Home Sweet Brand


In the WWE, the universe has divided and expanded, being split into SmackDown! and RAW, then later on adding ECW. Every wrestler has their own home brand where they suit best for their personality and makes them perform at the height of their efforts. In this thread, I'd like to discuss why wrestlers find their brands more comfatable for themselves, where one might find SD! easier to perform but not fit in on RAW. Where-as another might be a RAW already stemming his reputation into that particular brand but not fitting in on SD! what-so-ever... So what I want you guys to do is choose one wrestler from SD! and RAW and discuss why you think they fit in so well with that side of the WWE, if you want to throw in ECW as well, be my guest! :)
I'll start us off:

Triple H: Let's face HHH is home grown RAW's finest. RAW can handle Triple H, but if you put him on SD!, he'll be like a bear in the city. While superstars will be rising up on SD! He'll just knock them over. Triple H will always be number one on SmackDown! but on RAW, at least he'll have some challenge.

Rey Mysterio: The reason why I don't think Rey fit in on Monday Nights, was because he doesn't fit in really at all. He does a great job fueding with people and being the high flyer. But he doesn't really have the same charisma as he does on SD!, it's just because SD! is his home where he can shine, where in RAW, they have plenty of main eventers who kind of push Rey out of the spotlight.

Okay, so those were my two, what about yours, pick a few superstars and discuss why they fit in so well with their certain brand.
Randy Orton
Would be so weird not seeing him in the main even after such a long run in the RAW main event scene
Undertaker and JBL definetly work best on Smackdown. JBL felt horrible on RAW, if they had brought him back on Smackdown I predict he would still be there now.
Edge-The Rated R Superstar has kind of made Smackdown his show.

Batista-I think that he was at is best being the face of the Blue Brand. His best matches and rivalries were all on Smackdown.

Triple H-You already know...

Jeff Hardy--Smackdown has been a great forum for him and he has been a focal point of the show since his been there. If he signs long term, he should stay there.

The Undertaker-the baddest dog in the yard. Smackdown without Taker is like the Bulls without Michael. It just doesn't feel right watching it....but nothing lasts forever...

John Cena--While he got his start on Smackdown, he really blew up on Raw. A change of scenery would be cool but I don't ever see him going back to SD.
It may be because Raw has been around longer than SD, but Ive always seen Raw as the premier event. Where the biggest names are on. Now I know this is not 100% correct because SD has/had names like Trips and Taker.

Raw I see it as the brand that carries the names who have been with the company longer, names who are almost cemented to be legend. SD I see it as an up and coming, mid-card going into future main event stars. SD has a younger feel where Raw is older.

For Raw I can speak for Austin-this is where he created some of the most chaotic nights on television. Back in the day. Austin used to have a saying that went something like this "If you're gonna have a Monday Night Raw, you're damn sure Austin's gonna be there"

SD, I havent been much into that program the last few years. But two guys who come to mind is Edge and Rey Misterio. They had youth and at the same time were very established. Especially Rey connected well with that younger SD audience.
The Undertaker: He's been on Smackdown since I started watching wrestling. And it's pretty likely that Undertaker will only be an active superstar for another 2-3 years at most. So, I see no reason why Undertaker shouldn't end his career where his home has been for so long.

Rey Mysterio: He's been on Smackdown since his debut in 2002, and has been the best Smackdown staple, besides Undertaker (and Eddie Guerrero). When he was drafted to Raw last year, I was a bit disappointed, as I thought he would have a hard time getting to the main event, and I was right. He's right at home on Smackdown.

Tommy Dreamer: He is an ECW Original, had some very memorable matches on ECW, but only held the title once and only for minutes. When he was on Raw around after ECW folded, he didn't have much success, besides winning the Hardcore Championship, but that's not a really big accomplishment.

Triple H: I guess we can all agree that he belongs on Raw. Sure, he was drafted to Smackdown last year, but why do you think he was quickly drafted back to Raw this year? And how come when he was drafted to Smackdown in 2004, he was quickly traded back before even making his debut? He's should remain on Raw.
John Cena: He belongs on RAW becasue he can handle the live spot very well, whereas someone else may not. Cena needs to be on WWE's top tier, premier brand, becasue he is the biggest draw. The top brand needs the biggest draw, for well, obvious reasons.

CM Punk:CM Punk is well suited for Friday Nights becasue he doesn't quite need to be on WWE's top brand, RAW, seeing as he doesn't draw quite much, and Smackdown needs very badly main eventers. Also, I think that it helps him that SD! isn't live.

Tommy Dreamer: I like Tommy, but honestly, he is good there with the lowest brand. ECW needs guys like him, that hardcore ECW fans know, and can main event. Else where, however, he'd be in lower mid card, so he's good there, in ECW. You could also make point that because he's an ECW original, he belongs there.
Few things:

RAW is not the A show any more- Smackdown is on Par with Raw and a much better show. If you notice each one takes the spotlight every so often then changes. And smackdown is a much much better show- better matches, better story lines, fresher, more old school wrestling show= best show of the week. Now to the issue at hand which wrestler idetifies best with which brand:

HHH- i agree Raw! As like Raw he gets old every quickly and boring/repetitive....

Orton- Either, Cena I feel Raw is his show but I'd prefer him to be on Smackdown. Edge- Smackdown as he is one of the top if not the top player. Batista- Smackdown he made his bones properly here in his feuds with Booker and Taker. Mysterio much better on Smackdown due to the hispanic audience and the fact this is where Eddie made his mark on wrestling.

Michaels - Raw much better to the live feel- he carries Raw and is one of the only things makes it worth watching. Punk- Did not suit Raw- much better on Smackdown. Jeff Hardy- Raw i preferred him there!! Matt Hardy- his home should always be smackdown in the midcards.

Finally the Undertaker belongs in one place and one place only Smackdown- he had made this his show, his yard, the man, this sums him up in one! If you think Smackdown you think Taker!!!!!! He is my favorite wrestler and he is on my favorite show!!!!!

Conclude- A show is Smackdown, as they have the best wrestlers, best writing, best matches, best wrestler of all time the Taker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are two misconceptions in this thread that i deem to be a crock.

First: ECW is a third rate show. Ecw (The brand) has produced some of the best talent in the WWE today. CM Punk, two time MITB winner, two time World champion; Kofi Kingston, won the IC title, US title, and the World tag team titles within a year; Jack Swagger, will soon explode into the main even scene; Evan Bourne, one of the funnest talents to watch; The Hart Dynasty, the savior of the tag team division. Not to mention all of the re-imagings/repackagings that have happened there: Christian, Matt Hardy (really made him a "top guy", and i hope that when he returns he can get back to that), Mark Henry, the Big Show, Kane, Tommy Dreamer, etc. It's clear that ECW is more than just a "third tier brand", that WWE entrusts the future of the WWE to be cultivated in ECW in one way or another.

The second misconception is that Raw is the "A" show. This was true in the 90's, obviously, and even into the 2000's. However, as of late, within the past two years, and most dramatically since this years draft, Smackdown has grown in leaps and bounds, whereas RAW has become stagnant. Example: Cm Punk, since winning the World title, has lost, cleanly, TWICE to John Morrisson. How often do you see Randy Orton lose cleanly, even on Pay Per View, much less on RAW? Smackdown is unpredictable, and has the best wrestling i've seen in WWE in years. RAW has grown too big for itself- with the main even scene including, but not limited to: The Big Show, John Cena, Mark Henry, Jack Swagger, Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista, and Shawn Michaels. That's WAAAAY to many cooks in the kitchen. Whereas on Smackdown you have Punk, Hardy, Jericho (but currently he's being booked as a tag team guy), Edge, and Undertaker. John Morrisson is clearly being groomed for the Main event scene. This is more realistic. I can believe that any one of those five (six) guys could be the champion at any time. Whereas I'd be surprised to see anyone BUT Triple H, Randy Orton, or John Cena with the strap on RAW.

The Mid card on Smackdown is also better, but could use a few new faces, such as Kofi or Evan, to make it pretty much perfect.

The only division lacking on Smackdown is the Women's division, and that's only by virtue of having MAYBE 5 divas...Layla and Eve come and go. But i still think with 5 girls, it's being handled better than Raw's division. Beth Pheonix is sitting on the sideline-because she's not a model. This is the woman who reigned over the division for some time. I really liked Gail Kim's fit on Smackdown, and her being on RAW will not help her in the least.

TL;DR- Don't be so quick to judge ECW as useless or RAW as the better show.

On topic:

Punk (On Smackdown): Fits like a glove. When he was champion of Raw, i was waiting for the Bell to chime midnight, and his carriage to turn into a pumpkin. He didn't seem legit. On Smackdown, i find him very credible and very strong.

Aitch(on Raw): This guy is the WWE. I am not his biggest fan, but i believe that he will be the face of the WWE until he retires, or gets injured again.

Edge (On Smackdown): Again, fits like a glove. Say what you want about big ponds, and small fish, but Edge just seems more legit on Smackdown, and has crafted himself a place in history on that show.

People that are on the wrong brand:

Jack Swagger (Should be back on ECW, or Smackdown): Called up to "the show" too soon. I think he could have helped make ECW a more legit show in alot of people's eyes. He would Flower more on Smackdown, and i think RAW will stunt his growth.

Batista (back to Smackdown): I hate Batista. I really do. But i think he was better suited for Smackdown, especially considering how crowded RAW is.

Mickie James/Gail Kim (To Smackdown): If you're going to make a distinction between Women's title (women who can actually wrestle) and the Diva's title (Women who are eye candy) then this should happen. I'm not saying Mickie and Gail aren't attractive, quite the contrary, as I feel they are the third and first most attractive divas respectively. But they can wrestle, and wrestle well. Put Layla and Eve on Raw if you go this direction, again, making Smackdown THE wrestling show, and RAW THE entertainment show.

Christian (To Smackdown): I know that i'm not the first to think this, but it just makes sense. With Undertaker hit and miss on Smackdown, Hardy potentially done for a while, and Edge out until the Rumble, Smackdown needs babyfaces. Plus when Edge comes back, you can either reunite E&C or you could make Christian heel and have them feud. It just makes sense.

Finlay (To ECW): This felt right. He could help teach/put over younger talent there, as opposed to jobbing/squashing on Smackdown.

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