How long have you watched wrestling?

I started watching back around...early 2007. My cousins watched it, and I'd go over there house and they'd have it on, I wanted to get into it, and acted as if I liked it..but I never really got the urge to turn it on ever Monday night. I remember towards Backlash 2007, I saw the episode with the kid from Make a wish foundation, and the night the Fatal Fourway match was scheduled, and I also remember the night Kennedy and Carlito went "MRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR KEE-Carlito. Kennedy. Carlito..KENNEDY!..Carlito." Mighta been the same night..or around it. Anyways what really got me into it though, was one night I decided to order one of the pay per views, Unforgiven to be exact, my cousin came over to watch it. It was the whole storyline with Orton and Cena, and Cena's dad, and Undertaker came back that night too, but I didn't really give a shit. Well after that ppv, I started watching it every night, and I ordered every pay per view since then, (Except Summerslam 2008, I couldn't order that because I was on vacation..but my cousin called me and told me everything that happened). The funny thing is, my cousin barely watches it anymore, and I probably new way more about WWE then he did by early 2008.

Cool story bro
One of my earliest memories iswrestling a pillow in my moms living room. While other kids were watching Transformers and GI Joe, my Saturdays were spent watching WWF Superstars and USWA. So I've been watching religiously for about 24-25 years, and I'm only 27, so wrestling has played a huge part throughout my entire life.
I would say I been watching wrassling since I was a little girl, probably since I was about 3-4 years old. My dad watched all the old school stuff, the AWA, NWA, and WCW things from then on. I remember dressing up like Cowboy Bob Orton when he'd watch wrestling, or Junkyard dog by bringing our dog's leash and wearing it for a belt. I'd wear a cowboy hat and his boots to be Bob Orton. I remember wearing his yellow work shirt and my red tights when it was the era of Hogan. Gosh, I loved those days. I remember every Saturday night he and my mom would get ready to go out with friends and there was Shotgun Saturday night, and he'd watch that as my mom get ready, and he'd be the ref as me and my little sister would try to wrestle. Then eventually girls get older and go through the girly phase, but I still kept tabs and remembered him flipping out when Hogan turned heel. Then after I met this one guy and we got serious, I watched Smackdown one night, right after Batista won the title from HHH at WM21. I was hooked again!! I've been watching ALL kinds of shows on/off for the last 26-27 years.
I knew who Stone Cold and Undertaker were in 2001, and I heard of The Rock thanks to The Mummy Returns, but I never checked wrestling out until 2003 when Kane got unmasked. I watched sporadically every now and then, until 2005 when I stated watching it regularly. Five years later, I watch it religiously -- any promotion I can find, past or present -- and study how moves work and, well, whatever a smark does. Quite sad, really.
I’ve seen wrestling here and there before 1989, but didn’t really get into it till WrestleMania V. From that point on, it’s been a part of my life.
Since '88. was always mainly WWF, but did catch Nitro replays, and watched Thunder as well. seen almost every PPV from 92-now

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