How does a wrestler or Diva reach 'Legend' status.


Pre-Show Stalwart
Well we no tons of wrestlers who have reach legendary status by have the most title regin ( jerry lawler 37) or doing something simply amazing that has never done befor (see mankind vs undertaker hitc) or even being the most over wrestler in there era see hogan rock austin and cena but my qustion is how dose a wrestler reach that status i mean i no its a really hard goal to acomplish and i might of answered my own qustion but if someone can explain to me how do you acomplish that goal or how dose happen it would really help me cause this is mind boggleing me all day
Well we no tons of wrestlers who have reach legendary status by have the most title regin ( jerry lawler 37) or doing something simply amazing that has never done befor (see mankind vs undertaker hitc) or even being the most over wrestler in there era see hogan rock austin and cena but my qustion is how dose a wrestler reach that status i mean i no its a really hard goal to acomplish and i might of answered my own qustion but if someone can explain to me how do you acomplish that goal or how dose happen it would really help me cause this is mind boggleing me all day

I don't think title reigns have anything to do with it and in my eyes there are very, very few wrestlers worthy of "Legendary" status. The title of "legend" is thrown around waaaaay too often and it has a watered down flavor in my eyes. There are "classic" competitors and then there are "Legends".

To me Legendary competitor would be the likes of.......

Harley Race
Hulk Hogan
Lou Thez
Ric Flair
Andre the Giant
Antonio Inoki
Giant Baba
Bruno Sammartino
Pedro Moralas
And maybe a few more, but people like this.....

And "Classic" competitors would be people like.....

Jake Roberts
Steve Austin
The Rock
Roddy Piper
Rick Rude
Ted Dibiase
George Steel
And many more others like this....
You kind of answered your own question but I do agree that legend doesn't seem to have the same meaning as it use to it seems like it'd be more of an honor to make it into the hall of fame if you look at the current roster you can almost pick out the legends new and old but I think it just has to do with how long a wrestler stays relevant if a superstar dies off to fast they are forgotten but if they can stick around as long as say HBK or Tripple H wrestlers like that they could be called a legend and they wouldn't even have to win a whole bunch of championships although it would help
Actually, all you really have to do is do something the fans will ALWAYS remember. And well, don't double cross Vince McMahon in the process.

Take Jeff Hardy for instance. I mean, if Jeff Hardy were to get seriously injured and have to quit the industry tomorrow, he would be remembered as a legend, just off the fact that he would have good ties with WWE, and he has done enough throughout his career to consistently make those "Flashback" videos WWE loves to do. He's only won a World Title once (which lasted like two weeks), and he won the Tag Titles and the IC Titles at a time when they didn't mean jackshit, but none of that will matter. He will become a legend in this business just because he's done enough crazy stunts throughout his career that all the fans will remember, and also because he, most likely, wouldn't have burnt any bridges with WWE.

Titles mean nothing. Just put on performances that the crowd is bound to remember, and stay well with Vince McMahon and his family. In today's pro wrestling, that's the only way you have a chance of becoming a true legend.
Four/Five simple words... FUCK/MARRY THE BOSSES DAUGHTER. I kid but hey, it doesnt hurt either! I think more often than not, natural charisma rises to the top more often than not, and in those cases, they probably pissed someone off royally along the way. Even Santino, who hasnt done anything as a wrestler, is going to be known for a far longer time by a larger amount of people because he is just so damn funny. Its the connection with the crowd.
be memorable, unique, charismatic, exciting to watch, and deliver in your matches. it also helps to be in the good graces of vince mcmahon and stumble into some decent storylines.

it's a simple formula but much more difficult to follow through on.
Actually, all you really have to do is do something the fans will ALWAYS remember. And well, don't double cross Vince McMahon in the process.

Take Jeff Hardy for instance. I mean, if Jeff Hardy were to get seriously injured and have to quit the industry tomorrow, he would be remembered as a legend, just off the fact that he would have good ties with WWE, and he has done enough throughout his career to consistently make those "Flashback" videos WWE loves to do. He's only won a World Title once (which lasted like two weeks), and he won the Tag Titles and the IC Titles at a time when they didn't mean jackshit, but none of that will matter. He will become a legend in this business just because he's done enough crazy stunts throughout his career that all the fans will remember, and also because he, most likely, wouldn't have burnt any bridges with WWE.

Titles mean nothing. Just put on performances that the crowd is bound to remember, and stay well with Vince McMahon and his family. In today's pro wrestling, that's the only way you have a chance of becoming a true legend.

Jeff Hardy will never be remembered as a real Legend, but maybe as a daredevil or a classic competitor. Legends are reserved for industry greats and men who have given up their lives for the sport. People like Flair, Sammartino, Race and others will be remembered as true legends.
Jeff Hardy will never be remembered as a real Legend, but maybe as a daredevil or a classic competitor. Legends are reserved for industry greats and men who have given up their lives for the sport. People like Flair, Sammartino, Race and others will be remembered as true legends.

Sammartino, Race & Flair are legends to you. But Jeff Hardy will be a legend for the people of today who are watching wrestling. I'll never hold him in the same regard as I do the wrestlers that I was watching as a child. He'll never be in the same league as Randy Savage, Jake Roberts & Rick Rude to me. But to the teens who watch wrestling now they'll look at him in years to come in the same way you look at the three wrestlers you mentioned.
a Wrestler or diva reaches the status of "Legand" based on their entire body of work well that's how a person she gain the status of "Legand" but isn't always the case .
Jeff Hardy could very well be on his way, in fact, he's sort of there already due to the extreme matches and the Hardy Boys. But the thing is, it all depends on him. If he can tap into that thing that he has tapped into continuously, he can be one of the alltime legends.

Some guys just know what it takes. It's not an equation or exact science. They can just go out there and turn it on. So, in a way, these guys are always legends. Since guys like Taker began, they just figured it out, and started carving out there legacy. They learn from their mistakes and just master the art.

But it can happen after ten or more years, or overnight. Austin had been wrestling for a long time, not really making a name for himself. Then, within a span of a couple of years, he carved out his legacy. Some people take a long time, some a few years. Some can even become legends because their careers were cut short. There is no real way of telling, but I would say at least five to ten years.
Can not think of a Diva who is a legend.

Guys like Piper, Flair, Hogan, Sting are all legends to me, they gave their all to wrestling no matter what was asked. They didn't show up a couple times a year but during their prime gave their all no matter if it was a gym full of 200 people (where I first saw hogan) or an arena full of 50,000 people.

Austin, Rock will not be legends are they were only flashes for a few years but guys like HBK, Taker, HHH all have a chance depending on how their careers wind down and if they are willing to put others over themselves and do the right thing for the wrestling business.
Can not think of a Diva who is a legend.

Guys like Piper, Flair, Hogan, Sting are all legends to me, they gave their all to wrestling no matter what was asked. They didn't show up a couple times a year but during their prime gave their all no matter if it was a gym full of 200 people (where I first saw hogan) or an arena full of 50,000 people.

Austin, Rock will not be legends are they were only flashes for a few years but guys like HBK, Taker, HHH all have a chance depending on how their careers wind down and if they are willing to put others over themselves and do the right thing for the wrestling business.

HBK & The Undertaker are already TRUE Legends. Their careers will be remembered forever in the WWE. HHH isn't a TRUE Legend like them tho, for obvious reasons.
It's really hard to define and I do think it is thrown around way too much nowadays. Personally my definition is somebody that made a big impact on the business in a positive way, will always be remembered for their actual work(what I mean is for example not for them dying or for them doing something negative in a non wrestling way), is pretty well known and people still care about you and you were successful as well as far as titles, being in Main Events and things of that nature.

In my eye's there's not a whole lot of true legends. I don't think every Hall of Famer is one. Right now I think I would consider these guys Legends I list below. I maybe forgetting some people but these are people that come to mind. And this is only in the past 25 or so years because I don't know or never really paid much attention prior to that so I wouldn't know who to list. I'm not including guys that maybe legends down the road but just guys that I consider now so there's only a few active wrestlers.

Andre the Giant
Hulk Hogan
Roddy Piper
Dusty Rhodes
Harley Race
Ric Flair
Bret Hart
Randy Savage
Steve Austin
Shawn Michaels

I'm sure there are more you could make a case for and I'm sure I'm forgetting some people but I feel that this atleast covers most of them.
It's a very simple thing to call yourself a legend. Sammrintion did it, Zybsko did it and so has Jericho. In truth the way you become a legend is to leave a legendary body of work. this si why Ricky Steamboat, Ric Flair and as much as I hate to say it Hulk Hogan arte legends. Its also whey Take and HBK, sting and yes for the haters even HHH are living legends in the sport because we will continue to talk about their matches and careers long after their gone. Jericho is on his way, so is Egde. Other guys who have won hundreds of titles like Lex Luger, ect. are not because their body of work does not hold up against the true legends. You could drop a true legend into any generation and he would rise to the top.
It has nothing to do with titles, feuds or work rate (mic skills OR in ring ability). It is all up to how the fans remember the wrestler, and that sadly depends very much on how WWE promotes the wrestler when he retires. If they didn't promote Flair as the best ever, or Piper as one of the greatest talkers ever, or Andre as the most dominant big man ever, most fans wouldn't even remember these guys a couple of years down the road. It would take the hardcore fan who remembers everything about wrestling to remember them and ensure that their legacy lives on. Unfortunately, it is all about hype. In some cases, this hype is earned through hard work, in others, through unknown reasons, but it almost always comes down to how WWE promotes the wrestler after he or she retires.
Can not think of a Diva who is a legend.

Guys like Piper, Flair, Hogan, Sting are all legends to me, they gave their all to wrestling no matter what was asked. They didn't show up a couple times a year but during their prime gave their all no matter if it was a gym full of 200 people (where I first saw hogan) or an arena full of 50,000 people.

Austin, Rock will not be legends are they were only flashes for a few years but guys like HBK, Taker, HHH all have a chance depending on how their careers wind down and if they are willing to put others over themselves and do the right thing for the wrestling business.

Regarding the Diva part of the topic, there really aren't that many at all that should be called legend. I can only think of two that will be remembered and that's Trish Stratus and maybe Sable. Trish had the look and could get it done in the ring. Sable if she is remembered then it will be because she was the first woman to really start off the diva thing - you can go way back to Moolah, but really Sable was the first diva in being attractive and wrestling (even if her wrestling wasn't much). I also briefly considered Victoria and Lita, but I don't think they will be Legends. Lita was the first and really only diva to use high flying moves and she was able to do them well, but the whole thing between herself, Matt Hardy, and Edge leaves most people remembering her in an unfavorable light. Victoria was talented in the ring, but didn't have the personality or it factor to her so I quickly scratched that thought.

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