How did you get your username?

Back in 2011 my first username was the embarrassingly pompous "Paragon". Now I just use some variation of my name combined with some sort of rhyme or pun. Right now "Ollie Cure" is a play on Japanese girls' cartoon series Pretty Cure (no I don't watch it, I heard about it on TV Tropes :rolleyes:)

So where do your names come from?
It's a play on Frankenstein but also the name of a german pub in the town I live in.

Out of interest, where did Milenko come from originally? Was it just after the wrestlers?

You are a goddamn genius. I never would have figured that shit out without you flat out telling us.

Yaz you are more than welcome to join in with the actual thread instead of just giving him shit :p
Yaz you are more than welcome to join in with the actual thread instead of just giving him shit :p

Do I have to? Can't I just make fun of Milenko?

Yaz is just the shortened form of Yazloz, which has been my screen name since I was like 16. It came up on a random name generator for WoW. The rainbow part is for Rainbow Dash.
Out of interest, where did Milenko come from originally? Was it just after the wrestlers?
I'm a fan of ICP and my favorite album of theirs is The Great Milenko so I took it as my user name and based my first WZCW character after it. They named the album after Dean Malenko's father so you're partially right.
Don't know where Dark Lady came from to be honest. Just wanted a change and that's what popped into my head.

Navi my original name is Link's fairy in the Legend of Zelda games. Butcher knew that when he made the sig. Instead of the one I have now was going to change Navi to Pussy Willow, still thinking about doing that one of these days. When I stop procrastinating.
I like the Spidey meme. And I'm an actual spider.

Before that I was SAMCRO because I used to enjoy Sons of Anarchy.
I used to use the handle "Thrown" on this forum. That developed out of a joke with my friends, that if we ever got into a fight with another group at the bar we frequented, one of my larger friends would be the Collosus to my Wolverine. Fastball Special.

@DearWrestler was my half assed attempt at a wrestling/humor twitter account, akin to, but nowhere near the quality of @wwecreative_ish. I've abandoned that dream about a year ago, but have maintained the handle for whatever reason. The twitter is still a decent host for images such as my sig, so I keep it around.
Daggers are one of my favorite types of weapons. Dias comes from Dias Flac in the game Star Ocean 2.
My dad took my mom to the Dent Drive In Movies on the Westside of Cincinnati, Ohio. Nine months later they named me. My initials being R, B and V. I first put them together as a user named when I opened my first Juno account. I soon took the insignia with me to AOL. It was there that a mix of my user name and the rising popularity of Rob Van Damn had people just calling me RBV. I also adapted the RVD signature self pointing gesture during my time participating in sports. When I joined my first wrestling forum I added my old sports number. Thus creating RBV13. I've stuck with it ever since.
I'm a huge fan of the Trojan War era, and the movie with Brad Pitt. Achilles was taken by some turd who has like 2 posts six years ago, so I went with a different spelling...which I believe is how it was translated in certain languages.
Yes. I know I spelled it wrong.


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