How Should The MCMG Return?


Championship Contender
With stirrings that Shelley and Sabin are on their way back to TNA in the near future, how do you think they should return?

Before Shelley's injury they were obviously teasing a split with the miscommunications that led to them losing the titles and failing to get them back in a rematch. But now that months have passed, should TNA scrap any breakup plans and push the Guns back toward the tag titles as a unified team? With Fortune's face turn, do the Guns need to come back as heels to go after Beer Money?

Or, with rumors that the X-Division is going to get new emphasis beginning with the next PPV, are Shelley and Sabin needed there? Would you bring them back as a tag team first and continue the break-up angle with one guy going heel, or simply return them as singles competitors with no storyline?
I'd bring them back in as a team for sure. I'd suggest a heel turn, but they (like probably 90% of the TNA roster) are probably way too over in the Impact Zone for that. I wouldn't break them up, because there's too much value in them as a team to do so. Bring them back in and have them feud with Beer Money. We all love those matches. Although, that's hardly an original idea I've come up with.
I wouldn't want them to feud with Beer Money AGAIN. Despite the fact that they could be heels, which will add some color to this feud, the matches will be awesome but identical in style as the last 5-6 they had.

Personally, as great as their matches with Beer Money were, I was getting tired of it. Sweet wrestling is nice, but between the same people over and over again? Not my cup of tea.

The Guns need to split in my opinion. Whether one of them will turn heel or they'll just shake hands and call it a day, it's fine by me. The X-Division needs singles wrestlers. Shelley and Sabin could be to the X-Division what Daniels and AJ were to the X-Division back in the day.

It's time for a change, and a possible split would make their imminent re-uinting that much sweeter, plus, a singles run for Shelley and Sabin could do wonder to their mic skills and basically establish themselves as singles guys. Who knows, one of them might prove to be Main Event material. It's the best way to keep the TEAM of the Motor City Machine Guns fresh. Take them off the tag-team radar for a while, beef up the X-Division, give them both solid runs with the title and then reunite them probably next year.

The tag-team division will have to take one for the team here. Big blow, but it's necessary. TNA was built on the X-Division while having a few nice tag-teams. They have the nice tag-teams, they just need the backbone.
I think you make a good point about MCMG breaking up and both men going as singles competitors in the X-Division. But I see two negative possibilities:

One of them might end up a Marty Janetty - A great amount of tag teams that split up ended with this story. One man rises to the top, while the other sinks to the bottom. On the other hand, I dont think this can happen with this particular tag team because both Sabin and Shelley are insanely talented in the ring.

One less tag team in the division - I know the TNA's tag team division isn't what it used to be, [and dont get me started with WWE's tag team division because we all know whats wrong there] but MCMG might be the only tag team to save it, along with Beer Money. The other tag teams are Generation Me, Ink Inc., which we haven't seen in a while, and Eric Young & Orlando Jordan, but I really dont consider this a tag team as more as just a joke.

We'll just see what TNA creative comes up with THIS time.
Instead of splitting the MCMG up they should split Generation Me up since it would make sense. Their saying is all about ME which means 1 person. They should make the move to the X Division because their style fits that a lot better.

Anyways I would have the Guns come back and work their way through the tag division. I would also have the Hardys come out and challenge them on a special Impact. I would keep Beer Money and MCMG away from each other until around June or July and keep it going until BFG where MCMG win it back. Then at BFG that starts the heel turn for Robert Roode.
I'm not sure how I feel about MCMG splitting up because they are arguably the best tag team in wrestling right now. However, with the X Division supposedly being given more attention to in the future, it would make sense to do so. It may be best in the long run. The tag team division could use some fresh blood anyway in order for it not to get stale. Then one of the current tag teams could step up (maybe Ink Inc.) and take over as TNA's top tag team. Of course, that would be assuming both Beer Money and MCMG both split up.

Besides, like I said, it may be good long term. The both of them could move on to bigger and better things as singles competitors as long as they both succeed as opposed to one being the Janetty of the team.
The way I would like to see is a split up.These two wrestler are extremely talented an a team,But in my opinion even more so by themselves.I would like to see them come out do a promo on how it was fun being a team,but its time to get back to the basics ofTNA which is the Xdivision which TNA was built.Its time for shelley an sabin to reestablish the division that built this company.
I'd like to see them come back with a more intense attitude. Maybe bad, maybe just intense. Either way, they could come back and make it seem that they had to refocus. They don't want to bicker and all that, they want to win. So, they go after the championships hard.

After a while, they are too talented to stay together forever. So, what will happen is that they will feud. Maybe over the X Division title. Either way, I think this is the way to go about it.
They can be still a team while in the X Division as they've did this before a few years ago over the X Division title. It like sayin break-up DX so Trips can go for the IC and HBK can go for the US title. Don't ever breakup the GUNS.
Here's an idea...

The Guns come out on Impact and announce their return and focus on getting back the tag titles. Out comes Bischoff, who says that Immortal needs a tag team to represent them after Gunner and Murphy dropped the ball. The Guns decline in a very sarcastic and insulting way, pissing Bischoff off. He then says that they're welcome to chase gold, but books them in a number-one contender match for the X-Division Title.

Later that night, Sabin wins the match over Shelley when the ref counts a pinfall and doesn't see that Shelley got hit foot on the rope. Of course Shelley brings this up and asks for a rematch, but Sabin says no and then throws some jab about how if their roles were reversed Shelley would do the same thing. This causes serious friction, but not a total split.

Later, Sabin wins the X-Division Title and then Shelley asks for the first title shot. Sabin keeps trying to duck him and eventually it becomes a full-blown feud with Sabin obviously turning heel. I think this would make a lot of sense and be a smooth transition for them into the X-Division while also making for a believable heel turn for Sabin.

Whadda ya think?
Here's an idea...

The Guns come out on Impact and announce their return and focus on getting back the tag titles. Out comes Bischoff, who says that Immortal needs a tag team to represent them after Gunner and Murphy dropped the ball. The Guns decline in a very sarcastic and insulting way, pissing Bischoff off. He then says that they're welcome to chase gold, but books them in a number-one contender match for the X-Division Title.

Later that night, Sabin wins the match over Shelley when the ref counts a pinfall and doesn't see that Shelley got hit foot on the rope. Of course Shelley brings this up and asks for a rematch, but Sabin says no and then throws some jab about how if their roles were reversed Shelley would do the same thing. This causes serious friction, but not a total split.

Later, Sabin wins the X-Division Title and then Shelley asks for the first title shot. Sabin keeps trying to duck him and eventually it becomes a full-blown feud with Sabin obviously turning heel. I think this would make a lot of sense and be a smooth transition for them into the X-Division while also making for a believable heel turn for Sabin.

Whadda ya think?

Your idea has merit but it would take too long to play out the way you suggested. Me i would turn The Motor City Machine Guns heel, but only if they could prove that they are better than «The Immortal Goons» ( My name for the tag-team of Gunner & Murphy) after a short series of matches.
Your idea has merit but it would take too long to play out the way you suggested. Me i would turn The Motor City Machine Guns heel, but only if they could prove that they are better than «The Immortal Goons» ( My name for the tag-team of Gunner & Murphy) after a short series of matches.

Why would it take long? Heck, you could do it within a few weeks. One night's the return promo and match, then Sabin wins the X-Division title a couple weeks later, and then you start the feud. Badda-bing, badda-boom!

As for your suggestion, why the heck would the Guns need to prove that they can beat Gunner and Murphy? They're former tag champs and have been touted as one of the two best tag teams in the world (along with Beer Money) as recently as a few months ago. Doesn't make sense to me.
Why would it take long? Heck, you could do it within a few weeks. One night's the return promo and match, then Sabin wins the X-Division title a couple weeks later, and then you start the feud. Badda-bing, badda-boom!

As for your suggestion, why the heck would the Guns need to prove that they can beat Gunner and Murphy? They're former tag champs and have been touted as one of the two best tag teams in the world (along with Beer Money) as recently as a few months ago. Doesn't make sense to me.

Ok maybe it could work the way you said it. As for the Guns proving they can beat Gunner/Murphy, well maybe if you consider that Bischoff feels that the Guns are too small to beat Gunner/Murphy and earn a spot in Immortal it could work.
I like the Heel idea since Beer money is now face, but let them come back on a war path. Hype up their return for like 3 or 4 weeks kind of a mystery type thing (note not referring to the undertaker type) but with little clues to kind of hype the return. Like on week one after the promo runs pan to the back and see on of the members of gen me taken out. Then next week a member of the x-division, the next week a member of Immortal or fourtune. Upon their return they aren't taking prisoners and want the x-division and tag-team titles along with the tv title so they alone have 4 belts. Upon winning them have them Join Immortal if thats what they want or get a shady manager in the sorts of the brain or Mr. fuji so they can keep it all for a while.

Just a thought.
I dont think mcmg should be split up not unless they have another tagteam ready to come in and take their place, which I doubt they have. I also dont think they should just come back and get a title shot right away(ala Sting). They should come back and try to make other tagteams look credible, help the division look stronger.

Maybe challenge the Hardys to some matches by saying they want to see who the better team is, cause of how popular the hardys were, and that they never thought they were that good and want them to prove it.:shrug:
The Guns have only had one title reign so far. I know they were teasing a split, but I would like to see them get mutliple reigns on the scoreboard before breaking up.

Heel/face whatever... they also need more mic time. Shelley is awesome on the mic, he just is never given the opportunity, and Sabin is indeed improving. Both guys are awesome in the ring and I would love to see them in a feud with Kurt soon. Angle is getting older and I would love for him to start putting talent over the way he did for Des Wolfe in 2009.

The Machine Guns could even be like D-X and move to the main event scene much like L.A.X. did in 2006 how they were on eof the company's top heels even though they were a tag team. More title reigns then split them for singles runs...
I say don't break them up as in turning them against each other. Do it like they are burned out on tag wrestling. They both want to give a singles run a try. Still have them be best friends and still have them tag on occasions. But their primary focus will be on the X-Division title. Do it for about a year, and then bring them back together to make another run at the Tag Titles.

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