Homicide Heel Turn

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Before the end of Impact. It looks like that homicide was beaten up by the WE. Eric young came out and says its on your own blood or hands. Then Hernandez came out and cleans house then all of the sudden a Chair shot to the back of Hernandez from homicide. That probablly marks the end of LAX. I dont Know if it is or is he in the WE. so what do you think on this outcome
i think tna is stupid for doing this. This is why the tag team division in wwe and tna sucks. How many more times is this story line going to be done. Whats sad about this is a lot of times is not good for one or both of the careers of the tag team that splits. I mean how many tag teams have we seen split and one of the guys or both is forgotten about and released. For example jesse and festus both will be released soon because no one cares about them. Miz and Morrison, sure they both have had good pushes but whens the last time we have heard of Miz. Duese and Domino both released and the Cherry went with them. Primo and Carilto dont work together anymore not really separted yet but they are really nothing but jobbers individually. Paul Londan and Brian K...peace out. James Gang or New Age Outlaws um are you getting the point. james storm and chris harris...got thing chris got teamed with rhodes before storm got the boot.

My point is some guys are just meant to be in a tag team, but that doesn't mean that they cant have a great solo career in addition to it. Why mess up something like LAx when they are a great tag team and can remain together and still have great solos, but neither really benefit from fueding against each other and no cares to see it. Also this world elite is stupid remember when NWO got to big and it became so stupid it put the whole company under well WE is at that point of stupid. Next MEM and WE will really join to together and just make every one else jobbers and no one will care and tna will be gone like WCW. Thank Russo
Lame, how many more people do they need in the group to take on ONE opponent......ONE!!! They have like 9 people and aren't feuding with anyone. The group is terrible. Put any 2 of the members together and have the rest of the group back them up as they obtain tag team gold. With numbers like they have, you have to go after a lot of people and a lot of titles. They have an entire group dedicated to taking down Hernandez and basically can't do it. At very least a group should arise that is very pro American like Black Machismo, Creed, and maybe more, but DO SOMETHING. As of now it is more useless as a stable then well, every stable in history. TNA does shocks and turns just for the sake of it, that is why they continue to suck.
yeah remind me what he was doing. he was X Division champion (which was hardly memorable). which i dont remember winning any matches by pin or submision. and now he is in the world elite. i dont think he will be released any time soon.
This act of creative stupidity doesn't even need much to describe it, and I usually have alot to say. So I'll just describe it in one word...


This does absolutely NOTHING for Homicide's career, instead of have him stand along with the other goons to listen to Eric Young scream until his veins nearly pop out of his head every week, and have one more person job to Hernandez. But I can see creative now... meaningless match at a PPV (btw. LAX) just to pacify us for more Hernandez/WE fueding.
Didn't Homicide get squashed by Hernandez last week in like, five minutes? What the Hell? No one is ever going to believe he is going to get over SuperMex. Not without six other guys doing Homicides dirty work.
Here we go again. It's the typical IWC nerds hating on something so fresh just to take back everything they're saying in this thread now and will then deem it as the best move TNA has made in 2 more months when everything comes together more nicely. IWC nerds are never pleased most of the time when something like this happens so it's no surprise to see these marks whimpering like big babies in this thread and calling something a complete failure before it's even taken off.

Personally, I think this is a great move on behalf of TNA. I think it's the right time in Homocide's career to turn heel. I think he would make a much better heel than a face and I think he'd fit in real well with world elite. People are up here crying about LAX not being together. Well incase, u haven't watched Impact for quite some time, TNA has been building up Hernandez to become a main event guy which is great for him. In addition, the tag team division is as packed as it is. It's no more room for LAX in the tag division. They've done just about everything. It's now time to venture on and it looks like Hernandez's big push and Homocide's heel turn is the right path to take these 2. I can't wait until next week.
While I do believe that TNA could have done a better job at turning Homicide heel, it still feels like it means nothing to me. Especially judging how they've been pushing Homicide instead of making look credible as an X-Division and wrestler, they've made him look second-rate compared to Hernandez. And also with that match they've both had before, yeah Homicide has a good future ahead him...

Like a poster said before, you can't have a group of guys have one purpose solely for one guy. Hernandez already made the World Elite look weak.
I think this is going to lead up to Bound for Glory: Homicide vs. Hernandez.

And it should be great, Homicide is a very good all-arounder, but has no chances compared with "Big Mex" Hernandez, he is a power-house and should quickly beat him, I guess they wont do that and make the match seem at the very best: 50/50.

I don't see anything good coming from this heel turn but Homicide was just stale as a face, I think nobody cared about him anyway.
i think tna is stupid for doing this. This is why the tag team division in wwe and tna sucks. How many more times is this story line going to be done. Whats sad about this is a lot of times is not good for one or both of the careers of the tag team that splits. I mean how many tag teams have we seen split and one of the guys or both is forgotten about and released. For example jesse and festus both will be released soon because no one cares about them. Miz and Morrison, sure they both have had good pushes but whens the last time we have heard of Miz. Duese and Domino both released and the Cherry went with them. Primo and Carilto dont work together anymore not really separted yet but they are really nothing but jobbers individually. Paul Londan and Brian K...peace out. James Gang or New Age Outlaws um are you getting the point. james storm and chris harris...got thing chris got teamed with rhodes before storm got the boot.

My point is some guys are just meant to be in a tag team, but that doesn't mean that they cant have a great solo career in addition to it. Why mess up something like LAx when they are a great tag team and can remain together and still have great solos, but neither really benefit from fueding against each other and no cares to see it. Also this world elite is stupid remember when NWO got to big and it became so stupid it put the whole company under well WE is at that point of stupid. Next MEM and WE will really join to together and just make every one else jobbers and no one will care and tna will be gone like WCW. Thank Russo

I totally, totally agree. I didn't see the whole thing unfold, I was actually grabbing a bite to eat, and I don't really like TNA to begin with, so to me, it really didn't matter, but I was bothered by it because I do know these guys from watching TNA every now and then, and you correctly hit the nail when you stated how many more times is this sort of thing going to be done? It's amazing that they'd rather have a stable of a bunch of otherwise mid-carders than actually PUSH the tag team divisions. I mean, on RAW as example, every single week there's a "tag team" main event (i.e. last week's "MAIN EVENT" if you want to call it that), but there's no legit tag teams, which kinda defeats the purpose of calling a match a "tag team match". Now, to answer the thread question, I think TNA did a piss poor job. Why? Becuase it seems they want to turn EVERY SINGLE WRESTLER in TNA heel. Think about it. Homicide, Angle, Booker, Joe (and they even tried that mess with Sting but of course the fans wasn't buying it) Every single person who has come into TNA just about, as a face has been turned heel, including EY. Even the damn announcer.
No one cares to see every star as a heel. There needs to be balance, for every face there should be a heel and so on. This will do NOTHING for Homicide's career as far as a boost, instead it'll probably mean he'll be stuck in some goof stable of a bunch of non-American wrestlers that pretty much have one or two people to pick on. That's it. He's likely to be the new Syxx if you know what I mean. I like Homicide as a wrestler, from what I've seen that is, but he's not great. He could have stayed with LAX and managed to at least be a good tag partner, so he turns heel and goes from one tag team to another (stable), good job TNA for pulling a "rouse" on us again lol...
I think Homicide turning at the end was so well built up over the past few weeks/months.. so when it happened, it was awesome.

I didn't see it coming. This was identical to the Johnny Devine/Team 3D "swerve" that happened a few years ago when 3D feuded with the X-Division though. I think it was well done at the end of the show and it's finally great to see World Elite have the last segment instead of Main Event Mafia...

THey are pushing HOmicide/Eric Young (who is incredible now as a serious leader) as well as Hernandez... So I'm happy and am looking forward to seeing where it goes. I think the rest of the show was okay and a little boring when they all wrestled. I'm concerned as the casual viewer wil change the channel if they get bored during the match. It's unlike Russo to let the casual viewer get bored but if the online people are bitching, perhaps TNA tries too hard to please the onlien community sometimes rather than grabbing the ratings and maximizing their audience.

I hate it when wrestlin newssites quote the "amount of wrestling time" on the show. They help kill the businesss.

Anyways. Awesome swerve and TNA needs more of these interesting plot twists and turns rather than not having enough.
i kinda liked this. it was unexpected and gives homicide something to do. i do hate how the WE now has 7 people all trying to take down 1 guy. the WE seems kinda pointless. how are guys like rob terry and cody deaner on the show but to the guns?? its a discrace. i would love to see the guns go to wwe and keep the gimmick they have.
I'm loving this. LAX hasn't been a team for a while now so it was only a matter of time before they turned one of them heel and Hernandez is way to over with the fans for it to be him. I loved how Homicide turned heel as well, Hitting your best friend with a chair and then joining a Heel stable with Wrestler's from around the world who don't like how they're being treated in America. What else was he supposed to do? Hopefully this will put Homicide back in the spotlight

And in case anyone forgot this sort of gimmick is how LAX got there start in TNA in the first place.

All the people complaining are just doing it for something to complain about and it gets really old
While I like the idea of Homicide turning heel, I think TNA did it at the wrong time. They should have turned him heel the week before he faced Hernandez. Hernandez beat him convincingly when they fought so now we're supposed to believe Homicide can beat him since he is now a member of the World Elite.

I still like the idea, just at the wrong time.
I think they turned him at the right time. They have been talking about how "tight" hernandez was with homicide and at the same time homicide lost clean to hernandez and you can see him slightly upset. It was brilliantly done. They were a team for so long and Homicide fits in LAX.

EY tries so hard to recruit Hernandez but couldn't so he tried Homicide.

As for MMG, they have been together for almost 3 years now and I really don't find them entertaining. Some people have "it" some don't. I dont think they do. TNA let go rock n rave, petey, sonjay. I think MMG is just dead weight. Their commentary was lame and they are not even close to being as cool and entertaining as DX was, and HHH was about 27-28 as well when he joined DX. Why do the MMG seem like shrimps when they're the same age..

I find it interesting that World Elite has individuals from Canada, Iran, Japan, now Latino, but three people from the UK, lol... They should get rid of Rob Terry and that Doug Williams guy and just keep Brutus Magnus.. that'll be a cool group
Rob Terry can go, but Doug Williams is an expert ring technician. He and Brutus as a team is fine. Doug is really popular in the UK (which explains why TNA is doing so good there), so getting rid of him would be stupid.

The MCMG sell tons of merchandise, are very popular and are VERY entertaining.
tna really didnt need to do that homicide is now probaly gonna be in W.E. but at the same time they want hernadez to be in so that gives hernandez more of a reason not to goin W.E. tjink about it im hernandez am goin to join a group that atacks me every week and my best friend who betrayed me is in
man tna is starting to look like wcw....MEM and WE...can someone say repeat of NWO....sooner or later its just gonna be "nwo" vs TNA they need to get away from this whole divide thing and stop adding people to groups....and can someone tell me how the hell did eric young go from a scared bitch to a tough s.o.b. like come on rly
I was slightly shocked to see Homicide turn against Hernandez, but then again a couple of things showed it was going to happen. First, the attitude Homicide had after their match. He half-heartedly gave love to Hernandez and looked mad. Second, how did the World Elite get ahold of Homisides clothes to fool Hernandez during his match with Sting? Homicide gave them to them.

I don't mind the heal turn, because I like LAX better that way, but I think it sucks TNA broke them up. The should have went the route of LAX teaming up with 2 faces in a 8-man tag match, turning on them and both joining World Elite. Even if they want to push them as singles and hold singles titles they can still be a team. The Hardys did it and so did DX.

Who knows. Maybe Hernandez getting beat down was a ploy. He may be apart of World Elite already and he will team with Daniels and Aj Styles, then turn on them. Stranger things have happen.
What else were they supposed to do? Homicide was stale as a face (and supposedly unhappy with how he was being used) and there just wasn't any room for LAX in the tag division right now. Normally I'm very opposed to the 'partner vs partner' breakup feuds, but honestly after seeing heel Homicide with WE after the beatdown, this move seems right to me. Whether or not it will succeed depends entirely on how WE is used in the future. If they start pursuing more titles, Homicide will look stronger for his membership. If they continue to feud against Hernandez exclusively, it's going to be awful for everyone involved. Personally I'm hoping that (story-wise) adding a Mexican member was the last item on WE's 'shopping list' before moving on to bigger and better things, like getting a singles belt for EY or attempting to supplant the MEM. Really, the success of WE as a whole is completely dependent on whether or not it's going to be used as a replacement for MEM (good), or a supplement (horrible).
Boring and kind of predictable really. TNA had only a few choices when it came to Homicide. Since he was one of the weakest X-Division Champions in the title's history, it wouldn't make much sense to keep him in the X-Division overall at this time since Joe can basically beat him at will so that idea would've been out. Hernandez is getting pushed steadily towards the main event, so reforming LAX is out and, even then, there's not really much for LAX to accomplish in TNA. Homicide is definitely not a heavyweight nor a main eventer. He's not female, though gender differences don't seem to bother Cody Deaner that much, and he has to much ability to be made into a clown. So, all that's left is the WE.

I don't think it really matters, however, as Homicide is probably going to be standing around with the "I'm the king shit" attitude just like most other members of the WE while Eric Young cuts a promo. He might wrestle a match once every 6 or 7 weeks, but I have my doubts that TNA ultimately has anything really significant for Homicide at this time. He looked weak as X-Division Champion and he looked weak last week when Hernandez beat him. All during the match, Homicide's offense wasn't doing anything to Hernandez except annoy him. Like Joe, Hernandez looked as though he could beat him at will.
Meh, doesn't suprise me at all. TNA has been slowly killing LAX arguably one of the best tag teams of the new generation of wrestlers for awhile now. First they dropped Selenas (my favorite Knockout of all time), then they dropped Hector who was doing wonders for their promos, then they gave them a joke of a run with the titles to boot. It was only a matter of time before they made these two guys go at it, but this was a stupid way to do it. Homicide will get lost in the WE just like Kyoshi and Shiek did, degraded down to nothing but cheap shotting and jobbing. I think this is just a stupid fued to hold Hernandez over until he can get in the world title scene.
Meh, doesn't suprise me at all. TNA has been slowly killing LAX arguably one of the best tag teams of the new generation of wrestlers for awhile now. First they dropped Selenas (my favorite Knockout of all time), then they dropped Hector who was doing wonders for their promos, then they gave them a joke of a run with the titles to boot. It was only a matter of time before they made these two guys go at it, but this was a stupid way to do it. Homicide will get lost in the WE just like Kyoshi and Shiek did, degraded down to nothing but cheap shotting and jobbing. I think this is just a stupid fued to hold Hernandez over until he can get in the world title scene.

1.Selenas quit because she "thought" they were going to break up LAX. Which is kinda funny seing as how they stayed a team for a while afterwords.

2. Seing as how they built Homcides turn for weeks on end I would think that he will be alot more important to the group than Kyoshi and Shiek. Besides it wouldn't make since for Kyoshi and Shiek just to some how stop jobbing all of a sudden.

3. I love being apart of the IWC but this is the part that makes me the madest. Your already ranting about him jobbing before he even does anthing. Save your critisism until you actually see what this will bring in the coming weeks.

4.The problem with Homicide is that he's just too small to go at it with guys like Joe and Hernandez with out making it look way to unrealistic. Can you really see Homicide being able to cleanly beat a guy like Hernandez who can clear the ring of main eventers?
I predict Homicide being lost in the Shuffle with the whole world elite gimmick, the fact is there are too many heels in the company as it is, Homicide joining the world elite? what does it do for him, what does it do to help his career, the answer is nothing.

All this situation is doing is giving Lax a way to get eachother in to PPV by competing against one another, it doesnt do much more then that, Homicide will just be fodder for Honandez before he gets the trigger pulled on his career and becomes a world champion.

they should have just allowed him to continue on the path he was going, they should have kept the x division belt on the guy and kept the division seperate from the rest of TNAS countless storylines.
I'm loving the logic people are using here. Seriously. This World Elite angle keeps Homicide around and it pushes Hernandez too. What's the problem?

Meh, doesn't suprise me at all. TNA has been slowly killing LAX arguably one of the best tag teams of the new generation of wrestlers for awhile now.

I think, more or less, they've grown apart. LAX have pretty much done all they can do as a team. They've been around since 2005. It's 2009. Not all tag teams last forever.

First they dropped Selenas (my favorite Knockout of all time),

Um, actually Salinas quit TNA herself. She booked a role in an Italian film and it conflicted with her TNA bookings. She offered to give up the role if TNA gave her pay raise, which I don't see why they would bother. TNA turned her down and she was officially done with the company thereafter. She was pretty useless honestly. All she did was act ghetto and shake her boobs around, and when she wrestled in a match, it was awful.

then they dropped Hector who was doing wonders for their promos

Hector wasn't meant to be there long. Once he fulfilled his use of being a manager and mentor, he lost the loser leaves town match with Beer Money and returned to Spanish commentary. Besides, people found him annoying and unfitting for the group and kept ripping on him for trying to sound like Eddie in his promos.

then they gave them a joke of a run with the titles to boot.

Joke of a run? LAX have had some pretty decent reigns as tag champs.

man tna is starting to look like wcw....MEM and WE...can someone say repeat of NWO....sooner or later its just gonna be "nwo" vs TNA they need to get away from this whole divide thing and stop adding people to groups....and can someone tell me how the hell did eric young go from a scared bitch to a tough s.o.b. like come on rly

It's pro-wrestling. The sport where guys can be big bad ass fearless superfaces for months on end, then be degraded to complete cowards that run away from fights and cheat to get ahead.

Have you been watching TNA? Eric started to come out of the paranoid/ be scared of his own pyro gimmick months before his turn.

4.The problem with Homicide is that he's just too small to go at it with guys like Joe and Hernandez with out making it look way to unrealistic. Can you really see Homicide being able to cleanly beat a guy like Hernandez who can clear the ring of main eventers?

Exactly. How can anyone buy Homicide beating big guys like Joe and Super Mex clean? It doesn't make sense.
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