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Hogan vs. Cena @ WM 25

Wolf Pac

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I just recently discovered that the original main event for Wrestlemania 25 was supposed to see be John Cena vs. Hulk Hogan for the WWE Title until Hogan had to back out to undergo surgery on his knee. This got me thinking about the effect this match would've had on Wrestlemania & for the WWE in general and brings me to ask 3 questions...

1. Who do you think would've won this match?

2. What would've been the World Heavyweight Championship match?

3. Would this have been bigger than Rock vs. Hogan at WM 18 and Rock vs. Cena at WM 28?

Since this was supposed to be for the WWE Title, I don't think Hogan would've let his ego get in the way and demand to win the match as I expect most people in this thread to say. Everytime I've heard Hogan speak on Cena, he's always spoken positive of him, he was high on him and knew it was his time in the WWE, so I think Hogan would've let Cena win the match whether this match was for the WWE Title or not.

I think they would've kept Triple H on Smackdown and have him face Edge for the World Title. Personally, I've always thought this should've happened at Mania 25 anyway since Orton & HHH had faced off a billion times by that point and Cena should've faced Orton for the WWE Title. They could've done the same build up they did with Orton & Trips and Edge would've played Orton's role just as good as he did in the build up. With Trips facing Edge, I believe Batista would've been brought back a month earlier to face Orton to get revenge for taking him out with the Punt after Survivor Series the previous year. The Animal returned the next night on Raw after WM 25, so bringing him back a month earlier would've been no problem. And with that, I believe WM 25 would've been much more better with those 4 big matches, Cena/Hogan (WWE Title), HHH/Edge (World Title), HBK/Taker, Batista/Orton. As for Show, he could've just been in the Money In The Bank match.

I expect a lot of people to disagree with me here because Rock is an Attitude Era guy and Cena is a PG guy and we got a lot of Attitude Era marks on here but yes I believe it would've been bigger than Rock/Hogan, Rock/Cena. The difference between Cena & Rock is, Cena is the top guy of his generation while Rock was second in his generation and this would've been the first time ever that we had two top guys of different generations clashing, so it's more bigger than Rock/Hogan, Rock/Cena. The crowd reaction in the match would've been off the charts, even more than what we got in Rock/Hogan and Rock/Cena. This wouldn't be like Rock/Cena where everybody cheered for The Rock & booed Cena or where they both cheered Hogan & Rock until later in the match where everybody turned on Rock; Both Hogan & Cena had their fair share of fans & haters, so you would've gotten a much louder & bigger mixed reaction of boos & cheers for both guys.

This is just my opinion to all 3 questions though, I'd like to hear yours!
Who do you think would've won this match?

Hogan. I really don't think Hogan would've put Cena over. Hogan has praised Orton too and even knew his dad, but Hogan didnt put over Randy when he had nothing to gain by beating Randy. Plus John Cena is a guy who IMO doesnt care much about whom to put over as long as it is good for the business and hence he surely wouldnt have complained about putting Hogan over. Hogan was going through financial difficulties at that time so unless WWE Creative strongly insisted that Hogan put Cena over, Hogan wouldve won the match because Egomaniac>Hulkamaniac

What would've been the World Heavyweight Championship match?

Given the momentum Randy had going into the RR, I think it wouldve being triple H v Randy for the WHC

Would this have been bigger than Rock vs. Hogan at WM 18 and Rock vs. Cena at WM 28?

It wouldnt have been bigger than Rock v Hogan. Rock v Hogan was a phenomenon and as for Rock v Cena, it wouldve depended on the storyline and build up. But Hogan being superhogan and Cena being superCena it wouldve being interesting to watch. The match ofcourse would've never being anywhere near Rock v Cena. But given Rock is a huge movie star and it was his first singles match after WM 19, I think Rock v Cena would be bigger than hogan v Cena esp since Hogan has wrestled several years before WM 25
Cena would have won, especially if it was for the title. Considering Hogan did not appear in WWE at all in 2009 I doubt he would have taken on any commitments that came with being champion. If this match did happen Hogan probably would have appeared on a few shows leading up to mania and the night after. I doubt he would have appeared consistently after mania and he would have had to as champion. Hogan had no problem losing to Rock at WM18 so I don’t see why he would have a problem losing to Cena seven years later.

I don’t think the match would have been as big as Hogan vs. Rock or Rock vs. Cena. For his match with Rock it was the first time Hogan appeared in WWE in nine years. It was his big comeback after being away at WCW and going through the nwo and Monday night war. WWE won the war and now had their biggest star, along with WCW’s biggest star back. By 2009 Hogan had several short comebacks so it wouldn’t have been as special.

As for the other title match, probably still would have been Triple H vs. Orton. I don’t see Cena vs. Hogan affecting that.
1.) Cena
2.) I always wished for Randy Orton vs. Edge at Wrestlemania for a World Title but probably still just HHH/Orton.
3.) NO, unless they did an even more massive build than Rock/Cena. And even then, half the wrestling world hates Cena and the majority that do either also hate Hogan for being so bad or are some diehard/classic fan of Hogan's that probably wouldn't care much to see him face Cena. When Hogan joined TNA, except for some nuts that follow him where ever he goes, no one even blinked an eye.

But I'm glad this didn't happen!
1.) Cena most likely would have won this match because Hogan would be putting him over. Hulkster would be too old to hold the WWE title and would not look like a believable champion. Since Cena won his Wrestlemania 25 match, he would've won this match too.

2.) Randy Orton vs HHH. Don't think the Hogan vs Cena match would affect this.

3.) I think the build and hype for this match would be greater than Rock vs Hogan but less than Rock vs Cena. As for in ring work, there would be no way this match would out do Rock vs Hogan at Wrestlamina 18. The crowd wouldn't have enough to get through this match after HBK vs Undertaker.

Would I have liked to see this match? Yes!Yes!Yes!
I'd like to hope that Cena could have won this match. Beating Hogan at Wrestlemania 25 woild truly have been a passing of the torch moment. Hogan let Rock beat him at Wrestlemania 18 so a Cena victory is entirely possible. This opens up a spot in the World Heavyweight Championship match. This spot would go to none other than Jericho. The Jericho VS Legends angle would not have been needed if Cena was facing Hogan. Jericho defeats Edge and Big Show in the triple threat match. It could be a preview of what was to come a year later in Edge/Jericho with Big Show just kinda being there with nothing else to do.

This match would have been a rather big deal, but Trips and Orton would still have closed. It basically would have gone on toward the end, so the World Championship match could have gone on earlier, and the divas would get bumped up to after Taker/Michaels so the crowd can rest after that match. Rock/Hogan was a much bigger deal, simply due to bigger stars being involved. Had they hyped it for an entire year like Cena/Rock, it still would not have been as big of a deal. Hogan is not what he once was in the ring while Rock can still work a match. That doesn't mean I wouldn't have enjoyed seeing Cena VS Hogan at Wrestlemania 25, that would have been a perfect match for the show. Provided Cena won it of course.
1. Who do you think would've won this match?

I think Cena would have won this match. The Rock went over Hogan so I don't think Hogan would have had a problem putting Cena over years later.

2. What would've been the World Heavyweight Championship match?

I think HHH Orton still would have been the title match.

3. Would this have been bigger than Rock vs. Hogan at WM 18 and Rock vs. Cena at WM 28?

I don't think it would have been as big as either because Mania 18 was Hogan's first WWE match since he had left for WCW, and Mania 28 was Rock's first match in 7 years. It would have been big just not as big as the other two.

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