Hogan training for one more match!

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Hulk Hogan Says He’s Training for One More Match

hulk hoganHulk Hogan appeared in New Jersey yesterday for a Hogan Uncut event, and several readers have sent in word that Hogan claimed he is training for one more match in WWE. He went on to say he wants to face John Cena, and put Cena over as the greatest WWE Champion of all-time.

According to the main site Hulk Hogan has stated he is training for his retirement match. And he has been teasing it as of late by stating "If I had to have one more match it would be against John Cena. He has also been hyping Cena as the greatest WWE (not world) champion of all-time. I can agree with that opinion even though Austin is my favorite. I put this in the PPV column because his return would be at a WrestleMania of course. Hogan vs. Cena without a doubt is a dream match. Arguably the two biggest legends of all-time clashing. But I don't think it should happen. It is not like Austin returning to the ring where a least he is in great shape. Austin probably can still take a back bump and have great cardio. Meanwhile Hogan can barely move. Cena has stated that he would like to face Hogan or Austin someday. But he said with Hogan "he is too old." I can agree with that. You don't want to be known as the guy who killed his childhood hero in a match. That could happen if Hogan steps in the ring. He takes a one bad bump and it could be over for him. Personally I'd rather see Cena vs. Austin but that probably won't happen either. What are your thoughts on Hogan's "One More Match?" and vote on my poll about which dream match you would rather see.

I mean Neither BTW on the poll not either
Seeing as I have strongly been opposed to Sting/Taker match my opinion on Hogan wrestling is the same.

Hogan is the greatest in his era, like Austin was in his and Cena was in his. They all 3 were popular during different eras in time.

I don't see the need for Hogan to put Cena over, it's just not necessary. To me one match turns into another at some point rather it be with the WWE or somewhere else.

At this point I'm not even sure if I would ever want to see Austin compete after a decade long absence. But I would definitely entertain it if he's healthy enough as he still appears physically in great shape.
Hogan knows that saying this kind of stuff keeps him a little bit more relevant. There is unlikely any truth to it. The fact that he mentions Cena makes it even less likely to be real. Cena has no business beating a 60 year old man. If he wanted to face UT it would make more sense or even someone on a lower level like Rusev but while it sounds epic it is just Hogan working the fans.

That all being said I would prefer to see Austin/Cena.
This is 100% smoke. Nobody can take bumps with a spinal cord stimulator in their back. Unless by "match" Hogan means him standing throwing punches while someone bumps around for him, you're not going to see anything.

On a side note, this Cena-is-indisputably-the-greatest-ever stuff is absolutely nauseating. Cole's already pushing it, now Hogan's pushing it - five years from now he'll be unequivocally hailed by the WWE machine as the best ever, hands down. Cena's good and can be great when motivated, but I don't care if he's on top for another 20 years, he'll never be able to hold the jockstraps of Hogan, Austin, Rock, Savage, Flair, Undertaker, Bret, Shawn or Angle.
I doubt this match will happen..Hogan just wants to generate more attention..Though obviously it makes no sense for it to happen in 2014…Now if Hogan went against Cena back in 2004 then maybe the match would've been slightly watchable at best.

Though, if it happened on the off-chance in this era, there should be a red white and blue stretcher on stand-by at ringside in case Hogan takes a bump wrong and gets seriously fucked up..Hell, Hogan admitted that he can't hit the Legdrop anymore awhile back, so with that being stated by Hogan himself, I don't see the point of Cena/Hogan ever happening, unless it happened to be a comedy skit backstage during Raw where Cena and Hogan are plugging WWE 2k15 by playing a demo version of it with Hogan's character going against Cena's character..
I see others already agree with me. Hogan can train all he wants. He's already in good shape above the waist. But training isn't going to make his hip problems go away. It's not going to make his knee problems go away. No amount of training will fix that. The guy can barely walk period. I'm sure just walking from the back to the ring takes almost all of his energy.

Just seeing him walking from the airport to his ride when someone was interviewing him about Warrior getting into the HOF was painful to watch. You could see it on his face.

Unless he can talk the doctors into giving him multiple cortisone shots, which I don't even think is legal, he's not wrestling ever again unless it's an arm wrestling match because from the waist down he's all jello.
Yeah, Hogan did this exact same kinda bullshit while he was in TNA. He'd claim that he has "one more match" left in him and that he was training hard for it, people would talk about it the way we are right now, time would pass by, nothing would happen, people would forget about it and then he'd give another interview hinting that he was training for a big match or that he has another match left in him.

At one time, WWE may have considered having Hogan wrestle a match but that was before he underwent the barrage of medical exams WWE puts all wrestling talent through. While we obviously don't know what the exams revealed in terms of Hogan's condition due to legal privilege, it was revealed that he wasn't cleared to wrestle. Hogan can pump iron all he wants, he can work his biceps, triceps & shoulders until they drop as there's nothing wrong with them. He has no particular medical limits to affect him and, to be perfectly honest, it wouldn't surprise me if Hogan's using performance enhancing drugs in order to maintain his size and level of definition. However, when it comes to his back, his knees and hips, he has more implants than a gaggle of Hooters' waitresses. As has been said time and time again in regards to Hulk Hogan, the man can't wrestle because he can't take a bump without risking injury. If I remember correctly, and I might be wrong, Hogan's had both knees replaced with artificial implants and as has at least one of his hips. Back in 2010, he underwent a number of surgeries on his back, which essentially had to be rebuilt, and was gone from much of the rest of TNA television for the second half of the year. To top it all off, Hogan's 61st birthday is next Monday.

The ONLY way I could see Hogan wrestle is if he were to compete in a six or eight man tag team match in which 99% of the match is carried by his teammates. He gets tagged in a couple of times, lands some punches, maybe a clothesline or two, tags out, is tagged back in maybe once more for another brief flurry of offense before tagging back out and gets involved when the action breaks down and there's this big melee with everyone sort of going at it. During the confusion, Hogan winds up being the legal man in the ring for his team, which the ref conveniently happens to see, someone on his team, say Roman Reigns, lands the spear on an opponent and Hogan, as the legal man, either goes for the pin or takes a risk and hits the big leg drop, scoring the win for his team.

This is essentially Hogan's way of staying relevant, he's always been a shameless self-promoter and this is all nothing but hype to generate some buzz in order to keep Hogan's name on people's lips for a week or so.

Given a choice between Hogan vs. Cena or Austin vs. Cena, I'd go with Austin vs. Cena. While Stone Cold isn't a spring chicken and hasn't wrestled in well over a decade, to my knowledge, his body isn't held together with a combination of artificial implants and prayers the way Hogan's is. As a result, odds are he could be capable of putting up a halfway competitive looking match.
That said, they should get him involved in some six man or a traditional SS match in November. Jump in the ring, throw some punches. get back out. Etc.

Exactly. That's the way to do it. Hogan could stand on the ring apron while his tag team partners do the actual wrestling....he could pose, posture, wave at the fans, and cup his hand to his ear to draw cheers for himself while taking the focus from the guys who are actually duking it out in the ring......in other words, he could do what he's always done; publicize himself.

Meanwhile, the fans could thrill to the sight of the Sayer of Prayers, Eater of Vegetables & Taker of Vitamins in a setting that suggests he's actually going to engage in a match.

I'm reminded of the time Stephanie McMahon tagged with Test and faced off against Jeff Jarrett and Debra. Stephanie did no wrestling, yet after Test knocked out Jarrett, she came in to the ring to make the pin.

Hogan could do the same after his buddies set the stage, securing the win for his team and covering his aged ass in glory while not having to do any dirty work. The same fans who "hate" John Cena could go absolutely apeshit at seeing Hogan exulting in victory one more time.

It's not rocket science that he comes out with this now... he knows that he's not getting John Cena as an opponent... BUT Survivor Series is coming up, so if there is a chance of him actually being in a 5 on 5 style survivor match then he will be "training" and trying to push for it.

It's the one kind of match he can "win/survive" without actually needing to pin anyone, he can just sit on the Apron and he and Cena could be Survivors at the end of it... He can score a pin on some lower guy and it would, for the main part work...

Hogan knows they ain't letting him near a major one on one matchup... but Survivor Series could be a fun "swansong" for his career and help to persuade those international subscribers to pay their 60 dollars and those wavering to keep it.

If you're gonna do it, have Cena, Hogan, Swagger & The Usos vs Brock, Rusev, Cesaro and Rybaxel.

Hogan can get a pin over Axel or Ryback and it not harm them too much...
Hogan is full of shit... Granted he is the greatest Icon of our time,and helped put wrestling on the map as we know it today.. But that was 30 years ago.. He is approaching 60 years old damn there.. Is he in good shape,hell yes he is above the waist anyway..

But his knees,hips,back,are just totally shot.. He claimed he had one more in him while in TNA,that never happened.. Hogan couldnt even be medically cleared,until that happens i wont speculate on what role if any he might play.. But if by some miracle he got cleared,then a traditional SS match would be the way to go..

Five on Five,get tagged in throw some punches maybe a big boot if your hips are up to it,flex for the crowd tag out! Thats really all about all he can do right now.. Get the winning pin on someone like Ryback or Axel then celebrate with your team! Really thats all about it..

Hogan is the ultimate master of self-ego! No one has ever come down the pike like him,and made himself famous the way he has! Cup his hand to his ear,flex,and the crowd will eat it up! Plus the same ones who love hogan to pieces are the same ones who just hate John Cena! Go Figure
Hogan is one of the great liars of our time.

That said, they should get him involved in some six man or a traditional SS match in November. Jump in the ring, throw some punches. get back out. Etc.

Yeah, NorCal is spot on. A multi-man tag match that helped Hogan avoid taking any real bumps is the ONLY thing he should be getting involved in. When I saw TNA in the UK a couple of years, Hulk was in the main event 6 man tag then, and he didn't do anything except punches and the boot....and guess what? The crowd went CRAZY for Hogan. The same would happen again in WWE if he had 1 final match.

Hogan's body is done. He's an old guy and shouldn't be anywhere near the ring. He knows this, and I wouldn't be surprised if all this is just Hogan self-promoting again, he's a genius at that! I doubt we'll ever see him wrestle again, but if he WAS to do anything, it would have to be in a multi-man match to protect his body and let others do all the work/hide his obvious weaknesses. He could throw out a "Hulk Up" or 2, do the usual posing routine and then get the pin. There ain't no way he is getting more physical than that with his well documented knackered back.
I’d love to see Hulk Hogan wrestle one more time. I’d like to see him in a Tag Team match with John Cena and then a match against him, similar to the Rock and John Cena series when they first teamed up against the Awesome Truth. I know it’s not possible or probable, but a Tag match against Ric Flair and either the Miz or Dolph Ziggler would be nice. Hogan can finally retire when he’s in the HWF (Heaven / Hell Wrestling Federation) with Macho Man and Ultimate Warrior.
Pfft, Hogan will be saying he's got one more left him in him when he's having to use a cane to get down to the ring... "I know I can barely walk anymore Hulkamaniacs, but if I say my prayers, eat my vitamins, and have you Hulkamaniacs at my back, I know I can step into that ring at Wrestlemania and prove that the Hulkster is the greatest even if he's 95 BROTHER"... Give me a break. Hulk Hogan could barely MOVE 11 years ago! How the hell is he going to pull off a match in 2015?

Throw in the fact that the guys knees and back have completely gone to shit, and Hogan's asking to be killed in that ring.
Not that I believe him at all. Hogan is just trying to keep himself relevant in the wrestling world and create a buzz for himself, however all he is doing is sounding like a senile egomaniac who can't let go of his past.

Now Austin would be a different story, the guy still looks great and if he thinks he could go one more, without seriously screwing up his neck or health than I'm all for it. But it would kill me to see Austin job to Cena, I'm not going to lie, I'm a huge Austin mark:blush:
I feel like he's had his "one more match" about 10 times.

Not interested. If he does wrestle again, make him tap to Rusev and actually put someone else over for once.
I'm one of the few that is hoping Hogan is able to lace up the boots one more time. He deserves it. He deserves to have one final match with WWE. Without him who knows what wrestling would be. Unfortunately I don't think a match with Cena would work for him physically. I highly doubt he could take an AA, I'm not sure about an STF. Personally I think it would be awesome if he could tag with Cena. But who would they face, Orton/Piper? The Wyatt family? If he were to have a singles match I'm not sure who he could work with. He could wrestle Sting at a non Wrestlemainia Pay Per View, they proved they could get around his limitations in TNA. But I'm not sure how it would work from a storyline sense. Bray Wyatt maybe? Triple H? Orton's style could work.

I like what some of you have suggested about having him in the 5 on 5 match at Survivor Series. It would be a great way to get around all his physical limitations. Tag him in early have him get beat down a little then tag out. Tag him again let him "Hulk Up" hit the big boot and tag someone else for the finish. Similar to what he did with Abyss in TNA.

This man has two hip replacements, two knee replacements, A battery in his in back, at least 9 back operations in recent years. It's also been reported he's losing vision in one his eyes. Say what you will about the guy but he's without a doubt one of the toughest ever. I'm assuming he got cleared in TNA? So why couldn't he get cleared now? If not I'm sure he could sign a waiver.

Let the man have one more match in some way, shape or form. He's Hulk Hogan.
You have missed off a 'N' off the third choice

In his state now he isn't worthy to step in the ring with anyone.

He's had his time, he was good, non contact roles for hulk now.

Still gets a pop, he doesn't need to embarrass himself in the ring
The Hulkster already beat Randy Orton proving he is the greatest of all WWE generations. He doesn't have anything left to prove.
Hogan looked bad at SummerSlam vs Randy Orton, and that was 8 yrs ago. He looked bad against HBK at S-Slam, that was 7 yrs ago, what makes anyone think he could possibly get in the ring now, he looked bad before ? Most wrestling fans dont watch TNA, I did on occasion, I saw Hogan in that tag match against Flair in the 1st Monday Impact. Flair, who is about 6yrs older, was noticeably slow, struggling to keep pace with the other participants (AJ Styles & Abyss). He was however much more mobile & faster than Hogan. That was in 2009 I believe, maybe 2010. Did anyone see his previous "last match" vs Sting in TNA ? Hogan looked atrocious, he has no speed and cant bump at all, and that was a 7 minute match against a 50 year old man!

Hogan is probably jealous because Sting is younger and in better shape and might get one "last run" in WWE, not too mention what Flair got in 2008. Granted, Flair at the time was only two years younger than Hogan is today but despite his more physical wrestling style Flair at 58 was in way better shape than Hogan has been in several years. It's no one's fault, Hogan's back, knees, and hips have been carying around almost 300lbs for probably 40 yrs, add to that all the body slams he's delivered and all the suplexes he's taken, it is no wonder he's been having back, knee, & hip surgeries since the late 90s!

He can still contribute as an on air talent, but he cant wrestle. He had trouble passing the physical before the last W-Mania, the reason why he wasnt cleared for any physical contact.
Yeah, as others pointed out, this is bullshit and Hogan sparking some buzz for his name with the upcoming return to Raw next week.

From what I remember, Hogan posted some tweet about training at the gym before Wrestlemania XXX, and working his back to prepare for any shenanigans......and nothing physical happened. Hogan is no shape to wrestle anything resembling a competitive match ( for anyone that needs proof, watch the Bound For Glory 2011 match with Sting). Maybe WWE allows Hogan to get in the ring and throw some punches, and the spot where Hogan points to the crowd before tossing said wrestler over the top rope, but that's about it.
I think Hulk Hogan deserves one final match in the WWE and a proper end to his career and if he thinks he is capable of putting on a watchable match then I'm all for it. I do have my doubts after watching his match with Sting in 2011 but if Ric Flair could pull of a great match against HBK at WrestleMania 24 at the age of 59, then I have no problem thinking Hulk Hogan can do the same at 60. Hulk Hogan was never a technician like Flair either so it would be easier for him to pull off a Hogan-esque match. He is still in great shape and if he can manage to be more mobile from the waist down and take a few bumps then I wouldn't mind him having his final match. Hulk Hogan's matches are more spectacles then they are great wrestling matches, his match against The Rock at WrestleMania 18 and his match against Ultimate Warrior at WrestleMania 6 are both equal in terms of in-ring quality, despite Hogan's huge age difference between both events. In that sense I don't think it's impossible to see Hogan pull off a match similar to those to at his age, he is capable of creating one more spectacle in the ring if all the cards are right.

As for the Steve Austin and John Cena match, I wouldn't mind seeing it but I don't really think their personalities clash in the way The Rock V. John Cena did and in the way Hulk Hogan V. John Cena could. I would rather see Austin face someone like Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, CM Punk (if he returns).
I wonder why some people act like it would kill them to watch Hogan wrestle Cena for 15 or so minutes? Seriously, some people seem to be so against it, but why? You guys don't want Cena anywhere near the title match, so Hogan offers a special attraction type situation that some are already pooping all over. What if Hogan got into decent ring shape? What would it really take for a classic Hulk Hogan match anyway? It's not like anyone expects him to fly around the ring or take crazy bumps. As long as his hip is ok to drop that leg and in good enough shape to go 15-20 minutes the fans will be getting exactly what they paid for. Except of course those fans who will suffer seizures from watching this match. I feel bad for those guys and hope they get the medical attention they need.
I have no interest in this unless it involves a cheesy, corny "legends/respect" stereotypical buildup that everyone expects to be a piss break and then when the match actually happens, Cena goes crazy and kayfabe renders Hogan paralyzed and just beats the hell out of him, effectively turning heel.

It also obviously would also have to be at Wrestlemania.

Other than that, I'm not interested in a few body slams and 20 minutes of poses and slurping noises by the announce team.

Same for Austin.
This man has two hip replacements, two knee replacements, A battery in his in back, at least 9 back operations in recent years. It's also been reported he's losing vision in one his eyes. Say what you will about the guy but he's without a doubt one of the toughest ever. I'm assuming he got cleared in TNA? So why couldn't he get cleared now? If not I'm sure he could sign a waiver.

Let the man have one more match in some way, shape or form. He's Hulk Hogan.

I think you just listed all the reasons why Hogan shouldn't be anywhere near the ring, in any sort of a match. Hogan's well past his sell by date, and is doing fine at what he's doing now, shilling the network. He's also the best promo artist I've ever seen at promoting the one thing he cares about the most, himself.

He might be tough, but he's been out of it for a long time, and medically I don't think they would clear him. The last thing the WWE want is people paying $9.99 a month, to watch Hulk Hogan, arguably one of the best coming into the the ring, only to be stretchered out. Medically and psychically he's just not able to do it. The mind might be willing but his body won't let him.

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