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How makes you wake up every day?

This Is My Name Thank You

Is a horrible poster.
I want to know what it is that makes you wake up every day and live out your day. Is it something that you love as in kids, wife, husband, or just work itself? I am 22 and I have been battling this stupid thing called depression and its tag team partner bi-polar. It sucks; it can feel as the things that make you smile from ear to ear are the things that you want to smash to pieces. It’s like Mr. Jeckly and Hide are living inside of you. It makes me not sleep and just makes my mind feel like Jeff Gordon is inside and driving it in circles. I pray he crashes and the torment stops. Some days I sleep no problem and other days I have endless thoughts and thoughts. I wake up at times not wanting to get out of bed. I wake up going what the fuck another day, another fucking day. (Pardon the cursing but it is what I say everyday) I wake up, say good morning to my grandmother who is 80 and we have our coffee together. I shake the cobwebs and prepare for another day of looking for work which I can't find and another day of reading everyone’s post on wrestle zone (this site) along with music, music, pacing and wondering what keeps me going. I battle this depression and bi-polar bullshit every day. Sometimes I feel ok, never alright though. I wonder what keeps me going what makes me strive. I believe I wake up for music, to feel the warm sunshine, to know tomorrow might be better.(even though it is just the same) I wake up to help my vavor (grandmother) because her husband is a pile of lard and treats her if she is lard herself. Which she is not and he makes me very angry. I believe I wake up to find work which I know might come. I think I wake up to help my vavor, to feel the sunshine and to know that no matter how hard times get I am alive. We only live once and whether or not this depression and bi polar makes me feel like dirt and at times want to parish I am still here.

So I am sorry about the long read, (not even sure anyone will post or reply which is cool) I just would like to ask you 2 simple questions.

What makes you wake up and live out your day?
If you suffer from depression, bi-polar or even just feel sad, what makes that go away
What make me wake up everyday? The fact that I am destined to become something great.

When I was very young I suffered form social anxiety and until second grade I was a silent loner. My parents would yell at me to talk in school but I couldn't do it. One day this weird kid came from Miami and invited most of the class to his birthday. Only about 4 people including myself showed up. We became friends and my grades began to improve.

The fact that everyone other teenager I have encountered in my life is a hyper dumbass or big tit bitch motivated me to become better and smarter. As of now I am working on becoming successful in this world.

Like you I have suffered at times but I wake up everyday to overcome the obstacles of life and live it to the fullest. When I'm sad I listen to music and live out my fantasies.

Destiny is what has and always will keep.me waking. Up to that damn alarm clock every morning.
I want to know what it is that makes you wake up every day and live out your day. Is it something that you love as in kids, wife, husband, or just work itself?

This truly says it all for me. My wife is the most important woman to me in the world, and I treasure her more then life itself. I want to justify and live up to her standards, and support her as she's five months pregnant. I never wanted to be a father initially, but I couldn't be more excited for January to come. I wake up every day to prepare for the adjustment of being both a husband and father.

Part of what helps me adjust is through work. Ive been blessed to be a psychologist with a successful practice, and it allows me to provide for my family. I also enjoy what I do immensely as well, and I want to justify and respect the position I have. I spent 7 years in school to become a psychologist, and those years would be wasted if I didn't give 100% every day.

In the end, my biggest motivation is my wife. I didnt always feel this way, as I took her for granted somewhat at the beginning of our marriage. Im thankful she's hung with me through those times, and it's allowed me to hang with her through her tough times. The anticipation of being a father leaves me further invested. Truly, there's no greater blessing or motivation then to wake up next to someone you love with everything in you.
This was a very easy one for me. What makes me wake up every day, and comprises the focal point of my entire life, is easily my two children, hands down. As a single parent with sole custody of my kids, I feel blessed every day to have them, and to have them under the circumstances that I am so lucky to have. They are the first people I see every day, the last little faces I see every night, and they are the main motivation for everything I do in my life. I thank the man upstairs every day for them.

Thankfully, I am fortunate in that I do not suffer from any form of depression, or really from any other health ailment. I have been blessed with a pretty good life: great kids, a loving family, a terrific job, etc., I rarely feel sad but when I occasionally do, I stop and reflect on all the things I mentioned above, and that usually solves that. Always find the positive in the things around me, which you sometimes need to look hard for to find, but are typically always there.

For this of you suffering from depression or any other difficulties, such as the OP, I wish you well in finding whatever it takes to elevate you above it.
For me it is my wife. Just like LSN had said. She is my princess and to say I treasure our marriage is an understatement. She is what gets me going in life because without her I would revert back to the lazy unmotivated lifestyle I lived in college.

My typical day would be sleeping in until noonish, as I would only sign up for online or afternoon classes. I took fridays off unless I had a test or project to turn in. I would wake up to check email and facebook, then post on here a bit. Work on Division Blade's development would follow that and goofing off playing video games until dinner time, which 90% of the time was pizza. I would watch wrestling if it was on, or cartoons. Then I would take my daily walk around campus before hitting up the games again. If friends called I would go hang out with them, otherwise I'd play games until the sun came up before going to bed and the cycle repeated itself the next day.

My wife gave up everything she knew to come be with me. All of her family, friends, and church, were in California. She quit her job and gave that old life up to come move from Orange county where there are countless things to do, to a little college town in Texas to be with me even though she knew nobody. Every day I think about that and it motivates me to get out of bed. I love her more than anything and want her to be happy. We also have two puppies who need to be taken care of.

Without her I would likely fall back into a pattern similar to my old cycle only with my job replacing school because I can be pretty lazy. Those were some of the best years of my life, but if the love of my life gave up everything to be with me then the least I could do in return was give up my lazy lifestyle due to wanting her to be happy. I want for her to be happy more than anything and that motivates me enough to keep me going. Even if I am depressed. If we have fought about something, she still remains my source of motivation because I love her that much, regardless of if I get mad at her in a fight. Our love is still there and true love conquers all. Tag team partners for life. Together, husband and wife are unstoppable.
Hmm. What do I wake up for every day?

Sad to say it...but money. Don't get me wrong. If you've read posts by me in the potluck area, you'll know I have a fiancee and young baby and they are my world, but getting up in the morning is so that I can sustain them. I get up in the morning, put on a suit and get my arse to work to make money in order to keep them all afloat.

I want to say the loved up answer of my fiancee and child, but in reality, I'm hungry to have money in my pocket so I can pay the bills and support them. Yet everything I have done, and I have uprooted majorly, getting 2 new jobs and moving house to be with her, has been for Becca...so I guess she is a large part of why I get up in the morning also.

Still, for me, the raw answer is the money. I know I don't get paid if I don't drag myself to work and then I can't support her. Simple.
This truly says it all for me. My wife is the most important woman to me in the world, and I treasure her more then life itself. I want to justify and live up to her standards, and support her as she's five months pregnant. I never wanted to be a father initially, but I couldn't be more excited for January to come. I wake up every day to prepare for the adjustment of being both a husband and father.

Part of what helps me adjust is through work. Ive been blessed to be a psychologist with a successful practice, and it allows me to provide for my family. I also enjoy what I do immensely as well, and I want to justify and respect the position I have. I spent 7 years in school to become a psychologist, and those years would be wasted if I didn't give 100% every day.

In the end, my biggest motivation is my wife. I didnt always feel this way, as I took her for granted somewhat at the beginning of our marriage. Im thankful she's hung with me through those times, and it's allowed me to hang with her through her tough times. The anticipation of being a father leaves me further invested. Truly, there's no greater blessing or motivation then to wake up next to someone you love with everything in you.

Basically everything here goes the same for me, but i'm still working on the career. My fiance is why i'm alive and she is what drives me to be the best person I can be to make her proud of me. She is always there for me and makes me happier than every happy thing in my life combined, she makes me so happy it's hard to even fathom. So when I wake up in the morning I am getting up to better myself for her and try to make her as happy as I can.

My career is at a very stressful stage, i'm pursuing a career in Mixed Martial Arts but right now i'm at the point right before fighting professionally and what i'm doing right now is training and working for my dad's friend at his restaurant. It's rough working a minimum wage job while trying to pay for the car and my gym,sometimes the stress of it all really hits me hard and my fiance is thankfully there to support me. But even though it's rough my burning desire for success and the love from my gal gets me up in the morning those days I don't feel like it to train before and after work and really improve myself. Even though i'm stressed out alot right now, it hits me all the time that I really have it great and i'm a lucky SOB to have such an amazing fiance who can put up with my shit. :blush:
Unlike others here, I have no significant other and I no longer have a job. The only things I have that really keep me going are my classes at school and my family. My mother lost her job shortly after Christmas last year and is currently living in Sacramento because she was actually lucky enough to get a temporary nursing contract. That said, I feel like my mother is my motivation for waking up every day. I think the most I can do for her is to make her proud by doing well in my academic studies which will hopefully lead to a good career in a few years. When I look at myself over the past few years, I feel like I've only been letting her down with my mediocre grades in high school. After she got laid off, I resolved to change and make her proud to call me her son. Her praise (rare since I don't see her often anymore), is one of the best things I could receive.
What makes you wake up and live out your day?

I've read all the posts and it seems like everybody has something very specific that they wake up for. Whether that be a significant other,a career or a family, its like most of you have your lives set. Its very admiral of you guys and I respect those that have motives and reasons that get you out of bed in the morning.

I'm going to be very blunt and straight forward with everybody here. The only reason I get out of bed is because I have too, I can't stay in bed all day. Unlike most, I don't have that special someone in my life, I don't have a the best job and I have no sense of direction of where my life is heading. Sometimes I just live out my day by counting down the minutes until the day is over,just to do it all again the next day.

Maybe I just lack any sort of desire or ambition. This has been a rough couple of years for me and I have yet to bounce back from a lot of it. But for the time being, the reason I wake up everyday is too, day by day, better myself as an individual and be able to tolerate and fall into content with the person staring back at me in the mirror. It may sound corny but I'm on a personal endeavor to discover myself and do a little soul searching, no matter how much of a cliche that may sound like. I've been a prisoner to myself for so long now and its about time I break free and start to feel alive again. Everyday I wake up is just another day that helps me get one step closer to this goal of personal content and spiritual enlightenment. Perhaps one day I will be in the position most of you are in now,with a loving wife and family and a stable position in life.

If you suffer from depression, bi-polar or even just feel sad, what makes that go away

As I've said,I've been through a rough couple years and I've gone through the whole major depression stage. Usually what cheers me up is just listening to music or being around close friends. I still have those days where waking up can be difficult, but for the most part that part of my life is over and now I can start working on myself. I understand how you must feel, I can relate. Its all a work in progress.
Like a few other Posters said -No Significant Other, No Job.

It's just my Family, School and 'That Guy' at school. xD

Rarely sad, but when I am - I just remind myself how grateful I am for leading a life like the one I live. :)
This is going to sound very egotistical and very greedy, but when you've been put down or compared to a certain person in your life, there's reasons for your method.

For me, the reason why I wake up every morning and push myself is because I can't stand to see my older brother succeed so much in life and get so much attention for doing nothing but fix a damn computer while I bust my ass off trying to support my son and myself, and even my mother (since my little siblings liver there too), and all I ever get is the everyday lecture of how my brother is doing so well.

I don't know if it's because he's able to con people into thinking what he does is so important or if it's just because I can't stand to see him do little and get great praises while I bust my ass off and get nothing. I know, it sounds selfish and wrong, but for my entire life I've heard stuff like...

"Your brother got an A on his Report Card." "You're not going to be in college like your brother if you don't stop." "Your brother got me this." "I like your brother's hair." "Your brother this, your brother that."

...Yeah, it annoyed me for 19 to 20 years as well. Yes, I have a son and I would kill to see him more than I can, but I just have had this desire for so long to finally hear someone give me credit that I just wake up every morning trying to make sure that his name is not mentioned around me.
This is going to sound very egotistical and very greedy, but when you've been put down or compared to a certain person in your life, there's reasons for your method.

For me, the reason why I wake up every morning and push myself is because I can't stand to see my older brother succeed so much in life and get so much attention for doing nothing but fix a damn computer while I bust my ass off trying to support my son and myself, and even my mother (since my little siblings liver there too), and all I ever get is the everyday lecture of how my brother is doing so well.

I don't know if it's because he's able to con people into thinking what he does is so important or if it's just because I can't stand to see him do little and get great praises while I bust my ass off and get nothing. I know, it sounds selfish and wrong, but for my entire life I've heard stuff like...

"Your brother got an A on his Report Card." "You're not going to be in college like your brother if you don't stop." "Your brother got me this." "I like your brother's hair." "Your brother this, your brother that."

...Yeah, it annoyed me for 19 to 20 years as well. Yes, I have a son and I would kill to see him more than I can, but I just have had this desire for so long to finally hear someone give me credit that I just wake up every morning trying to make sure that his name is not mentioned around me.

i have been in that place too but for other reasons.

my brother is far better than dealing with other people than i am. so he inturn tends to be less intellectual than me. sort of the oposite of your sitiation (vica versa). when i told him that at the current moment I have no desire to have children after he assumed I would, he looked at me in a strange way.

Sice I also have an interest in computers I will probably end up like your brother being the one eho chose brains over anything else. while He will end uo with the happily family ever after story.

like i said before I have learned from the mistakes of others I have seen. ONe day i will capatalize on that knowledge and become something great (financailly) and that is why i wake up to live another day

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