility. The rumour mill has circulated the idea that Cena needs some time off so what better way is there to get him it? That way Punk gets the spotlight (assuming he has re-signed) with a feud at the top, all the while claiming how he manipulated the situation, Vince and Cena to rid the company of its poster child.

Cena's firing would also bring about another way to bring the Rock back in for another appearance, with the Great One demanding Cena's reinstatement, who then returns to deal with Punk in a series of matches, finally taking the title back in time for the Wrestlemania build up.
I would love it if punk beats cena for the title. Right after vince comes out to fire cena, and right before he does, the rock shows up. He says that he isnt going to let cena get off that easy. He can then challenge punk to a match at summerslam, and put over what punk said about the rock and mock punk for not selling anywhere close to the rock. punk gets angry, and agrees to a title match at summerslam. this accomplishes a few things, it gets the rock involved in summerslam (which reports say he will be involved), it makes a good personal fued between punk and the rock, and it lets the rock one up cena and say that he saved the wwe when cena couldnt. the only problem with this, is that the chances of this happening are slim to none. that is why i, like most other people, see the mitb winner cashing in on punk. cena stays, and punk is cheated out of being able to leave with the title.
Have punk win and then have vince come out ready to fire cena when the winner of the mitb comes out and cashes in.

Problem with this is that it would be more suited for a face and the faces in the mitb are not wwe championship material. (Jomo would have been ideal). So maybe del rio cashes in on punk.

I still feel that Cena wins.
cm punk is the best all rounder in the world right know there is nobody better then him in the business the harsh reality is even if he does win and somebody cashes in and whoever that may be they will carry the title upto summerslam and drop it to super cena with his crappy three move special im absolutely sick of this keep happening i dont know why the wwe dont understand we dont want to keep seeing cena in the title picture because the outcome is to predictable if it was upto me i would have cmpunk hold the title and have a dream match with stone cold at wrestlemainia but this will never ever happen
Generally speaking, it's far too open at this point ot have any real idea what's going to happen.

First off, while it's possible that CM Punk is actually leaving, it's also possible that Punk has signed a new deal with WWE and that his leaving is just part of a storyline. If only Vince, a few others and Punk know about the deal, then it can be easily kept secret. Punk could've been told to keep it quiet and give the impression that he's leaving or outright say he's leaving if someone asks what his plans are. One reason why I think this is at least a good possibility is that it goes so far against the norm from what we see in wrestling. Usually when someone is on the way out, especially if that someone is a high profile player that's allegedly got as much heat backstage as Punk has reportedly gotten, that someone is usually buried and his stock lowered. Instead, Punk is the most talked about wrestler in the world and has been elevated to a whole different level.

If Punk has resigned and does plan to stay with WWE, then I could honestly see Vince aligning himself with Punk to sort of "get rid" of John Cena for a while. And yeah, we all know what Punk said in his "shoot" about Vince's family but look back during the Attitude Era. Vince was ready to "sacrifice" Stephanie to be Undertaker's "bride" while he was the "Higher Power" that Taker answered to. Plus, look at the matches Vince & Shane have had in the past. Forgiving Punk for talking a little "smack" is no big thing.

Is it possible that WWE has worked out a deal with indy companies if Punk does "leave" with the WWE Championship? Sure, I guess it's possible. The only company even remotely resembling competition at this point is TNA and there'd be no deal with them. I think this is unlikely at this point because most indy companies are extremely small potatoes. I doubt WWE would gain any real exposure from it. Sure, it'd give the IWC something to talk about and all that but it won't mean much of anything to the vast majority of other WWE viewers.

As others have also said, John Cena is said to have several nagging injuries that he's working through right now. If this is true, then this could be a perfect opportunity to give Cena time off to rest and heal up. Vince has a lot invested in the Cena vs. Rock match at WM 28 so having Cena as healthy as he can makes all the sense in the world. It'll be a huge payday so having Cena take some time off in order to ultimately save him for a huge money match later on down the line is logical. Plus, while he's gone, Punk could really blossom as the top heel on Raw while, potentially, another babyface is elevated into a higher profile spot on Raw. Sure, Cena has been "fired" before but this angle is completely different with a different feel to it. If Cena is "fired", then I wouldn't expect to see him back in WWE for a while.
No matter what, Punk's not staying. I highly doubt he is. So while I agree that Punk will win then the MiTB winner cashes in, I don't believe Punk will stay longer

If you're right, then I don't know why they're bothering with this program at all. I don't see the logic of building a huge program around a guy who's thumbing his nose at WWE and leaving forever. What would be the purpose? It would be as if Vince McMahon announced last night that Hulk Hogan is the greatest wrestler in WWE history and that no one he has on the current roster could possibly measure up to him. Same thing: what would be the point?

So, to answer the question being posed, I'm presuming that Punk is coming back. If he is, it's hard to believe he'd win the title and take it with him, ordaining that the most prestigious title in WWE won't be defended for however many months Punk takes off.

How could this be done if they want Punk to win the title, yet have Cena not be fired?

They could have Punk win the match, pose with the title belt and announce that he's proven he's the best in the company and that no one on the WWE roster is as great as him......and then hand the belt back to Cena, proclaiming he doesn't need the title and thumbing his nose at Vince McMahon and his company.

That way, Punk wins, but Cena winds up as champion at the end of the night, ensuring he doesn't get fired. Then, Punk leaves....and he either returns in a few months or he doesn't...... but makes an indelible impression either way.

I don't care for this scenario, but it's one way to do it.
I think what will happen is the following:

1. Punk wins the title, by hook or crook so to say....he then leaves the arena leaving everyone to believe that he is gone with the belt.

2. Vince comes out and "fires" Cena.

3. Next night on Raw Punk shows up "shocking the world" and says that Vince was so desperate to keep the belt at the "ninth" hour he Vince met all of his demands..he is the highest paid in the company..yadda yadda..

4. Cena gets his time off and ends up being "reinstated" because Punk didn't actually leave with the belt.

Remember, we are talking about WWE here, everything doesn't have to make "perfect sense." lol
my prediction is this. Unless i hear a report that Punk is staying, he's gone shortly. As for the match, i predict two things. either Cena wins and stays and then del rio cashes in or CM Punk wins and Del Rio cashes in. i do NOT see Cena being fired so close to SummerSlam, maybe after SummerSlam, Cena will be "attacked" and be out for a while to help him heal up, but i cant see WWE keeping Cena off a big pay per view like SummerSlam. As of now, unless Punk re-signs, i see Del Rio walking out of Money in the Bank with the WWE title and Cena to challenge him at Mania and in the Smackdown Money in the Bank, i see Wade Barrett winning and cashing in later.
This is what should happen, Punk wins (maybe even the Nexus get involved), Barrett cashes in... Barrett goes over Punk, have the Nexus Corre join (I know they disbanded, I'm just saying, that would be bad ass to have the two join together). They have the power of the Tag, and WWE title. Then they just bully for a while with no John Cena in sight.

Or, to make R-Truth a even bigger heel, have him win the MITB, come out, cause Cena to loose, and then cash in on punk, and say he didnt do it for the wwe or the little Jimmy's, he did it cause they both needed to get got.

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