How the hell was your day?

Spaceman Spif

Getting Noticed By Management
Mine really was pretty damn good. I felt very productive at work, gotta a lot of price changes done and got my department looking really nice, had a good talk with my associate about productivity and accountability, I feel he finally listened and will get his butt in gear.

I got home, watched The Office, some Family Guy, had hamburgers and fries and am now drinking beer out my Homer beer mug that can hold two and a half beers and I am on my fourth mug. My house is warm, the housework is done, the wife is reading and I'm on the computer and listening to music.

So all in all a hell of a good day, how was your's?
Got some nude cell pics from this chick. Who wants to bet on how long it will take for some wanker to ask for pics.
Good. Got caught up on a lot of errands, had a nice lunch, had dinner with my brother and his fiance, and am now currently watching Season 2 of Lost via Netflix Instant Watch. love the fact that your repping The Office and Family Guy.
My day was pretty meh. Nothing stands out as particularly good or bad, except that we did end up going out to eat at Longhorn Steak House and I had these insanely delicious chili cheese bacon fries, and a salad.
I worked. Food Service sucks in winter weather, as the whole redneck town I live thinks the fuckin' sky is fallin' down on 'em. And, they all want their final meal to be where I work.

Stopped off on the way home, picked up a case of Rolling Rock, and am currently watching a DVR'd episode of Dollhouse. I less than three Eliza.

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