Return Brand only PPVs?


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I loved this when we had a SD! PPV followed by a Raw PPV which really built up feuds on the respective brands. It also made the big four that little more special where you would get a mix of Raw & SD! superstars on the same show (with maybe night of champions).

So I ask you if you think it would be a good idea to return to brand exclusive PPVs? I am talking SD! & Raw as really there is not enough ECW wrestlers who can put out a PPV show between them.
I think it would be a good idea. I really liked it when the ppv's showcased some of the younger talent along with the big stars. but I seriously doubt that they'll be going back to brand exclusive ppv's now that they're unifying the tag titles. If they wanted to make the brands more distant from each other they'd have seperate tag champs for both brands.

One idea that I think could work is having one brand exclusive ppv a peice each year. Like RAW taking Judgement day and Smackdown taking No Mercy or something like that. I dont know why I like that idea, but it's something different. They could make it would make those ppv's mean more if they did that.
Brand only PPV's were much better. Although I think that with the Tag Team titles being unified they should be eligible for being defended at any PPV. They rocked because mid card guys got exposure and titles like the I.C and U.S were defended more regularly. Have the ECW title defended on every Smackdown PPV since ECW isn't strong enough to sustain an entire PPV
I don't think they should go back to single brand PPV's. I think WWE's PPV's have been much better since 2007 when they reunited all the brands on each show, seriously you rarely have a bad PPV now, but back in 05/06, there were some awful shows.

There were some positives to the single brand shows, like London & Kendrick or people like that getting to wrestle 15 minute matches like they normally wouldn't be able to, but their was so much trash used to fill time, matches like Boogeyman v Miz, Spirit Squad v Highlanders, Jerry Lawler v Gregory Helms, Shelton Benjamin v Viscera etc that should never be on PPV that thankfully we don't have to suffer through now.

I think they should keep the tri-branded shows, but I don't think the likes of Triple H, John Cena, Undertaker etc should wrestle on every single show. I think the non-big 4 PPV's should be used to test the likes of MVP, Kennedy, CM Punk, John Morrison etc in higher profile matches to see if they have what it takes to eventually main event the big shows.
I think they should keep the tri-branded shows, but I don't think the likes of Triple H, John Cena, Undertaker etc should wrestle on every single show. I think the non-big 4 PPV's should be used to test the likes of MVP, Kennedy, CM Punk, John Morrison etc in higher profile matches to see if they have what it takes to eventually main event the big shows.

That is one of the most intelligent ideas I've ever heard. Something like No Mercy, Armageddon, etc... should be used to let those upper mid-card guys headline the card or at least co-headline. Put some top level talent on the card as well, but put them in just matches against each other with little to nothing on the line. The only problem with that is to build a halfway decent storyline for those between PPV. I mean as fans, we complain about the storylines all the time but how would they build a somewhat decent storyline between these talents say... between Cyber Sunday and No Mercy which are usually 3 weeks apart. Other than that, it's a great idea.

My idea is a little different and it would still be a little harder to pull off. Not exclusive brand PPVs but duel branded and then alternate them. Like Raw and ECW do one of not-major PPVs together, then Smackdown and ECW do one together. Then have Raw and Smackdown do one together. Again, I have no idea how this could be pulled off but the brand exclusive PPVs were good in a sense, but bad in even more senses. Like they said above, you were given shit like Highlanders vs. Spirit Squad, and Khali/Boogeyman vs. well... anybody. Obviously, if I knew how to pull things off like this, I'd be pitching these ideas in a Creative meeting and making money from it. But oh well... one can dream.
I think they should go back. It made for more feuds and gave more face time to talent. Plus it might help raise the importance of the IC and US championships. Plus it'll keep the same people off of every single PPV.
As much as we saw the mid-card and their respective titles gain some prestige when the single brand PPVs were in action, I just think that the Tri-Band PPVs tend to sell better because it means you'll get your favourites always around, which does suck for the mid-card.

Problem is, the IC/US Titles don't have decent feuds going on. The two tag team titles don't have enough teams competiting for them, the women's/divas title...don't get me started there.

Also, the other problem is, with WWE making alot of cuts recently, they don't have enough people on one brand to produce a worthwhile PPV. Not everyone will want to pay to see Jamie Noble, The Great Khali, Funaki, Jesse & Festus, etc on PPV, they want Cena, Orton, Triple H, Undertaker (to name a few), in short, main event stars sell. And WWE are playing safe, especially after what happened with December to Dismember, that spelt the end of ECW PPVs and single brand PPVs all togther!
I would hate to see brand exclusive PPV's again i think that all the PPV's being tribranded is great. we dont get stuck with the same matches month in and month out.
I'd like to see every single PPV feature the WWE, World Heavyweight and ECW titles defended. But outside of those three matches each PPV should be brand specific. I think that'd be a nice hybrid. All three world titles would seem more important and the younger guys who don't typically get PPV time would get a chance to shine. Vince would be happy because with all the world titles on the line there would be enough "big" matches that it shouldn't affect the buyrates.
I hated when they had the brand-specific shows. They need to work something out because obviously the PPVs overall aren't working out great. My only suggestion, not offended if you hate it, is have the WWE/WH championship defended every other ppv (alternating) so you have more time between title defenses.

But I really don't want those single-branded PPVs back.
NO WAY, we went there and they had 2 "Brand" PPV's a month which were laclustre, not too mention expensive if you ordered both at $30 (Aus)

Better idea would be to have longer PPV's and or better time management to give equal time to RAW/Smackdown "title matches" both singles and tag titles, no generic grudge matches unless there is time, and some time to a ECW Title defense.
I always prefered it this way. You just got more variety. Look at this years Mania matches, the main events have all been done before. But they'll likely be done on the next 3 PPVs after. Having a Smackdown & Raw shows would break the feuds up and make for some intresting undercards. The IC, Tag & US belts might get on shows more often as well.
It would be great since brand only PPVs can strengthen midcarder rivarlies, but at the same time, WWE only focuses on branded main events more than anything else..they bring the SD storyline to Raw for a past couple weeks now, and Trips-Orton are not even on the same brand to begin will work If and only if the superstars are on the same brand, instead of having multiple champs one show, like we have now.

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