How do you honestly feel about the tag division?

Nick Black

The Heel God
There have been some great improvements in WWE's tag team division as of late. It's been noted how The Rhodes Brothers, the Uso's and Rybaxel have helped the division gain more notoriety recently. But as I was watching Insurrexion 2003, I saw how RVD and Kane worked so well as a team, and during that time, the tag division was booming. The Hardy Boyz, La Resistance, Kane and RVD, Team 3D, and a few years later, MNM, Los Guererros, Brothers of Destruction, exc, were all the top teams. A lot of them also had current, former, or future main eventers. Why does it feel like WWE these days will not put two main eventers in a tag team together. The most recent to memory was Team Hell No, and before that, Jerishow. Regardless of my ramblings, my true question is:

How do you really feel about the tag division today? What could make it better/what teams should form that would give the division a boost?
Speaking personally, I struggle to get enjoyment out of it when the WWE randomly throw two superstars together with no real backstory. Using SlaterGator isn't the best example as I genuinely enjoy Slater and O'Neil together, but it just felt like they were thrown together because neither of them had anything else going on and happened to both be heels. Nothing was done to tease a new partnership, and no reason was given, they just randomly showed up together on a show.

At least The Usos make obvious sense as a tag-team, same with Gold and Stardust. But why Mark Henry and Big Show? I'm not saying we need our intelligence insulted as putting two vets together who are faces doesn't need a huge backstory, but still something to lead to it would be nice.

I'm looking forward to seeing a few more teams like The Ascension make an impression on the division, and maybe Kalisto & Sin Cara too. Maybe we'll see the Legionnaires do well, same with Enzo and Cass (I'm already a huge fan of both). Actual teams that make sense rather than the WWE's typical throw two random superstars together for a few weeks to give them something to do.
I feel it's in good shape. A few more lower card teams would be useful. Kidd & Gabriel or Ryder & Gabriel. Fandango could use a tag partner. Of course I like the occasional upper card guys forming a team, as long as they put as much effort into them as Jeri-Show and Show-Miz.

I'd love for the Dudleyz to make a comeback briefly.
Speaking personally, I struggle to get enjoyment out of it when the WWE randomly throw two superstars together with no real backstory. Using SlaterGator isn't the best example as I genuinely enjoy Slater and O'Neil together, but it just felt like they were thrown together because neither of them had anything else going on and happened to both be heels. Nothing was done to tease a new partnership, and no reason was given, they just randomly showed up together on a show.

At least The Usos make obvious sense as a tag-team, same with Gold and Stardust. But why Mark Henry and Big Show? I'm not saying we need our intelligence insulted as putting two vets together who are faces doesn't need a huge backstory, but still something to lead to it would be nice.

I'm looking forward to seeing a few more teams like The Ascension make an impression on the division, and maybe Kalisto & Sin Cara too. Maybe we'll see the Legionnaires do well, same with Enzo and Cass (I'm already a huge fan of both). Actual teams that make sense rather than the WWE's typical throw two random superstars together for a few weeks to give them something to do.

We don't get to see every minute backstage. If two guys are doing nothing then them forming a team to try to get a shot makes sense as long as they can work together.
I'll save some time for other people here and say, bring ascension up. Never watched them but a lot of people like them.

Also, give the Usos some character. Like all I know about them is they're samoan, and they're related. So let's give them some character so I care what they do.

I'm probably alone on this but when Miz came back I was excited, then Jericho came out. And I'm like a Miz/Jericho feud that's ehh. But then Bray came out and I hoped we'd have a new team of Miz and Jericho uniting to take on the Wyatts. Granted, it only works if Jericho stays for a while. They'd obviously have to be a heel team because of Miz. Plus both of these guys love tag teams like no one's business. I figure their gimmick could be, we're better than you. Short, sweet but I think it'd work really well.

Maybe a team for Sheamus? I don't know who you'd throw him with, maybe Barrett? Or maybe in a crazy twist Rusev? Sheamus turns heel on the fans snapping and beating Cesaro down after losing the belt to him. Then what happens, Jack Swagger comes out to save him. The Real Americans re-form and can feud with Sheamus/Rusev. Basically, America versus Anti-Americans, not a new feud really but I think it'd work plus that would create 2 teams.

I'm sure people disagree with me but I think Cena should get a tag partner. I don't know who but it takes him out of the main event and makes the tag belts more valuable. I keep thinking Bo Dallas would work well here but Bo is a heel and Cena is a face. But after losing to Lesnar again, Bo could come out the next night and tell Cena he can do anything if he just bolieves. Maybe a short lived team to turn Bo face and then he turns on him to gain a lot of heat.

I also think the Authority should care about all of the belts, right now they only care about the world title which is stupid. So maybe bring a new authority member in to team with Orton or Rollins for the tag belts. I'd say Kane could win it but I don't wanna see that at all. But maybe bring in some NXT guy as a new member of the Authority and he can team with Rollins/Orton to win the tag belts. Puts attention on some new NXT guy and makes the Authority seem more evil by actually wanting to control more of the show.

Of course I'm trying to push main event level guys into tags, they could just build Slater-Gator as an actual team instead of jobbers. Plus whoever ends up being the bunny will team with Adam Rose. Or an idea I like is they could have Adam Rose and Fandango join up, it practically writes itself. Hell, make them a 3 person team just about having a good time.
The division itself is incredibly meh, but Stardust is basically one of the few entertaining thing left on raw, so it's a bit of give and take.

Altought I could really do without rybaxel and Henryshow

And they should really give a couple of month of away time to the usos, they're good wrestlers but their personality became stale after two weeks they were around. Maybe keyfabe injuring them, and making them come back still face but a bit more bitter and badass-y might make them less boring.
Generally speaking, as of right now, the tag team division suffers from the inconsistent booking decisions Vince has been making more and more of the past several years. Triple H has spearheaded the improvements made in the tag team division over the course of the past 1.5-2 years, but he isn't always able to keep Vince's attention and focus. I'm not trying to say that Triple H doesn't make wrong calls or decisions, but the buck ultimately stops with Vince. At the end of the day, he is truly the ONLY genuine decision maker. If you watch NXT, where Vince ultimately allows Triple H to make all the final calls, you see a lot of consistency. Not saying it's always the right call, but Triple H doesn't try something out for a few weeks, get tired of it and scrap it or otherwise let it flounder. On some episodes of Raw, you can clearly see Vince's input in booking some of the segments and matches. It's more apparent some weeks than others, but there are usually some telltale signs of Vince bigfooting a segment creatively. The tag team division gets Vince's interest for a while, then his attention goes elsewhere for a while before eventually moving back around to the tag team picture.

The tag team division continues to have its ups & downs but, for me, the ups are more numerous than the downs. Team Hell No was the first real indicator of WWE moving forward with revitalizing the tag team scene, they were the first relevant tag team champions in years. The Shield, The Wyatt Family, Cody Rhodes & Goldust and The Usos have all done great as teams. The tag team division has slowed down a bit the past few months, but it's nowhere remotely close to the irrelevant filler it once was. Besides, I have a feeling things will pick back up before too long. Things could be better, yet we all know they can be FAR worse
I'll save some time for other people here and say, bring ascension up. Never watched them but a lot of people like them.

Also, give the Usos some character. Like all I know about them is they're samoan, and they're related. So let's give them some character so I care what they do.

I'm probably alone on this but when Miz came back I was excited, then Jericho came out. And I'm like a Miz/Jericho feud that's ehh. But then Bray came out and I hoped we'd have a new team of Miz and Jericho uniting to take on the Wyatts. Granted, it only works if Jericho stays for a while. They'd obviously have to be a heel team because of Miz. Plus both of these guys love tag teams like no one's business. I figure their gimmick could be, we're better than you. Short, sweet but I think it'd work really well.

Maybe a team for Sheamus? I don't know who you'd throw him with, maybe Barrett? Or maybe in a crazy twist Rusev? Sheamus turns heel on the fans snapping and beating Cesaro down after losing the belt to him. Then what happens, Jack Swagger comes out to save him. The Real Americans re-form and can feud with Sheamus/Rusev. Basically, America versus Anti-Americans, not a new feud really but I think it'd work plus that would create 2 teams.

I'm sure people disagree with me but I think Cena should get a tag partner. I don't know who but it takes him out of the main event and makes the tag belts more valuable. I keep thinking Bo Dallas would work well here but Bo is a heel and Cena is a face. But after losing to Lesnar again, Bo could come out the next night and tell Cena he can do anything if he just bolieves. Maybe a short lived team to turn Bo face and then he turns on him to gain a lot of heat.

Trips has done good things but don't forget at the first NXT special event they'd destroyed the tag division to the point they had to call in Too Cool to do the job.

Personally I think everyone should have a tag partner or at least a buddy. Ensemble type stuff is always more interesting than the lone badass. Hulk Hogan may not have had anyone in his corner for years but he'd tag with anyone.

a bit more bitter and badass-y might make them less boring.

I've never seen being bitter and badass-y make someone less boring:)
You' make yourself dizzy watching the changes that have occurred in the tag division. Right now, it's below average. It's been horribly decimated. Every time you think they have a tag team that resonates with the fans or draws heat, and you think they have a shot of winning the tag titles they are split up before they do. It's been like this now for so long.

Eg. Cryme Time, Prime Time Players, Rhodes Scholars, the Real Americans, The Shield just to name a few. Now in some cases (the Shield) maybe, it made sense to split them up but in most cases the performers went on to do nothing meaningful.

The Usos are great but they have nothing to really work with. The Wyatts are good and should have gotten the belts, the Dust Brothers are of no real interest to me now, they're big moment was they're battle against the Authority, Henry and Big Show are split up doing separate feuds right now and besides they're two old guys just there for their last run, Rybaxel is ok but they are not really getting anywhere and now Ryback is injured. Los Matadores was completely unnecessary and they are doing nothing with that gimmick. This kind of effort shows how little the tag division is thought of in this company. It's just sad. If they were to bring up an NXT team with all that we've seen, can any one really not think that after a few moments of flying high, that team would be split up and the division would be weakened again ?
You' make yourself dizzy watching the changes that have occurred in the tag division. Right now, it's below average. It's been horribly decimated. Every time you think they have a tag team that resonates with the fans or draws heat, and you think they have a shot of winning the tag titles they are split up before they do. It's been like this now for so long.

Eg. Cryme Time, Prime Time Players, Rhodes Scholars, the Real Americans, The Shield just to name a few. Now in some cases (the Shield) maybe, it made sense to split them up but in most cases the performers went on to do nothing meaningful.

The Usos are great but they have nothing to really work with. The Wyatts are good and should have gotten the belts, the Dust Brothers are of no real interest to me now, they're big moment was they're battle against the Authority, Henry and Big Show are split up doing separate feuds right now and besides they're two old guys just there for their last run, Rybaxel is ok but they are not really getting anywhere and now Ryback is injured. Los Matadores was completely unnecessary and they are doing nothing with that gimmick. This kind of effort shows how little the tag division is thought of in this company. It's just sad. If they were to bring up an NXT team with all that we've seen, can any one really not think that after a few moments of flying high, that team would be split up and the division would be weakened again ?

personally I think all the stuff you list is pretty darn entertaining.

I hated the idea of the Wyatts beating the Usos for the tag belts because they were the Usos first real feud for the belts, having gone with a fatal fourway for the belts at Mania. Top teams get through at least one feud without losing the belts.
ATM it feels pretty thin. Usos, Dust Brothers, Los Matadores and Wyatts, with Big E/Kofi waiting for....something and Slator Gator I guess counts. Big Show/Henry seem to have gone their separate ways(not complaining) and Ryback's injury put RybAxel on the shelf so we're pretty much down to 5-6 teams, 3 of which has been reduced to jobbers and 1 absent, so in essence we only have 2 teams worth watching. So yeah...not great for the division. Ideas for possible teams depending on how NOC goes

Miz+Mizdow: If Dolph wins this Sunday and they end the feud Miz will be in limbo and it's not like Sandow's doing anything else, so why not. I just have a funny image of Miz holding both belts since Mizdow is only the stunt double, and Miz as the real star gets all the credit.

Reform Real Americans: Sad truth is outside of the ATG Battle Royal Cesaro hasn't done anything significant since breaking up with Zeb/Swagger, and if he loses on Sunday that's probably going to continue. Meanwhile Swagger is getting good reactions, and after what appears to be a quick end to the Dallas feud he might not being doing anything either. So why not remake the team, but as face? Cesaro can finally go back to swinging people and this time they won't have worry about the whole heel getting cheers thing, and they can build Cesaro's popularity back up this way.

Bo and......I dunno Axel?- I was trying for a odd couple team with Bo in it but tbh I'm not sure whose a great fit for him. Axel kinda fits since he doesn't talk, is a more solid wrestler to help make up for Bo, and fits the general "serious" guy cliche. Not a great team by any means but might lead to some decent backstage antics.
Not every team can have something to do at all times. In the jobber days there were plenty of times when some team was only beating jobbers on Superstars and Challenge
It not that great right now in terms of talent.

Harper and Rowan
Dust Brothers

are the ones that mean anything right now.

Matador #1 is healthy again though right? They may not be the coolest team or whatever but I bet they could have some decent matches.

I'm not into Rybaxel at all.

It really needs to be buffed up.

There have been some pretty cool matches though. I give those teams credit for that.
I have a hard time expressing myself. Just bare with me.

I feel..

I feel..

I feel nothing. Right now the way I see the tag team scene is kinda like "Hey we're a wrestling promotion so we need some tag teams right? two: you're now partners. You two over there: partners!" The tag division interests me so little right now that I don't even consider it a legitimate division. The Usos are (arguably) the best team going right now, yet even they are pretty underwhelming. Outside of that, I do not give a shit about any of the other teams.

It truly disappoints me; I sure love some tag team action... I am absolutely referring to having three ways.
What had been missing were angles focused on the tag teams, and specifically the tag team championship. Team Hell No, The Rhodes, The Shield and the Wyatts all had strong storylines built around them that made for exciting matches. Further, tag team matches were given their due time on PPVs and on TV. We got to see teams actually work together, build a story in the ring, and bring it home to a satisfying conclusion for the fans. No more 5 minute matches between two throwaway teams.

Right now, the WWE is feeling the loss of Team Hell No and The Shield. These teams were putting on Main Event quality matches against each other, and they haven't really been replaced as of yet. I think the next step for the WWE is to bring in more newcomers from NXT to fill in the tag team ranks, and keep focusing on the stories, allowing the "rookies" to develop naturally. This has always been a great way to establish the next batch of singles wrestlers, but to me, it only works when you treat the tag team as something that will be permanent...i.e you're not going to always have them split and fight.
Well I feel that compared to right now, the tag team division has been worse.

A lot worse.

As in, "Three-ish teams at most" worse. The brand split didn't help in this regard. Oftentimes there were more teams on one show than the other, leading one show to have token title-holders while all the real tag team wrestling was done on the other show (although there was that awesome period from 2002-2003 for Smackdown). Thank God they unified those belts in the end though. There wasn't really much need for two sets of titles.

Right now it's on a slow but steady upward incline; you got the occasional new team coming together, and a handful of regular teams. I actually think it's entirely possible to have too many tag teams, look at the period during early-mid 2000:

Edge & Christian
Road Dogg/X-Pac/Whatever's left of DX
Various combinations of the Radicalz
Bossman/Bull Buchanan
Too Cool
Kai En Tai
Various combinations of RTC
Mean Street Posse

This was a fantastic division, but how many of the tag teams from that year actually held the titles? Not so few, but not many either. And it was mostly the top 3 teams I listed competing all year (Hardys/Dudleys/E&C). Occasionally some others got a look-in for the odd month-long reign.

I don't know if you really need more than 7 - 8 teams, that's around 15 wrestlers which is quite a lot. Now if people think to the Smackdown Six, that was a sufficient division in itself on basically 3 teams. Return to 99-2000 time and they probably could have survived on the magic trio of Hardys/Dudleys/E&C, with perhaps one or two more teams like APA thrown in for good measure.

To summarise, I think the key is consistency over size, and the tag team "division" (there often isn't really a division as such) is rarely consistent. But as it stands right now:

The Brothers Dust
Possibility of NXT teams joining such as Ascension (my personal fave is Vaudevillains)
Whatever's going on with Kofi/E/Woods (is that still happening?)

That's enough to build a solid division I think. It's not as tidy or consistent or eye-grabbing, but it's decent with the potential to be awesome.
I don't mind the tag division. It's not a hot point by any means, but it's also not terrible. it's good and healthy, which is enough for me. The Usos are in my top 5 reasons to watch Raw & Smackdown, The Wyatts are also really good. Rybaxel I've been a fan of since they were with Heyman. And of course, Gold & Stardust are a breath of fresh air. I must admit that I'd love to see more teams though.

To be even more honest, I think WWE should scrap SlaterGator and team Titus up with Tyson Kidd. I watched NXT last night and those two had some chemistry, plus I've always favored Speed & Muscle teams over others.
It's weak. The Uso's and the Wyatt's are the only real teams... and The Uso's have beat them several times.

Prime Time Players are gone
The Shield is gone
Rybaxel are two guys thrown together because they have nothing better to do
Even Goldust/Stardust are together because Cody can't stay over as a singles star

Who else is there? Am I missing a team?
It's a four team division, with two of those teams slapped together. The Uso's should carry the straps until a team or two worthy enough to hold them come along.
It's weak. The Uso's and the Wyatt's are the only real teams... and The Uso's have beat them several times.

Prime Time Players are gone
The Shield is gone
Rybaxel are two guys thrown together because they have nothing better to do
Even Goldust/Stardust are together because Cody can't stay over as a singles star

Who else is there? Am I missing a team?
It's a four team division, with two of those teams slapped together. The Uso's should carry the straps until a team or two worthy enough to hold them come along.

wrestlers don't come in teams anymore like from the territory days and many teams were just slapped together

Demolition, Strike Force, The Killer Bees

Even Arn and Tully were slapped together in a way.

The Dudleyz were the last version of the team that had been tried with many different guys. The New Age Outlaws, Too Cool, the Acolytes

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