How about this as an idea?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Now I know there are threads about John Cena turning heel etc - but I'm going to throw this into the ring so to speak lets join Cena, Orton And Edge into a heel Faction. What would happen? And who would emerge as the new face of the WWE? I know it could be a re - hash of the NWO but wouldn't it be fun !!!!
Imagine it.
Now my thoughts as to why are ....
Edge - sooner or later he will loose to hopefully christian in a title match - this will make him bitter.
Cena - no particular reason except a) everybody it seems wants him to turn heel - not me ny the way B) it could start a programme against The Rock or Undertaker
Orton - because he needs it - hes just Randy Orton at the moment.
Faces - well Christian would spring to mind , undertaker too may be Kane, Big Show Triple H or even Rey but i think the two to get the biggest push could be CM punk and Jack Swagger
nah, I'm not so sure that would capture my attention. I think Cena turning heel is a good idea because I feel his character is becoming a bit repetitive and all so boring, so a heel turn may spice things up a bit.

As for Randy Orton, I think he is doing really well since he turned face and fans seem to be taking to him really well to the point where I would go as far as to say that he could be in a position to become the number 1 face in the WWE.

I'm a big fan of Edge too, but think he pulls off a heel character a lot more effectively for me. The three of them becoming a group/faction just wouldn't make sense to me, too much history etc....
Nah, not for me. I think it would be weird. It's happening a lot in the tag team scene just now where people are just being thrown together for no apparent reason.

It just wouldn't work for me and wouldn't make any sense. They are all better sticking to their own paths.
Yea, but that's as far as it should go. Putting them together as a group would just make no sense. They are very powerful and successful charcaters and have achieved that on their own. Leave them to their own paths and quest for world title/main event status etc which they are. Unifying three of the most popular main event status wrestlers would spell disaster in my opinion.
The main problem with turning Cena heel is that he is the face of the company, how do you justify taking the 3 top faces and turning them all heel?

Thats a disaster waiting to happen. Just to play along though, I think the faces that would emerge would be Miz, Christian, and Punk. But that is two more heel/face turns. Its too much and will never happen.
My big issue is that they have previously been super characters. Well not so much Edge he's always been cowardly and even at the moment is getting saved weekly by Christian, but Cena and Orton and super guys. Cena single handedly with no help took out the whole Nexus, currently Orton is is single handedly taking out the whole of Nexus, they can't go from that to being in a faction. How could we believe that one week they can single take out a gang by themselves then next week need a gang of their own. That would be a super faction and completely unstoppable. Not a good idea. Plus you know they will eventually turn on each other anyway and set up Cena vs Orton again.
I am all for reforming RatedRKO though, they were cool.
no reason to turn Cena at this time.. When he really becomes stale... VKM should turn him into the new Corporate Champ.

Add to that Orton IMHO has become Stone Cold version 2 so turning him heel is pointless. Cena needs a natural enemy and I think Orton is that guy.
First off, Edge will not be made into the 'face' of the company. He'll be retired in a year or two.

Secondly I don't see them working as a team. As much as I would love Cena to turn heel, him teaming with Edge and Orton, 2 people he's had major feuds over and over with, seems very... out of place.

Have him turn heel, face Rock / Taker, and don't involve him with Edge. Really, Edge should be as heel as they get. The lack of faces on SD really force him to be face which is a shame. Orton face v Cena heel probably wouldn't work. Them switching positions would be a strange sight.

Just make him heel and we'll go from there.

Ok so Orton is Stone Cold2 - why because they've got nothing else to do with randy at the moment - hes not in the title hunt and hes certainly not Austin. All hes doing is beating up Nexus as Cena did - all a bit boring really - so lets get him invovled say in Cena and The Rock perhaps he rko's the rock, perhaps he helps Edge defeat ADR and together they reform rko and perhaps for a few weeks after they tease us that rko is now r3ko - they have a third man and then Cena appears . This could be a main event about to change the WWE - perhaps If the Rock is going to wrestle they have a 2 on 3 handicap match at summerslam. Perhaps The rock picks The Undertaker as his partner. What it could do is keep all these main eventers out of the title picture giving the youth a chance to shine - someone will they always do.
Remember WWE does pointless and for no reason on many occasions , why did Hogan join Hall and Nash - could Cena be Hogan - i just think it could be a lot of fun , shake things up for a year and create some interesting storylines and see a young superstar or two emerge
The Rock isnt coming back longterm.... If he comes back it will be for two reasons.... One to do the honors and pass the torch to Cena. The second would be to have a retirement match. I could see the Rock passing the torch to Cena at WM28 in Miami... Having a retirement match at WM29 vs. someone like Christian at WM29 then going into the Hall at WM30.

But Edge is gonna retire, Orton is over as a face even though he's a heel so there isnt a real purpose to flip him completely heel and Cena is on Hogan status... The little kids love the guy and he sells merch.... What the WWF should really do is switch Cena and Edge during the draft.... Keep Smackdown PG and turn Raw into a R rated Adult program. Then switch the roster up based on PG13 characters and R characters.

PG13: Cena, Undertaker, Del Rio, Rey Mistero, Big Show, Kane, Ted Dibiase, Swagger, Danielson, Kofi, Marrella & Kozlov.
R: Edge, Orton, CM Punk, HHH, Seamus, Morrison, Miz, Barrett,

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