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Hornswoggle, "the Biggest cancer in wrestling today"


Dark Match Winner
Who would have thought that before the Vince/Hornswoggle angle in 2007, that Hornswoggle would be around today? Certainly not me. This blog will be more of a rant if anything of why Hornswoggle is the biggest cancer in wrestling today, as the title says. Hornswoggle first made his debut as "the little bastard" or "son" of Finlay in 2006. He was basically a heel hiding under a ring costing people matches for the then heel Finlay. Was it a little funny at first? Maybe. But it grew old quickly. Then probably out of the most horrendous thing for a title change we see Hornswoggle win the cruiserweight title. But thats not all... as a special bonus Hornswoggle kills the cruiserweight championship by being the last person to hold it, thereby basically diminishing every cruiserweight on smackdown for a chance to push their career.

Fast forward into 2007 and we have the "illegitimate son" angle where Ken Kennedy was supposed to be the "son" of Vince before he was suspended. So WWE in their mind, went with the next best choice that being Hornswoggle. This read diaster at first glance and was very terrible. The only great thing that came out of it was when JBL faced Horny in a cage and beat the shit out of him. Then Finlay involves himself only to make it worse and its revealed the Hornswoggle is the "son" of him. Then comes the WWE draft of 2009. Where possibly the worst draft pick in history rears its ugly head on Raw, and since that draft pick Hornswoggle has constantly been shoved down our throats. Because hes funny? No. Because hes a ratings icon? Hell No. But because supposedly kids like him. I can make the case the kids love John Cena because I see a bunch of kids wearing his stuff, but nowhere have I seen a kid dressed in Hornswoggle gear at an arena. More recently we have seen him in matches butchering yet another career, that being Chavo Geurrero, in what should be voted the worst fued of the year by the PWI. If that isn't, I don't know what is.

So then after all this BS, we see Horny hanging out with the 1,000th reunion of DX. As if PG DX wasn't bad enough we now see the anti-establishment, high and mighty DX hanging out with a Leprechaun. Eventually as hard as this is to believe, Hornswoggle makes a title match for John Cena vs DX for the world title. Wow way to hype up your main event! So eventually HHH gives a pedigree to Hornswoggle doing what many of us have wanted to do. But instead of the DX/Horny thing, we further see HHH hanging out with the midget he pedigreed as if it never happened.

So now DX is the world tag team champions and can go on any brand, which you think would exclude Hornswoggle.. but oh no it doesn't. On this past episode of Smackdown we see Hornswoggle makes multiple appearances ruining what was probably the best wrestling show at the time Smackdown, and taking his Cancer to not one but two shows possibly butchering more careers in the coming months.

Well there you have it ladies and gentleman, the biggest cancer in wrestling today-- Hornswoggle. What horrid surprises await us in the coming weeks with him on Smackdown? Perhaps only Vince Mcmahon the person directly responsible for this mess that will further continue can tell you.
Is hornswoggle the best thing in wrestling? No!!! Is he the worst? No!!! He's getting ppl talking. he gives everything 100%!! he's doing everything that is asked of him and he does it well! the problem lies squarley with creative. if they gave him a proper fued i think he could become of legend status. bring in more little ppl and get fueds going. have horny become dominant and rule over the midget world of wwe. also he needs to start talking too.
I completly disagree with you on this one. The Biggest cancer in wrestling today isn't Hornswoogle, in fact it not anybody involve in wrestling right now. The biggest cancer in wrestling today is us, the Internet wrestling community or IWC.

Let me explain why i'm saying that. Everyday i go on wrestling board like this one and will some topic i read are fun to read, most topic are about somebody not liking some wrestler or something the company does. Sure everybody got the freedom of speech but that doesn't mean because you don't like somebody or something that it makes him the biggest cancer in wrestling. The point i'm trying to make is this, most of the IWC don't get that the attitude era is gone and probably won'T show up anytime soon and stuff like DX and hornswoggle are here to stay because that's what sell. If you don'T believe me just go ask wweshop.com how many DX and Hornswoggle shirt that sold. Hornswoggle is pretty much there to entertain children and i'm o.k with that, in fact, i would really love to see more midget or leprachaun on WWE t.v. I grew up watching midget wrestling on WWE T.V. and i miss it, it was really great entertainment.

So The fact is that will some of you might thing the same way as codebreaker, i'm don't and i which that guy like codebreaker would wake up and realise that he's not part of the target audience right now and that even if he hates Hornswoggle, the little guy is here to stay mainly because he's still one of the most popular wrestler on the roster.
I gotta say, it's bad. I was never a fan of his. I mean, when he was a heel, it was okay. He did just what a cheap heel does. He caused the distraction to let Finley get the cheap shot, I get that.

Next comes the Cruiserweight title. If it was WWE's intention to just get rid of the title, they did a good job of it. In the meantime, they also completely ruined the credibility of Jamie Noble, a guy who could have made a very good cruiserweight.

Fast forward to the son angle. Horrible idea. JBL would have been a very good idea. Even though it would have been wrong, HHH would have been interesting. Another interesting one would have been Melina. But instead we get Hornswoggle again. But something good did come of this, HHH's jokes about Vince on Raw were pretty funny.

Then that goes into the "tough love" part which was horrible. It continued and honestly I tired of it pretty quickly. JBL beats up Hornswoggle and I think, "finally it's over". It wasn't.

Fast forward to today and it's now ridiculous. Hornswoggle is getting WAY more TV time than he did during the "son" angle. Now he's popping up during the Main Eventers and it's bad. For the longest time I have said that Hornswoggle destroys everything he touches, but calling him a cancer is very approiate.
I completly disagree with you on this one. The Biggest cancer in wrestling today isn't Hornswoogle, in fact it not anybody involve in wrestling right now. The biggest cancer in wrestling today is us, the Internet wrestling community or IWC.

If thats the case, why are you here contributing to our supposed "cancer?"

Let me explain why i'm saying that. Everyday i go on wrestling board like this one and will some topic i read are fun to read, most topic are about somebody not liking some wrestler or something the company does. Sure everybody got the freedom of speech but that doesn't mean because you don't like somebody or something that it makes him the biggest cancer in wrestling.

I just gave you about a dozen reasons as to why he is a Cancer. Its not just because I simply dont like him. I dont like Cena, Batista or Maria. But they all contribute at least in some way to wreslting. Hornswoggle does not.

The point i'm trying to make is this, most of the IWC don't get that the attitude era is gone and probably won'T show up anytime soon and stuff like DX and hornswoggle are here to stay because that's what sell. If you don'T believe me just go ask wweshop.com how many DX and Hornswoggle shirt that sold.

In no way did I suggest in this post that we need to go back to the attitude era, you are going completly off subject. DX sells stuff yes. But Im not discussing DX as being a cancer, Im talking about Hornswoggle

Hornswoggle is pretty much there to entertain children and i'm o.k with that, in fact, i would really love to see more midget or leprachaun on WWE t.v. I grew up watching midget wrestling on WWE T.V. and i miss it, it was really great entertainment.

So you watch WWE to see a midget running around a ring? Sorry man but you have issues. Did you ever pass the 3rd grade?

So The fact is that will some of you might thing the same way as codebreaker, i'm don't and i which that guy like codebreaker would wake up and realise that he's not part of the target audience right now and that even if he hates Hornswoggle, the little guy is here to stay mainly because he's still one of the most popular wrestler on the roster.

That is complete BS. Are you trying to get buried. You sound like you a 10 year old. Hornswoggle is not popular in the least. Whenever hes on TV the crowd is dead and we rarely hear any noise. Just because you get all giterry over Hornswoggle in no way does that make him one of the most popular guys on the roster.
That is complete BS. Are you trying to get buried. You sound like you a 10 year old. Hornswoggle is not popular in the least. Whenever hes on TV the crowd is dead and we rarely hear any noise. Just because you get all giterry over Hornswoggle in no way does that make him one of the most popular guys on the roster

I'm not trying to get buried here at all. The fact of the matter is this, sure some people might thing he doesn't contribute to the product and in a way your right but that's not his fault at all if the wwe creative doesn'T have to balls to find something for him to do. Also i've got to say something about the fact that you say the crowd is dead whenever he's on TV. HAve you ever been to a WWE show live, if your ever went then you would know that people do react a lot anytime he come to the ring and just last week suring the lame dx promo, the crowd reacted when hornswoogle appear. Before saying that the is not crowd reaction when hornswoogle appears then maybe you should stop and listen what a dead crowd sound like by watching ECW, then you might not be so quick to say that hornswoggle doesn'T get any crowd reaction.
No no no no! The biggest cancer right now in Wrestling, is the guest host concept. Yes Hornswoggle takes time away from other stars, but so does cheesy promos by 2nd rate celebrities. On top of that, midgets have always been part of professional wrestling, it's like the fat guys who ride the little cars in the parade. It's ridiculous, but it's interesting.
I'm not trying to get buried here at all. The fact of the matter is this, sure some people might thing he doesn't contribute to the product and in a way your right but that's not his fault at all if the wwe creative doesn'T have to balls to find something for him to do. Also i've got to say something about the fact that you say the crowd is dead whenever he's on TV. HAve you ever been to a WWE show live, if your ever went then you would know that people do react a lot anytime he come to the ring and just last week suring the lame dx promo, the crowd reacted when hornswoogle appear. Before saying that the is not crowd reaction when hornswoogle appears then maybe you should stop and listen what a dead crowd sound like by watching ECW, then you might not be so quick to say that hornswoggle doesn'T get any crowd reaction.

I blame both, but more so of Hornswoggle for doing the crap he does. I rarely hear anything when Hornswoggle is on a live Raw show. House show crowds are just mainly full of casual fans, so I really dont bother basing an opinion for them, mainly because parents are just there to cheer Hornswoggle so their 4 year olds dont feel bad. But in no way shape or form do I see a kid dressed in Hornswoggle gear. You seem very enthusiastic about Hornswoggle for whatever reasons beyond most of us. Perhaps if you meet him, take him home with you since you like him so much and dont let him come back to WWE
Do I find Horny annoying at times? Yeah, I do. But do consider him a cancer to the business today? Hell to the no. So alot of us older people, don't care for him. So what? The younger generation gets a kick out of him. Just like we got a kick out certain characters when we were kids. And I've been to many WWE live events here in Texas. And when Horny appears, the little kids go nuts over him. To say that Horny is a cancer b/c we, the older generation, don't care for him...is ridiculous. When I think of the phrase "cancer to wrestling"...I think about people who put themselves ahead of the business....I think about a person who held others down with politics, so that he/she could get ahead or his/her friends could get ahead....I think about selfish assholes, who don't give two shits about the company they are at, or the business as a whole....I think about people who refuse to put over young talent for the good of the business...or they only put over their friends. To say that Horny is a cancer, is crazy. The dude appears in a short (no pun intended) segment or two...no big deal. It's not the end of the world. The company isn't going to fold b/c of it. And the little kids, who McMahon is targeting, loves him.
While I don't think Swoggle is a cancer, I'd appreciate less of him on a weekly basis.

I think psykohurricane has a point that the attitude era is gone and to an extent you have to assimulate to the next generation of wrestling. This genre has always changed for good or bad. Ask some old time wrestling fans what they thought of Hogan, the new generation, or the attitude era....I bet they hated it all.

After the highs of Hogan you had the lull of the new generation that fed into the mega drawing attitude era...that upswing could happen again, or it won't. You can't bitch and complain about each and everything you don't like about today's product. If you do, you'll never be happy.

I really don't think about Swoggle to much. he's there, I'm over it. I prefer to concentrate on all the new promising talent that's stepping up at the moment. I'm talking about Kofi, Swagger, Miz, Morrison, MacIntire, Shaemus, Mr. Ziggles etc... Hopefully we'll get a few more gret additions this year and who knows, this could be the upswing.
I've got to throw my two cents in here and say that you are completely wrong on a few points Codebreaker. Now look, I am not a fan of Hornswoggle. It does nothing for me, maybe because his character is not geared towards me. And that's what you don't seem to understand. The purpose of his character is not to cater to you, the 18-34 male demographic. His purpose is to appeal to the younger demographic. The same demographic that Rey Mysterio caters to. And that demographic spends money. A hell of alot more money then most of us do. And if his slightly stupid leprechaun character helps generate more revenue for the company, who in turn can afford to pay for more talent, then I am ok with it.

To say Hornswoggle is not popular is just an asinine statement. Any time his music rings out, he gets a pretty big pop. He got a huge pop in MSG a few weeks back. Hell, I remember back at WM 24, Finlay came out to an ok reaction, then Horneys music hits and the place erupts.

Again, I am not a fan of his, but I understand his purpose. You have a kind of unreasonable hate towards him, which is your right, but consider one thing. You are complaining about someone who had maybe 1/3rd the on air time as Dennis Miller did last week.
There isn't anything the guy contributes to the WWE. Some kids cheer but since he his always shoved down the audience's throats, there isn't any cheers for Hornswoggle anymore. It's like watching Doink and Dink the Clown. That was amusing for 2 minutes then it got old quick. Now we are going to see a Little's People Court segment which will undoubtedly be the worst segment of the year.

Does he increase ratings or sell merchandise? I doubt it. The purpose of characters is to entertain wrestling fans and draw money, which Hornswoggle doesn't do period. If Hornswoggle is so popular, lets bring out all the circus acts with him. Let's bring in the bearded lady and mermaid girl. I mean Hornswoggle is leprechaun right? Why not have the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus wrestle in the ring too. That's entertainment after all right? If it lines Vince's pockets, why not cheer for it? :disappointed:
There isn't anything the guy contributes to the WWE. Some kids cheer but since he his always shoved down the audience's throats, there isn't any cheers for Hornswoggle anymore. It's like watching Doink and Dink the Clown. That was amusing for 2 minutes then it got old quick. Now we are going to see a Little's People Court segment which will undoubtedly be the worst segment of the year.

Does he increase ratings or sell merchandise? I doubt it. The purpose of characters is to entertain wrestling fans and draw money, which Hornswoggle doesn't do period. If Hornswoggle is so popular, lets bring out all the circus acts with him. Let's bring in the bearded lady and mermaid girl. I mean Hornswoggle is leprechaun right? Why not have the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus wrestle in the ring too. That's entertainment after all right? If it lines Vince's pockets, why not cheer for it? :disappointed:

While i do agree that the little's people court or for that matter anything involving Dx and Hornswoggle is pure crap, it doesn't change the fact that it does make money. I you don't believe me just go to WWEShop.com and go on Top seller, you will see that the DX/Hornswoggle t-shirt is selling pretty well so sure it might not help ratings and pretty much anything involving DX and Hornswoggle is pure crap but at the end of the day, it does sell merchandise and that what's it's all about. Hornswoggle is popular with the main demographic that the WWE is going after and it's work because his merchandise is selling very well right now.
From one point of view I'd have to agree that yes , Hornswoggle is a cancer on WWE but only to a certain extent ie giving air time to a midget rather to a legitimate talent who could really benefit from it. However, since it's only one segment a week there's not really a hell of a lot that a younger talent could draw from that anyway since their pretty much giving the younger guys all the time they need right now.

I don't think it has that much of an effect since , as I said before, it's generally only one segment a week and since it's pushing DX's goofy merch skits, and the crowd like that, he's not a cancer, he's simply an additon to what I personally think is crap TV but is appealing to other fans.

Back when he was ruining what could have been a serious storyline with the illegitimate son angle, then he was definetly a cancer, since a superstar's career could have basically been built just from being Mr McMahons kafabe son, whereas with hornswoggle, nothing was ever going to come of it.

Oh, and he was certainly a cancer to Chavo Guerrero, although, even before hornswoggle was pistol whipping him every week, who in the crowd gave a shit about Chavo anyway?
My opinion on Hornswoggle is that he's fine as a minor comedy act used in the odd segment on Raw. Occasionally I may get a chuckle out of him but I certainly don't think he should have been involved in some of the bigger storylines which he has done (e.g. Vince McMahon's illegitimate son- that could have been used to benefit an actual young wrestling talent, yes it was supposed to be Mr. Kennedy but even so, somebody else could have used this rub as opposed to Hornswoggle).

Of course, now he's involved with DX which may have been somewhat humourous as a one of thing on Raw but instead they really are taking the piss a bit with his ongoing involvement with Michaels and HHH. Another example of the damage Hornswoggle has done to an actual wrestler is Chavo Guerrero, whose career has arguably been ruined becuase of his association with the little guy. Don't get me wrong, keep him as a comedy act in occasional backstage segments or to provide a toilet break or moment of comedic relief but don't have him ruin the careers of legitimate wrestling talents anymore please.
When I think of the phrase "cancer to wrestling"...I think about people who put themselves ahead of the business....I think about a person who held others down with politics, so that he/she could get ahead or his/her friends could get ahead....I think about selfish assholes, who don't give two shits about the company they are at, or the business as a whole....I think about people who refuse to put over young talent for the good of the business...or they only put over their friends.

soooooooo..... Kevin Nash?

Also, for the people how are saying Hornswoggle doesn't sell, or that no one likes him, he is a cash cow because the little kids love him.
I like Hornswoggle, and I think you're hatred of him is a little much. 'The biggest cancer in wrestling today' would imply there's someone who is ruining the product completely, someone who could damage the business irreparably. All Hornswoggle is doing is 'feuding' with DX. They don't have to be your favourite segments, but loads of people love them, myself included. They're not damaging the product, and it's not a huge deal. If Hornswoggle was WWE champion, in the Main Event every week, winning at PPV's etc you may have a point. But I don't think he's as much of a problem as you think.
The reason Hornswoggle--and the Beautiful People mudwrestling on TNA--are such a problem is that sometimes curious viewers tune in.

They have heard bad things about pro wrestling--it's entertainment for slightly below-average IQ Cro-Magnons who can't grasp the subtleties of MTV's Jackass.

They've heard good things about pro wrestling--amazing action, cool drama and enthralling speeches (promos) from charismatic stars.

They tune in, and they see two forty-year old men in a tunnel under a wrestling ring being jibbered at by a dozen midgets.

Is wrestling awesome or ******ed? Polls open.........polls close.

******ed wins in a landslide!!

Hornswoggle-Hating WWE Shareholder has spoken.
I don't like Hornswoggle that much either, but to call him "the Biggest cancer in wrestling today" is a kind of insensitive. I was as disappointed in the "McMahon's son" storyline as much as the next guy. All that hype, for a Finlay VS JBL match....!? I didn't like him being in matches for the cruiserweight title and tag team titles either.... also disliked the endless string of matches against Chavo.... or even most of his stuff currently with DX.... BUT that doesn't mean he's awful enough to be called "the Biggest cancer in wrestling today". There is no one in any federation who has done something bad enough to be called that. Hornswoggle is annoying, I'll give you that.... but he is still a human being and it's unfair to call him something like that when he's not running WWE out of business. If THAT were to happen, you'd be justified in calling him that.
The thing with Hornswoggle is that he is usually featured on the majority of the show along with DX. It would be fine to have some commercials and skits plugging merchandise and goofing around, but do they have to do it every other segment of the show?

There are some Hornswoggle fans, few and far between but there still are some. It's just you can't force someone to cheer or like a character. Hornswoggle would be over if he wasn't on every damn segment taking up the majority of the show. Have him in featured in one match with DX or one or 2 skits with them.

Hornswoggle and DX have been overkill recently. Even the fans of DX and Hornswoggle say its too much. I don't think he is cancer, he just needs to go into remission before he becomes cancer. The way Hornswoggle is being pushed, you would think he was the #1 contender. Any one that is a comedy act that gets more television time then the Champion can't be seen as a good thing.
He is a cancer of sorts because of:

1. He pisses off a lot of people who genuinely love wrestling, and make them not want to watch RAW. Obviously, RAW losing it's audience is a bad thing. A poll was taken on here, and 65% of the people said "get rid of Hornswoggle now". So in that aspect there's less people who are watching RAW specifically because of him, so you might say he's "killing" raw.

2. He also makes casual people less inclined to give wrestling a chance. They look at his "antics", laugh (at him, not with him), and then proceed to change the channel to something more appropriate to that of an IQ over 3. This is another way of "killing" wrestling, draining the casuals who would normally have given wrestling a chance, who were oddly enough expecting wrestling on a wrestling show.

He makes the majority of wrestling fans disgusted by RAW and not want to watch it. He makes the casuals not give wrestling a chance. He's draining the WWE of the things it needs the most.
He has a small purpose and that's getting kids interested. But his part is too fucking huge so it takes over ALL of raw. I'm not saying the guy is cancer but he sure is the HIV of wrestling. The real cancer is the host concept, however that's another topic for another day.

soooooooo..... Kevin Nash?

Also, for the people how are saying Hornswoggle doesn't sell, or that no one likes him, he is a cash cow because the little kids love him.

Do we know this for certain, or is this merely an assumption because you see Vince shoving him down everyone's throats?

We know what his purpose is, but my question is "Is he really selling merchandise?"

That may be Vince's hope to sell merchandise to the little kids, but do we know that they find Hornswoggle funny and appealing enough to buy his crap? I don't know that. I haven't seen the numbers.

Vince may simply be trying to force him down everyone's throats because he wants the kids to find him appealing, but unless we see the numbers, we don't know if he really is fulfilling Vince's desires by appealing to kids or not. Vince is going to keep trying and keep trying.

Being paired with DX is absolutely no accident. He is obviously being paired with them because he wants the popularity of DX to rub off on Hornswoggle. And by mixing Hornswoggle in DX programs, this is Vince's way to get the "little bastard" (pun intended) on TV in a more prominent role so he can try to peddle more merchandise.

So Vince clearly does not care if people think being paired with DX is a bad thing or not. By hook or by crook, he is going to try and shove him down your throat so you buy his merchandise.

Anyone that has little kids on here, or knows of them in the family ... and if those kids like wrestling .... tell us if they like Hornswoggle or not and whether they buy his merchandise or not?

When we know the answer to this question, we can perhaps determine how big of a cancer he is to wrestling. My intuition tells me that he is the biggest cancer in wrestling today because my intuition tells me that not even the little kids think he is all that cool or appealing by today's standards.
Hornswoggle isn't the biggest cancer but he's damn sure coming close. I understand the older people don't like him I mean why should they? since when did a leprechaun had something to do with wrestling? I understand it's part of a gimmick. But the fact is Woggle doesn't wrestle. I am truly annoyed by him. And don't give me the ''your a smark so you hate him'' bullshit. I loathed this little bitch ever since his Finlay days. I can't believe he survived.. no even participates in a weekly wrestling show for so long. Does the character really sell merchandise? to whom, little kids?. And is the WWE really surrounded by little kids? No. No it isn't. So what's the point of having this little pest around? does Vince think we actually find him amusing? hell no. I bet he's doing this just because he can. Woggle needs to gtfo of the WWE for good.
Okay, I think the time has come for someone to weigh in here and just pose the following question: Why so serious? By this I mean, why take this entire Hornswoggle thing so seriously. Let's be honest here. Professional wrestling is a one-ring circus, as I've observed before, and every circus has its clowns. Horny's the head clown, and with good reason. He does the most outrageous stuff and gets away with it most of the time. There is a part in most kids and many adults that wishes they could do the same thing. As a matter of fact, that's the reason why most people watch wrestling: to live vicariously through many of the characters who do what they do which is what so many other people wish they could do. Hornswoggle, like it or not, covers a major demographic with his own antics.

I think the reason he annoys so many people is that he just isn't credible as a legit wrestler. Hello, people! The guy's 4'3" in a land where the average height is 6'4" and goes as high as 7'3"! Next they'll be saying the same thing about Rey Mysterio. I get the idea that the actual wrestling isn't what Hornswoggle is there for. From the beginning, he's been a mascot/irritant character and there was a time when professional wrestling was full of them. They were called managers. With most of them gone, their place has been taken by characters like Hornswoggle, ringside significant others, and the like. I personally give Horny a lot of credit for being perhaps the most famous of all midget wrestlers in a country where pretty much the only place such people are allowed to perform is in taverns and hole-in-the-wall bars.

Like it or not, folks, Horny's not leaving the WWE. Vince would be stupid to get rid of him and I can assure you there's probably plenty of promotions ready to snap him up if he does. You think TNA wouldn't pick him up and repackage him as some kind of impish demon or animated voodoo doll character? They're probably drooling for the chance to give Abyss a "little brother."

Lastly, and this should be noted, given his T.V. time and all he's been willing to do, I have to say Horny's probably up there with John Cena when it comes to hard work for the WWE company, which is probably why he's getting the time he's getting. He's reliable, which is more than you can say for a ton of the other superstars on the roster.

Maybe it's just a habit of mine to pull for the underdog, but I'd like the good points to at least be mentioned in this little debate. In conclusion, Horny's finally where he's supposed to be. As a mascot character for DX, his own talents (namely being sneaky, irritating, silly, and causing trouble for others) are going to be used by people who've already shown themselves encouraging of such behaviors. So alls I got to say is lighten up people and learn to enjoy the comedy along with the bloodshed.

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