How long until WWE acknowledges TNA exist?


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Back during the Monday night wars the WWE and WCW took shots at each other. If one company hired a star from the other they would acknowledge that stars carrier. The stars wouldn't have to stat as newbies. TNA takes every shot it can at wwe. and wwe guys get there props.
In the WWE world TNA doesn't exist. Ron the Truth Killings was NWA champ in TNA. But R Truth isn't shit in WWE.
Instead of saying Christen won the NWA World title in TNA they say he is just gone.
So how long until TNA gets up to that states. In a way it would help WWE they could steel TNA guy and not have as much work building them up. If you hear that a guy was a champion in another company it gives them some creditably
I think that if done right, in 3 years they could do it.
I would Find Booker T a gimmick where he talks normal and talks about his success constantly.(kinda like Y2J) Then I would keep him in singles compaction putting over new stars. Keep him and Angle in big matches with TNA guys all the Time. They were both WWE world champ a couple of years ago so the guys they put over can be legit in WWE's eyes.I would use Bobby Lashly for this as well.
they have to be good guys that have staying power. TNA is good at giving people a push just to see them gone. Beer Money needs to stay a stable but go into singles competition. Eric Young is doing great right now and on his way to becoming a great ME. Morgan is a couple months from TNA belt.Mr. Kennedy can be a big star if he doest get hurt. A.J. Styles is a great high flyer's who can beat a big man legit. unlike WWE high flyer's.Plus they have Abyss to fill in the gaps. also sting until he reties
That needs to be the TNA world title scene and it needs to be spread around to give charitably to the roster.
Chang the Impact Zone and make it look better. get rid of the 6 sidded ring, except TNA gimmick matches. for nostalgic reasons. The 6 sidded ring is a little cool but looks generic.
TNA has all the peaces to the puzzle they just have to put them together.
any thoughts, ideas???

i think it will be a long long time till the E acknowledges that TNA exists on air.
i love TNA but there are in no way any danger to WWE so why say anything about it just yet.
as for some of your ideas i do agree with most. All of the MEM should kinda start falling back a little and do like 3D was doing in the Tag Divison and start building up the next group of people. They need the get the MCMG back into the title hunt and let them run with the tag titles for at least a month and see how the crowd reacts.

in my opinion the should NEVER.......EEEEEEVVVVVVEEEERRRR get rid of the 6 sided ring. it gives them a unique look in the states. I love the 6 sides and have since the first time i saw them on a AAA broadcast about a year before i really got into TNA.
they have the talent and the tools to be big like WWE and WCW was in their hayday. they just need to start using everything properly.
Truthfully, I don't even see TNA existing in the next 3 years. With their current path it doesn't look good. To much drama backstage as well.

As for WWE acknowledging them, I doubt that as well. TNA is so many steps down from them and they know it. Just look at TNA's roster, who would they want to steal? They have no new talent that is on the level of the WWE. The wrestlers mentioned above as well are getting old and are terrible on the mic, except for Angle of course. Personally I think their roster is crap minus a few guys, but most of their ME's are trash.

Getting rid of the 6 sided ring could possibly be the death of TNA. Besides garbage picking, copying gimmicks, copying matches, this would be the final step in becoming a way less version of the WWE!
Truthfully, I don't even see TNA existing in the next 3 years. With their current path it doesn't look good. To much drama backstage as well.

As for WWE acknowledging them, I doubt that as well. TNA is so many steps down from them and they know it. Just look at TNA's roster, who would they want to steal? They have no new talent that is on the level of the WWE. The wrestlers mentioned above as well are getting old and are terrible on the mic, except for Angle of course. Personally I think their roster is crap minus a few guys, but most of their ME's are trash.

Seriously, you think TNA has a week roster? So the fact the WWE have already poached R Truth, Gail Kim, and Christian, or that they have apparently signed up Lance Hoyte/Rock (who TNA released by the way) leads you to think WWE don’t want TNA talent. Sure Gail Kim and Christian are Ex-WWE stars, but they still got poached from TNA recently.

Or the fact that WWE are rumoured to be on the trail of Angle when his contract is up. You don’t think they would be interest in the likes of AJ Styles to put on Smackdown to Feud with the likes of Punk/Morrison now that a few stars are missing. Or Matt Morgan and/or Hernandez to add to their other limited move set heavyweights.

You honestly think that TNA has too much drama. What like when Jeff hardy get arrested just weeks after his contract finishes for Drug trafficking, or like when WWE’s Intercontinental champion gets suspended for drug use, or two of WWE’s biggest athletes are having to be pulled from each others throats (Big Show/Kahli) at house shows. You mean drama like that?

WWE is the bigger show, and in terms of writing/stories it’s probably the better show. You cannot however (well not with a strait face IMO) claim that TNA has no talent, and WWE wouldn’t take some of them on board in a flash. In three years time TNA will be bigger and better than it is now….Will it be challenging WWE?….maybe not, we will have to see.

ON Topic, I don’t think WWE will ever take shots at TNA on shows like they used to in the Monday night wars, but I do think that in a few years you will see WWE acknowledge TNA title runs on its stars. (Maybe starting when Sting/Nash/Foley get into the hall of fame)
The only reason VKM won't acknowledge TNA ia because it would then give them publicity which he does not want.

As previously stated WWE already tries to steal TNA stars and now they are robbing them of their PPV ideas with this HIAC ppv. TNA already has Lockdown which is the shit so Vinnie Mac has to try to take it and make it his own. And yes, I know ideas are stolen or reused in all wrestling but I'm just saying VKM is stealing TNA ideas so he does know they're out there, but he also knows not as many people watch TNA so he can just sit back and farm ideas off of them and most people will think it was his idea.

Like I said he will never acknowledge TNA because then it will be like free advertisement and Vinnie doesn't like competition.
The only reason VKM won't acknowledge TNA ia because it would then give them publicity which he does not want.

Or, maybe it's because Vince McMahon doesn't see TNA as competition? Or, maybe he's just not interested in what's going on with them and is focused on his own company? But yes, why would he want to advertise TNA? It's hardly Vince's fault that Spike TV would rather plug the UFC or 1000 Ways to Die than TNA Impact.

As previously stated WWE already tries to steal TNA stars and now they are robbing them of their PPV ideas with this HIAC ppv.

The WWE doesn't try to "steal" TNA stars, they offer an alternate place to work. They can't be stolen in the first place as nobody owns them. If they decide not to sign with one company and go with another, it's called business. In the WWE, you can make a lot more money than you can wrestling for TNA. And at the end of the day, that's what a wrestler wants. If Vince McMahon really wanted the TNA roster, he could probably get most of them. He has some pretty deep pockets, much more so than TNA does. After all, doesn't TNA call itself an alternative to the WWE, so why can't the WWE be an alternative to TNA? Where are you getting this idea about the stealing the ppv idea from TNA? The WWE is having 3 HIAC matches in the HIAC ppv from what's been revealed thus far. How does that constitute the same as having an entire ppv of cage matches?

Like I said he will never acknowledge TNA because then it will be like free advertisement and Vinnie doesn't like competition.

Like I said, Vince doesn't consider TNA to be competition right now. And, let's be honest, they're really not. TNA may be an alternative to the WWE, but they're not competition. TNA's audience is going to have to grow expoentially before they can be competion. Also as I mentioned earlier, why would Vince want to advertise TNA? There's nothing in it for the WWE and it's not his fault that TNA's marketing strategies are shit.
Ok WWE will not and should not even acknowledge the fact that TNA exist until TNA establishes itself as legit competition. Its almost like an all-star little leage team, coached by former MLB players against the damn Yankees. TNA is absolutly no threat to WWE so WWE shouldnt waste their time taking shots at them. WWE has bigger adn better shit to worry about like getting rid of all of these stupid ass gimmick PPVs and dealing with creative issues.
The WWE dosen't need to. TNA is not trying to do what WCW tried to do back in the mid-90's, which was to drive the WWE out of business. TNA aren't a big enough franchise to do that. So why would WWE even need to make reference to the fact that TNA are their 'biggest rival'?

Sure, TNA have a number of high profile wrestlers, a number of which are former WWE champions such as Kurt Angle and Booker T, and sure TNA has alot of faithful wrestlers such as AJ Styles and Samoa Joe, who I highly doubt will make the switch to the WWE, but even with a number of big wrestlers, there is no way that the WWE is under a serious threat like it was when Nitro was around. So there is no need to even make a reference about TNA, simply because TNA are not a big threat to them.
They don't need to really. Not many people care about TNA, and the WWE wouldn't become any more successful for mentioning TNA. It would just be free exposure, which would be stupid for the WWE to even think of giving to TNA. Anyway, in a few years TNA won't even be around.
Ok after reading all this a couple points:
1. Vince doesn't want the competition with TNA like he had with WCW cause it cost him money. VKM is a businessman and promoting a rival is bad business.
2. I know I'm in the minority, but right now I prefer TNA over WWE. Better story lines, more unique ring/moves/finishes (they aren't always the totally predictable matches WWE run)
3. WWE has the better talent, but that's due to money. TNA takes the guys VKM dumps and turns them into stars. Christian Cage, Matt Morgan ect. TNA is like the minor leagues. You go to a minor league game it can be more entertaining then a MLB game but you don't hear as much about it.
First, I think it's crazy to say that TNA won't be around in a couple of years. They just signed a 3 year extension with Spike TV. They constantly average a 1.0 rating on Thursday night, which is not spectacular, but is a solid number for them. They also have worldwide distribution and have been doing quite well against the WWE overseas. Considering that they have only been in business for 7 years, I think they have come a lot further than anyone could have expected in such a short amount of time.

WWE has been around for how many years? WCW had also been around for years dating back to Jim Crockett Promotions when they challenged the WWF(E) on Monday nights. So until TNA's ratings approaches the WWE's, there is no way Vince acknowledges them.

It's also so hard these days to steal talent from each other with companies putting in 90-day no-compete clauses and copyrighting characters. The only one that could happen right now is Angelina Love who was just released. The problem is that TNA owns the 'Angelina Love' character, so WWE would have to repackage her. And given the amount of effort they put into their divas division, it wouldn't have any substantial impact (pardon the pun) if she showed up.
at this pace..... WWE will Never acknowledge TNA on the air simply beacuse its unneccessary...... why would Vince do it... there is nothing to gain for him..... if people heard that the wwe has a rival... people would tune in......besides, apart from a handful of wrestlers..... there is none that vince wants to steal.... really who in tna is in HHH or HBK or Undertakers league...... or for the youg guys..... whos in cena or orton or jericho or edge s league??? NO one!!!
Well, it will take years before TNA reaches numbers comparable to WWE, before they could even attempt to challenge the E. Also, the reason that TNA acknowledges former WWE talent, is because of the fact that they came from the WWE, and they want to try and get WWE fans to watch, due to their heroes going from the E to TNA. That is the reason for that.

Vince won't straight out acknowledge TNA as a company, and why should he? Like others have said, it is a business, and he doesn't want to give them free promotion on his own programming. Again, why should he talk about a company that isn't threatening his? It would be a bad move to do it.

But I have noticed in some announcing situations there are little pot shots at TNA. When Christian returned to WWE on ECW, they called the moment, "Instantly Classic". Or with Jeff Hardy they took his "Charismatic Enigma" and turned it into the Unique Enigma, or actually use Charismatic Enigma, and CM Punk used Charismatic Enabler. Not to mention when "Braden Walker" (Chris Harris) came out they mentioned Wildcat.

So they poke fun at TNA, but Vince is not going to just up and say, "This guy is from TNA, we have to call him by another name since they own the rights to his name, but I hope you can recognize his work, and here are his accomplishments...". It would just be stupid anyways. No point to acknowledge lower companies if you are the top dog. Hell they even did one with ROH at Summerslam with JR calling Punk a "Second City Saint". So Vince will take small shots, but not outright mention any company unnecessarily.
There really is absolutely no reason for the WWE to acknowledge TNA. Their ratings are much higher than theirs, they are the top dog, so why would they bother with TNA? It isn't real competition, at least not for now.

Even if TNA did drastically improve and have ratings similar to the WWE's, I don't see the reason for acknowledging TNA. As the saying goes, there is no such thing as bad press. If the WWE constantly mentioned TNA, I'm sure a lot of people would check it out, and possibly like what they see so much that they become TNA fans over WWE fans.

There is no reason for the WWE to give TNA the press they desparately need.
As it's been said, why should WWE openly acknowledge TNA on their product when TNA would have everything to gain from the rub and nothing to gain for WWE?

Hell, WWE didn't really acknowledge WCW during the Monday Night Wars until they were pretty much backed into the corner when WCW's ratings and PPV buys dominated WWE's... and even THEN, it was begrudgingly.

The best thing for any business is for the company to focus on it's own product and not another companies'. If another company is doing something better or has a great idea that you can "steal" or copy to improve your own product, great. But, you can't focus on the other company to the point where it hinders your own performance or product.

When TNA's PPV rates are floating around a mere 7,000 buys -- the ugly truth for TNA is that at this point, they're no where near competition for WWE in that market. TNA's numbers on Spike TV, again, at this point, barely ever crack WWE's 3rd brand's numbers (ECW), they're no where near competition for WWE in the TV game. When WWE dominates the product (wrestling) by name recgonition world wide, TNA is again no competition.

I'm not trying to wave the WWE flag here, but, at the end of the day, there's no need for WWE to acknowledge TNA. Actually, they'd probably end up confusing viewers if they did, because, even though it's hard the IWC to fathom, but, at lot of people (including WWE viewers) have never even heard of TNA Wrestling. If you're not familiar with TNA and you heard Jim Ross making a Samoa Joe reference on Smackdown, you wouldn't get it. So, why would WWE even try? If they perked your interest in Samoa Joe enough to want to see him wrestle for the first time, you'd be going to a TNA card, and guess what? That money you paid for the ticket goes exclusively to TNA... not WWE! "Thanks for the plug WWE!"

Arguing talent rosters is always silly. Both TNA and WWE have individuals who could benefit the other company if they jumped ship. Conversely, both companies have dead weight on the rosters as well. Mentioning wrestlers by name and how cool it would be if they worked here or there in a conversation like this is really nothing more than playing a fantasy wrestling game.

If WWE plucked the younger talent from the TNA roster, or even talent that have only worked in TNA and never worked for WWE, they would only be repackaged in WWE and whatever that wrestler accomplished in TNA would be thrown out the window in WWE. WWE's criteria has ALWAYS been to establish talent under WWE terms. If Vince envisions someone like AJ Styles (for example) as a wrestling eskimo, guess who's dog sledding down the ramp on Raw in his first WWE appearance?

The older established stars in TNA are basically riding on their preexisting gimmicks already established in WWE before they jumped to TNA -- just variations to where they won't violate the copyright. But, same sh!t -- different company.

It should be mentioned that while TNA may have a 3 year deal with Spike TV, nothing's really ever written in stone. If Spike TV, for whatever reason, decided that TNA's product doesn't deliver what they want, or, if something happens to Spike TV (like a rebranding to something like "All Motorcycles TV!" or a return to The Nashville Network) and want to drop wrestling, they can buy out TNA's contract. Or if TNA goes tits up before then, they can bail out of the agreement too.

3 years from now, TNA will be a different company (if they're still around... people thought that WCW was going to live forever too at one point, remember?). It's a company in chaos at the very top. I'm not liking the fact the Dixie Carter is suddenly micromanaging TNA more than ever before. Her first great idea is to hire Hollywood writers to book the company! (Yeah, because that philosophy has just done WONDERS for the WWE!). The ousting of Jarrett associates is a sign that TNA is moving away from old school wrestling and more towards "Sports ENTERTAINMENT." Basically, Carter is trying to fix a sucking chest wound by putting a band aid on a paper cut on the thumb. Just missing the point completely.

What's happening in TNA NOW is just the tip of the iceberg of bigger and greater changes to come... and again, 3 years from now, TNA as we know now, will not be the same company (if it's still around).

And if you were Vince... why would you even bother associating yourself, or your company, with that mess?
WWE has acknowledged TNA in a very small sense. I got an email bout a WWE survey and one of the questions was bout if I preferred to watch other promotions i.e. UFC, MMA, and TNA. Yes TNA was in the category of "other promotions". So obviously WWE is keepin an eye on them but their not that big a threat right now.

For TNA to even get in the regions of where WCW was they need to do a few things and some have been said.
1. Keep the 6 sided ring it makes thier product different from WWE and there for it stands out.
2. Push more younger talent, MAKE WWE notice the talent it lost i.e. Mr. Kennedy if he goes to TNA.
3. Do more high risk moves. I still recall seein Sonjay Dutt give someone a 10 ft. Diamond Cutter during a Ultimate X match. That got my attention and more moves like that would.
Im sure there are other things but at the moment I cant think of them.
Email surveys are a completely different animal than actually mentioning competition on TV shows.

First, emailed surveys are consumed by only a small, small, small fraction of people compared to the numbers of TV viewers.

Coca-Cola will conduct surveys that will list what kind of beverages a person will consume in a time period and they'll list every one of their larger competitors. Even that blank "other" option is important for them to list.

They base that data on the other information you provide (age, gender, location, income and spending habits). It lets them know, "Oh, okay, so Jack here is 25 years old, lives in a major city, makes more than $30,000 a year and spends his money on electronics. But, he drinks Diet Pepsi and not Coke... so, maybe if we have a contest where he drinks Coke, he can win a plasma TV! Maybe we can sway him from drinking Diet Pepsi with this Coke contest for a TV."

Obviously, WWE would have a different approach... maybe they found that more 15 year old females are watching TNA than WWE... and they want to know why and to figure out what they can do to sway 15 year old girls to WWE away from TNA. But, not just TNA... maybe they're watching MMA, or 90210, Melrose Place or whatever. The idea is to focus your brand to that particular demo and how to bring them back to WWE.

A survey mention, is really no big deal.
2. I know I'm in the minority, but right now I prefer TNA over WWE. Better story lines, more unique ring/moves/finishes (they aren't always the totally predictable matches WWE run)

Well your opinion is your opinion, minority or not, doesn't make it irrelevant. However, I simply have to speak up about this. Everything that TNA has done for weeks has beem completely and utterly predictable. Take the qualifying matches for the TNA World Championship match at No Surrender for example. You had Sting take on Rhino, a guy that up until a few weeks ago had been off TNA television for several months. Everyone knew that Rhino wasn't going to win that match. It was the same with Styles and Sabin really. Sabin is a guy that's barely worked matches on TNA television twice in the past couple of months. No build up, no storyline, just dropped in a contender's match with AJ Styles. Gee, I wonder who's gonna win. It's been the same thing with the Knockout tag title tournament. Most the "teams" consist of women that have either on been in TNA for a few weeks, have been off tv for months and are just making their return or have been in the company forever but just haven't worked many matches. The matches have all ended exactly as one would expect. The only unpredictable thing about TNA in the past few months has been Angelina Love's departure from TNA due to work visa issues.

3. WWE has the better talent, but that's due to money. TNA takes the guys VKM dumps and turns them into stars. Christian Cage, Matt Morgan ect. TNA is like the minor leagues. You go to a minor league game it can be more entertaining then a MLB game but you don't hear as much about it.

Yeah, I don't think that's entirely accurate. Most of the former WWE guys that have come to TNA are guys that have already become well established stars in the WWE. TNA hired these guys in the hopes that the star power they developed while working for the WWE and/or WCW would work for them and generate ratings. Christian Cage is another example of that. Prior to him coming to TNA, he was a 3 time IC champ and 9 time tag team champ in the WWF/WWE. Christian was a star and well known name in the industry before TNA signed him. Guys like Matt Morgan and Samoa Joe are guys that had a developmental deal with the WWE that just didn't pan out. I'd hardly guy developmental guys "WWE guys".
I really want TNA to step it up and start stealing some thunder so the WWE is forced to bring out more benefits for viewers like us through competition.
TNA is no competition to the WWE so there's no point in mentioning TNA and refering to them as the biggest competition (which there is no comparison) or rival on WWE programming. With wCw it was different, they really were competition at the time and it could have gone either way so they ragged on each other etc etc.

TNA is no where near those levels of popularity so WWE will not mention or even acknowlage TNA on television.
How long you say? When TNA becomes relevant, gets rid of Nash, Steiner and other old main eventers from WCW and tries to become it's own entity and become what many others had try to become; An Indy Promotion with a HUGE budget. Think about it. What we're seeing right now, is WCW if it stayed in business. Simple as that. Minus Ric Flair of course.

This is a case of TNA simply shooting themselves in the foot by hiring people that are only in the biz to get their last day in the spotlight. NONE of the main eventers, except Sting and maybe Kurt Angle are there to try to put people over. It's a shame and a disgrace but until TNA shapes up and tries to do something that's not been done three times, TNA will never, ehhhhhhhhver be acknowledged by the WWE.
WWE already acknowledge TNA, in their Industry News section on :p They just took it off not so long ago, but about a year ago WWE would post TNA Impact, pay per view, and ROH results...

Actually before posting I looked and they still have it up. Here's some stuff they posted awhile back...

They don't post the results from other promotions or hyping their events anymore.
Ok after reading all this a couple points:
1. Vince doesn't want the competition with TNA like he had with WCW cause it cost him money. VKM is a businessman and promoting a rival is bad business.
2. I know I'm in the minority, but right now I prefer TNA over WWE. Better story lines, more unique ring/moves/finishes (they aren't always the totally predictable matches WWE run)
3. WWE has the better talent, but that's due to money. TNA takes the guys VKM dumps and turns them into stars. Christian Cage, Matt Morgan ect. TNA is like the minor leagues. You go to a minor league game it can be more entertaining then a MLB game but you don't hear as much about it.

Who that they took from WWE have they turned into a star?
Everyone they've taken were already stars, Christian was already a top star, Team 3D were already stars, infact i beg you to name one person that crossed the line that they have turned into a huge name that wasn't already a household name.

Matt Morgan well ok he's getting a better run in TNA but he's hardly a star.

as to the question at hand, they have no need to recognize TNA, it wouldn't do anything for WWE there's very few people who WWE would even consider IMO to "take" from TNA

and during the monday night wars WCW was doing the majority of the advertising for WWE like promoting matches for them in an attempt to get views to not bother watching cause they've just said who won a certain match,

All this achieved was people turned over from watching WCW to see what was going on in WWE, getting stars to say they were from the competition and say bad things about them which did nothing but promote WWE even more, During this, WWE payed out how dumb WCW were with utilising old stars and very old school mentality, and not until WCW was purchased did they state where all these stars came from, prior to that it was always that organisation down south that did rassling.

With a few exceptions ofcourse, like Ric Flair.

Lastly in a sort of way they are recognizing that some things TNA are doing are right, like the Single Match PPV format, where the PPV main events are all based on one match type, personally i think this is dumb, but they are adopting it it would seem

on the flip side TNA should stop advertising WWE and just concentrate on making themselves a fashionable product. it didn't work for WCW it wont work for WCW markII
Who that they took from WWE have they turned into a star?

Only guy I can think of is Ron "The Truth" Killings. Killings was in WWE developmental and was promoted to the main roster, winning the hardcore title and also being involved in a World Tag Team title change before being let go. I would say that he really didn't have star status.

Also WWE had guys like AJ Styles, Eric Young (Who got his nickname "Showtime in WWE), and Robbert Roode had a few matches in WWE as jobbers before being picked up by TNA. I wouldn't really count them as being "taken" from WWE, as they only had jobber status, I just thought that would be an interesting to point out.

And now, Ron Killings is back in WWE :icon_neutral:
Who that they took from WWE have they turned into a star?

Anjalina Love was in WWE development, even if she did feck it all up by not renewing her visa. Along with the others mentioned already.

I do disagree with you about Mat Morgan though, he is a TNA star now, upper mid card breaking into the main event. Just the same as Christian was when he left WWE.

So you can do one of three things.

1. accept that TNA has made Matt Morgan a star,
2. admit that TNA elevated Christians stock.
3. admit that Christian isnt a WWE star. :p

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