The [Official] Bad Day Bitching Thread

The only bad days are the one's you allow to be folks. take it from someone who has seen/ experienced some pretty crazy fuckin shit
Almost broke up with my girlfriend last night. That isn't cool, considering we have been dating for 28 months, and live together. Funny thing is, our neighbours got in a huge yelling fight (I sure hate them, they always have people over that parking in my parking spot), and they totally broke up in front of the entire neighbourhood. I also just recieved news after my girlfriend and I were teetering on the edge of distruction that one of my best friends ended her 3 year relationship. Luckily when it was all said and done, I got to stay an unsingle man, unlike the other two groups of couples. It wasn't so much my bad day, more like the bad day of couples.
Ah. I just found it ironic that I awaken on Sept 11th of all days to see people bitching and complaining. you should all feel lucky to have such things to bitch about. Sorta disgusts me really.
To be honest, a bad day is a bad day. If you want to judge it on such a broad spectrum as being brutally murdered, yeah, it could be worse. In the same way, it could be much better if you spread the spectrum to include billionaires that have their ever whim catered to.
not really. I could be a billionaire, and not be much happier or content than I am now. But having my legs broken and being cooked alive would make my day considerably more shitty.
the amount of better as a billionaire <<<<<<<<< the amount of worse having your legs and arms broken and being cooked alive. probably after your wife and family were raped and murdered.

just sayin
I'm just saying that nearly everything we do is trivial in comparison to such extremes which in the civilized, Western cultures we live are something we will likely never directly experience. It's a luxury that means half of us can even operate. If I were to put everything on such a scale, I'd probably just sit in one place all day, bored of my mediocrity.

Besides, I'm pretty sure everyone was talking about their own personal scale - the best day they ever had at 10 and the worst at 1, say, and talking about the days that scored 2s and 3s.
and thier 2's and 3's are considerabley less bad than most others who have -100 days, and yes even in western civilization. I enjoy luxories such as sleeping in an actual bed, and being able to drink a soda whenever I want now. not so some years ago. Things could be far far worse. and the general society these days is to bitch and complain about thier lives, when the vast majority of everyone else would love to have such trivial concerns.

All the times back when I had nothing, I wished that. all the times ive been in the middle of foreighn lands soaked in blood, ive wished I had such things to complain about, and not have my current concerns.

Am I so extraordinary?? no, I dont belive so. People should count their blessings, rather than sit around figuring things to bitch about.
There was a great line in the Sopranos on this topic, I wish I could remember it now. It was from the psychiatrist, Dr. Melfi. It was something about being lucky to have such a luxury, and it being perfectly reasonable to shift your point of view to such trivial matters, considering how most of us will only have such exceptionally bad days when a relative dies, etc.
Eh, even then. The only bad days are the ones you allow to be. You make up your own mind what your attitude and spirit are going to be every day.

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