How good is Stephanie right now?


Championship Contender
Seriously. Since returning to TV last year, she's really stepped up her game and for my money, she's become the best non-wrestling character on WWE TV. All due respect to Paul Heyman, but whereas Heyman is amazing at getting himself over, as a non-wrestling character, Stephanie is amazing at getting OTHERS over.

Case in point is last night with Vicki. For the past 9 years, Vicki Guerrero has been an absolute heat magnet. If there's been one heel character people never had a problem booing, it was Vicki. Yet last night, Stephanie was so good, that she was able to get the fans firmly in Vicki's corner, and just like her fathers done so many times in the past, she was more than willing to make herself look bad in order to get her opponent over.

Of course, it helped for Vicki that they incorporated Eddie into the angle (brilliantly I might add), but you could see the fans pulling for Vicki even before Steph mentioned his name.

It's nice to see a heel that understands how to be a heel, and a non-wrestling character that understands that their job is to get people over. The Billion Dollar Princess has come a long way.
She definitely has gotten better and its good to see that she can be diabolical and even creepy when called for (like the times she would just pop in on Daniel bryan) on her own without Vince and HHH there.
Stephanie is awesome! I remember watching her storyline relationship with Test and Triple H, the Million dollar Princess, The Alliance, etc. Today I just love how she replaced her father's role as the owner/boss heel of the company. Both she and Triple H work perfectly together.
Lol, Stephanie is horrific, an all-round awful performer. I'm no Ziggler fan, but I acknowledge that he's good. I can't do that with Stephanie at all, and I'm baffled by any support for her.
Stephanie is pretty much best suited as a heel for her character. But she is definitely doing her best work in this run in the WWE since she returned full time late last summer. Stephanie as a heel, gives me some vibes of her father, Vince, when he works as a heel.

OP makes a good point though of how Vicki was a heat magnet. Through the course of her run in the WWE over the past 9 years, Vicki has had no difficulty receiving heat from the fans. Now, with Vicki gone, Stephanie has put herself into the position as the #1 heel authority in the WWE.

I think it's probably easier for her character to be a heel by being associated with her husband who is also a heel. Their "Best for Business" catchphrase emphasizes the quality of their product. As authoritative heels, The Authority minimizes the weaknesses of their superstars, and look to downgrade their current targets. All in all, Stephanie has come a long way from her start in the Attitude Era to where she is now. Stephanie as a heel is working fine.
Kudos to Steph. I know she, Trips and Vince take a lot of heat for the egos effecting the product but last night Steph took one for the team. She put aside her 'nobility' and dirtied herself up. Her dad did it all the time and yesterday she carried on the family tradition.
Last night was great but I think it was more out of respect for Vickie and Eddie than taking one for the team.

She was still young in the biz when Eddie came in and she was one of the most vocal when he died about him. Steph the person does seem very very different to the character, but when she likes someone as she clearly did with Vickie and Eddie she "goes the extra".

That shows as "more fun evil" and a better performer... When she doesn't like some one, like when Dusty did the hand in her face... it's not as good.

Steph turned it on these last few weeks and months cos she likes the people involved, wants them and thus the company to succeed but last night was not her "taking one for the team" or any family legacy. It's showing respect pure and simple... if you're a HOF'er already or near to might get the in-ring send off from all the boys but that is a relatively new thing... if you're anyone else or it's better for your character and you REALLY have the McMahon's respect, you get the "humilating" exit... It's a tradition that goes back to Bobby Heenan being thrown out of the Garden. Jericho in his bleating being carried from the arena, Batista in his wheelchair quitting, Bischoff begging for his job...

That Vickie got that, to totally muddy up the "Bosses Daughter" was a very special moment for Vickie and shows she did a good job for 9 years... and has done Steph no harm at all.
last nights raw,was more out of respect for Eddie and Vickie than anything.. Stephanie is doing her best work IMO she has ever done.. Her evil antics,one half of the Authority,she is doing an awesome job.. For someone who has had two kids,she is in great shape. I think if she wanted she could go part-time as an active competitor!
Both Stephanie and Triple H have been fantastic on screen heels, by playing up to the reputations that they both have. On top of this both have been very sacrificial in putting other people over during this run.

With that said, I genuinely believe that this is the best that Stephanie has ever been on screen.

I also mentioned in the comments during Raw, that it's good to see her "humiliating" herself to get Vicky the pop. This is something that Vince has done regularly, and it's good to see that Stephanie has adopted the same mentality and approach.
I agree that Stephanie has been absolutely fantastic for the last year. She's consistently one of the best parts of Raw to me. Really, with Bryan out, and with the emphasis on good, solid wrestling matches seemingly over....I'm really only tuning in for Stephanie and Rollins, Reigns, and Ambrose at this point.

And yeah, she got Vickie Guerrero over instantly, which is incredible. I hope Stephanie stays onscreen for a long time.
Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that she is willing to make herself look bad to put other people over. She is also pleasant to look at.

With that said she is painful to listen to. I often find myself wondering whether she has no acting talent whatsoever or if she plays a person who has no talent on tv. "Na na na Na, Na Na Na Na, hey hey hey, goodbye" was brutal to endure.

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