How do you lose weight?


Pre-Show Stalwart
As some of you might know, I've struggled with my weight for a while now. I grew up chubby, but I got very obese in high school and lately things have just gone from bad to worse.

Anyway, I'm looking to get in shape (like Jersey Shore style shape) and I really need help knowing what to do. I walk alot but it doesnt seem to help and I think I need like a bowflex to really start getting in shape. I have never done weight training before and I'm not exactly sure what your suppose to do, but I hear P90X is the way to go.

Anyway, what I really want to know is is just how not to be fat and how do others accomplish it? All five of my aunts are heavy set which is why I think like I'm cursed to be obese as well, and I also have to go food shopping for them and I end up eating the same they do.

I am looking to try anything, diet, exercise, etc cuz I want a nice body and I want to meet girls and stuff. I don't have a problem meeting girls as it is, but I just want a nicer body.
Heavy exercise three to four times a week and one Capsiplex everyday. It's working too. Capsiplex is expensive but I'm deadly serious about getting in shape by the time I move into my flat in September.
Back in the summer of 2008, I lost over 30 pounds and here's how I did it:

-I rode my bike almost everyday, sometimes up to 7 miles a day. I rode up hills and that really burned the fat more than I knew possible.

-I cut out ALL sweets from my diet - cakes, cookies, doughnuts, etc. I probably should have cut down on fast food as well but I didn't.

-I often stayed up all night and sleeping most of the day, which resulted in smaller meals.
You need to make substantial life changes. Cut out all sugars and trans-fats. No fast food. If you're dead serious about it, do the raw food diet. Start heavily exercising. Don't get a bowflex, I have one and still pay for a gym membership. It's useless. You need to literally not waste time doing nothing. Don't just sit around, ever. Don't pop weight loss pills either. They wreak havoc on your body and dont actually work. There's no way to make it easy. You have to want it, and you have to work for it.
Put down the fork.

This is a good start. When you eat, put down the fork and finish chewing your food before you grab the next bite. Give your body time to reallize whether or not it has had enough food before you stuff more in.

Be sure to stick to regularly scheduled meals and sleep. Don't put extra stress on your system by delaying or skipping meals and sleep.

Be patient, losing weight properly takes changing your life. You shouldn't be losing more than 2 lbs. a week after the first couple of weeks.

Then all that other obvious stuff about proper diet and exercise. Before you start wasting money on gimmicks, pills and exercise equipment, consider spending a little extra money buying more health foods.

It's hard to give advice unless you tell us what you are currently doing that is causing all the weight gain.
I gave up eating rice last summer. Being Filipino, that was difficult for me since rice was a staple for me. I ended up replacing rice with salad which kinda sucked. But combine that with running every day, and I dropped a lot of weight.
1) Find a gym near you. If there is a PLANET FITNESS close join them. It's cheap and you dont have to worry about being overweight and going into a gym filled with roided up muscle-heads that can bench The Big Show + Mark Henry. PF is cheap ($10/month base membership)

2) Start slowly. Work yourself up on the treadmill or elliptical. Pace yourself and start at a slow speed for about 10-15 minutes. After you build up your cardio then you can push yourself.

3) Get with a trainer. They are free to work with at PF and will help you reach your goals.

4) What what you eat. Cut your portions down to smaller sizes. Look at serving sizes and follow those. Also eat 6 meals throughout the day. Cut out all sugary drinks, stick to water and natural juices. Eat tons of fruit and veggies.

Follow a routine like this and you will lose it. Im currently working on losing 25lbs by September.
I'm sure there's an invasive surgery you could use if you need the weight gone now.
The whole eat less of what you normally do is bullshit. It won't work. Portioning doesn't work. Anyone who loves what they eat will go right back to the old portions. Fuck all that.

Change the way you eat. Plain and simple. Extremely fat people can lose plenty of fat right away, just by changing your diet. Some will say you need to run a calorie deficit - that's not true. I have seen several fat people lose weight without doing a ton of exercise.

Don't change everything at once. Start by changing the way you eat. When I say change, I mean change it, not modify it. Stop eating what you eat now, and never go back to it. At least not for several years.

You can always start exercising, but if you attempt both at the same time, something you're not familiar with, you could fail at one, and quit all of it. Go slow, it takes time. Change your life, not just how you eat for the next six months.
Go to a gym and get a program made up for you by one of the instructors. Explain what you want to achieve and tell him how often you're realistically going to be able to come to the gym, and then stick to it. That's what I've done over the last month or so and I'm feeling the effects already.

You can take advice from everyone on here, but why bother when you could get dsomeone who trains people for a living to show you exactly what you have to do?
Go to a gym and get a program made up for you by one of the instructors. Explain what you want to achieve and tell him how often you're realistically going to be able to come to the gym, and then stick to it. That's what I've done over the last month or so and I'm feeling the effects already.

You can take advice from everyone on here, but why bother when you could get dsomeone who trains people for a living to show you exactly what you have to do?

Because there are a lot of gyms that charge for stuff like this nowadays. There's money in everything. I'm trained as a level one personal trainer, and literally when I worked at the gym 3 years ago people couldn't even sit down with me without the gym charging them. It's ridiculous, but it's the way of the world. And thats for the LOWEST level of personal trainer.
My (half-price cos I'm a student - booya!) gym membership included a free two-month program being made up for me, and after that it's £11 per program, so it's definitely worth shopping around, or even if there's anyone you know into fitness, give them a shout and I'm sure they'll be ahppy to point you in the right direction.
Because there are a lot of gyms that charge for stuff like this nowadays. There's money in everything. I'm trained as a level one personal trainer, and literally when I worked at the gym 3 years ago people couldn't even sit down with me without the gym charging them. It's ridiculous, but it's the way of the world. And thats for the LOWEST level of personal trainer.

That's why I suggested Planet Fitness. They have cheap memberships and both memberships comes with FREE 1-on-1 (it's actually groups of 5) fitness training from a trainer. Plus you can do a "design your own program" or just focus opn different areas of the body.

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