Honky Tonk Man vs Ultimate Warrior


Totally Reeking of Awesomeness
I have decided to go back and watch every Summerslam ppv, and the answer to my question might be very easy. If it is I am sorry, but something I saw made me wonder what happened. Prior to the Honky Tonk Man/Ultimate Warrior match they showed how Brutus Beefcake was attacked by Outlaw Ron Bass. He jumped him and dug his spurs into Beefcake's head. It was quite a brutal looking attack by the way. Now Beefcake was originally supposed to have the shot at the IC title at Summerslam 88, but due to this attack he was forced off the card. My question is was this angle done because Brutus was injured for real, or did they want to capitalize on The Warrior's popularity? The reason I ask is because the match was so short, and the crowd was red hot even then for Warrior. Brutus never really got back into the IC title picture again after that, and soon got involved in the Hogan Zeus storyline. I never even thought about this before until I watched SS 88 again last night. Was it as simple as Beefcake being legit injured or was there more to this than that?
This is from Wikipedia

"Beefcake feuded with Intercontinental Champion The Honky Tonk Man. Beefcake vowed to not only win the title, but put Honky to sleep and cut his Duck's Ass. Beefcake never made good on that vow, since Honky got himself disqualified from most of their matches . Honky often had assistance from a mysterious pigtailed and sunglassed blonde named Peggy Sue (Sherri Martel sometimes played this character, but more often, "she" was Jimmy Hart in drag). Beefcake countered with a "woman" of his own: "Georgina" (George "The Animal" Steele in drag). The feud concluded at WrestleMania IV, where Honky was again disqualified, after interference from Jimmy Hart. Though Honky escaped with the title and his hair, Beefcake caught Jimmy Hart after the match and humiliated him with a partial haircut.
Beefcake also feuded with "Outlaw" Ron Bass in 1988, beginning when Bass attacked him after a match on Superstars of Wrestling, lacerating his head with a spur. As a result, the injured Beefcake missed his scheduled Intercontinental championship match against The Honky Tonk Man at the first SummerSlam event on August 29. He ultimately defeated Bass in a grudge match."

I remember however seeing the blood on Beefcake's face. Would have been done to give the Bass-Beef Feud some authenticity. Either way, we got to see one, if not the biggest , of the face v face matches in history @WM6. All thanks to a sudden push that Warrior got and ended Honky Tonk's long reign in less than 40 seconds.


Uncensored footage for you. The forehead was busted legitimately enough to prevent him from competing at Summerslam.

The funny thing is this was aired on a kid friendly show called Superstars of Wrestling. And now they won't even show the Brogue Kick on Saturday Morning Slam. SMH
Brutus has stated in interviews that basically Warrior had threatened to quit unless he was pushed immediately into the main event as he felt he had been promised. The win over Honky was the first step although Vince was able to successfully argue he needed to work with Rude to help him prepare for the big time matches... The Bass incident was a way to get Brutus out of that match without him losing any momentum.
WWE knew Warrior was was going to the top, so they put the belt on him, despite him being one of the greenest wrestlers to ever step onto the big stage. Honky Tonk once wrote on Warrior's Facebook wall saying that putting Warrior over like that was one of the hightlights of his career- as it marked the rise of probably one of the top 10 biggest names in Wrestling History.
To end the greatest reign of any IC champ the way it happened its disgusting in itself. Warrior threatened to quit unless he was given the IC strap right away but Honky did what was good for the business at that time. UW going into that match was hot as hot can be. I remember the crowd exploding just everyone going nuts yes i was too.

To write Beefcake off they way they did was smart as it really never hurt him but i do wish he could have gotten a shot at the IC title as organially was the plan.
Watching every summerslam? Very nice. I've got 1990 on dvd but other than that I haven't been able to get my hands on 91 or 92 which are the ones I really want. I've seen em all though.

Inresesting stuff here as always. One reason why I love the WWE is because there is so much to learn about the history of injuries, title runs, story lines, etc.
Well we can't assume that Warrior threatened to quit if he didn't have a main event push especially at that particular point in time. Warrior had a good year but he didn't do anything that memorable until taking out Honky at Summerslam so I question that Vince was so desperate he just gave into Warriors demands and gave him the IC title because of a threat. I'm not saying it didn't happen but considering he had Roberts, Rude, Savage, Hogan, Dibiase, ect. I find it hard to believe he was so worried about losing Warrior that he just had to give him what he wanted, especially considering 3 years later he fired Warrior, while he was the #2 face of the company for threatening not to go out. Besides, Beefcake is a Hogan protege so I wouldn't take what he says to heart.

My guess is this: Vince saw Warrior was on the rise, was decimating opponents with relative ease and was the perfect guy to end Honky's reign instead of Brute-eye. He probably saw Warrior as a more viable option so he did it in a way where Warrior could win the IC title and have a big moment while saving face for Beefcake and helping out his feud with Ron Bass. Honestly I see that as a much better possibility than Vince just giving the Warrior, a rookie what he wanted.
There was more to this cos Honky had refused the job to Savage, so Brutus was put in there as it was someone he didn't mind jobbing to as they were friends. By the time the match was close, Warrior pulled his stunt and Honky had no more leverage as he had burned it to avoid Savage.
not sure about beefcake being legit injured but ultimate warrior was the new cash cow of that period and vince mcmahon knew it.
Well we can't assume that Warrior threatened to quit if he didn't have a main event push especially at that particular point in time. Warrior had a good year but he didn't do anything that memorable until taking out Honky at Summerslam so I question that Vince was so desperate he just gave into Warriors demands and gave him the IC title because of a threat. I'm not saying it didn't happen but considering he had Roberts, Rude, Savage, Hogan, Dibiase, ect. I find it hard to believe he was so worried about losing Warrior that he just had to give him what he wanted, especially considering 3 years later he fired Warrior, while he was the #2 face of the company for threatening not to go out. Besides, Beefcake is a Hogan protege so I wouldn't take what he says to heart.

My guess is this: Vince saw Warrior was on the rise, was decimating opponents with relative ease and was the perfect guy to end Honky's reign instead of Brute-eye. He probably saw Warrior as a more viable option so he did it in a way where Warrior could win the IC title and have a big moment while saving face for Beefcake and helping out his feud with Ron Bass. Honestly I see that as a much better possibility than Vince just giving the Warrior, a rookie what he wanted.

I 100% agree with this. I've never heard anything about Warrior making any threats around SummerSlam 88. Not that I'm privy to backstage information but seeing as how WWE was so willing to discuss what happened at SummerSlam 91 I don't see why this wouldn't have been mentioned as well.

Some people are saying Warrior was already really over but that's not the way I remember it. Warrior was a guy that was popular and he was cool but he was kind of an afterthought. It wasn't until SummerSlam 88 that he really got over. Everyone HATED the Honky Tonk Man and after 15 months the fans couldn't wait to see his title reign end. When cocky champion said he would defend against anyone the fans were just hoping it would be someone that could finally end his reign. When Warrior ran to the ring and ended the 15 month reign in about 25 seconds the crowd at MSG absolutely lost their minds. It was an awesome moment. Even though Warrior was already popular I think it was because he so quickly beat someone so hated that he became as popular as he did. The Ultimate Warrior at SummerSlam 88 is the best example I can think of as an immediate overnight superstar. Once he won that title there was no looking back.
The source I had was an old shoot with Brutus, it could be BBB going into business for himself but it sounds very plausible with what else had gone on (Honky refusing Savage) and Warrior's "lack of real usage" until that point. We'll probably never 100% know but we do know Warrior had no problem using the same tactic 3 years later at Summerslam, so to me... guilty as charged.
Sure, and Sheamus going over Daniel Bryan in 18 seconds was a result of Sheamus threatening to quit. It's silly to come up with these stories that Warrior was shaking down the company back in 1988 just because of the perception people have of him from what may or may not have happened in 1991. The Warrior was over. Vince loved the Warrior and what better way to kick off his big push than by destroying the IC champion in a matter of seconds? No conspiracy theories needed.
Honkytonk Man refused to job to Savage in early 1988, thus Vince decided to go with Savage with the WWE Title while Hulk took time off to film No Holds Barred. This had NOTHING to do with Warrior winning the IC Title, this was 6 months later. Originally, Savage was supposed to regain the IC Title from HTM at Main Event, the same night Hulk lost the belt to Andre. DiBiase was supposed to win the tournament and become WWE Champion, so Savage should have thanked HTM for refusing to put him over. Regarding Beefcake, I think he was removed solely to give the ppv a singles match shocker. As the main event was a tag team match and arguably predictable who was winning, Vince Id suggest wanted to shock the generally smart New York crowd. At the time, Warrior had only been in a mmini feud with Hercules, he was hardly over so only politics could have played the part for Warrior to be the surprise at Summerslam 88

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