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how to improve superstars


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok, i know its not a big priority for WWE, but i have some genral ideas for this.

cross brand matches Since anyone from either brand can compete on Superstars, why not make it cross brand? This could create great matches between people who havent ever been on the same brand.

title matches in which the title changes hands Now if you notice, everytime there is a title match on Superstars, the title doesnt change hands. If the title changes hands once in a while people will actually watch Superstars as there might be something important on it.

Now that youve heard my opinons, i want to hear yours. What do you think? Could these ideas work? Does superstars even need to be improved?
I really don't think enough people watches. Or will ever bother to watch it. At least not enough for WWE to bother putting championship matches on the show. These things are being taped before RAW and SmackDown and it normally has the champion(s) in action during both shows. In that way they would need to have the champion wrestle twice a night.

And the problem with that is the legitimacy towards the crowd. If the champion sells enough to come off as "hurt" after the match. Then it wouldn't make sense to have him wrestle in front of the same crowd the same night. Even if it's a dark match that it's taped through.

I do agree that there's a potential in giving the cross brand matches. Give someone from SmackDown a chance to fight say Chris Jericho to get over. But the problem is that Superstars sometimes just features matches from rarely used people like Primo. Or people that could use the extra air time because they're not in a feud anyway like MVP.

I do however think that one thing that could help improve Superstars a bit is to feature the talent like they did during the start of this. They had actual main event talent and people that mattered featuring. They had Undertaker I believe. Chris Jericho and Randy Orton.

This is people that draw. They need talent that draws. But even with that it's still hard to feature due to the potential of two matches a night. And for that to work they would have to have RAW superstars working on Tuesdays as well. And vice versa for the Smackdown superstars for it to not come off as two matches per night.

And in the end. Superstars is the least important show of WWE. Do they really need to improve it? It doesn't further storylines in terms of segments (Sometimes it does. But it's pretty damn rare). And it's all in all not that interesting of a show. At least I don't find it nearly as interesting as RAW or SmackDown.
I really don't think having cross brand matches would help improve Superstars all that much. You have to remember, Superstars is a show where many mid card wrestlers and Divas are given time to wrestle. It's time they usually don't get on their own brand. Besides not too many people watch Superstars anyway, and I find it hard to believe too many people would get excited to see a Gail Kim VS Rosa Mendes match or Primo VS Caylen Croft. Now of course Superstars might throw us a bone every now and then, and give us a match with Christian, The Undertaker, or Randy Orton, but appearances by those wrestlers can be very rare.

Also, I don't think having title changes on Superstars would be a good idea. Again, not too many people watch this show. Imagine if Kofi Kingston and Cody Rhodes had a damn good match for the IC title, and Cody won the title. This would be something special, and a lot of people would miss it. Sure, you might be able to catch to the match on YouTube, or the highlights from it on WWE.com, but it wouldn't be the same, and WWE would miss out on a lot of viewers.
Also, I don't think having title changes on Superstars would be a good idea. Again, not too many people watch this show. Imagine if Kofi Kingston and Cody Rhodes had a damn good match for the IC title, and Cody won the title. This would be something special, and a lot of people would miss it. Sure, you might be able to catch to the match on YouTube, or the highlights from it on WWE.com, but it wouldn't be the same, and WWE would miss out on a lot of viewers.

This would only be a problem the first time IMO. More people would watch the title matches if there was a chance the title would change hands. Also think of this match. Evan Bourne vs. Dolph Ziggler. Or Cody Rhodes vs. R-truth. And this could open the doors to a divas champion vs. champion match. And cross brand matches would be good around royal rumble time or mitb at WM. Cross brand qualifying match. It would also be helpful around bragging rights.
Doing anything content-wise with Superstars would be a tough task until the show switches television stations. WGN America is not carried in all households, and that in and of itself holds it back from being better programming. Until that network is carried on all cable providers or the show goes to another channel that is carried in more households, the show won't get enough ratings to justify having bigger events occur on the program.

Here in New York, Cablevision is our top cable provider. In Connecticut, New Jersey, Long Island, and Westchester and Rockland counties, Cablevision competes solely with Verizon for cable viewers. Cablevision currently does not have WGN America as part of their lineup. Thus, one of the biggest markets in the country does not offer this program due to not offering the channel. I would almost guarantee that if Cablevision picked up WGN, ratings would see at least a slight increase right away. I'm not sure if it would be enough to justify doing big things right away, but it would be a start.

In order to start making things happen on Superstars, it has to be guaranteed that an audience is watching. Once a substantial increase is reached when all households have the ability to watch the program if they choose, then it would be wise to have some bigger stories play out on Superstars, thus making the program even more "must see" and increasing viewership even more. Like I said though, first step is getting the damn thing available to everyone!
Ugh...SuperStars....the black sheep of the McMahon Dynasty...I'm not even sure WWE management knows what this shows purpose is.
I say overhaul it maybe showcase some of the developmental talent (bring in some FCW talent thats not second or third generation talent and let 'em shine), give air time to some of the up and coming mid carders as well...in quality matches. Make it a powerful third brand even.
Frankly the only thing Superstars in its current incarnation has done for me is confirm that GoldDork is in fact not dead and is still on the roster.
The best way to improve Superstars - get rid of it.

Combine the 2 hours of TV between that and NXT and create a new brand. Get the jobbers from both shows and give them some meaning. Combine that with the NXT lot and you've got a show that might just be worth watching (Not on Smackdown level ratings - but that's not necessarily a failure).

I know you might say without the superstar power it won't draw ratings, but superstars was drawing a 1.0 ish (I know that's dropped in the last few weeks) and if you made this feel a little bit more like a brand, I'm sure the viewers would be atleast at the level of iMPACT!

Give it a general manager (Regal anyone?) and a belt (TV title), and it'd be a product worth tuning in for. At the moment its just matches with no connection with stars that aren't in other fueds - who wants to watch that?
To be perfectly honest, I don't believe that it'd take very much effort to improve Superstars. Superstars is pretty much a throwaway show. You'll often see pretty good matches on the show, but the show is ultimately meaningless as nothing significant really goes on. It does serve a purpose of giving wrestlers signed to the WWE television time that they might not otherwise have on Raw or Smackdown.

I think that if they connected the show to storylines happening on Raw and Smackdown and featured matches featuring the bigger stars in the WWE that the show could become significant. But, by doing that, it takes away from the purpose of promoting wrestlers seldom seen on Raw or Smackdown. The show typically draws a 0.8 or 0.9 Nielsen Rating each week, which is good when you consider the overall format of the show. Having big stars in the WWE appear regularly on the show for matches could help, as could advertising and hyping the show on Raw and Smackdown. For instance, the opportunity to see a really good 20-25 minute match with John Cena & Sheamus on Superstars would probably draw viewers to the show.
It's just like Heat but not as good, it gives the wrestlers who don't wrestle on the main brands something to do...

I agree with your idea of the cross brand matches, because its true, BUT, a big BUT...

The Smackdown superstars tapings take place before a Smackdown show and the Raw superstars match tapings take place before a live Raw show..so there is no way you can get a Raw vs Smackdown match, as they don't be backstage at the same time..

Your other idea...changing titles? Has there ever been title defended on Superstars??
The purpose of Superstars is to balance the roster out. The wrestlers are to get better before they get called up, similar to HEAT and Velocity when the WWE did a brand split.

The best why to get it hype is to have people watch it. The higher the rating the better the wrestlers. Low rating means, they just don't give a fuck.
All the show is now, is TV time wrestlers that people are still interested in but wouldn't really get much time on SD! or RAW. There are a few ways to improve superstars.

1. The easiest thing they can do is just book better matches or book RAW vs. SD! stars sometimes.
2. They could move the show from Thursday to Sunday (that way they could do stuff at the PPVs and have at least one live show a month like Heat did).
3. Or they could get a new carrier for the show as it seems that not many people outside of the Central time zone get the Chicago superstation WGN.
4. But the most interesting (and my favorite) thing they could do would be to restore the TV Title. Have the TV Title be non-brand exclusive, then there would be a reason for cross brand matches on superstars. It could be a title for people like Tatsu, Ryder, Ziggler, Masters, Chavo, Santino and an entry level Title for all the new 20+ NXT wrestlers.

PS, I'm digging all the RAW TALENT sigs that everyone seems to have.
when there is a cross brand match it should be billed as a big deal, not something you see on superstars every week, the same goes with title changes. If those things happened on raw and smackdown every week and even every month on ppv it would ruin the integrity of the seperate brands as well as that of the title! Both of those events should be built up to be be big exciting deals because if they arent nothing they do will ever be a big deal and most people would quickly loose interest. Besides the cross brand matches wouldnt be as simple to do as you say because superstars isnt recorded in 1 night, its rare that both raw and smackdown stars are in the building at the same time when superstars is recording. At that time raw is probably doing a house show elsewhere or something?? So i dont think your idea to improove superstars would work
This would only be a problem the first time IMO. More people would watch the title matches if there was a chance the title would change hands. Also think of this match. Evan Bourne vs. Dolph Ziggler. Or Cody Rhodes vs. R-truth. And this could open the doors to a divas champion vs. champion match. And cross brand matches would be good around royal rumble time or mitb at WM. Cross brand qualifying match. It would also be helpful around bragging rights.

Do you really think Vince McMahon would want to put this much effort into Superstars? I just can't see too many major title matches taking place on Superstars. Superstars is used to give wrestlers such as Jillian, Goldust, Primo, The Bella Twins, and Yoshi a chance at some spotlight, because they rarely get it on their own brands. Title matches DO happen and titles have changed hands on free TV before, but this always takes place on Raw or Smackdown. These are shows more people tend to watch.

And as far as cross brand matches go, they do take place every now and then on Raw and Smackdown. Especially every year right around Wrestlemania time. Having feuds for championships on Superstars just wouldn't make that much sense.
the simple thing to do to make it a good show is to start and continue storylines and angles on it, no specific or unusual idea are needed. Just make it a third show that carries on angles and does things to promote the upcoming raw and smackdown
The best thing they could do is bring back the Cruiserweight Title and have it be exclusive to Superstars. This would give many of the cruiserweights something to do, plus free up time on the main shows. AND/OR, WWE can make Superstars TV-14. Since nobody watches anyways, making it TV-14 won't hurt the company's image much.
Basically they need to make the feuds mean something. Nobody wants to see Yoshi Tatsu vs Zack Ryder every week for no reason. Give them a story to the back up why they are wrestling. Maybe some kind of tournament for a number 1 contenders spot. Let them have a little backstage promo where Ryder continually insults Yoshi's character or something. Anything.

Give the people who need the work a little mic time. Let Primo get some time to cut a heel promo. A little character enhancement would make me watch the show more.
I cant watch Superstars, so I cant tell what exactly needs to improve. But the first part of that sentence was the important part.

There are plenty of people in the country who cant watch Superstars. That is my one problem with the show and one thing that needs to be improved. Being that its just a wrestling show, I hear that some really good matches take place on Superstars. But most of the time, they go unseen. I would like to see the show move on to another network. One that is with more cable providers. I know I would like to watch the show but I cant because I dont get whatever channel its on.

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