How much interaction do you expect between Bret Hart and The Hart Dynasty?

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The God of Fuck
With the recent news of a short term agreement between Bret Hart and WWE, I was wondering how much interaction is there going to be with Bret and the younger Harts. It's inevitable his return will be as host of RAW, but does this mean he'll appear on Smackdown! as well since Vince is hanging out there these days and if so will he enlist the help of the other Harts to combat McMahon.

I personally think if it was played out perfectly DX goes against the Dynasty with Vince and Bret in there respective corners Bret screws DX and causes them to break up and sets up a WM match, the Hart Dynasty wins the unified titles and gets the rub, and last but not least Vince becomes infuriated and demands a street fight with Bret at WM 26. It could be as simple as that.

Let me know your opinions/thoughts.
How much interaction do I expect between Bret Hart and The Hart Dynasty?

Not a whole lot actually, maybe some. I think it would be great to see some interaction between them just simply because they are related to Bret and he is a legend.... I would say I expect it to happen for a potential Wrestlemania storyline since that time of the year is coming and there are a lot more superstars jumping between brands during that time. The Hart Dynasty could get away with crossing over to Raw for a storyline in the future if it's around Wrestlemania, most likely about the tag team titles. Or Bret could go to Smackdown, that could work too.
This would all depend on how far Vince wants to push The Hart Dynasty. And seeing as they were pretty much squashed by DX a couple of weeks ago on Raw, I don't know if he's thinking on going that far with them. Bret giving the Dynasty a rub would be huge for them. It would shoot their credibility through the roof. But again, I must pose the question, do you think Vince is willing to go that far with them? I would have to say no.

Look at Rhodes and Diabase. They've been Tag Team Champs twice, and beat Batista and John Cena to win the belts in one of those reigns. They've also been put into a stable that's gone way further than The Hart Dynasty. I just don't think Vince is that high on them.
This is such a great chance for the Hart Dynasty, the WWE would be stupid to not capatalise on Bret Hart's popularity and history with HBK to elevate one of the most gifted young tag teams I've seen in years.

I mean come on the story writes itself for love of God!

Bret wants to screw the man who screwed him. The Heartbreak Kid. Bret acts as the Guest host on the 4th of January, he makes the match for the undisputed tag team titles, the Hart Dynasty vs DX and Bret is the referee. Tyson or DH put shawn in the sharpshooter or maybe even better, his own version of the figure four leg-lock that he likes to use to emulate Flair.

Then Bret calls for the bell and boom , instant heat for the Hart Dynasty due to them stealing the titles, instant credibility due to having been the team to topple DX...I mean come on, surely even the WWE can't screw this up....So most likely we'll see a 5 minute squash of the Hart Dynasty and some more shameless merch selling, or maybe just no interaction whatsoever between Bret and the Dynasty. Yep. That sounds more like WWE.
Well Bret Hart is coming January. The Hart Dynasty are now being considered contenders for the Unified tag team titles with their first shot coming on the SD's christmas special. And who are the unified tag team champions? DX. I think it all fits a little to well, if you ask me.

The Hart Dynasty will, at some point, be wrestling DX for the unified tag titles when Bret Hart is around. Can you see it happening? Hart will most likely screw DX, so they can have their singles feud. Or, if they want to throw a twist in there and make Hart an uber face, he can screw the Hart Foundation to patch things up between him and Shawn.

So yeah, I think Hart will play a big role in whether or not the Hart Dynasty will become tag champions. I know Hart is on Raw and the Hart Dynasty are on SD, but I'm sure they'll figure something out.
I think the WWE won't want to do much in terms of interaction between Bret and the Hart Dynasty but I doubt Bret would not want to do something. After all they are family and I'm sure Bret has some creative control over his return. It would shock me if Bret doesn't push to do something with the Hart Dynasty and it would shock me even more if WWE doesn't do something with them and DX for the titles. Besides Jerishow what other tag team is there to challenge DX except Bret and the Hart Dynasty?
I expect a ton of interaction between Bret Hart and the Hart Dynasty and I'd be incredibly surprised if the majority of Hart's four month tenure wasn't used to give a rub to the Hart Dynasty. If Hart isn't used in this manner, then what does that say about the Hart Dynasty? This is, afterall, the perfect way to instantly boost their standing.

I don't think that this angle will go as some believe it should. For starters, DX MUST play the heel role in this angle. If - as most of us believe they will - they use Hart to bring closure to the MSJ incident then that will pit him against DX and VKM. After 12 years of clamoring for Hart to return, does anyone really believe that the fans will cheer for DX and VKM over Hart? For the WWE to assume the fans would choose those three over Hart would be ignorance at its best. For some reason, I have more faith in the WWE than that.

My hope is that any angle or confrontation between Hart and Michaels gives us the old, cocky HBK. That's the character I've been wanting to see for years.
but does this mean he'll appear on Smackdown! as well since Vince is hanging out there these days

Vince's profile on is now back on Raw, so i think it's more likely that Bret will recruit the HD and use them on Raw, instead of jumping back and forth between Raw and SD. The way everything is coming together is screaming DX/Vince v Harts, but while it seems obvious, it's also something that we'd all quite like to see happen, so therefore it probably won't.

I think they'll probably do a couple of run ins on Raw for Bret and you'll see them chatting away backstage, but if they don't do a full on angle involving them, then i wouldn't expect much more interaction than that personally.
Vince's profile on is now back on Raw, so i think it's more likely that Bret will recruit the HD and use them on Raw, instead of jumping back and forth between Raw and SD. The way everything is coming together is screaming DX/Vince v Harts, but while it seems obvious, it's also something that we'd all quite like to see happen, so therefore it probably won't.

I think they'll probably do a couple of run ins on Raw for Bret and you'll see them chatting away backstage, but if they don't do a full on angle involving them, then i wouldn't expect much more interaction than that personally.

I hope that we get McMahon/DX v. Hart Dynasty/Bret Hart with McMahon and Hart as managers, a bit like Trump v. McMahon, only both getting involved in the action more. That would be a HUGE WM draw IMO. But because it seems so obvious WWE will probably try and swerve us.
Let me put it like this: If Bret & HD dont intertwine someway, somehow- then i've lost all confidence in Vince and his bookers/writers! Like "robwylde90" said: it writes itself. If WWE fux this up- then that says a lot.

I think there will be interaction. But will it be the kind all of you are talking about? Im not so sure anymore. Before watching this past weeks edition of SmackDown, I would have agreed that Bret will side up with HD. But now Im not so sure thats how it plays out.

I really cant believe nobody has brought this up yet: but did HD not just debut a new T-shirt that states something like: "Better then the best...PERIOD" on the back?? & their promo pretty much put DOWN the old Hart Foundation along with Davey Boy, no? I cant remember quotes but im 100% confident that all 3 members of the Hart Dynasty were talking shit on the likes of Bret, Davey and The Anvil! I guess I could be wrong- but I think not. Where the Hart Dynasty is going with thier shit-talk...I couldn't tell you. Maybe they're just setting up a swerve, I dont know.

So- yes! I DO think there will be interaction between Bret & the Hart Dynasty. But with what I heard on this weeks SmackDown...Im not so sure it will be friendly interaction, like many of you suggest. At least not to begin with anyway...but Bret will be there for 4 or so months, so there's time.
Let me put it like this: If Bret & HD dont intertwine someway, somehow- then i've lost all confidence in Vince and his bookers/writers! Like "robwylde90" said: it writes itself. If WWE fux this up- then that says alot.

I think there will be interaction. But will it be the kind all of you are talking about? Im not so sure anymore. Before watching this past weeks edition of SmackDown, I would have agreed that Bret will side up with HD. But now Im not so sure thats how it plays out.

I really cant beleive nobody has brought this up yet: but did HD not just debut a new T-shirt that states something like: "Better then the best...PERIOD" on the back?? & thier promo pretty much put DOWN the old Hart Foundation along with Davey Boy, no? I cant remember quotes but im 100% confident that all 3 members of the Hart Dynasty were talking shit on the likes of Bret, Davey and The Anvil! I guess I could be wrong- but I think not. Where the Hart Dynasty is going with thier shit-talk...I couldnt tell you. Maybe they're just setting up a swerve, I dont know.

So- yes! I DO think there will be interaction between Bret & the Hart Dynasty. But with what I heard on this weeks SmackDown...Im not so sure it will be friendly interaction, like many of you suggest. At least not to begin with anyway...but Bret will be there for 4 or so months, so theres time.

That's quite an interesting point. I have only read the spoilers and haven't watched this weeks Smackdown so I can't really comment as to what they meant. Thing is, if Bret came back on DX's side if they were to fued(which seems likely given this and next weeks Smackdown) how would they 1, Explain why Bret has sided with Michaels and HHH who both screwed him in Montreal and 2, Put the HD over? Because as far as I can see, the HD would talk trash to them, and then job, hardly elevating them.

Maybe it is about proving they are better than the Hart Foundation, I don't know. I really don't know how they will play it(which is the beauty of the situation) because there are so many possibilities. It just seems odd that DX would have to heel it up and the HD, who don't really generate much heat at the minute would turn face just to incorporate Bret Hart into the storyline. Although this is WWE so you never know what is around the corner.



OMG. I can't believe you used your first posting here to say this...


This could be exactly what the WWE has been waiting for to get The Hart Dynasty over. I firmly believe creative is working toward a feud between the HD and DX for the belts, which is perfect. This team has been steadily building toward this moment for the better part of the year, and with DX and Uncle Bret in the mix, it's going to get this trio (which according to the kid above should be banned) over big.
Bret acts as the Guest host on the 4th of January, he makes the match for the undisputed tag team titles, the Hart Dynasty vs DX and Bret is the referee.

As much as I would love to see this, there is already a match for the Unifed Tag Titles between Jerishow and DX (like we haven't seen this before) I personally think Mr. Mcmahon is to stuiped to have any interacton between Bret Hart in the Hart Dynasty, and even if there is any interaction I think it will be poorly constructed. Hopefully though Bret Hart does set the Hart Dynasty up for a Unified Tag Titles match and gives them instant credibility.
Whatever Hart ends up doing on WWE programming, it seems unlikely that his links with his actual family members will be ignored. As a result, I think that they will probably have to turn the Harts face. There is no way after all of this time that Bret Hart will come back as a heel, as it wouldn't make any sense, and for him to help heels wouldn't make any sense. I expect what might happen is that they will engage Jerishow in some fashion, despite the fact that they aren't champions any more. Bret screwing DX seems obvious, but short of turning someone heel, I don't know how they could do this and keep it making sense.
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