How To Handle Kofi Kingston


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Just to start things off, im pretty new to the forums and this is my first thread, so i tried my best to do this right but im sorry if i did something wrong.
anyway, so during the WWE draft Kofi Kingston landed on SMACKDOWN! and he has already dropped his crazy jamaican gimmick that he started his career with. however, the only thing that had a distinct change was his accent, he still does the whole boom boom boom act, same theme song, and same color scheme for the most part other than maybe wearing red and black trunks every now and then.
this gimmick got him onto the scene, but it WILL NOT cut it in the main event,
i would completely repackage him, keep him a face due to his crowd pleasing moves, but maybe make him like chris jericho was as a face. jericho had high energy and was still up-tempo in his talking, but wasnt stupid funny like kingston. have him be funny as in heckling and making fun of other wrestlers, not looking like he doesnt belong in the ring with his niceness.
what would you do with him?
Kofi's fine the way he is. Granted that there are certain things he needs to imporve upon such as his mic skills but that's about it. You can't be a Jericho or HBK, they did thier gimmicks it was sucessfull and legendary. If he wants to be champion he needs to create his own gimmick. Kofi should be "I'm a nice guy, but don't fuck with me." type and he showed instances of that with Sheamus and Orton. He'll be nice kiddy no problem type but when it's crunch time he'll fuck with your car in front of your face. He's being pushed on Smackdown on the first night beating Jericho the third time and I have to say, it'd make him very credible actually putting it out there in a promo against an egomaniac gimmick of Jericho. So, as of know let Kofi be Kofi.
Kofi doesn't need changing at all. He has grown a tad more serious ever since his feud with Randy Orton and that is fine for him.

His move to Smackdown is the best thing that could have happened to him. He has the talent to be a Rey Mysterio type attraction, one who the kids are incredibly behind. He has the chance to shine at the top of the card, and a feud with CM Punk down the line will be incredible.

His gimmick is fine, his entrance is good. All he needs to do is keep up his performance levels, cut out the little mistakes and WWE have a terrific character to help lead the Smackdown brand.
Theres no need for a change with Kingston. The gimmick is so over with the crowd, a change could easily ruin it.

I can't see Kingston being a face Jericho..Its was something that Jericho did and Kingston should have his own gimmick, which i believe is the gimmick he has now.

Being moved to Smackdown was great for him though, easily a place to showcase himself.
I think as long as Kingston keeps his head he is fine. Like said above he has gotten more serious and it has helped his gimmick a lot. Smackdown is also a much better place for him its a more up-temp show now a big ground and pound show like RAW is.
I think Kingston is fine the way that he is, especially for the role that he is going to have on smackdown. Everyone talks about how he is going to move into the mainevent, but i dont see this happening in the near future. His gimmick, attire and everything else is right at the moment and who knows he may be intercontinental champ very soon (as in up and comin smackdown.
My opinnion leave him as he is, management and smackdown in general are being very good with him at the moent anyway.:banghead:
Not EVERY character needs to be repackaged. Kofi is over, and he's doing fine as he is. His push dropped dead in the water, but Kofi still has insane support from it which shows just how over he got. He'll succeed on SD (unless they feed him to McIntyre).
So theres rumors surfacing around the IWC and some backstage talk of giving a major push to either MVP or Kingston andt turning them heel..problem is they havent picked which one..

So my question for you is..who would you rather see get the push and turn heel??

I say give it to MVP..we've seen him as a heel and know what kind of heat he can draw...for him to get a major push would be not saying a world champ but maybe IC champ...or even high profile main events...

The second reason is..i just dont see Kofi as this big star everyone does..hes not marketable...and i cant see him as a heel not sure it would work..i mean his charecter is already confused already..a Jamacian from Ghana Africa with no accent but had one when he debuted...and look MVP is like what 34 or 35..he doenst have much time left in his career kofi is young and has more time than MVP..if something is going to happen for MVP besides being a mid-carder..its gotta happen now

so tell em your thoughts..who do you see benifiting from the push and who deserves the push and heel turn..
I'd say MVP 'cause I've already seen him as a heel and enjoyed it. Kofi seems too "happy" 'cause I've only seen him as a face, but if they were to do a great job with a heel turn, then maybe I'd feel different. Who knows.

And they dropped the Jamaican part from Kofi, so he isn't a "Jamaican from Ghana".
Now heres the thing Kofi Kingston did one of the most memorable things ever on maybe the greatest heel ever Randy Orton i mean you still see MSG Boom Drop clip shown i mean its going to stick but the thing is Kofi was supposed to use this push to be taken to the next level i mean at one point he was in the ring with orton, sheamus and cena i mean wow! Now WWE really screwed up the push though i mean after all it was his chance to win the breakthrough battle royal then oh so what he has another chance but nope screw the rumble then at elimination chamber! NOPE! NOPE NOPE! it was so frustrating being a Kofi fan McMahon i sware has a pick on the high flyers cause thats what it seems like oh im sorry i left out something else MONEY IN THE BANK and i was thinking oh kofi will win it easily! but then REALLY WWE??? REALLY? Not Christian Not Ziggler Not MVP Not even McIntyre the dude who promised to go undefeated until wrestlemania remember that? well Santino ended up coming down and beating him then SWAGGER WINS THE WORLD TITLE! REALLY???? I mean Kofi can never catch a break then finally putting off a HUGE win over Captain Charisma then McIntyre pulls one of those Batista things where you just come in and take your title pretty much and kofi dont even get his rematch next week REALLY? i sware the only weakness are his mic skills i want to say he will be fine but WWE is bad at showcasing talent Example: Evan Bourne !
I hope he doesn't get the usual treatment all of McIntyre's enemies get, because not only is he better than McIntyre in every way, it would essentially fuck Kofi's career. I think they should keep him the way he is now, maybe a theme song change, but he's good the way he is now, and with a little more mic time and some improvement on it, he will be a legit contender, as long as Vince doesn't prevent him from being the champ just because he's black.
Kofi is way over with the crowd, he has high energy and pulls of some crazy moves.His finisher can come out of nowhere and it brings impact.His music is one of a kind and you know that Kofi is coming when his music hits.The colours he uses I couldn't care less about.I don't look at what a wrestler is wearing I just watch what they do in the ring.So I don't think that Kofi does need a change, just leave him as he is.
I know i think vince is worried because he feels oh shit kofi is the IC Champ but hes black, well he will lose it at the next ppv its like i feel vince hates all the blacks and shit i love it though how he screws blacks and high flyers from contention but yet the guys who arent true to wwe like kurt angle, king booker who just left they still got title shots its bull also i know this happend awhile ago but i feel kenny dykstra had a shitload of talent i saw him as a zack ryder that had potential to be a breakout star so i just hope wwe doesnt do what they did to kenny dykstra again this time with kofi kingston

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