How Many...

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"Joe! Joe! Joe! Joe! Joe"
Hey Guys,

I was wondering, for those of you who are of legal age, or under age! lol, doesn't really matter to me but this is for people who love beer! I was wondering how many beers can you have in one session before becoming intoxicated?

As for me, it will take me at least 10-12 beers before I become really intoxicated! and that's when the party kicks in! :headbanger: lol.
i dont know... i never counted but all i know is im always the last one drinking at the end of the night... everybody else passes out and i stay up all night and then sleep all day, but i havnt drank in awhile
When I was reading your post and I seen the "how many of you are legal age" I was thinking of another 'legal' thing.

.JoeY said:
Hey Guys,

I was wondering, for those of you who are of legal age, or under age! lol, doesn't really matter to me but this is for people who love beer! I was wondering how many beers can you have in one session before becoming intoxicated?

As for me, it will take me at least 10-12 beers before I become really intoxicated! and that's when the party kicks in! :headbanger: lol.
ThE cErEbRaL aSsAsIn said:
it takes a 24 pack i have been at it a while lol

Ha i don't think anyone will beleve that

As for me 3 or 4 that's it cus my Dad get upset wheni used his beers

At the pub same amount
I can drink bears all night... Its vodka that puts me on my ass tho...
It does'nt take much with me about 5/6 pints and i'm pissed, unless I have bottles I feel ill if I have too many. Does anyone else think beer in bottles smells like farts?
Udl is gay but i like green apply lol, I prolly last 10 beers and im shot to shit just about lol

On my birthday last week i had a bottle of vodka, Half a bottle of cherry vodka Jeigermeister bombs, Johnny walker shots, and about 6 beers,

If you wanted to see someone pissed lol thats where you should of been because i dont really remember what i did i only remember being found unconcious about 500 metres away from party LOL
I can't drink beer worth a damn, but can hold liquor. 15 shots of southern comfort on an empty stomach (I was quite plastered, as I am not a big person) was probably the record for me.
15 shots is a good effort for anyone, i probably couldnt do that many lol i prefer to mix my own drinks and steadily get drunker as teh night progresses so much more fun that wayl
guys i was a big drinker there not to many people who can drink with me all of my friends are like 350 and 250 all are over 6 ft and 3 of them close to 7 ft so i have always had to keep up with them so over the years i can hold my own i am not that small i am 6 ft and 190 so i can hold a good lot
grungy72 said:
LOL yeah but not 24 beers in a row man, that is a good effort to anyone.
dude i have been drinking since i was 18 i done it every other day and when i became of age every day after work it took a while but after u do it so long it takes more dude iam from the south the mtns where all the moon shine is man every one drinks here
^^ Thats pretty sick man, i wish i could hold my liquor better but im happy being a fun loving not to expensive drunk lol
I'm not legal to drink though i do it alot with my friends, hmmmmmm i'd have to say around 8 or 9 when i really start to get fucked up.
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