How Good Are They?: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

For years, The Rock entertained and wowed many wrestling fans during his time in the WWF/WWE. He was flashy, charismatic, and live audiences would hang on his every word. Johnson had all of the qualities of a Hollywood superstar, and as time went on, Johnson would hang up his wrestling boots for a Hollywood career.

Johnson would get a chance at some big time exposure, as he played The Scorpion King in the second installment of the very popular Mummy franchise. Although, you really can't judge Johnson's performance here, because we hardly see him in this film. He doesn't last too long at the very beginning, and then we see a very shitty CGI monster version of him at the end of the film. Still, The Mummy Returns was a big time summer blockbuster. This was a golden opportunity for Johnson. Johnson would get his chance to star in his own summer blockbuster shortly after this film. I've always thought The Scorpion King was a solid action flick. There was a good amount of energy in this film, the battle scenes were entertaining, and Johnson wasn't bad as the lead. Johnson's first major starring role was a box office success, and The Rock had made his mark in Hollywood.

Over the years, Johnson has starred in a variety of comedy, action, and family films. Johnson's range isn't spectacular, but he does have plenty of charisma, he's a likeable guy, and he can have an on-screen charm. He could be the angry and mean squad leader in Doom, he could make us laugh as the cocky quarterback who had to learn how to be a father in The Gameplan, or he could be the lone rebel who fought to clean up his hometown in Walking Tall. Most recently, Johnson's performance in Fast Five really managed to impress me. Johnson was this hard ass Diplomatic Security Service agent. He had the PERFECT look, and he did manage to bring a good amount of intensity to this character. This wasn't an Oscar worthy performance by Johnson, but I do think he did a damn good job with this character, and in my opinion, this has been Johnson's best role so far. Also, I think Gridiron Gang deserves to be mentioned. Johnson was a caring and strict football coach who wanted to help a group of troubled kids, and I did enjoy his inspirational and emotional speeches. On a side note, I wish I could've saw more of Johnson in The Other Guys.......

As far as the quality of Johnson's films go, I can't say I've hated all of his films. Most of Johnson's films are either decent or solid, but I thought Doom was awful. Johnson doesn't have that five star classic film on his resumé, but for the most part, his films have been entertaining, and a good amount of them aren't bad to look at.

Johnson's success as The Rock has undoubtedly helped his film career. He made a huge splash in the wrestling world, and he has managed to maintain a steady career in Hollywood. Johnson has made a noticeable impact, and his role in the very popular Fast & The Furious franchise can do wonders for him. There was a time where I thought Johnson could be one of the next big action stars, but I don't see it happening now. I don't think Johnson has that major "it" factor to make this happen.

The mainstream media and a lot of other people usually frown upon pro wrestling and wrestlers. They think it's a ridiculous soap opera and fake sport, where men in tights grease themselves up in baby oil and roll around in a ring with each other. But Johnson hasn't suffered from the "pro wrestler stigma." His career hasn't been damaged by this. Johnson might not become a huge and famous star, and he probably won't receive any Oscar nominations in the future, but I don't think his Hollywood career has been a failure, and he still has more time for improvement.

What are your thoughts on Johnson's film career?
I like The Rock. I also like Dwayne Johnson the actor, although I don't think he is as good as some people claim he is. His movies have ranged from awesome to terrible. There are many of his movies that I watched only because he was in them. (Looking at YOU, tooth fairy!) Some of his movies weren't that great and would have been AWFUL if anyone else had been put in the parts that The Rock played. I prefer his time in WWE over his movies anyday, but that doesn't stop his movies from being enjoyable. Dwayne Johnson the actor is good, he just won't ever top his time as The Rock the wrestler in any role on the big screen. It will never happen. Period.
I cant agree more Dagger!!
Dwayne Johnson is a good actor, honestly I cant name a movie with him that sucked or that was a waste of my time. (even Tooth Fairy was entertaining)
My favorite one is "The Rundown", that The Rock portrayed an incredible character and the action scenes were incredible and I think that this movie was a statement to Hollywood that he was going to play...

Fast 5 was a proof that he is a major superstar in the Hollywood and we cant deny that he was one of the few that pushed WWE to the best Pro-Wrestling Show ever!!
Vince should kiss his ass...
I have to agree with the above posters that he will forever with associated with his character of The Rock.It dosen't mean ,he's not a good actor.He has done some very good movies (speacially fast 5).I will chose him as a wrestler than a actor.
Good actor let down by the material he chooses to do. He's never anything other than the best thing in the films he does. He elevates average material like Walking Tall, steals scenes from more established actors and just imagine how bad the Tooth Fairy would've been without him.

He really needs to do more hard hitting, nonsense action films like The Mechanic, Crank, Gamer, etc.
Personally I love The Rock. I grew with him in my childhood, he was probably my idol for awhile. When he left for Hollywood and the came back during the Alliance angle, I remember screaming in joy for him. Time moved on... And The Rock became Dwayne Johnson.

He became an actor. He had another stint with the WWE, and even came back for Wrestlemania 20... Where he was booed. Why was he booed? Many think he sold out the wrestling fans. Did he? Possibly.

Remember there was a time in '06 where The Rock, then only asking to be known as Dwayne Johnson tried to distance himself from wrestling. He would tell everyone he was nothing but an actor. This isn't made up shit, this is something we all know, he really tried to seperate The Rock from Dwayne Johnson.

He began to make video taped appearences on RAW and Smackdown, he began to discuss wrestling even more in interviews, even said he would go back, but "not in a wrestling role." And eventually, boom! The Rock is back and Dwayne Johnson fades away once again.

He's still an actor, and even though I'm not the biggest fan of his movie career, as I think at least half of his movies were... poor? I can't choose a better word. I so like a few. Game Plan was one which surprised me. Gridiron Gang? I think that was the name, that's actually my favorite of his. Race to Witch Mountain was decent, and then Fast Five was... Okay. But hell, generated a fuck load of money.

Can't take away from his acting skills or career, hes done very well for himself to come from the WWE to Hollywood. But when I think of him as a wrestler, even though he's "back", I'll always remember. He didn't sell out... but he sure as hell tried.
Good actor let down by the material he chooses to do. He's never anything other than the best thing in the films he does. He elevates average material like Walking Tall, steals scenes from more established actors and just imagine how bad the Tooth Fairy would've been without him.

He really needs to do more hard hitting, nonsense action films like The Mechanic, Crank, Gamer, etc.

This right here. I mentioned in the Fast Five thread how I am happy that the Rock is done with the Disney comedy films he was doing and can finally move on to what he's best at, being a badass in action movies. I totally agree with Jake here that the Rock is always the one guy that stands out in his films even if they are shit. He has had some pretty good ones like The Rundown, Walking Tall, and now Fast Five which was easily his best. He finally got to be in a film with another big name action star in Vin Diesel and these two delivered with an awesome film and great fight scene. It'll be interesting to see if they decide to continue that franchise and the Rock's character becomes one of the major ones.

I'm not expecting an Oscar-worthy performance from the man anytime soon, but I do think the Rock is the best and most successful wrestler turned actor that we've seen. He has become one of the big names for action flicks in Hollywood and with how good his most recent performance was, I expect that he'll continue to improve in the coming years.
He's capable in the majority of roles that he does, not outstanding but not awful and a box office draw. For a guy who wasn't trained as an actor (though performing in WWE isn't a million miles away) and has learned more as he's gone on, he's done pretty well.

When he started out there was talk of him filling the Arnie/Stallone/Willis shaped void and seemed to be on the path after his first few films, then he meandered into the family entertainment realm. Tooth Fairy gets held against him a lot, but it didn't stop his acting career now did it? It was slaughtered by critics and yet made $112,000,000 worldwide. (source - Has anyone here made a company that much money for something so bad?

He seems to have got a lot of positive reaction for Fast Five, but his other recent 'fast' film, Faster, seems to have snuck under the radar despite being a very solid B-Movie throwback, with each character being named after their role - Driver, Killer, Cop etc. I'm a big fan of minimalism in cinema and it was interesting to see Dwayne reign in his emotions and translate them into different facial expressions. The film is incredibly well directed, with one shot at a lake with Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje on his knees praying for forgiveness and Johnson's arm pointing a gun at his head struck me as potentially very iconic. (Couldn't find an image of it unfortunately)

For someone not trained to be an actor and be a consistent box-office draw, that means a lot for the appeal of the man, whatever role he may be in.

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