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How To Make Them Main Event?


Pre-Show Stalwart
First off sorry if this is in the wrong section. So I was thinking about how WWE could make main event wrestlers out of the most random wrestlers they have on their roster and thought it could make a fun game. Here is the challenge The person above you names a wrestler. Any wrestler who is not on a main event superstar in the WWE. The next person must comment on how the WWE can turn that superstar into a main event superstar. Maybe all they need is a heel turn? Maybe switch from Smackdown to Raw? Maybe a feud with a certain wrestler? Maybe they need a complete character overhaul? The challenge though is you can never say that this wrestler will never be in the main event. Whatever the person posts above you, that is who you have to turn into a main event star. After you write how to make them a main event start (and please don't just write, switch brands, go into detail) you post a name somebody else has to turn into a main event wrestler. Alright so let's give it a try.

The first wrestler I would like to see on the main event stage is MVP. How can the WWE turn MVP into a Main Event Superstar.
For Mvp:

He needs to turn heel/tweener, the way he was when he debuted on smackdown. The pairing with kennedy was great and these two seemed like future world champions. The ballin, champange drinking guy who took funny shots at people was the MVP i want to see again. Anyone remember his promo on ric flair? A classic.

Back to topic, when he became a face, it was after a long losing streak. He then won some matches and then came on raw where he apparently took orton to the limit. That never took off. But how were we supposed to beleive him as a threat, someone who had been on a losing streak?? Anyway, mvp became over as he already was, won the us title again. But it wasnt getting anywhere.

He has a more better chance of being champion as a heel, his mic skills flourish and he comes off as a better character. He has more creative freedom which is what he needs.

So the main points to make MVP a champ:

Turn Heel/Be a tweener
Have that "most expensive contract, ballin" gimmick again
Stop kissing up but dont be too mean!
Dont come off too corny

People were saying he could be the next breakout african american or black american star, similar to the rock. That can happen, if his character gets together. I really want to see this happen.

That was me answering the first wrestler.

My question: Ways in which John Morrison can make it to championship gold?
John Morrison:

This is another guy that needs a heel turn, or at least a change of character. Have him go back to how he was when he teamed with Miz, and instead of sucking up to the fans, have him starting ripping on people. As a heel, I thought this guy was hilarious. I think we may have already seen this turn starting as we saw him arguing with R Truth after his match a few weeks ago. He also NEEDS to change his finisher. Go back to the moonlight drive, Or possibly even use that flip bottom that he used on Raw, Then have him attack Truth with his new finisher. I think something like money in the bank would be perfect for him to win after a turn, If it is still at mania this year, He's my pick.

That's JoMo done, Now: 'Dashing' Cody Rhodes.
Ok I don't want to set a pattern of repetitveness, but John Morrison badly needs a heel turn to become a main eventer.

Remember how solid his heel promos where? Turn him heel and have him climb up the ladder of success. You can have him beat people in a heel fashion, starting with RTruth and making it up to Randy Orton, since Orton can make anybody look good. After defeating Orton in a heel way, turn him face and have him feud with guys like Edge and Jericho, leading up to the WWE Champ, whoever that may be.

MY superstar who I would like to know is Christian.

Sorry, I started posting before John Morrison had an answer :shrug:
Best way to make Christian a main eventer?? Easy, send him back to TNA. Or if you prefer, give him a new finisher, and as will probably be said about everyone, a heel turn will probablly help.

Next up, time for a difficult one, JTG.
I don't think you can do a story line that will make a wrestler a main eventer. It's all about the reaction of the crowd and if the except that person or not. If the crowd does not give a good pop for that entertainer that the wrestler does not stand a snow balls chance. You either have to get massive heat or massive pops. Either way you have to get some kind of big reaction from the crowd that make you want to draw in the main event.

But way's that help is you associate that wrestler with a big name. One example is John Cena and the miz. John Cena has helped the miz become one of the biggest heels in the wwe. Morrison is on his way to where people dont give a shit about him.

If Mcmahon and stone cold. Do you think either of them would be a good a pop if it wasn't for the feud's together? "that right there could be a discussion for another day"

But ya getting the fans reactions and associating them with a well known wrestler helps them in the main event.
For Dashing Cody Rhodes I think they are on the right track. If you would have said Cody Rhodes it could have been hard but Dashing imo is a good gimmick. Now you need to put him in a feud with "ugly" superstar or old like Finlay. You put him in a feud with him where he win the feud. Then you put him into higher profile match. He then of course needs to win and that's valid for every superstar (whether it was Punk or The Miz earlier in their career) you need the victory that will make people go "Oh maybe he has something".

The WWE often bring the superstar to the main event, have them face their main event wrestler and lose, thus making them second class main eventer. Or have them lose 2 or 3 times before finaly winning which makes people think he is not as good as the other guy.

So you have to make him win a high profile match even if it's by small package or an upset win. They rematch and he win again, then he can lose.


For Christian he need to remain face (or he could go heel with his opponent going face) and would need to say that since he came back he never got any real chances and that it's about to change, without becoming the whinny guy if he remain face. You have him start wining matches and not comedy matches with Horny. Then you have him go after Edge, either he challenge him or you put the belt on Edge and Royal Rumble title on Christian and say that if he wants to make it he has to defeat his former ally and of course have him win in the end.

Then go back to JTG like a poster above me said.
there are three currently that either didn't have answers or didn't go into much depth that i'll try to knock out pretty quickly -- "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, Christian and Kaval.

Dashing Cody Rhodes -- start by teaming up with big brother Goldust. maybe even win the tag titles in the end there. this may already seem to be predictable, but the obvious option would then be to lose the belts and have Cody attack Goldie. kinda like when Owen turned on Bret. this could be built up much the same way with a long storyline and eventual feud. after turning on Goldie, he could go on to feud with guys like Chavo, Rey and Orton... guys that are not 1st generation stars and could help elevate Cody to the main event. granted, Chavo couldn't do that on his own because he's not in the main event himself. but Orton and Rey are and they'd be believable feuds. the start with Goldie would just to help get Cody more established and to give the fans a reason to watch and care about him for awhile. plus, with Goldie, he can brush up on his ring work and mic skills, as Goldie is one of the best out there today still.

Christian -- move him to Raw and put him in a stable with Jericho and Edge. these three have amazing history together with tag titles between any combination of the two and feuds to go along with it. also, they're all from Canada, so there's some possible reason to stable them together. also, they're great in the ring and on the mic and all are very capable of being tweeners, face or heel. stick Christian in the stable. as Edge and Jericho battle for leadership, have Christian be the only one with a title in the stable and make him the unexpected leader, eventually going for the WHC. maybe this would lead to a great Cena feud... first off, Cena has feuded with all three, so there's some history there. and besides being "super Cena", Cena is also "the Marine", a la the all-american boy. so having him feud with some Canadian guys could work too. plus Edge and Jericho are already wanting to feud with Cena, so it makes sense. long story short, put Christian on Raw in a stable with Edge and Jericho and have all three feud with Cena. maybe even let them win for a change.

Kaval -- too soon to tell, but a good run on NXT couldn't hurt. i don't think he'll be this year's winner though. too many good guys in this competition that might beat him out. but win or lose, a program with Danielson could be pretty amazing. they both have pretty extensive history with the Indy Scene and so there's some not-well-known history there perhaps to dig from in a feud. plus Danielson is one of the most talked about guys around right now. stick him in a feud with Danielson and Miz in a triangle match or triangle feud. or go a different route and pair him up with Alberto del Rio and have them take out Rey. this would get immediate heat and put him in upper mid card to possible main event in the future.

next in the Main Event Scene: Kofi Kingston
Sorry RatedRPiedmont but I know Christian has a whole thread to himself on this topic, so I'll go with Dashing Cody.

Cody has something in common with Christian - both look like they are slightly lightweight to be taken seriously. I think Daddy would assist in a Harley Race style managers role. The Dream is an amazing talker and has the credentials to physically interfere in matches. As such Cody can get over as the despicable champ who never wins clean. Flair has shown how this storyline works and the amount of heat it generates.

How would you get RTruth over?
Darren Young -- maybe a bit easier here. he can team up with Cena and feud against the Nexus. arguably, he is already in the "main event" scene. he's just not in the title scene. but he was in fact in the main event at Summer slam. either way, pairing with or feuding with Cena has him in the right spot.

JTG -- nearly impossible. it's hard to care about this guy a whole lot without Shad. so maybe go the route of the old "Two Man Power Trip". pair these guys back together and say that they are out to get noticed. have them dominate the tag division, not just winning, but then beating to a pulp the challengers. maybe even give them signature weapons, like chains or something. have them stomp the tag division into the ground and win the titles. and now that they have tag gold, they say "it's not enough" and start going for singles gold. have them help each other cheat to win or at least cheat to win for a shot in say the elimination chamber or the rumble match or a money in the bank qualifying match, etc. have them help each other sneak their way into contention for the titles. as far as a credible feud... CM Punk. they steal and sneak and he's a straight edge, so he doesn't do bad things. the only danger with this... it might turn Punk face, and i love his work as a heel.

still unanswered for the Main Event: Kofi Kingston.
Kofi Kingston

This has already been shown by WWe - they just didn't have the courage of their convictions. The Kingston/ Orton feud was fantastic - gone was the laid back and slightly irratating Kofi, in came a serious ass kicker who the crowd where fully behind. Randy didn't need to come out on top in this feud to still be credible (especially as the E planned to turn him tweener). This can still be rectified - a similar feud with the SES could get him back to the same place and could move him onto a feud with a Swagger or Rhodes that would benefit all around.

The replies are coming in quick and fast, so apologies if someone has answered already, but I'll repeat RTruth.
R-Truth -- this one is tough to tell because he seems so happy all the time and is such a face. some other superstars just need a heel turn to make them more edgy and get more heat, but R-Truth most definitely does not fit that bill. but, he did have a decent feud with Miz for awhile before it was prematurely dropped for no reason. and as Miz is steadily and unquestionably rising to the main event scene, a re-visit of that feud might be the easiest and most believable way of getting R-Truth there as well.

maybe way out of left field, but could Truth do the rapper gimmick we all remember and love of John Cena? Truth is a rapper himself. could he do the heel rapper Cena gimmick to get over and get in the main event?

if the feud and climb with Miz didn't work, maybe that would help him get into the main event.

i'm still waiting to hear someone else's idea on how to get Kofi into the main event...
Ok I will answer Kofi here. For Kofi all he really needs is to deliver more aggressive promos like he is doing now and I see him in the main event very soon. He always has the crowd behind him, his matches are pretty exciting, but the only thing holding him slightly back is his promos. I like his character usually a nice guy, but when he gets pissed off he turns into this crazy SOB who destroys everything in his path. Kofi just needs a little work on promos and I see him in the main event by at least 2012. For now though I would have Dolph keep the title and have Kofi feud with the SES. Have the SES take out Big Show and then they start targeting everyone on the roster and have them target Kofi after a few victims and then go from there. A main event push in my eyes and if I am correct I believe Punk and Kofi were tag champions before, so there is some history. Also imagine the matches these two would have. Punk/Kofi feud is just what Kofi needs to get himself to the main event. And for the sake of us all change Kofi's theme song he is not Jamaican Mahn. Give him more of an African themed song with the African drum for the intro of it or what not.

Next I want know Matt Hardy-not too hard people.
Hardy: He is already over with the crowd, so he needs to stay face. Put him in a feud with CM Punk, where he wants to get revenge for his brother. Let him come out on top of that feud, possibly winning a Ladder Match or something. Or it doesnt have to be Punk. It just has to be a top heel, can also be Jericho or Edge

Now, Dolph Ziggler
Matt Hardy -- this one is tough because he's a bit rough around the edges, not the most charismatic guy ever and seems to be a bit prone to injuries. but i see two decent possibilities here to get him in the main event:

1. have him do a "Rocky" like push. he's got one shot at the title (fluke win, MITB, Rumble, Elimination Chamber, tourney, beat the clock, etc) and so decides to go into training for that one last match. he can say stuff like he's getting older and may not have much more time left in the ring. he's been thinking of retiring for x number of reasons, etc. but he goes into training for that one last chance to win the WHC. it'd be tough to pick the right opponent for him, but maybe Edge.

2. this one is a bit more involved. Matt could align himself with Kane and say that he helped Kane take out the Undertaker. the reason being is that Kane and Matt share one common aspect about their careers; they've both been held back by their brothers. so now, Kane and Matt are an alliance trying to take their rightful spot from their brothers. so now you've got a Matt Hardy / Taker feud. obviously, any feud with Taker is gonna help elevate any star and i believe that they have some history from back in Matt's "Version One" days that even saw Matt win clean over Taker. correct me if i'm wrong there. either way, have Matt team with Kane and feud with Taker using the "my brother held me back" storyline.

next up: Chavo Guerrero
Dolph Ziggler -- this one is crazy risky, but i'd say have him feud with McMahon. use a storyline like this: Vince makes terrible writing. Vince is the man that pushes "losers" like McIntyre and then has me dress up like a male cheer leader. Vince pushes the wrong guys and embarrasses the ones with real talent, etc. have Ziggler feud with McMahon. it'd be a pretty huge rub to come out on top with that one.

the other option is to stay heel (i'm assuming he'd go face with the McMahon angle since McMahon is the ultimate heel) and feud with Mysterio and have Vicki Guerrero as the major heat magnet for Dolph. Mysterio is regularly in the main event, so a feud between these two, assuming Mysterio would job to Ziggler, would be good and they could use a personal storyline about how Ziggler uses the Guerrero name to get ahead and how it's disrespectful to the Guerrero legacy, or something to that effect. this would be a great angle with Chavo, but sadly, Chavo is not so relevant anymore.

which brings me to my choice that is still on the table to discuss: Chavo.
Dolph Ziggler -- this one is crazy risky, but i'd say have him feud with McMahon. use a storyline like this: Vince makes terrible writing. Vince is the man that pushes "losers" like McIntyre and then has me dress up like a male cheer leader. Vince pushes the wrong guys and embarrasses the ones with real talent, etc. have Ziggler feud with McMahon. it'd be a pretty huge rub to come out on top with that one.

the other option is to stay heel (i'm assuming he'd go face with the McMahon angle since McMahon is the ultimate heel) and feud with Mysterio and have Vicki Guerrero as the major heat magnet for Dolph. Mysterio is regularly in the main event, so a feud between these two, assuming Mysterio would job to Ziggler, would be good and they could use a personal storyline about how Ziggler uses the Guerrero name to get ahead and how it's disrespectful to the Guerrero legacy, or something to that effect. this would be a great angle with Chavo, but sadly, Chavo is not so relevant anymore.

which brings me to my choice that is still on the table to discuss: Chavo.

Its tough cuz hes old :p and has been jobbing to Hornswoggle. So ill say, this might be bad idea ... but ... First put him in a feud with Finlay (who allies himself with Hornswoggle again) They have some match, where Finlay turns on Swoggle, making Chavo and Finlay a tag team, where they go on to win the tag belts. After they have had a run with the titles for 1-2 monts, we have Finlay turn on Chavo (making Chavo face) Finlay will say, that he was the face of the tag team. Chavo and Finlay feud, and Chavo come out on top, and will now challenge for the IC title (i dont think we can have him go further)

William Regal
To make a main-eventer, putting individual wrestlers in certain scenarios won't necessarily work. You can't dictate what the overall fan will take in and enjoy.

To make a Main Eventer, my theory is this:

1. Place him in a meaningful feud/storyline.
2. Make his personality catchy with the WWE Universe.
3. Give him valuable TV time and matches.

That's it. That'll work for anybody. That simple.

Kane was a midcarder throughout most of his long career, only to be placed in a memorable storyline, and now he's World Champion, and a Main Eventer.

Jack Swagger won Money in the Bank, cashed in, but had no meaningful feud or catchy personality. So where is he now? Back where he was pre-WrestleMania.
William Regal would obviously just have to go with a sterotypical anti-American gimmick. Has he done that before? Probably, but do it even better this time. Call out all the Merkins each and every week, talk about how the English are superior at football and drinking tea, as well has having beautiful wavy hair. Not difficult, actually.

He's a good enough wrestler and talker to make it believable, that's for sure. And like I said, the hair.

Next Up - Santino
Santino - Keep him face but give him a lucky streak from Survivor Series onwards. Koslov turns on him, then they have a match where Santino wins with The Cobra (it actually works) This gives the hold meaning as a dadly nerve attack kinda move (This is PG remember). Then Santino keeps winning with run-ins, distractions, roll ups. Have him take top guys finishing moves, Codebreaker, Spear, etc, but always get his foot on the rope, or roll to the outside. Then, have him enter the Royal Rumble early on (between 5 and 10) and win it, eliminating people with lucky tactics, or saving himself, or being saved when almost eliminated.

Win the Rumble, shot at the title at WM and have him get battered but survive luckily as afore mentioned. Then BAM! The Cobra strikes!! New WWE Champ :) He celebrates as always with the air trumpet while confetti rains down.

My pick is.....little Evan Bourne
Bourne, that's an easy one. Hire his uncle, or some other fairly close relative with a ton of talent. Despite his dirty tactics, he's sure to become a crowd favorite in the midcard due to his excellent charisma. Finally, he gets a shot at the World Title and Wrestlemania, an is successful. We all rejoice.

That is, until, his untimely death a few years later, sadly due to drugs. However, this negative is quickly turned into a postivie for Evan, who, with the support from the rest of his family, fights for the memory of his Uncle, eventually winning the Royal Rumble in shocking fashion.

After some trouble along the way, Bourne is able to get into a World Title Match at Wrestlemania, alongside Randy Orton and a returning Kurt Angle, eventually shocking the world, in an admittadly disappointing match, to win one for the underdogs and become World Champion.

Forgot to mention that your next mission is none other than Jimmy Uso.
Jimmy Uso...
I am going to with a different route here. People would say, "Lose Jey Uso", but instead I am going to say keep Jey Uso! Have these two use the family in this one. Have their very own father, "Rikishi" say that they needed to step up their game and do something almost as if they are fulfilling a dream that Rikishi didn't and that was Main Eventing. Everybody sees Jimmy Uso as being the best out of the two and they choose him to fulfill this destiny! Jimmy Uso begins to dominate taking out guys like; Yoshi Tatsu, Santino Marella, Mark Henry, Goldust, Evan Bourne, and The Hart Dynasty, Primo, and The Great Khali but not entirely beating them all by himself, but with the help of Jey Uso and Tamina. So this will be like a Family Affair to getting to the top! Eventually Jimmy Uso begins to take on guys like; R-Truth, John Morrison, The Miz, Chris Jericho, and Edge eventually The Usos (like The Nexus) begin to show they are a dominate family! Rikishi begins to show approval of the dominance within the family and then finally they get the opportunity! Jimmy Uso placed in a Tournament and goes all the way to the top to become the #1 Contender for the World Championship! Once he gets a shot he wins it placing him into the Main Event! He retains (due to rematch clause) and finally the prophecy is complete! Jimmy Uso is in the Main Event and this is where the breakdown begins when Jey Uso begins to get jealous and says that if it wasn't for Tamina and Jey Uso he wouldn't be the World Champion. Both of them exchange heated words and eventually get into matches with each other and Jimmy Uso comes out on top which leaves Jimmy Uso all alone as the face of RAW as the WWE Champion which will leave the question... Can Jimmy Uso win matches by himself? And that is how you get Jimmy Uso into the Main Event! No Mid-Card title run! No switching shows! Just team work and pure dominance!

How would you push... Ezekiel Jackson to the Main Event?

I don't believe it would be that hard to push Santino. There is a model out there to do it... DDP. DDP started out as a manager who got his butt handed to him week in, week out, then he moved into the ring tagging with his charges, then he went solo and feuded over his valet, then the TV belt, then the US belt and finally the World Belt. This happened over a number of years and given Santina's extended period as comedy jobber, it would take a similar build up to make him a credible main eventer - one thing though, I believe he'd be much more credible on Smackdown.

Santina's tag team partner Vlad - given his original failed push, how'd you get him over?
Big Zeke

A monster like Zeke needs a couple things to get over:
1) A good mouthpiece - he is more imposing with his mouth shut
2) Spoon fed jobbers and low tier opponents to build an aura
3) After the jobbers - good workers - Christian or Punk can make Zeke look fantastic; Henry or Khali *shudder*

Luke Gallows - long term
Luke Gallows:
Have Punk win the World Title then make Gallows turn on him and have him challenge Punk for the World Title and eventually have Gallows win the title and go on to defend it against others. That's pretty much all you need to do with Gallows.

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