How to incorperate a push for Orlando Jordan


Pre-Show Stalwart
Orlando Jordan was a former United States champion in the WWE, and in volved in former WWE champion John Bradshaw Layfield's faction on Smackdown as JBL's "Chief of Staff". And that was pretty much it to highlight OJ's WWE career. Oh yeah and he posed for playgirl magazine (from what I understand).

But wasn't Orlando Jordan trained by WWE hall of famer Rocky Johnson, the father of the Rock? They may be related? Yeah Orlando Jordan has the "Lady GaGa" gimmick right now in TNA. But what if TNA (if their smart enough?) gave OJ a Rocky Johnson gimmick in stead?

Remember back in Orlando's WWE days when he would use Johnson's "Ali Shuffle" move (set) into a combanation? TNA could even mention (as I'm sure they have before) that Orlando Johnson was trained by Rocky Johnson, the father of former wrestling megastar...Dwayne Johnson. Since the Rock name is copywritten by the WWE.

This can be incorperated to give OJ the push that he needs to become a main eventer in TNA wrestling! It was under their noses the whole time!
Legit, just because of his sexuality doesn't mean he has to be the overly sexual-gay "token" wrestler. OJ is a very impressive wrestler, just watch the matches when he was in the United States category on SmackDown, especially with Benoit.

Stuff like this just puts TNA down, you have Rob Terry holding (I guess) the second most prestigious title, and OJ had to job to him? WTF.

OJ really does need a new gimmick because he proved when he was with JBL he could talk the talk for heat and legit be a good wrestler
All I would like is for him to drop the gay shit, and just wrestle his ass off like we know he has/can.

I hate to say it, but I would like to see him team up with The Pope, and start a great tag team and call themselves something like Black Dynomite, or the Holy Roller's or something else catchy, and build the tag division even more..
Here's how you do it:

Keep him just the way he is. Over the top, flamboyent, and Uncomfortable for rednecks and idiots to watch.



He can't just job out to everyone. Since his new gimmick, he is yet to really win a match. When Goldust first came out, He won. ALOT. It sold the mind games side of his chacter. Jordan is very capable of that. Hes good in the ring. Just add some depth to his weirdness and then let him get over on someone. IT WILL SELL!
he is a great wrestler but his current gimick is ruining it for me just cause he is bi or gay dosent mean he needs to dress and act like that. i think anyone who is watching at home with kids nearby will turn the channel cause no one wants kids to see that like ir not a lot of kids/teens watch wrestling and when they see him dressed and acting the way he does people arent gonna watch no matter how good a wrestler he is i know i wont. change his personna heel or face dosent matter.
I think his current gimmick could work, if he'd just win some matches. I mean, he could be a really good heel, if TNA is willing to push the envelope with the character. But he has to be a threat to win & beat people up. Right now he isn't. I mean, his gimmick right now probably makes a lot of fans uncomfortable. Imagine how much more pronounced that could be if he won. Of course, TNA would need to be careful not to go too far & have the story become homophobic. I'm not sure TNA is capable of walking that fine line. But, the idea of changing the gimmick & putting him in a tag team with the Pope isn't bad either. Maybe Lethal & Pope could form that tag team.
How do you know his gimmick isn"t something he wants to do? I got a good way to push him. Put him on TV. He will be on for a few weeks the disappear. Hard to keep any momentum like that.
I hate even seeing Orlando Jordan now his current gimmick is the most disturbing thing to watch on TNA, I don't know why they change people's gimmick for the worst. First they did it with AJ when then had him imitating Flair(I didn't get that at all, Styles is, was, and forever will be better than Flair so why imitate somebody who isn't even on your level?).

And some of you think with his gimmick he would gain alot of heat if he'd win when that wouldn't happen, when people see Jordan they want to turn the channel. I'm sorry the stuff is just disgusting.
Here's how you do it:

Keep him just the way he is. Over the top, flamboyent, and Uncomfortable for rednecks and idiots to watch.



He can't just job out to everyone. Since his new gimmick, he is yet to really win a match. When Goldust first came out, He won. ALOT. It sold the mind games side of his chacter. Jordan is very capable of that. Hes good in the ring. Just add some depth to his weirdness and then let him get over on someone. IT WILL SELL!

Pretty much what I think. He can have a match on xplosion every week and beat all the up and comers.
Let's see. Orlando Jordan has no connection with the crowd. He has no charisma. He has no mic skill. He has next to no in ring skill. The only logical direction to push him is out the freaking door. But, this is TNA. Expect him to be TV Champion by year's end.
Wow... just wow @ the responses. Both the homophobia and the idea that he deserves a push are quite disturbing. OJ is exactly where he needs to be: in a comedy team with Eric Young. He is never going to be a world champion at this point and he is doing the gimmick he wants to do. It is practically the best he can hope for now.
He kind of reminds me of Adrian Adonis's Gimmick in WWE. Jordan is a good wrestler, so possibly he could get a mid card title. They need to get him out of a team with EY, he just seems to fail at everything.
Wow... just wow @ the responses. Both the homophobia and the idea that he deserves a push are quite disturbing. OJ is exactly where he needs to be: in a comedy team with Eric Young. He is never going to be a world champion at this point and he is doing the gimmick he wants to do. It is practically the best he can hope for now.

This. . .almost exactly. OJ is one of the few wrestlers I've had the pleasure of meeting in person and he's a pretty cool guy. He's also seems pretty intelligent and I honestly like him, but his in-ring work has never been nothing to write home about ever. I would really like someone to direct me to a clip of him putting on a good match with someone who's not known for carrying dead weight. While he has serviceable mic/acting/character skills I don't think they're developed enough to make up for his lack of ring work and certainly not enough to garner a push as big the one you guys seem to be suggesting.

As for the gimmick, while I do think it does slide to the offensive side every now and again, I don't think it needs tweaking. He's working the in-ring psychology part of the gimmick really well.
Let's see. Orlando Jordan has no connection with the crowd.

Wrong. I'm willing to bet no one can garner boos faster in the iMPACT! Zone (no short feat) than him.

He has no charisma.

Wrong². He has plenty of charisma, unlike most of the indy stars TNA tend to fall in love with.

He has no mic skill.

Wrong for the third time. He has far more skill on the mic than a number of his peers who are heralded otherwise.

He has next to no in ring skill.

Wrong for the fourth time – you're on a roll here. He's more than adequate.

The only logical direction to push him is out the freaking door. But, this is TNA. Expect him to be TV Champion by year's end.

Nothing agaisnt OJ he is pretty good in every aspect but with his current gimmick he just makes people wanna puke.When i saw him rubbing his ass on Pope...o my God..i went str8 to the bathroom.
I don't understand the claims that Jordan has no in-ring skills. Granted, most of his matches in TNA have been shitty, but that's because he's basically only worked with Tomko and Rob Terry, two guys known for their shitty in-ring work.

Right when he debuted, before using the bisexual gimmick, OJ worked a really good match against The Pope. There's no reason this guy shouldn't be used on a more regular basis. But that would require TNA to structure the belt picture in a way that makes sense, which the a clearly miles away from accomplishing.
The only push OJ should get is off a cliff. (See what I did there?)

Really though, he's pretty shit. Seriously, what has he ever done? He's had one PPV match since coming to TNA, and it was one of the worst all year. Don't blame Big Rob for that either, he's had plenty of decent enough matches.

I'm not saying OJ is completely worthless. The creepy bisexual gimmick is actually something different and interesting. I'm not sure where you can actually go with it, but it's good for comedy's sake.

Also, he could be useful if TNA ever needs someone to impersonate the Pope.
He doesn't get nearly a 1/5 of the heat TNA expected him to. Some of his matches are generally devoid of any heat at all (not that wrestling Rob Terry was helping things). he's ok on the mic though, that 'O-zone' segment surprised me. but his gimmick....its deliberately meant to incite heat by exploiting any homophobic feelings in the audience, I mean rubbing your ass on other wrestlers doesn't make me hate him, it just makes me wanna hurl.
Orlando Jordan is terrible, it is as simple as that. GD suggests that OJ is not "completely worthless," well I disagree, I think OJ is, in fact, totally worthless and if TNA is "trimming the fat" these days by releasing worthless guys like Homicide, it's time for Orlando Jordan to go too.

The creepy bisexual gimmick is exactly that, creepy and a gimmick. It has no place in pro wrestling if you ask me. It doesn't have the capacity to go anywhere in my opinion. It makes me change the channel whenever he comes on and for a struggling promotion trying to increase their audience, the last thing they need is a deterrent to watch with no upside. I don't find it comedic in the least, it's distasteful and gross to everyone. If you're heterosexual, it's just revolting to watch. And I would think if you were to be gay, it would be insulting as well, making the guy a disgusting heel just because of his orientation.

Get this guy off my TV and now. If not, myself and anyone else who feels the same way will do it ourselves, via changing the channel, the last thing TNA needs.
the only push jordan needs is one OUT THE DOOR.

regardless how shocking he thinks his gimmick is, NOBODY cares. Goldust acted kinda ambiguius when he came on the scene 20 yrs ago... Orlando Jordan isnt impressive with or without straight hair; with or without pink tights; etc. his 2 week angle with rob terry was awful. then he attacks jesse neal ans shannin moore backstage and leave his wild card...and then NOTHING to follow it up. (we all forgot about that huh?) then a match with the pope...

i've said it before...the TNA roster is way too big to have a guy trying to be flamboyant or controversial once every 3 weeks.

maybe if tna cut about a third of the roster...then he's have an opportunity at a big push. but who would care?
At first I was really turned off by him and his over the top flamboyant 'gimmick'
but when I saw how dirty he can get, the bitting and then I was watching one night and I was like WTF he's grinding an opponent?

It was like a car wreck to watch but I really liked it, he is so sexual it's kinda creepy.
For as much as a powder puff he dresses like, he is awesome in the ring.
I don't have a problem with him anymore, I like it cause all the other people are like ummm ok you can like stand on that side of the room. Different is exciting...

Him Grinding the pope was just funny as hell
His new gimmick is actually interesting compared to his previous work in the WWE. In WWE I questioned what was the point of him, he just came off as uncomfortable and awkward. It always bothered me. (I didn't know he was gay 'till he appeared on TNA, he just didn't interest me enough 'till then)

Now that he's slimmed down from his WWE Hulk look and changed his gimmick, it works for me. He seems to have loosened up and is more confident in the ring. I love his bubblegum pink, how he does his hair and especially his eye make-up. He's definitely a step up from plain ol' manscara, like Taker uses.

OJ's booty grinding caught me off-guard, but it was amusing! Was kinda creepy, but it was priceless and appeased the fangirl in me. Much more acceptable than when I was at a show and Billy Gun (With Chuck) was dry-humping Rikishi's butt. Now that was disturbing. :lmao:
I don't mind OJ. I also think his gimmick is interesting, if not eye catching. I wouldn't say he is void of charisma, I just don't think he fits the gimmick. OJ strikes as someone who is much more reserve. Wearing hot pink tights and simulating sexual actions is anything but reserve.

Maybe if he came across like Percy Watson does, the gimmick wouldn't be so bad. I ain't calling Percy gay, I am just saying he is loud, fun, goofy, and damn proud of it.
He still wrestles? I just havent seen him in a while. He sucks period. No good in wwe, he sure as hell aint good in tna. Mid card at best. He tries too hard and it looks like everything he does is being told to him through an ear piece. OJ time to go to Japan where they love anyone who wrestles.

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