Did You Hate the Invasion Angle while it was happening?

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I didn't hate it while it was going on for the exact same reason that I dislike looking back on it today ten years later. I was a fan who liked both federations but preferred WWF over WCW. I liked the fact that WCW did not have their best guys around during this angle since it made WWF's side look stronger. Today I see that as a bad thing because it would have been epic if every big name could have been a big part of it. That would have made it better to many fans. At the time I liked it and didn't care due to wanting WWF to look like the stronger brand anyhow.
The one thing everyone seems to be forgetting is that it wasn't just up to Vince to bring in the top WCW stars. It's well known that a majority of WCW's top stars had huge AOL/Time Warner contracts at the time. I may be wrong here but I recall hearing that when Vince bought out WCW he was willing to buy out most of WCW's talents contracts but they decided to sit out the remainder of their guaranteed AOL/Time Warner contracts. Reason being Vince would have brought them in but he wasn't willing to pay the amount of money that was guaranteed to them if they didn't sign with WWF. That's just smart business on both ends. Why would you sign a contract to work for the person that just bought the company you are employed to for less money than you would make sitting on your ass and watching Vince bury the people you once worked with. Sure it hurt the legacy of the invasion angle but to those involved it didn't really matter because they got paid to do absolutely nothing.

On to the post tho I enjoyed the invasion angle as it was going on. Looking back it could have been better, but like someone has already said Vince made the best with what he had to work with at the time. It's easy to say what could have been done differently but until you own a multi-million dollar business and you see what all goes into working with set contracts you really can't talk. If Vince would have bought out all of WCW's top stars contracts he would have lost more money than the invasion angle brought in. Then everyone would be on here bitching because he did what everyone wanted and fucked himself.

It was what it was and it's over. That was a decade ago get the hell over it.
Hate is a strong word and for me it wouldn't be the one I would use, I was greatly disappointed in it and I dislike it greatly. But no I did not hate it, not one bit. I just don't think the angle made any real sense when its aftermath occurred.

For instance, why would Steve Austin become a face again IMMEDIATELY after he betrayed Team WWF at the Invasion pay per view. I just thought it was pretty questionable storytelling when you had the guy that betrayed the WWF be heralded as a hero the next night and the guy who only pretended to betray the WWF (Kurt Angle) was all of a sudden booked to be an outright scoundrel.

I just thought that was stupid and ridiculous, I could see Angle being phased back into a heel but the whole idea of The Rock who saved the WWF at the Survivor Series showdown with the Alliance being given a backseat to Austin in the aftermath of the Invasion was ridiculous.

When people talk about this angle, this is the one detail I think never gets any justice. Yes the lack of true star power outside of Booker T and DDP was disappointing, but the fall out of the angle was even more ridiculous.
It could have been handled better and as many have said it was less meaningful/effective due to some big WCW names not being involved for whatever reason but it did produce some great moments. Moments such as when ECW joined the invasion, the DDP Vs Undertaker feud had some good moments early on, Austin coming down and stunning half the alliance. Overall I think it was pretty entertaining more than not but I would have liked it to have been handled much better on the creative side.
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