Would you ever NOT see a movie because of the actor/actress?

First of, let me say that I am a big comedy fan. There is one man that is a cancer to this genre, and that is... Seth Rogen.

Infact, the only movie I actually like Seth Rogen in is "Zack and Miri Make a Porno",

C'mon. What about 40 Year Old Virgin? True he was a minor character but I thought he was hilarious in it. And Pineapple Express? I mean James Franco definitely made that movie into what it was but Rogen didn't hurt it. Obviously this is all opinion but I rather like his acting. I also forgot about him being one of the cops in Superbad. I don't think I laughed at that movie until the two cops showed up.
You know, there are a lo of actors I don't like, but I don't now if I would completely avoid a movie because of them. For instance, I do not like Nicholas Cage at all. I used to enjoy his work a little bit, but since 2004 roughly I couldn't stand the man. However, I still see an occasional movie by him. The Bad Lieutenant was fairly good and Kick-Ass was amazing. Both movies actually had good performances from Cage as well. And he is probably the most likely actor I would avoid in film and I still watched it.

As for actresses, well that is a bit different. Mitch mentioned Katherine Hiegl and oh my god I could not agree more. I can not stand that woman and I do avoid her shit as best as possible. She's done movies with both Gerard Butler and Josh Duhamel who I like and I won't go anywhere near those movies just because she is in it. So I guess it boils down to me being able to overlook actors but not being able to overlook actresses.
There are people who will seriously avoid a movie, no matter how great it is, just because someone they do not like is in it. My dad refuses to ever see Gladiator due to Russel Crowe being in it, and he hates him for political reasons. I usually think things like that are not a good reason to see a movie. Since when did the personal opinions of an actor influence how skilled he or she is onscreen? I'm one to talk here though since I refuse to watch anything that Paris Hilton is in, as I detest her as a person.... However if she was in a movie that was hugely successful then I would put those opinions aside for a moment and give the movie a chance. So it depends in my case on how much I dislike the individual and how many people tell me to give the movie a chance, which I usually do if it's one that a lot of people like. I used to hate Leonardo DiCaprio, and if I had not put those feelings aside then I would have missed out on Inception. People should be more open to giving a movie a chance unless they have a good reason not to.
It used to be I would never watch a movie with Johnny Depp. But then I saw Blow great GREAT movie so I said hey maybe some of his movies are good the only ones ive liked were blow and alice in wonderland but a year ago I would never watch a movie with Depp in it.

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