How Should It Be Survivor Series


The Greatest King Of All
How should survivor series be since it is the 10 year aniversary of the wcw/ecw vs wwf the last wwf survivor series one of the best survivor series of all time and the location of MSG i think they should do somethin big like a huge 10 man elimination match team attitude vs team wwe

Team WWE: John Cena Edge Randy Orton Batista The Miz /Team Attitude: The Rock Stone Cold Triple H Undertaker And Shawn Micheals

I Know Shawn micheals is retired but he always wanted to be in the attitude era and it wold be great bring batista alot of money so he can go out the company a face stone cold should compete one more time and it would be great same with the rock get him prepared with his match against john cena and have team attitude win for like a one night stand and in the end have undertaker and stone cold sole survivors and have austin stunner undertaker to close the show for a possibel match beteween the two what do you think
That's a pretty horrible match if you ask me, It doesn't even make sense. Batista is in MMA, Michaels isn't coming back anytime soon, and Why is the Miz with the faces? Sorry.
If you are going with the Team Attitude go with guys who were truly involved and still around: HHH, Undertaker, Rock(now that he is back, for now), Edge and Christian vs Alberto Del Rio, CM Punk, Miz, Sheamus and Wade Barrett.

I am aware Miz and CM Punk have feuds, but they are top heels. Sheamus still has business with HHH so it works. Wade Barrett needs the exposure and since he holds a title it works.

The twist I would add is make it a Lumber Jack match. It would end up being total chaos in the end and the crowd would be over for it. Not to mention John Cena is a face and for once he wouldn't be in the main event, but I would say he will be a fun lumber jack.
Hey while were at it how about we do face paint vs face paint and have Doink The Clown VS Goldust and lets have Hornswaggle and a team of midgets take on Brodus Clay and Alberto Del Rio and his creepy announcer Ricardo. I mean really c'mon WCW and ECW are dead can we please leave it there?

Personally if you want to make a real impact and keep one of the main four ppvs relevant I say its about time for another WWE world title tournament, I mean really while The Rock was relevant before winning the tournament his heel turn and joining the corporation is what really started getting his notariety and more importantly helped elevate him into main event status.

Just think of the boost it would add to someones resume to have a mid carder win the world title at one of the big four? to me I think thats a much better solution to the Survivor Series...
Talk about putting all your eggs in one basket... A mega-match main event like that would probably sell the PPV better than WrestleMania, but you're NEVER going to get all those guys in one ring at the same time again. Also, it's not likely that Vince would ever bring up the Attitude Era, let alone pit those stars against more current guys... And is there a reason you chose Batista over other people who have been more relevant and are STILL around to this day? Not to totally crap on your idea, but I also would find it hard to script this happening. Not only are Triple H and Undertaker most likely not going to be wrestling by then, but HBK is retired and doesn't want to change that any time soon (read: ever). Why would these guys want to face each other? HBK, Triple H, and Taker would never be on the same team... Not after three Wrestlemanias of them tearing each other apart. Not gonna happen...
OP, you write like an 8 year old. It's annoying.

Your match wouldn't work because those guys wouldn't come back, especially for a Survivor Series match. Plus you have Miz on a team with all the faces. That makes a ton of sense. On top of it all, Survivor Series is 7 months away. Who knows what will be going on by then. And what exactly does your match have to do with the 10 year anniversary of the WCW/ECW stuff? Why would you have team Attitude win to bury all of the current stars? That accomplishes nothing. This whole thread is irrelevant and stupid.
Are you ******ed or are you just a kid?

I'm baffled by the fact I come on here and the amount of ******ed questions is becoming unreal.

NO WWE SHOULDN'T do it, why would they?
Note to you.. WWE are trying to get forget the Attitude Era as a whole the only reason they're doing Rock/Cena is simply because Hogan passed the torch to Rock and now Rock will do the same to Cena.

WWE should use more team vs team matches @ survivor series and 4/4 rather than 5/5 and one of the World champions involved in one of them team matches so it's a teaser for TLC, rather than just a simple rematch.
This makes no sense at all sorry.

Nobody really cares about it being 10 years since wwf vs ecwcw. Michaels isn't going to wrestle again, apart from at being at MSG i don't see it being very special.
Why would WWE have an anniversary for this? Yes, it was a great PPV, great ending etc. but what's done is done.
It's the 25th anniversary... I expect they'll be selling that. I'd like to see a more traditional Survivor Series. More elimination matches, set the scene for the next month.
It will never happen, I am in the minority here but I like the KingofKings idea for an Attitude Era vs. PG Era match at S Series 25. Some adjustments could be made to the participants but the idea is great, its a SS Dream Match and it would sell a ton of PPVBuys not to mention it could sell out a huge arena. And if Vince wanted to make the initial investment, money talks and he could offer a big enough payday to lure 10 Main Eventers past and present back to pull that match off, shit most of them are under contract already.
A World title tourney is another great idea. The Wrestlemania 4 tourney was one of the best of all time and I have personaly always remembered 4 for being one of the best Mania's due to that tournement. The WWE having a 16Man one night tournement is long overdue. They could have such great build up to it and it could spawn many fueds that could carry over to the Rumble and be settled at Mania. The presentaion of a new WWE Championship belt taken from one of the clasic designs would be a nice touch to a WorldTitleTourney too. Yeah, remake the Iron Shiek/Hogan "Big Green Belt" from '84 that would be an awesome strap.....well maybe thats not one of the clasic designs i was thinking of, that was the only World Title belt that was worse than Jeff Hardys TNA Diva's Belt LOL!
Honestly I dont like the Miz, I never have. He's a good wrestler he is a great heel on the mike but he is just plain annoying and very easy to hate. But he has impressed me since winnning the title and he is really growing on me. I think at this point in time there really isnt anyone else in the company who needs to be holding the belt and its long overdue that someone had a reign that lasted close to a year. Durring the First 25 years of WWWF/WWF there were 11 champions with an average title reign of 27 months. Since Hogans first World title reign which lasted 4years ended in '88 there has been 92 WWF/E champs since with an average reign of 2 3/4 months, that's horrible! If you put them together over the 48years of the WWWF/WWF/WWE there has been 103 champs with the avg reign being about 5 1/2 months. How things have changed in the last 25years. Im not saying that I want to see World Champs holding the belt for several years like Bruno/Backland&Hogan but we need a champion who just wont seem to lose the belt and when he finally does its a big deal. People will be interested in buying PPV's just to hope that this is the one where the champ finally loses his belt. (I felt that way with Hogan for years) Someone needs to hold that strap for close to a year or even a little longer would be great. But the Mizz reign would have to end before a year to have a S Series World Title Tourney. Let the Miz hold onto the belt until October and be stripped due to injury leaving him unable to defend. Only to come back at the S Series with a first round bye (like Hogan and Andre had at WM4) and go on to reclaim the belt by wining the tourney. He could then have a long build up fued running from Morrison who maybe was the man he cheated to beat in the tournement final. Give Morrison the Rumble win in '12 and go on to face the Miz at Maina for the belt. Does WWE have enough starpower or can they sign and develop enough starpower by November to be able to have The 25 S Series headlined by a traditional 5x5 Match of Attitude Era vs PG Era Main Eventers and the rest of the card being the 16 Man World Title Tournement. That would be one of the greatest WWE events of all time and surley the greatest S Series of alltime. You couldnt go wrong with it. So minus 10 guys for the 5x5, do you think they could put togeher 16 worthey Superstars for the tournement? Sorry about the legth of this, I just went off! It feels like I wrote a book and with ADD it would be hard to read the whole thing without drifting off....damnit I gata take my ritalin!
So KingofKings had writen the Miz in the 5x5 match which realy doesn't make sense teaming with the rest of those guys nor does it work with my idea of having him be a part of the WTTourney on the card. The Showstopa also isnt going to be wrestling least not as early as next winters PPVs. So replace the Miz with Christian or Big Show and replace Shawn with Kane,JBL,Disel or Bret Hart. Then the 16 man tourney would have the following guys................

1/Miz 2/Morrison 3/Swagger 4/Punk 5/Del Rio 6/ Barrett 7/ Big Show (or Christian depending on the 5x5 participants) 8/Ezikel 9/M Ryan 10/ Kofi 11/D Brian 12/ Sheamus 13/Kane (if we leave him out of the 5x5, which I think he should only be there as a last resort) 14/ Mysterio 15/Sin Cara 16/ Cody Rhodes.....
Thats a great 16men and there is still a few decent options out there such as Dibiase, R Truth, Regal, Diesel, The chick from Wendys, The dude from fashionable or ?able Male, Seth Rollins.....cant they just call him Tyler Black!?, his brother Tyler Recks, Richie Steamboat, Brett Dibiase, C Masters ,Husky Harris, Otunga, The Great K....oh just f'n release that big moron waste of f'n payroll!, and Im sure there are a few other options that I'm forgetting about right now. There is potential to do a 24man World Title Tourney that would be huge. They could even due qualifying matches from 32 men to nail it down to 16 or actully I think it would be great for it to be 15 men with the Miz getting a 1st round bye because he had to forfiet his belt around the begining of October due to not being able to defend it within 30 days because he suffered an injury at the hands of Morrison's Crackhead Bouncing Flip Finisher...setting up them being at opposite ends of the tourney meeting in the final like I said in my earlier post. Only to have the Miz win via some sore of shadyness. Miz then ducks Morrison for the December PPV to defend against whomever he cheated to beat in the semi-finals....mabye Mysterio, Sin Cara, or Daniel Brian. Not to mention Miz should cheat to win every single match in a differnt way for each one from A Ri interference, to using a foreign object, to having his feet on the ropes for leverage or pulling the tights. The more cheating to win the better for the Miz as his character becomes the Modern Day "Dirtyest Player in the Game" Then for the Rumble The Miz somehow gets out of defending the belt all together only leaving him with one more defense before Mania where he would take on Morrison who won the Rumble to finally get a shot at revenge on the Miz for cheating to beat him in the finals of the torney. Who would Miz wrestle at TLC prior to Mania??....maybe its a rematch of the December PPV (A brief sub fued from Morrison possibly with D Brian) in a latter match or maybe he gets out of another PPV defense (And Im not saying he never defends the belt he could have some RAW defenses against some solid opponents but having him weasel out of PPV defenses I think adds to his character. He could wrestle a tag match in the pre Mania PPV possibly w A Ri vs. Morrison&Brian. Thats one of the beautys of having 2 World Titles You really only need to have one of them defended to keep a solid PPV. And with Miz having a company long overdue long title reign (as a heel), on the Smackdown side we could have more frequent title changes with the belt usualy being in the hands of a face or another long reigning champ but on the Smackdown side the champ should be a face....Well Ive gone on long enough here....What do you think on my booking ideas?
For one thing, is Survivor Series not ending or has it already ended? For the past 3 years Vince has lost interest in Survivor Series and has decided to take the step of scrapping the Pay Per View. Even if it does go ahead this year you can be sure that it will be the last. So the way I look at it is this is the Final Survivor Series. For the last in the Series (lol) I Don't think a big match like that will happen. If it ever did it's Wrestlemania Material. My main event for Survivor Series would go like this...

Undertaker vs John Cena
If Undertaker retires at Mania 28 then this will be his last Survivor Series, He debut at the event and he will want to be a part of the show that started his Phenom Charactor. It's a good way to have Taker go over Cena aswell.

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