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How can you NOT respect the troops?

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How much would Jane Fonda now really agree with her actions and how much does she blame on drugs (I have no idea- just judging. Oh err I feel bad now- what if she didn't?), being young, following in the thrall of her older husband, or just getting caught in the moment?

You're actually absolutely right on this point. Once again hitting up my good friend Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_fonda#Fonda.27s_regrets

wiki said:
...I will go to my grave regretting the photograph of me in an anti-aircraft gun, which looks like I was trying to shoot at American planes. It hurt so many soldiers. It galvanized such hostility. It was the most horrible thing I could possibly have done. It was just thoughtless...

So yeah, water under the bridge I suppose but it still makes a good anecdote to drag out in discussions like this. ;)

Nitafrong said:
How about we agree that there is no real answer- everyone is different and we would all do different things in different situations.

It is so agreed.
Exactly. There was no draft. Nobody was forced to go to war. The people who went chose to. They chose to be a bully and police the world and I don't have to respect anyone who dies because of that. The troops make me sick.

If I may be frank


I dont even really know were to start with how incredibly dumb your post is. People like dont deserve to live in our country. No one was forced? Listen here, motherfucker. When fucking assholes crash damn planes into buildings in MY motherfucking country, I am forced to take action. When women are publicly raped and then beheaded at soccer games in in countries were they dont even give their people electricity and sanitary living conditions, I am fucking forced to take action. When people from primitive cultures declare a desire to commit genocide against my country, I am fucking forced to take action. When there are places on earth were small children have no means to find heat other than raggly ass kerosine heaters, which regularly explode and blow their arms off, I am forced to take action. Some of us have this fucking thing called a concience, and realize the world is a much bigger place than were we live, and what we do. So dont you EVER sit there and try to call out people who risk their fucking life and limb for you, and other fucking morons they have never met, and try to say its because they want to be "bullies". The amount of ignorance put into a blanket statement like that is immense. Its those "bullies" who provide you the right to even spew such fucking stupid SHIT as you just did, you motherfucking toolshed.

Havee you ever fucking BEEN to Iraq? Afgahnistan? How about New Orleans, after the hurricane? Ask the women who shreik out calling the soldiers "angels" in Iraq if we are fucking bullies. Ask the little children who we give food, good, non dangerous heaters, and medical treatment (that their "government" does not allow them) if we are fucking bullies. Ask the people lined the fuck up all along the "wire" at Baghdad International Airport with signs written thanking the US for saving them, ask them if they think we are bullies. Ask the little kids who i handed out teddy bears to two weeks after hurricane Katrina if im a fucking bully, all the people who were given medical help for their diabetes, and were taken care of, all while DUMB FUCKS like you talk shit about how we didnt act fast enough. Ask the guy who I provided first aid to in Iraq...the one who fucked his hands and arms up WHILE MAKING AN IED TO TRY TO KILL ME, if im a fucking bully.

My fingers tremble with rage as I write this. The things I have seen so many young, young men sacrifice to have fucking IDIOTS like you run your fucking mouth. People burned alive. People cut up into little pieces, while alive. People beheaded. Not a fucking ONE of them were there because they wanted to be a fucking bully. Ive lost chunks of skin out of my face, arm, and have about 25% hearing loss from M16s and bombs fucking up my ear drums. I CERTAINLEY wasnt fucking there to be a bully.

You arent shit. You make ME sick. Get a fucking clue before you talk next time.
:D I so knew that was coming at some point.

The anger is completely understandable and even deserved, NorCal, but try to overlook what the guy said. Don't take it personally. The comment was made out of ignorance, a desire to be "controversial", and there was more than a little of Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory (link) at work there as well, I'm pretty sure.

Point being, thanks for your service to the country. Most of us appreciate it a lot, even if some of us are not thrilled with where you guys are being sent.
Shock the world, you are an ignorant fuck. Those troops are over there fighting for freedom, and it's other people's freedom they are fighting for.

They are trying to make the world a better place, while you do nothing bust waste space that one of the soldiers who dies should have. I sincerely hope that a soldier refuses to help you some day and watches as a terrorist beheads you.

The troops are over there making a difference in the world. I don't care if anyone agrees with the war or not. Hussein's death made the world a better place, so as far as I am concerned, Mission Accomplished.

People like you are nothing but enablers, little *****es who egg this shit on. You are the ones who get on TV and try to damage morale, not because you know what right and wrong is, but becuase you're a dirty fucking hippie who hated Bush. As far as you are concerned, it is your lifelong goal to find something he did wrong, and you won't so you fucking whine. That's all you'll ever be good for, fucking whining. Crying on TV about life is unfair just because you refuse to get up and do something. Posting Youtube conspiracy videos that serve as nothing more than something to laugh at is all you'll ever be good for. You stupid fucking piece of shit.
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