How Did You Find Out There Was No Santa?

I do. The world is a dark and scary place. Santa Claus is one of the few truly pure things there is. A man in a bright red suit that travels around the world in a magic sleigh with reindeer and gives you presents for being well behaved. That's pure innocence and being able to believe in him is something special that is almost impossible to find elsewhere.

In case you can't tell, i love Christmas.
My Dad told me the day that my Mom put up the christmas tree when i was in 5th grade. My Dad wanted to go for a ride then about ten minutes down the road he said "you know Santa's not real right ?" i told him i knew Santa was fake then he said "Dont tell your Mom i told you. If you do she'll be mad at me" The second i got home i told her.
I do. The world is a dark and scary place. Santa Claus is one of the few truly pure things there is. A man in a bright red suit that travels around the world in a magic sleigh with reindeer and gives you presents for being well behaved. That's pure innocence and being able to believe in him is something special that is almost impossible to find elsewhere.

In case you can't tell, i love Christmas.

So do I. It's the best time of the year for me. Christmas is just before the middle of the Summer School Holidays here in Australia. The week following Christmas is great for me as well.
If you're mentally corrupt like we all are, maybe. To a 5 year old on Christmas morning there's no better feeling.
Not sure around what time of the year it was, but when I was in first roughly 6 years old...I remember being in the car with my mom and asking her in one shot if all of the stuff like the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy and Santa were real. She kept trying to avoid the subject, but I convinced her to just tell me the truth and admit to it.

And I remember a year later, in 2nd grade, my friend and I were forced to work with this girl that nobody liked cause she was really weird, and she was annoying us, so we broke the news to her that Santa wasn't real (it was around that time). She did the whole "but I saw him last year" and everything, so of course that called for the response of "THAT WAS YOUR DAD!"

Hope I didn't like, scar that girl for life or anything lol. Never saw her in the school system after 2nd grade.
meh, I'm the one that has said to people I work with that White christmas is the most Racist Christmas song of all time
I was maybe 10 or 11. Yeah something about a big fat man with flying deer, lives in the north pole, has little hornswoggles working for him just didn't sound right. Call me crazy.
I used to want to keep my stocking in my room, so when I was really little, I caught my mom putting a ghostbusters toy in it. It was Egon, the one where when you pulled the arm out, his mouth opened.

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