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Hornswoggle as the last WWE Crusierweight champion a slap to the CW's

CM Steel

A REAL American
The WWE Crusierweight division was a cornerstone to the success of the WWE from 2002 to 2007. The little bastard Hornswoggle (back when he was known at the time as Mr. McMahon's offspring) won the WWE Crusierweight title in a CW 6 pack challenge at a WWE pay per view in San Jose, California right after the Benoit double-homicide tragedy in 2007.

And with the whole "Hornswoggle McMahon" storyline. Horny was stripped of the CW belt. But the following week in the WWE. The E silently retired the WWE Crusierweight championship. Now many wrestling fans view WWE chairman Vince McMahon as "being in love with his giants" in the WWE. What would that have to mean for the WWE Crusierweights at the time?

Now all the Crusierweights in the WWE have to compete for a same title that a heavyweight would content for. But what was up with having Hornswoggle as the last WWE CW champ and then retire the championship division with him being the last champion? Was that a diss to the real CW's?

The WWE Crusierweight division was gold just like the belt was. Will we ever see it again???
While I agree that it's a shame that WWE put a title of any sort on Hornswoggle, let's not exaggerate the importance of the Cruiserweight Division in WWE. A "cornerstone of success"? C'mon now, that's a bit of an overstatement I believe. With the exception of Rey Mysterio, there was really no one of any real relevance or general greatness that was Cruiserweight Champion in WWE.

Shane Helms, Matt Hardy, Chavo Guerrero, Funaki, Nunzio, even Jaqueline had a 2 week run with the title. Not exactly the cream of the crop by any stretch but the simple truth is that the Cruiserweight Championship was never really a priority in WWE. The matches were meaningless, the feuds forgettable and the champions were mediocre. Hornswoggle winning the title only drove home the true finality of the irrelevance of the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.
I honestly think the cruiserweight division is coming back in WWE. Whether it's now or 10 years from now, I strongly believe that they're gonna reach a point where it'll benefit them. Especially since all these rumors about title unification going around, WWE might use it as a lesser title once the # of titles shorten (if they do)

So really the Hornswoggle thing isn't an issue to me. Regardless of the great moments the cruiserweight division has had, the CW title was always a lesser title, kinda like the Hardcore or European championship, so even if it does end with Hornswoggle (which I doubt), it wouldn't be like a tragedy or something.
The legacies of each of the WWE titles pretty much mean squat to the company. At this point they pass them around so easily and give them to whoever, pretty much like a cheap prostitute.
Did you ever think that the reason that WWE put it on Hornswoggle is simply because they thought the Crusierweight Divison was nothing more then a joke and put it on him to make sure it was well known that the CW Division was nothing more then just that? Look at TNA's X-Division, thats the new CWD. Once The weight limit was put on it it was offically the new one. if it comes back in WWE they need to make sure it's not a joke.
I only see hornswoggle as a mascot, and I seriously believe that he shouldn't be the last wrestler(well sort of) that would retire that belt. If anybody else, it should be Rey Mysterio.

I want to see the CW title back on Smackdown. Cruiserweight action is really entertaining to watch. This is one of the matches I've been looking for on the old smackdown. But I don't know if the current cruiserweights can relive the action.

by the way there are only 6 superstars that are eligible if they will ever bring back the title. These are the only superstars that are below 215 lbs (cruiserweight limit). I removed hornswoggle since he is just a mascot.

Daniel Bryan
Evan Bourne
Rey Mysterio
Sin Cara
Tyson Kidd
Zack Ryder

So I guess they won't bring back the title soon.
I only see hornswoggle as a mascot, and I seriously believe that he shouldn't be the last wrestler(well sort of) that would retire that belt. If anybody else, it should be Rey Mysterio.

I want to see the CW title back on Smackdown. Cruiserweight action is really entertaining to watch. This is one of the matches I've been looking for on the old smackdown. But I don't know if the current cruiserweights can relive the action.

by the way there are only 6 superstars that are eligible if they will ever bring back the title. These are the only superstars that are below 215 lbs (cruiserweight limit). I removed hornswoggle since he is just a mascot.

Daniel Bryan
Evan Bourne
Rey Mysterio
Sin Cara
Tyson Kidd
Zack Ryder

So I guess they won't bring back the title soon.

The Crusierweight weight limit is 220LBS last I saw when Matt Hardy had to lose 8LBS to compete for it on Smackdown eight years ago.

Your probraly thinking of the WCW Crusierweight weight limit pal. Now WCW's CW division was about something! There CW division didn't go out like how the WWE CW division did.

G. Shane Helms was WCW's last CW champion.
Hornswoggle was WWE's last CW champion.

But I believe that the WWE Crusierweight championship can be brought back into the E if done right!
And with the whole "Hornswoggle McMahon" storyline. Horny was stripped of the CW belt.

Ok here we go, first and foremost the storyline was the perfect way to get rid of the title. Remember that at this time there were two sets of tag champs as well as two sets of divas champs which is 3 extra champions not including the crusierweight champion. Giving Horny the title belt was a way of eliminating one champion with a sensible storyline.

But the following week in the WWE. The E silently retired the WWE Crusierweight championship.

It makes sense based on the storyline. It was then plagued with conspiracy and Vince squashed this entirely. No need for a big commotion.

Now many wrestling fans view WWE chairman Vince McMahon as "being in love with his giants" in the WWE.

Really, really cause I think everyone knows what Vince looks for in a superstar and that is a big man wit big muscles that generally has the Batista look.

What would that have to mean for the WWE Crusierweights at the time?

What it means it you have to step up your game in order to be a believable champion. That you truthfully would have to be the David to one grand Goliath.

Now all the Crusierweights in the WWE have to compete for a same title that a heavyweight would content for

Aren't they all employed the same. I don't see any restricitions on who can compete for what title. Who cares if you wrestle someone bigger than you.

But what was up with having Hornswoggle as the last WWE CW champ and then retire the championship division with him being the last champion?

So here's where you utterly doubt the abilites of Hornswoggle. Without having to speak he is more charismatic then a guy like John Morrison. He may be more taleneted as a wrestler then a guy like Big Show. He has skills suprisingly. Need Proof watch this. Yes he just owned the Miz.


Was that a diss to the real CW's?

No it was a smart way to eliminate a title. Simple as that.

The WWE Crusierweight division was gold just like the belt was. Will we ever see it again???

I'd guarentee we would. Wait for the WWE to build-up their crusierweights and we will see the return of the title down the line.
To be fair WCW did some crappy things with the Cruiserweight Championship. Oklahoma and Medusa feuding over it for instance, to see that the WWF even continued to promote the title and have it replace the Light Heavyweight Title was one of the positive things to come out of the WWF purchase of WCW (other than the tape library of course and the acquisition of the Big Gold Belt). However, I have to say I did HATE the crowning of Hornswoggle as the champion, I personally think the Cruiserweight title should have endured in WWE.

I mean let's be honest here no offense to the smaller wrestlers but not everyone can be a World Heavyweight Champion, yes I do like the David and Goliath type battles. I will admit seeing guys like Jericho, Guerrero and Mysterio (despite my dislike for Rey as a character) were interesting placements in the Heavyweight Title scene however some performers aren't so fortunate to have that same ability to cross over. And for those guys like the Ultimo Dragon, Dean Malenko and Gregory Helms types the Cruiserweight Division was PERFECT for that.

Russo and Ferrara obviously didn't agree with that and neither did Vince in the later years of the title's existence but that's what I miss the most about the Cruiserweight Title, guys that might not have been able to transition into the main event heavyweight title scene still had a chance to have a prominent spot and still have a following.

Hopefully the division will return and personally speaking I don't think it ever should have been retired in the first place.
In all fairness to this thread, Hornswoggle deading the CW title was not in poor taste. Lol it was entertaining and funny at the time. But on a serious note, WWE, like many of us said, did not have too many cruiserweights to put that title on. I believe, that they will re-introduce the CW title back, especially since they are going to a tour in Mexico, so they are trying to capitalize on a new market. In Mexico, Lucha-libre is the famous style of wrestling and what better way for WWE to cross-market than to bring in cruiserweights from Mexico into the WWE. Look for the WWE to sign some fresh faces who are CWs. It would eventually boost their ratings more and kids love high flying stunts! Just gotta make sure it is PG friendly. :p. It was not a cornerstone however. Everyone knows the cornerstones of the WWE are the IC Title, Tag Titles, the Divas Title, and the WWE Title. If the US title and the World Heavyweight Title were non-existent that just means More roster cuts.
Well even if you see it as "a slap to cruiserweights", WWE doesn't. They run a theatre company, not an "honouring of each wrestler to pass fleetingly through the undercard" company.

Why put the belt on Hornswoggle? He was over, and he was entertaining.
Hornswoggle as the last Cruiserweight Champion is definitely a middle finger to that division. It is well known that bigger guys unfairly get better pushes. Guys like Bourne or Sin Cara who could rule the CW division are stuck fighting for a shot at the IC or US titles that all the midcarders and future main eventers are all busy gunning for. They do need the CW belt back but I have my doubts that it will ever return. Vince likely had Hornswoggle retire it to further show his dislike of smaller guys and the CW division itself because the belt deserved to have someone like Chavo or Helms retire it with some dignity intact. Having Hornswoggle retire it felt more like they killed the belt rather than retiring it.

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