How Far Will TNA Go To Beat WWE ?

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See one thing you have to take in mind was during the "Monday Night Wars", RAW was on TNN, WCW on TNT. TNT comes with pretty much every cable package, etc. TNN does not. WCW had an advantage there. Same thing with TNA. They are on Spike TV (formerly TNN). If they do try to rival RAW by bringing a show to Monday, then to be direct competition they would have to switch to a different channel.

Raw was on USA Network originally hence the reason for the homecoming in 2005 hence them saying "RAW is returning home". RAW moved to TNN fall of 2000.
If they really want to play with fire, they need to make a move on Chris Jericho; who instead of being a tool to enhance Big Show and the tag titles could be a dominant champ feuding w/ Styles, Angle, ....Hogan? I know Vince isn't likely to lose Jericho, but I have heard his contract is coming up soon, and he would have more impact than anybody I can think of; if I were TNA I'd take Jericho over Cena, HHH, or even Undertaker; and he's a better worker in the ring and on the mic than either of those 3.

Other long shot ideas: if these guys were to get motivated and in shape (not even sure that's possible for all): Sic Vicious, Goldberg, Savage, Luger, and Hall. IF motivated those guys could spice things up, and likely wouldn't command big money since who else wants them? On the same token, and I know people will HATE this... but what about entertaining the idea of one last Hogan-Warrior match? You'd think that with some effort they could bury the memory of their previous match at Halloween Havoc, all to the benefit of TNA...
Other long shot ideas: if these guys were to get motivated and in shape (not even sure that's possible for all): Sic Vicious, Goldberg, Savage, Luger, and Hall. IF motivated those guys could spice things up, and likely wouldn't command big money since who else wants them? On the same token, and I know people will HATE this... but what about entertaining the idea of one last Hogan-Warrior match? You'd think that with some effort they could bury the memory of their previous match at Halloween Havoc, all to the benefit of TNA...

lol, Hogan-Warrior? Jeez. Some of you are taking this way too far. Also, signing Luger would be know considering he had a spinal stroke, can barely walk, and weighs like a buck seventy now.

I hope TNA does improve its product and gets good ratings...but I dunno if it's going to happen. Hopefully Bischoff takes control backstage.
The WWE has to many followers and with the so called PG ratings, there are a ton of kids out there that have jumped on the bandwagon. All the fans of the attitude era are pretty much long gone and wrestling doesn't interest them anymore.

If you look at the roster of TNA right at this very moment, they have an impressive lineup and I think everyone can agree on that one. But, TNA has many vets that are past their prime. If no one cared with the amount of talent they have now, how is bringing in a few more guys going to change anything? Biscoff will do this thing and tell everyone he's here to make TNA better etc, but it won't last.

The WWE is pulling in 3.5-4.0 ratings each week, TNA can barely beat ECW. This will generate some interest, but not much. At best it will hit WCW at his it's lowest point.
Everybody throws around "tell me this WWE marks"...Well I'm only a mark for wrestling but I got a question for TNA marks. How is giving complete 100% bonafide Control to Hulk Hogan a good thing? Not even Dixie can fire him? Or even so much as threaten him? TNA really just gave their company to Hulk Hogan? LOL And I thought this could, COULD, have been a start to making Vince realize he has to step up. Jeebus
OP, I'm really anxious to hear how even a live TNA ipmact mondays would be able to read off smackdown results that won't even happen until the next day.

Things are simply done differently now than they were during the first monday night wars.
how can raw or tna (when it moves to monday) read the results of smackdown, ecw, superstars, or impact when they are taped on tuesdays. nonless raw or tna can see into the future
IMO, TNA should just stick with thursdays. they have a decent thing going already and if they go head to head with raw and fail then it will probably destroy the company. kudos to signing hogan though.
ok ive just got just a couple things to say. Learn from history tna but do not repeat it. Things wcw did some were great, some were not. If tna really wants to have any sort of chance at going at wwe then they need to pull some big name people from wwe. talking big like randy orton, or edge, or (oh god what would vince do, but god i would hate to see this) Cena( he so belongs in pg) maybe even the tna return of jeff hardy, after his last stint in wwe he got a huge push would be great for the tna (didnt he have that hint in his farewell speech anyways)

but tna please do not try and recreate like the nwo my opinion cool for about 5 seconds then would just hate it.

have hogan never touch the ring unless hes making an announcement no tights for u hogan.

somebody said it earlier but i want to bring it back up yes eric b is amazing but so is heyman have both along with don west and u got yourself a show.

and some tool said it earlier but i want to respond they said the last couple tna ppvs were shit, well combine hell in a cell and bragging rights and bound for glory wins hands down

you all might not agree frankly my dear i dont give a damn my opinion and if one loses that what do they have left?
Again I ask what does TNA have to lose by trying to compete with the WWE ?

Best case scenario they take over as the dominant wrestling promotion in the country, worst case scenario they go back to where they are now.

So what do they have to lose exactly ?
Again I ask what does TNA have to lose by trying to compete with the WWE ?

Best case scenario they take over as the dominant wrestling promotion in the country, worst case scenario they go back to where they are now.

So what do they have to lose exactly ?

I disagree. Here's my take on it:

Best case scenario: TNA uses the Hulkamania exposure to get new people to check out their shows, gets them hooked with guys like AJ and Daniels, and stays around as a great wrestling company for decades to come. How WWE responds is up to them.

Worst case scenario: TNA winds up just being a 2-DVD set put out by WWE called "TNA: Why it Sucked" and Dixie Carter has to take a job playing Vince's new "sexretary" on RAW.

The stakes are a lot higher than just going back to "status quo."
What I honestly believe is, that the legends of WWE/WWF are selling out. First Foley, now Hogan, and rumors of Flair. Who's next, Ultimate Warrior. These legends are disrespecting the company that gave them the chance. Going to TNA. Come on, how low can they go. TNA gets the talent that WWE releases, I understand that, but I dont understand how the legend can just turn their backs on WWE. Trying to restart their career, maybe. This of course will bring raiting to TNA. But I do not believ that TNA can outrate WWE until they can finally bring in a big name. Kurt Angle is obviously there best wrestler and maybe Sting second, but with Sting coming to the end of his career, TNA has nobody on reserves. No BIG names. Dont get me wrong Styles and Morgan are the future of that company, but they are not the names of Triple H or The Undertaker. And even though they are Veterans, WWE has young vets that have alot left in them like Cena and Orton. With rising stars like Morrison, Punk, and alot others. TNA still does not match up, and unless they can bring in someone everyone in wretling wants to come back, TNA is not even a threat to WWE. TNA needs THE ROCK!!!
Again I ask what does TNA have to lose by trying to compete with the WWE ?

Best case scenario they take over as the dominant wrestling promotion in the country, worst case scenario they go back to where they are now.

So what do they have to lose exactly ?

They have everything to gain. They win simply by just even marginally expanding their audience. People just dont get it. The goal is not to beat or even be the WWE. It is to expand. Hogan simply expands the audience even if he shows up on camera once a month and burps.

If Rick Flair signs, he will expand the audience and help with the new talent to get them over... even if most of it is behind the scenes. Rick Flair steps into that locker room and moral will just go through the roof.
Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, and Chris Jericho will never join TNA. Plus Dixie just gave TNA the prefeably nail in the coffin imo when she signed Bischoff and Hogan By production value ROH looks a heck of a lot better than TNA which says alot just watch replays of stuff during matches WWE and ROH do a split screen but TNA takes you from the action and all of whats supposed to live?! TNA Will be gone in less than 3yrs tops. Cause if HOGAN & BISCHOFF stay DOUBLE J will go up north to the 'E' and help destroy he's creation that was TNA not Dixie's creation cause TNA was The Jarrett's baby. SO goodnight TNA in the long run it's bein a enjoyable ride but bye-bye 4ever.
~I've been a fan of 25 yrs a seen @ least 5 promotions vs WWE and fail cause The 'E' will be around imo 4ever and I approve this message~
What I honestly believe is, that the legends of WWE/WWF are selling out. First Foley, now Hogan, and rumors of Flair. Who's next, Ultimate Warrior. These legends are disrespecting the company that gave them the chance... Come on, how low can they go.

Foley and Flair did not start their careers in the WWE/F. They don't owe the company any loyalty.

And do you really think Vince is loyal to any of them?

Wrestling is a job. Now, I've had many jobs, and I can tell you I have zero loyalty to any of my former employers. I'm greatful for the opportunities I was given, but loyalty doesn't pay the bills. If they have the itch to wrestle, and VKM doesn't want them around, more power to them.

"How low can they go?" ... After much deliberation, I decided this isn't worthy of a response.
WCW forgot that the fans were the #1 important thing. Bischoff was more focused on beating WWE than actually providing great content to the fans. And the proof is right there with Hogan/Nash and others running the entire company into the ground without anyone stopping them. It was all egos & stuff the fans.

Vince McMahon may be somewhat of a tyrant or dictator, but even if it may not seem like it at the time, he is always working several steps ahead to bring the fans to where his vision is going. And being such a control freak works well for them as the rats could never run the ship.

As far as TNA's apparent plan to go head to head against WWE on Monday night.... BIG MISTAKE!!!!

You're basically bending the fans over and forcing yourself on them. I had always hoped that TNA would to improve the industry not try and repeat WCW. The brand wars was an ego driven disgrace. Even if it brought more fans in due to the adult nature it had headed, them both running at the same time splits fans. Meaning fans lose out.

TNA should work at going PrimeTime sure.... but don't do it when WWE is on air. Pick another night. The best idea would be when WWE finishes..... Ratings have proven that the MainEvent of RAW usually draws the most numbers, both through tons of fans wanting to see it and also people preparing to watch whatever comes after it.

If TNA run straight after RAW ends, they should see a pretty big jump in the ratings, coz they'll be able to take that group of fans and with a click of a button they'd all switch to check it out.

Besides... WWE will never go bankrupt anyway. Give fans and bystanders a choice.

Bischoff should only be consulted in being able to grow TNA to become a rival to WWE without trying to sabotage the industry in the process. Hogan on the other hand should never have been hired. Quite frankly, TNA needs to flush out the old stars and the ego trips and push their younger more hungry talent through the roof.

As soon as that Main Event Mafia started, I said here we go yet again.... the whole 2 hour show will revolve around Angle.... and yup... it does....

You know you've got problems in your company when the Knockouts are the highlight of the whole show. They consistently outdo everything else week in and week out.

If TNA selfishly decide to go head 2 head against WWE in an effort to try destroy their company, I know who'll I'll be backing ... it won't be TNA... viewers will choose with their remotes and blogs.... There's no reason at all why 2 big wrestling companies can't run side by side 7 days a week. Also if they tweak their product a bit more they'll offer an alternative to the WWE without forcing fans to make a choice.... Fans can be fans of both shows without the need for corporate shanking and ass buggering......
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