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Why is it that whenever someone insults a gay person they're instantly branded homophobic? The word homophobic means fear of homosexuals correct? I'd hardly think that because you insult someone you're afraid of them. Perhaps the person insulting them simply dislikes them or gets annoyed by them. I don't like ants but I'm not afraid of them. Never gotten that and it gets a little annoying.
I always think the same thing. When Cena and Cole said something it was called "Homophobia" as well. Why can't they just call it "Discrimination towards homosexuals"? Coz that's all it is.
I think todays society mistakes the words "Homophoibia" with "Homophobic". Alot of people either insult gay people for being gay, or use terms like "gay" and "***" as insults to people, as opposed to references to actual gay people. I'm not homophobic, I don't suffer from homophobia, and I'm not offfended if someone uses words like this against me. However, I still think it is wrong, and while I know nothing will likely ever change, it's just a little pathetic that people still use words so out of context.
Yeah these word meaning get slightly contorted. Pedophile ought to simply be someone that likes children. Saying that, they do say hate is fear of the unknown so it may not be so far from being right. I don't like it when people don't talk literally also, so common phrases and cliches like 'back to the drawing board' or often wear away at me. What drawing board? Why not, how about we devise a better plan.

You got me started. But yeah, something I've wondered also.

In fact, worse still when you offend a gay person or someone of another race and get called a racist of homophobe because of their coinciding identity. It's like 'I never said anything about you being gay'. I hate those sorts of defenses in arguments.
I believe even dictionaries say that the term means more than just fear now. For instance the first one I checked online said fear or contempt. Your "loophole" would certainly fall under contempt.
Like I said in the racist thread, it's just a word. The word has no meaning, but the context you use it in does. Like the word ******. It's not a bad word. It can be used in a friendly way, like "Whats up *****?" Or in a hateful way: "Hang that ******!"
Homo is the same. The fact that using that word is Homophobic is just society's way of trying to outlaw the use in public. They throw a meaning behind it to try and justify the ban on the word.
Words are words. Nothing more. Isn't there some freedom of speech or something?
I watched a documentary recently about how Jews are too oversensitive about what is and isn't antisemitism, and that it seems like whenever a Jew is insulted the only reason for the abuse is antisemitism. It was made by a Jew too, which made it more awesome.

Very sensitive groups that have a history of being outcast or even persecuted such as blacks, Jews, and gays tend to be very sensitive about being insulted for fear that these insults may lead to more insults which may lead into prejudices being built. That doesn't make it okay for them to be so sensitive, but it does explain it.
I blame GLAAD.

Those guys need to chill the fuck out, twitchy bunch of gaylords. Just because I think it's funny to call somebody a gaylord doesn't mean I have a problem with homosexuality. It just means that I think the term 'gaylord' is hilarious.
Well, it seems like the etymology of the word is what everyone hates in this thread.

Personally, I don't care what someone's sexual preference is. I just am not a fan of how a gay person feels it is his or her duty to tell everyone that he or she is gay. It just comes across as crude (because it is no one's business) and limiting (so being gay is the ONLY thing about you?).
Well, it seems like the etymology of the word is what everyone hates in this thread.

Personally, I don't care what someone's sexual preference is. I just am not a fan of how a gay person feels it is his or her duty to tell everyone that he or she is gay. It just comes across as crude (because it is no one's business) and limiting (so being gay is the ONLY thing about you?).

That's hardly 'a gay person' thing.
Well, it seems like the etymology of the word is what everyone hates in this thread.

Personally, I don't care what someone's sexual preference is. I just am not a fan of how a gay person feels it is his or her duty to tell everyone that he or she is gay. It just comes across as crude (because it is no one's business) and limiting (so being gay is the ONLY thing about you?).

Well anyone who would let something small like their sexuality define their whole being is clearly pretty damn shallow!
Homophobia is just a word thrown out there by weak fools. It's the same thing as claiming someone is racist, sexist, ageist etc.

You hear it so much it pretty much has no meaning to be called it anymore.
Well, it seems like the etymology of the word is what everyone hates in this thread.

Personally, I don't care what someone's sexual preference is. I just am not a fan of how a gay person feels it is his or her duty to tell everyone that he or she is gay. It just comes across as crude (because it is no one's business) and limiting (so being gay is the ONLY thing about you?).

I doubt the majority of gay people are like this in the real world. This is just a stereotype created by Hollywood for cheap laughs in their tv shows and movies. I’m sure some people are like this but it’s probably very much the minority. Also I would guess that some people who do behave that way do it as a defense mechanism.

One ridiculous thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of straight guys seem to think if they hang out with a gay guy the gay guy will end up hitting on him. Here’s a newsflash for some people. Gay people are not attracted to every single member of the same sex just like straight people are not attracted to every single member of the opposite sex. One more thing; it’s not contagious. You don’t need to avoid a guy like he has the chicken pox.
I doubt the majority of gay people are like this in the real world. This is just a stereotype created by Hollywood for cheap laughs in their tv shows and movies. I’m sure some people are like this but it’s probably very much the minority. Also I would guess that some people who do behave that way do it as a defense mechanism.

Well, I was more talking about the parades, constant symbols, and the overwhelming media attention to gay people. I know I am opening a big ol' can of worms, but I really don't appreciate that stuff. It's like they are comparing their sexual preferences to a religion or something. Religions have shaped the political world as we know it; The choice to bang someone of the same gender hasn't had that severe of an impact. (err...)

I don't hate or fear gay people. I just wish they would try to celebrate other aspects. Are they funny? Do they like taking long walks on beaches? Is there goal in life to cure cancer? They shouldn't try to reenforce that the only thing about them is that they are gay. If they get bullied for being an ass-hat, then it should be more about them being an ass-hat instead of them being gay.

One ridiculous thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of straight guys seem to think if they hang out with a gay guy the gay guy will end up hitting on him. Here’s a newsflash for some people. Gay people are not attracted to every single member of the same sex just like straight people are not attracted to every single member of the opposite sex. One more thing; it’s not contagious. You don’t need to avoid a guy like he has the chicken pox.

I'll admit, I love being called pretty by drunk lesbians at the night club I go to sometimes. :)

But yeah, you are right about this.
Well, I was more talking about the parades, constant symbols, and the overwhelming media attention to gay people. I know I am opening a big ol' can of worms, but I really don't appreciate that stuff. It's like they are comparing their sexual preferences to a religion or something. Religions have shaped the political world as we know it; The choice to bang someone of the same gender hasn't had that severe of an impact. (err...)

I don't hate or fear gay people. I just wish they would try to celebrate other aspects. Are they funny? Do they like taking long walks on beaches? Is there goal in life to cure cancer? They shouldn't try to reenforce that the only thing about them is that they are gay. If they get bullied for being an ass-hat, then it should be more about them being an ass-hat instead of them being gay.

I see your point here but keep in mind these parades probably wouldn't exist if everyone was just accepting of homosexuals. They're marching in those parades to draw attention to how many people are gay or support gay rights. They want people to be aware it's not just a handful of people and a lot of people in their community live this life style. They don't need to have a parade to celebrate their sense of humor because no one ever discriminates against a funny guy. I have a feeling if by some miracle everyone suddenly became accepting of gays these parades would disappear as there would be no need for them.
It always amuses me how some social justice activists don't know the fucking difference between homophobia, heterosexism, and an offensive slur. Those people try to categorize everything into phobia, which is just ridiculolus and shows how their own insecurity blinds them -- usually throwing the "ur a homophobe, seek professional help!" line as a counter point to anything in regards to people saying slurs. It annoys the hell out of me but it is just best to ignore people like that.

If people in the heat of the moment say an offensive slur that can be interpreted as demeaning a group of people, it DOES NOT mean they "suffer" from any type of "phobia". Media outlets and report headlines only push this error further.

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