Hometown heroes

The Mark of Zur-En-Arrh

Tell me what's on ur so called mind
Have you noticed a pattern lately? That hometown wrestlers are losing in their hometowns all the time at the moment.

Cena didn't win the title in Baltimore in 2006.

Edge didn't retain the title in Toronto in 2006

Shawn Michaels was the last man eliminated in the Royal Rumble in San Antonio

Mickie James got pinned by the Milan Miracle last week in her hometown (can't remember where that was now)

CM Punk got beat by Jericho in Chicago last night!

The only guy i've seen win a big match near their hometown was Mark Henry when he won the ECW title at NOC in Texas.

Do you think it's right for these guys to basically get humiliated in front of thier friends and family when not so long ago a hometown guy won their 75% of the time ?
Cena is from Boston, not Baltimore, and he lost the title in Boston. Mickie James is from Richmond, Virginia. But I get your point. It gets the winning wrestler over if he beats a hometown hero. Im pretty sure Angle always did well in Pittsburgh.
I'm glad. I always hated the fact that certain wrestlers used the fact they were in their hometown as a reason for them to win. It doesn't matter where you are, if Vince asked you to lose you do it.
Cena is from Boston, not Baltimore, and he lost the title in Boston. Mickie James is from Richmond, Virginia. But I get your point. It gets the winning wrestler over if he beats a hometown hero. Im pretty sure Angle always did well in Pittsburgh.

Lol, thanks dude, knew there was a 'B' in there somewhere
That depends. If it hurts the story line than no. Hometowners should always win at house shows though.
Hence the where possible. If they need to lose then they should. But most of the time WWE do it because they can. Mickie James always loses, even if she really doesn't need to.
I'm not a fan of hometown heros losing in their hometown. Call me old fashioned, but its happening too frequently lately. Punk should have won cleanly in Chicago this week. He didn't need to lose and it wouldn't have hurt Jericho to lose to the fricken world champion.
noezz it justz tha pplz datz losez at their home townz onlyz knoez fyve movez. weal wrestlerz dont losezz onlyz tha shite onez.
noezz it justz tha pplz datz losez at their home townz onlyz knoez fyve movez. weal wrestlerz dont losezz onlyz tha shite onez.

Oh now I understand.

May I commend you on your spelling and grammar, it has improved drastically over the last few days.
Wow, lol that's crazy man that we both had the same idea at the same time. lol sorry i didn't notice your thread first though, i guess you did beat me. I was thinking about this the day before and didn't get to it till later. But yea great minds think alike I guess. Course I like my title better, but yours leaves that sense of mystery about what it's about. LOL, so the only way The Undertaker will lose at Wrestlemania is if they have it held at deathvalley.
I think it depends... if your a face and its not detrimental to the storyline your involved in if you win then you should put over your hometown and win. But if you are a heel you should either bash your hometown and then lose so the crowd leaves happy or win and generate tremenous heat. Some of the recent losses in hometowns piss me off though.

CM Punk had finally built some credibility by beating JBL clean at Summerslam. But then he loses to Jericho the next night in Chicago after the crowd wildly popped for him, and Jericho isn't even in the match at Unforgiven.So it doesn't really build any storyline between the two.

Mickie James should have beaten Santino. It actually wouldv'e added to the storyline. Santino would have been all upset that he lost to a girl again. It kind of works because it shows Santino can only beat women. But it was still irratating.

I understand the Cena losing in Boston and Edge losing in Toronto because it was a trade. Cena lost to Edge in his hometown so Edge lost to Cena in his hometown.

It was ok that HBK lost the Royal Rumble to Undertaker because Taker hadn't won a rumble yet at that point and HBK had won 2.

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