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Dark Match Winner
In this post I want your opinion on whether or not you saw any of this coming. Lets rewind back to the first season of NXT. The season comes down to an end and all the participants return to form the Nexus. (I will also include members of the new Nexus shortly) Wade Barrett was obviously the leader thus we expected him to get the push and the stardom. Now fast forward to today.

The Good and/or Relivent:
Wade Barrett - Multiple Intercontinental Title reigns
Heath Slater - Has his own faction (grant it they aren't big, but still)
Husky Harris/Bray Wyatt - Huge push now that he is taking full advantage of with the Wyatt family angle
Skip Sheffield/Ryback - Instant push into the main event card, but has fallen off a little since the heel turn
Michael McGuillacutty/Curtis Axel - The push took long enough, but he debuts as Curtis Axel and within a month he's IC Champ
Darren Young - Former Tag Team Champion with the Prime Time Players and is continuing to be on the rise.
CM Punk - :worship:Was an already established superstar in the business, multiple IC title reigns, former ECW/World Heavyweight champ, etc.
Daniel Bryan - :worship:........need I say more?

The not so relivent:
David Otunga - My guess is he liked the spotlight he did get while he got it, but it was all about gettin closer to Hollywood, cuz I mean, nobody likes to be outdone by their GF right?
Justin Gabriel - Working with the likes of Yoshi Tatsu, and Curt Hawkins on Saturday Morning Slam? Yikes, who did he piss off?:wtf:
Michael Tarver - Gone after apparently Cena was "Unprofessional" to him? IDK
Mason Ryan - Is he even in WWE anymore? Did he go back down to FCW/NXT or whatever minor league?:confused:

So.......8 out of the 12 members that were in the Nexus/New Nexus are relivent and making an impact in the WWE as we speak. Tarver I doubt he'll ever be mentioned again, Otunga......IDK what creative has planned for him, last I heard he did that movie with Hale Berry and then poof......nothing. Mason Ryan could be repackaged and make his comeback. Justin Gabriel was doing well in a tag team with Tyson Kidd before Kidd suffered his injury.

My point is, I did not see that many superstars out of this whole bunch, when they debuted on NXT Season one, because, we were fed the story that there would only be one I only expected us to get one new guy on the WWE Roster.

My question is did you expect or see any of this coming? What would you have done differently?
Honestly I think things are pretty good as they are, imo. Michael traversed absolutely sucked ass as a wrestler so I think that's why he's gone. Mason Ryan I heard is dominating NXT. The big thing I didn't see coming at all was the repackaging of Michael mcgillicutty into Curtis axel and getting the IC title as well as a mouthpiece. Otherwise I pretty much saw everything coming. Many of these nexus guys are jobbers the others are great guys.
I really thought David Otunga and Justin Gabriel would have had solid careers thus far. Otunga is good on the mic and I liked his early ring-work in NXT and Nexus. Gabriel has the skills in the ring but just doesn't have the charisma to break through.

Mason Ryan can still be a success but needs to be in a tag-team or have a mouthpiece. Him by himself will never achieve anything in the WWE. Obviously it is impossible to predict something like Bryan's success or Harriss' gimmick change but the majority are where they belong or where I would have predicted. I suppose I thought Barrett would be more involved in the main-event scene but that will come.
Well, you also forgot about John Cena being a member of the Nexus, and we all know what he did before, during and after Nexus, just saying

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