Horizon: Zero Dawn


The Phenom of WZ
Very rarely does something come out that completely either lives up to expectations or completely surpass expectations. Horizon: Zero Dawn is a game that I've had my eye on since the first trailers were released for it almost a year ago. Hell, I pre-ordered the game last July. I read every bit of news that was released for the game and I watched every video I could that had anything to do with the game. From the onset, it looked like a game that was going to be worth having. Part Assassin's Creed, part Witcher 3, part Skyrim, and part Shadow of Mordor. Those are all highly successful and entertaining games. For Horizon: Zero Dawn to have anything in common with any of those games would be a plus, right?

Well I can tell you with no sort of bias or ego that Horizon: Zero Dawn is the absolute greatest game that I've ever played on the PS4. I know, I know; some of you are going to think that I'm exaggerating or that I'm being hyperbolic, but I'm not. Zero Dawn takes the best parts of each of the games that I listed above and creates one of the best video gaming experiences that I've ever had in my entire life and I've played a lot of games. This game doesn't have a single weak spot in it. It's graphics are amazing. One of the best looking games ever. It's sound is on point. The characters are all unique and entertaining. None more so than the main character Aloy. The voice acting is superb. The story hooks one in from the get go. And the game play, my gosh the game play brings it all together in one extraordinary masterpiece worthy of being praised in a museum. The game play, specifically the combat, is so fun, fluid, and addicting that you find yourself actually searching out conflict in this game just to test the many different ways, combinations, and weapons you can use to bring down your enemies.

I'm only half way through the game and I got it on Feb. 28th. It has a long worth while story. If you have a PS4 and you like any of the games that I listed above, then do yourself a huge favor and go get Horizon: Zero Dawn. I promise that you won't be disappointed.
2017 is starting off to be a great year for games. RE7, Yakuza 0, and Horizon just in the first quarter. New Mass Effect on the way. My wallet is hurting already.
I was going to start a new thread to talk about this but since you mentioned it here, I won't do that.

Mass Effect: Andromeda is shit. I mean it is horrible. Compared to the other games in the series it doesn't compare. The graphics are ok when it comes to scenery and backgrounds, however, characters facial expressions, simple effects like dripping water, and other things are horrible. The voice acting is mediocre. I mean, you can literally tell that someone is reading a script. No emotion whatsoever. The gameplay is the only saving grace for this game. Fighting is fun and fluid and there are a lot of skills, weapons, and such to unlock. So, there's that. Other than that, though, this game is really not good at all. I'm only about 10 hours in and it was chore to get that far.

Idk why this game is so much worse than the others in the series but it is and that's a damn shame.
Yeah I've seen and heard nothing but bad things about the new Mass Effect game. Almost to a No Man's Sky level of hatred but minus the death threats. I think it's a shame because I loved the original trilogy. Even 3.

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