How Loud Will His Return Be?

How Big of a Pop Will Daniel Bryan get when he Returns?

  • Massive!

  • Pretty Good but nothing louder than usual.

  • Suprisingly Tame.

  • Crickets.

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I'm sorry, while what you're saying about wwesux is technically correct, Daniel Bryan had the red carpet rolled out for him starting at Summerslam 2013. That was the point at which he suddenly became the Stone Cold of 2013/2014, fighting the Authority, fighting the Corporate Stooges, and culminating at Wrestlemania 30. I get it that his fans see him as earning it, and I won't argue that. But wrestling is fake. It's all a work. To include Batista winning the Royal Rumble, Orton becoming the WWEWHC, and HHH putting him over clean in the opening match at Wrestlemania. He was chosen to be the face to run the show from Summerslam the Wrestlemania, and he did just that.

Jesus I've been a wrestling fan for over 30 years and I know it fake for crying out loud. But thanks for pointing that out for me. And I'm not a fan of Daniel Bryan and I said in my other post. He doesn't interest me at all. I was trying to point out that Bryan put on one hell of a show last year and his fans will welcome him back with open arms. And I was trying to do that to someone who obviously hates the WWE has his username would suggest.
i voted massive pop

as weird as this sounds, i think Bryan getting hurt was the best thing that could have ever happened to him.

the underdog story of his rise to the top was one of the best and most fluently booked WWE storylines booked in years. When he conquered it some feared he would never top that moment. I was weary of what would happen myself.

And then when WWE booked Kane vs Bryan for the title i was already seeing the writing on the wall that this was not going to be a great title run. And if WWE had in fact booked Bryan in that way, and by Summerslam had he lost the title to Lesnar, he probably would have lost any momentum he had left by then too.

However with the injury, after a few months of him being gone it truly made you want to see him back in the ring on top, for me at least. with brie continuing the storyline, it opens so many doors for his return not involving the title picture right away, which i believe he will be in by Mania.

i still want to see Bryan/Brie vs Stephanie/HHH
Why do so many of you refuse to give HHH any props. He helped make DB. The yes chants weren't nearly as loud before that feud. DB wasnt even getting better reactions than Punk until SS 2013. HHH made DB a star. Everyone needs help. Austin needed Bret/HBK, Rock needed Austin, Punk needed Cena and so on. There is nothing wrong with getting some help.
Why do so many of you refuse to give HHH any props. He helped make DB. The yes chants weren't nearly as loud before that feud. DB wasnt even getting better reactions than Punk until SS 2013. HHH made DB a star. Everyone needs help. Austin needed Bret/HBK, Rock needed Austin, Punk needed Cena and so on. There is nothing wrong with getting some help.

Who's refusing to give HHH props? I don't see anyone here doing or saying that. On the contrary, he helped put Bryan over months before Mania even happened, and the fans finished it for him. HHH has always been one to put wrestlers over, look what Evolution did for the Shield at Backlash and Payback.

It doesn't matter how much you get pushed in the WWE, it's the fans who have to want to see you, and they want to see Daniel Bryan. If you look at Daniel Bryan in contrast to Rusev, Bryan has the backing of not only the WWE he has the fans as well. Rusev as much as the push him, isn't getting over with the fans at all. Everytime I watch one of his matches, Lana gets the heat, and the crowd is dead when Rusev starts up.

Daniel Bryan is one of the best combinations of everything coming together right in the last few years. Although I would but the Shield in that category as well.

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