How do you feel about the six-sided ring?

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Let me preface this discussion first and foremost by saying that I do in fact feel TNA has invested themselves too deeply into the ring itself to try reverting to a standard four-sided ring, and in essence they've type-casted themselves. Whether or not that's a bad thing is a discussion in and of itself, but I do feel that regardless of what we discuss here, nothing would change anyway, simply because of the amount of publicity that was put into it, and continues to be – e.g. "The Six Sides of Steel", "Our ring has six sides, but only one ANGLE", etc.

That said, I'd have to ask:

• Has TNA invested itself too far into the schtick of having their ring be six-sided to ever break from it?

• How marketable is it, really?

• Were any of you who hadn't seen TNA sold on it when you initially watched the first iMPACT! debut?

• Were any of you who had seen TNA prior to the six-sided ring appalled by it?

• What improvements to the ring and ring-side area would do you think would help, if any?

I actually think the six-sided ring is rather marketable, IMO, and I think part of the problem is simply that they decreased the size of an actual ring to create the additional sides. I think if the ring itself were perhaps increased in size by about 1 foot in each directional pane, the ring work wouldn't seem as tight, and the in-ring spots would look more natural, and seem less "crunched" in a sense.

I also think that the aisle area between the ring itself and the first row of seating and gates needs to be extended at least a foot. Any time a guy hits a suicida spot that isn't done on the broadcasters/entrance side where there's plenty of fall-back room, I always end up gasping thinking they're going to fly into the crowd, or break their face on the guard rail if they don't actually hit the spot perfectly.

As a by-product, I think their cage matches would also develop more appeal, because the cage pieces wouldn't have to anchor to the outside edge of the actual matt, but instead could anchor to the floor outside the ring like they do in the WWE. Ever watch a tag match in a cage? The guy standing on the apron is literally crushed between the cage itself and the ropes.

I think the ring is great. It obviously sets TNA apart from the competition, and makes every match that much more different. There's tons of possibilities, and all of the gimmick matches designed around it would be bland on a 4-sided ring.

As far as marketability, it should be pretty good. Take yourself back 15 years or so, and imagine opening up a 6-sided ring on Xmas? How ecstatic would you be? It has tons of options, and I know for a fact I've gotten people to tune in just by saying "The ring isn't a square."
That was one of the things that made me watch TNA to begin with, NSL. I had only seen a few matches on the internet prior to the SpikeTV deal when they still wrestled in a four-sided ring, and I remember as soon as I turned on the first episode of iMPACT! and seeing that six-sided ring... my mind went into over-drive trying to map out how matches would work in it. I was amazed.

I feel it catches a lot of flack, just because it's untraditional.

I have to ask, for example, were as many of the traditionalists equally as upset when WCW came out with War Games? It was literally two rings, side-by-side. At the time, that was as innovative and untraditional as it got.

Also, is it the fact it's just not traditional what turns you off to it (not you personally, NSL), or is it something more specific?
I like the Six Sided Ring. It is different and makes TNA more unique. It isn't your typical, four sided ring. It adds a new element to wrestling. It sets TNA apart and makes you think "hmm, that is pretty interesting, a ring with six sides." I know when I was a kid and I played with the action figures I would have loved to have a six sided ring. So I definitely think it is marketable in a kid's sense.
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Let me preface this discussion first and foremost by saying that I do in fact feel TNA has invested themselves too deeply into the ring itself to try reverting to a standard four-sided ring, and in essence they've type-casted themselves. Whether or not that's a bad thing is a discussion in and of itself, but I do feel that regardless of what we discuss here, nothing would change anyway, simply because of the amount of publicity that was put into it, and continues to be – e.g. "The Six Sides of Steel", "Our ring has six sides, but only one ANGLE", etc.

I totally agree with this point and will continue to discuss below.

That said, I'd have to ask:

• Has TNA invested itself too far into the schtick of having their ring be six-sided to ever break from it?

Yes, much too far unfortunately. They constantly remind us that heir ring has six sides, so much so that its become their unique selling point. So I don't think they can change now. However, I don't think that it helps them.

• How marketable is it, really?

It's not great from a marketability standpoint, it's very ugly, the turnbuckles look stupid and unrealistic when people are thrown into them and stay there. It is very diverse, but sdiversity isn't good, especially when it affects the quality of wrestling.

• Were any of you who hadn't seen TNA sold on it when you initially watched the first iMPACT! debut?

No, my first thought was WTF! I thought what is this monstrosity? I get that they want to be different, but I don't think a six-sided ring is the way forward.

• What improvements to the ring and ring-side area would do you think would help, if any?

Standard square ring, audience a kept closer to the action to add to the atmosphere. I think that it would help make the wrestling better and more realistic (at least for wrestling), and keeping the fans closer, would give the show a much better atmosphere and perhaps entice more people to go.

I also think that the aisle area between the ring itself and the first row of seating and gates needs to be extended at least a foot. Any time a guy hits a suicida spot that isn't done on the broadcasters/entrance side where there's plenty of fall-back room, I always end up gasping thinking they're going to fly into the crowd, or break their face on the guard rail if they don't actually hit the spot perfectly.

I love that about TNA, why should they move the crowd if they aren't actually getting hit? The wrestlers are trained and don't hit the crowd, the fans being that close gives a very good atmosphere and like you say makes for great spots.
I for one am a total mark for the six-sided ring. It helps to identify TNA, but i do agree that it could stand to be extended. the problem is the impact zone. As son as they can get out of the impact zone for every taping, the better. Cuz I don't care who you are, the biggest problem with tna is they dont think they can pack even a small arena out of town. Which they really can't. Bischoff? where are ya buddy?
Most of the talent hate it from what Ive heard. Maybe its just me but why do some people act like TNA invented this ring,
By the way Mexican promotions have been using it for years maybe decades. Not insulting anyones intelligence BTW.
im not impressed by it, yeah its different but its not as great as some make it look
I think if they really want to challenge WWE they'll have to revert to a 4 sided ring, and I have thought that since day one of the 6 sided ring.

If logistically possible, they could keep the 'six sides' purely for PPV gimmick matches: 'a traditional TNA six sides match, or a six sides of steel match' for example.

If they don't go to the 4 sided ring now with Hogan & Bischoff there, they never will, and I think if they do revert, they could seriously challenge WWE, if not, they'll always be playing catch up.
1. its different and way more interesting
2. its really alot better to work in i bet cause it makes it easier to be fast paced
3. it represents TNA cause its different and BETTER than wwe's ring

MODERATOR'S EDIT: I took out everything that did not pertain to the topic.
I really don't see a problem with it. Maybe when I first started watching it at first I was put off by it because I thought TNA was some sort of wrestling/MMA/UFC type of organization. That soon wore off after I saw the talent and wrestling matches TNA had. Now a six sided looks as normal to me as a regular ring. I actually have seen their six sided ring at a house show and it looks smaller then WWE rings. WWE rings are pretty small in real life too.

I think most new viewers will watch TNA to see the fresh talent and the matches, and not think twice about the ring. Whether it had 4,6, or even 8 sides.
I don't like it because when the wrestlers bounce off the ropes it doesn't look as "springy" as in other promotions.

I'm not sure how the Mexicans have kept the six-sided rings for as long as I can remember fresh, but they also have four-sided rings -- I much prefer the latter because when they're thrown to the turnbuckle they can actually dangle from it.
I don't like the six-sided ring, but I don't have a real problem with it.

The first time I saw it, I wasn't impressed or appalled. It was just there. It was different, but it wasn't really a positive or a negative.

TNA has sunk a lot into the six-sided ring as part of their brand. If I were going to make changes to the TNA product, I'd keep the six-sides. If I were completely overhauling and rebooting Impact Wrestling, Inc. or I'd go to a four-sided ring just because it's the US standard and TNA hasn't really gotten any advantage from the six sided ring.

One change I would explore is a bigger six-sided ring. The TNA ring looks small on TV. MAybe that's having the crowd really close, maybe it's an illusion because of the hexagon vs a traditional square, but it looks small.
When I first saw TNA use the 6-sided ring, my reaction was exactly what it should've been -- "Huh, there's an interesting gimmick as TNA's TRYING to look different."

My personal preference is the traditional 4-sided ring because I simply feel it provides a better environment for great matches. The 6-sided concept just seems to get in the way and becomes too gimicky.

Yeah, the 6-sides sets TNA apart from other companies aesthically speaking on television... but... so what? The ring doesn't put asses in seats.

While I feel the ring is indeed the most important "prop" for any wrestling promotion, it doesn't make the promotion.

I don't feel that the 6-sides really has brought anything exceptional to TNA, either. Most TNA matches could be executed just as well, if not better, in a 4-sided ring.

So, yeah, I'm not really all that impressed with the 6-sided ring, it hasn't brought anything notably "new" to the overall TNA product. The ring having two extra turn posts with 6 more turnbuckle pads is really nothing more than a gimmick.
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!

You dont know how many times I have pondered making this a thread but didnt.

My opinion of the 6-sided ring: Not good. To be honest with you, that damn ring is probably 40-50% of the reason why I cant watch an Impact broadcast. A couple of reasons:

1) It provides for awkward spots. When someone whips his opponent against the ropes, and that opponent has to look back to see if he is going to hit rop or turnbuckle, it provides for a truly awkward moment. (And yes, I have seen this plenty when I turn on the broadcast).

2) It's not innovative, it's not ground-breaking. I believe that TNA went to the 6-sided ring to be different from all other wrestling organizations. Basically so it could help it stand out. And I think for the most part, it has worked. But, do you know why TNA is the only company that used the 6-sided ring? B/C there is NOT a damn thing wrong with the 4-sided ring. It's successful, it's proven: that's why no one has ever changed it!!

I swear if TNA would go back to the regular ring and tweaked their storylines just a little bit: They would gain at least one more viewer. Even JUST change the ring, and I would make it a point to watch TNA every Thursday!!
I don't care for the six side ring. I prefer the traditional ring. It just seems to me that limits the flow of the action in the ring when it comes to wrestlers doing moonsaults or other spots.
TNA got the idea of the six-sided ring (and the Terror Dome) from AAA in Mexico. Does the ring shape affect the promotion's tallent. Angle is no more or less talented in TNA's ring than WCW's. UFC has an octogon but no one ever says that is wrong and a traditional boxing style ring should be used. If you don't watch because of the ring shape then you probably just wanted a reason to say you don't watch it.

TNA was the first wrestling promotion to "hook" me. To me, the WWE is strange. The ring is there, the talent is what you watch for. They could change the ring shape tommorrow. They don't need a reason for 6 or 4 or 12 sides so they don't need a reason to change it but they are proud to be different. The ring is not be a selling point.

What improvements would I make. The Leathal Lockdown needs to be larger because 6 wrestlers cannot interact inside of it. I really like the layout of the CMLL ring where the mat is level with the interance ramp and the stars decend to the ring. They also have a larger mat area around the ring.
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