Hogan Reveals More Storylines


The lord of darkness
In a new interview with IGN from ComicCon this weekend, Hogan AGAIN says that he is turning good. Hogan says that he's starting to feel the red and yellow vibe coming over, so watch about...um October. I think I might start hulking up in October."

To view the video click the link...http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/07/22/comic-con-hulk-hogan-tells-ign-hes-turning-good

I Am not the biggest TNA fan, I watch it on occasion. But I ask everyone...WHY?

Why does Hogan feel the need to expose storylines?

Does he think that if he tells whats going to happen that people will tune in?

What say all of you? Where do you stand on the releasing of stoyrlines like this?

Is this their way of doing the reverse of what Bischoff did to WWE back during the Monday Night Wars? (for those that dont know look up Mankind winning the WWF title)
I ask myself the same question before, and i honestly don't understand the need for him to tell us how the story is going to play out and I think most of us knew what was going to happen before the hogan interview started. This is his way of trying to get more fans to watch impact, but the last time i check when he was face, fans still wasn't watching the product and they didn't get over 2.0 in ratings.

Now we all know that its gonna be Sting vs hogan at bound for Glory pay per view, but I don't think the fans are interesting in seeing this match because we don't know what physical shape hogan is in. We hear reports of him saying he can't do a leg drop, but what can't he do?? I don't want to see these two guys wrestle, last time in WCW with all the hype going into the pay per view, the match itself sucked so I don't know if this match is going to be any better right now.

All this is to get more fans to watch the show any buy the pay per view because he knows that not a lot of fans are watching the product right now and they are desperately need for some more ratings right now
He's garnering interest. Let's face it. There are very little ways to get interest out of casual fan's in today's business. That makes it hard to gain their interest. One of the best way's to do it is to tell them whats coming next with some teasers. Like with movie trailers. Take the upcoming Avengers movie. We know most of the characters, we know most of the backstory, but we don't know how it's going to go down. Regardless, people are hooked for it. I would say this is Hogan's approach lately. Is it working? I don't know, guess only time will tell.
They're desperate for ratings but couldn't Hogan have talked about the aspects of TNA that wrestling fans both casual and diehard actually care about?

Hogan is a legend, even I still like him regardless of the guy's ego because I grew up watching him in the 80s but TNA has the best roster in mainstream wrestling and the best product too so why not push the younger talent more than himself? I'm sure Hogan talking about Alex Shelley and such would get even casuals who know of Hogan thinking "who's this Alex Shelley guy? He must be good if Hulk Hogan's talking about him being a great athlete".

It's almost like TNA is trashed and hated for having taped results days/a week and a half in advance of the tv broadcast but then Hulk's doing the same by revealing things months in advance in interviews.

Does he really think he's helping the product by talking about his own face turn and match in July cause this is only serving to make the cynics even more negative about the company as a whole.
yea...as already stated...this isnt new. this is what was said at e3 which was in june. I was surprised the wrestling dirtsheets picked this up all late
I usually never comment on anything TNA because it's not worth it, but Hogan releasing this information shouldn't be the real issue. Him getting back in the ring is the real issue. He was old in the ring 10 years ago. Why would anyone be interested in seeing him get back in the ring? He can barely move and he's one good body slam away from being paralyzed from the waist down. It's a shame that IMPACT is depending on an almost 60 year old and a young 50 year old to carry the show. I wonder why few people watch impact wrestling, where wrestling matters...LOL
He's simply hyping the possibility of him turning face in the future. What? You're telling me you didn't know he was turning face? It was plain obvious since Sting started doing the whole "I want the old Hulkster back".

So, hype a potential outcome that will interest a good portion of the casual fans, or just sit on your hands, do nothing, don't promote your current feud?

I swear, people will bitch about anything. Then again, looking at your signature I can't say I can draw a rational argument out of you. Just sit back and enjoy what happens.

You get hints of feud outcomes on Impact Wrestling ALL the time. Smarks can detect them like they're nothing.

Remember the "they" storyline? How Bischoff/Hogan were portrayed as faces and Sting/Nash/Pope/EY as heels? The 'heels' saying how Eric is a con-man? That's just as much of a "reveal" as this is. We all knew Hogan and Bischoff were "they". No one was shocked. And that was on the show. This is in some random interviews where he's not in character.

Robert Roode has said numerous times in his "Wrestling Matters" videos that fans should get used to seeing him as a singles guy. We all know he'll end up being pushed heavily in the future. That's also a "reveal".

It's called hype. I bet you wouldn't say shit if he said "I'm never going to go back to being the old Hulk Hogan again!", right? Because we know it's not true, but it's still hinting to a possible outcome.
I ask myself the same question before, and i honestly don't understand the need for him to tell us how the story is going to play out and I think most of us knew what was going to happen before the hogan interview started. This is his way of trying to get more fans to watch impact, but the last time i check when he was face, fans still wasn't watching the product and they didn't get over 2.0 in ratings.

Now we all know that its gonna be Sting vs hogan at bound for Glory pay per view, but I don't think the fans are interesting in seeing this match because we don't know what physical shape hogan is in. We hear reports of him saying he can't do a leg drop, but what can't he do?? I don't want to see these two guys wrestle, last time in WCW with all the hype going into the pay per view, the match itself sucked so I don't know if this match is going to be any better right now.

All this is to get more fans to watch the show any buy the pay per view because he knows that not a lot of fans are watching the product right now and they are desperately need for some more ratings right now

ratings came in at a 1.3 so ratings are up. However Tna has to do better than hogan and sting.
ratings came in at a 1.3 so ratings are up. However Tna has to do better than hogan and sting.

they been there before, how many times have we seen 1.3 before?? am talkin about getting 2.0. there is no excuse to why they haven't reach the 2.0 ratings right now. The ratings are going up and down with 1.1 to 1.2 back to 1.1 then 1.3 then back to 1.1. its up and down
Been a Hogan mark for years, however, time to hang up the boots for good. Hogan, Flair and Sting must be the most selfish trio in wrestling. Its time to push the younger generation, Styles, Daniels, Roode, Kazarian, Morgan, etc. Younger wrestling fans can't even recall Hogan, Sting, and Flair in their prime. That is why TNA is sinking while WWE is always on top. WWE knows how to develop and promote new talent. TNA does not. TNA is a mirror image of WCW in the late 90's. And we all know how that turned out.
In addition, I am tired of the Sting "Joker" act. Horrible. Can't Russo carve out a better storyline than to rip off a Batman movie? TNA should fire the writing staff and hire Paul E.
they been there before, how many times have we seen 1.3 before?? am talkin about getting 2.0. there is no excuse to why they haven't reach the 2.0 ratings right now. The ratings are going up and down with 1.1 to 1.2 back to 1.1 then 1.3 then back to 1.1. its up and down
Well shit, by that logic there's no excuse why WWE hasn't reached a 5.0 and SmackDown a 3.0.

Screw the 2.0. SmackDown averages 2 million viewers. TNA about 1.7 million. That's not too bad, is it? Almost as much as WWE's second show. The ratings have been stagnant for a while, and will continue to be until TNA starts going on the road more. Doesn't matter how good the shows are when you're taping in a shoe box. People will never take you seriously. Thankfully I don't give a crap about where they tape, but a lot of other people do and it helps their credibility.
not to be rude or anything but this is not new he said this a few weeks ago at e3 when he was interviewed about his new game

yea...as already stated...this isnt new. this is what was said at e3 which was in june. I was surprised the wrestling dirtsheets picked this up all late

Yes...I understand that he already said this in June. The reason for this thread is that he is once AGAIN...IN A NEW INTERVIEW with a different company, he continues to spoil this.
It's good to hear that he is out there talking to anyone that will still listen. That's where his greatest value lies. Does he talk about Spike, TNA and other TNA wrestlers? That would probably pique more interest than a third or fourth return to the red and yellow at age 57.

Also, if he is going to be on camera he should bring one the hotter KOs with him (sex sells more than leathery flesh).

He is a huge brand and massive hype machine but it is not his time anymore and he needs to promote the other guys and gals when someone puts a camera in his face.
He's simply hyping the possibility of him turning face in the future. What? You're telling me you didn't know he was turning face? It was plain obvious since Sting started doing the whole "I want the old Hulkster back".

So, hype a potential outcome that will interest a good portion of the casual fans, or just sit on your hands, do nothing, don't promote your current feud?

I swear, people will bitch about anything. Then again, looking at your signature I can't say I can draw a rational argument out of you. Just sit back and enjoy what happens.

You get hints of feud outcomes on Impact Wrestling ALL the time. Smarks can detect them like they're nothing.

Remember the "they" storyline? How Bischoff/Hogan were portrayed as faces and Sting/Nash/Pope/EY as heels? The 'heels' saying how Eric is a con-man? That's just as much of a "reveal" as this is. We all knew Hogan and Bischoff were "they". No one was shocked. And that was on the show. This is in some random interviews where he's not in character.

Robert Roode has said numerous times in his "Wrestling Matters" videos that fans should get used to seeing him as a singles guy. We all know he'll end up being pushed heavily in the future. That's also a "reveal".

It's called hype. I bet you wouldn't say shit if he said "I'm never going to go back to being the old Hulk Hogan again!", right? Because we know it's not true, but it's still hinting to a possible outcome.

First of all...I usually value what you have to say. However...I am NOT botching about anything. I was merely asking if this was the right approach.

As I stated, and have MANY times on these TNA boards, I am not the biggest fan. I tune in on occasion and I want them to succeed. I want competition. I grew up watching WWE when WCW was in the building stages. I watched through the whole MNW and attitude era of WWE.

As for the "wrestling matters" videos, I dont watch those. If they are spoiling information then shame on them. I like to be surprised. Yeah I read Wrestlezone, but there are still things that happen that DONT get leaked.

If this is hype then I think its wrong. What if WWE came out and actually said "yeah CM Punk didn't really quit, he will be back soon. we just needed to write him off TV for awhile." We all know it...doesn't mean it needs to be said.
In a new interview with IGN from ComicCon this weekend, Hogan AGAIN says that he is turning good. Hogan says that he's starting to feel the red and yellow vibe coming over, so watch about...um October. I think I might start hulking up in October."

HAHAHAHA!!!!! This is too funny, Hogan goes and says he's going back to red and yellow...oh boo freaking hoo, now the storyline has been spoiled and the whole world has been thrown off its axis. Actually expect December 12, 2012 to be moved up to like right now. The world is preparing to end because Hogan went and said something that he already said weeks ago and that most of us saw coming anyway. But then again, he might just be dicking us around and change his mind too, remember the keyword was MIGHT.

Why does Hogan feel the need to expose storylines?

Why did the WWF/E over the years spoil three major title changes on their website? First with Mankind (yes believe it or not before Tony Schiavone said anything on TV about it, the internet was already buzzing as well as WWF's official website that Mick Foley won the WWF World Title from The Rock), Vince's WWF Title and Edge's Money In The Bank cash-in and subsequent title win over The Undertaker all got spoiled. Hulk Hogan did not set a precedent there, sir.

Does he think that if he tells whats going to happen that people will tune in?

What say all of you? Where do you stand on the releasing of stoyrlines like this?

Again, let it play out. Who knows this isn't the first time Hulk Hogan said something and it turned out to be misleading, I'd not read too much into his comic con interview. It's just what it is. Hogan's been working his gimmick for longer than I've been alive and good on him for doing it, it gets people talking and it gets the smarks all up in a tizzy which they deserve to be for being such stupid fucking *****.

]Is this their way of doing the reverse of what Bischoff did to WWE back during the Monday Night Wars? (for those that dont know look up Mankind winning the WWF title)

Again, I stand by previous statements, just let the storyline play out, it may happen, it might not happen. Who freaking knows...

Now we all know that its gonna be Sting vs hogan at bound for Glory pay per view, but I don't think the fans are interesting in seeing this match because we don't know what physical shape hogan is in. We hear reports of him saying he can't do a leg drop, but what can't he do?? I don't want to see these two guys wrestle, last time in WCW with all the hype going into the pay per view, the match itself sucked so I don't know if this match is going to be any better right now.

Actually we don't know if that's going to happen. Seriously we don't, let's put it this way, I won't believe that Hulk Hogan will be wrestling again until it's officially announced, I'd advise you to be in the same mindset, because they can still turn Hogan back to the Red And Yellow without him being a full time wrestler or even an occasional wrestler. Therefore, we don't know what's going to happen, they had plenty of opportunities to get Hogan back in the ring starting back to when he signed with TNA in October of 2009 and he he only participated in one tag team match that saw him do next to nothing in the ring. If you recall right this was back in March of 2010 and it was a tag match with him and Abyss vs Flair and Styles, yes I'll admit that Hogan and Flair looked like silly old men but if you really watch the match Abyss and Styles were doing all the work. Therefore as far as Hogan wrestling again let's not get ahead of ourselves, ok?

They're desperate for ratings but couldn't Hogan have talked about the aspects of TNA that wrestling fans both casual and diehard actually care about?

He was at the Comic-Con, which I am sure was his intended audience to try to get them hooked into the storyline at TNA, do I personally think its going to work? Time will tell, do I really give a shit, no? Like I said to the previous posters WWF/E gave away bigger scoops than this like when Vince McMahon won the World Title, and Edge won the World Title from Undertaker. So please put that double standard elsewhere. It's likely that Hogan's future is that he is going to go back to his old colors, lol. At least TNA's website isn't giving away storyline spoilers like WWF/E has notoriously been known to do. Again not complaining that WWE did it, just making a simple observation. And again nothing is for certain until it actually happens, do keep that in mind.

However you have raised an excellent point, it would have been good to hear more about TNA's other stars talked about at the comic con. However, Hogan has made it a point in other discussions to talk about guys like Matt Morgan and Robert Roode to media platforms like ESPN, which I think says something for those that constantly detract Hogan.

Hogan is a legend, even I still like him regardless of the guy's ego because I grew up watching him in the 80s but TNA has the best roster in mainstream wrestling and the best product too so why not push the younger talent more than himself? I'm sure Hogan talking about Alex Shelley and such would get even casuals who know of Hogan thinking "who's this Alex Shelley guy? He must be good if Hulk Hogan's talking about him being a great athlete".

Again, great points however we should realize that professional wrestling by now is all egos, period. Hogan might be one of the biggest but seriously man, anyone who wants to perform in front of a camera with thousands of people watching them in person and millions around the world, has to have some sort of high sense of self-value, let's not just string Hulk Hogan into that category because basically that entire business is built on ego.

I can't personally speak for Hulk Hogan, however I think he is one of those guys that is still figuring out how to transition to this new phase in his career. Right or wrong, the guy has more or less been the performer most of his career and his role in TNA is a new one for him. Considering that ratings have stabilized and he hasn't wrestled a full time schedule like people were fearing him doing or that he'd have hijacked the TNA title on his first day in the company (like many were sure were going to happen) has shown that Hogan's been rather accepting of these changes. At least that's what I am gathering, I could be wrong, but time will tell on that one.

Hopefully the aforementioned references to Robert Roode and Matt Morgan that I said Hogan made will continue to pay off and those guys will continue to get their push. I personally like both of them and with Hogan's endorsement I hope that means continued success for both. However, I hope James Storm gets something going on if Beer Money does ever split up.

Been a Hogan mark for years, however, time to hang up the boots for good. Hogan, Flair and Sting must be the most selfish trio in wrestling. Its time to push the younger generation, Styles, Daniels, Roode, Kazarian, Morgan, etc. Younger wrestling fans can't even recall Hogan, Sting, and Flair in their prime. That is why TNA is sinking while WWE is always on top. WWE knows how to develop and promote new talent. TNA does not. TNA is a mirror image of WCW in the late 90's. And we all know how that turned out.

Tell me the last time Hulk Hogan wrestled a match, I think more or less those boots pretty much are hung up, considering the guy's health problems (again this could all be exaggeration, however I think he'd have already been wrestling by now if he was capable of doing so, I think at this point Hogan's accepting his age and injury accumulation.) I will agree that Flair and Sting wrestling at this point is not the most desirable dynamic, however let's not throw Sting right into that category yet, if he is retiring soon (for real this time) there is time for him to put someone over because let's be honest only the smarks really know how old Sting is, and they are the ones that are going to bitch about it the most. The casual fans I am sure do realize that Sting is not a spring chicken, however give it time and hopefully the pay off will see Sting lose to a guy like Matt Morgan who I think could have a great run at the top with the strap. In time, we'll see what goes on.

The one that disappoints me the most is Flair, because I am convinced that one day he is just going to die in the ring as sad as that is to say. But I would definitely not put Hogan in the same category as Flair because Hogan has seen little to no ring action as a full time competitor in TNA, if you can't admit that, then obviously there is something you're refusing to see.
As far as ratings are concerned, a lot of internet fans cling to the TNA's ratings to advocate for their own preferred creative direction, but something Hogan said a while back about that subject was on the money IMO: "The people that see it are buying it, there just aren't enough people seeing it." I don't think you can blame Spike TV for that, but I do think they need to raise interest from casual fans. Casual fans are not going to just start watching out of nowhere because of the X Division. 2.9 million people watched Hogan's debut, that's more than a million new viewers in ONE NIGHT (head to head with Raw, no less). However TNA was unable to hold on to those new viewers. They are going to have do something else to get new people to watch, and have a better showing the next time those people are watching.
They're desperate for ratings but couldn't Hogan have talked about the aspects of TNA that wrestling fans both casual and diehard actually care about?

Hogan is a legend, even I still like him regardless of the guy's ego because I grew up watching him in the 80s but TNA has the best roster in mainstream wrestling and the best product too so why not push the younger talent more than himself? I'm sure Hogan talking about Alex Shelley and such would get even casuals who know of Hogan thinking "who's this Alex Shelley guy? He must be good if Hulk Hogan's talking about him being a great athlete".

It's almost like TNA is trashed and hated for having taped results days/a week and a half in advance of the tv broadcast but then Hulk's doing the same by revealing things months in advance in interviews.

Does he really think he's helping the product by talking about his own face turn and match in July cause this is only serving to make the cynics even more negative about the company as a whole.

TNA best roster and best product? lulz.

TNA really thought they had done something special with Destination X and the 'E' came in with Money in the Bank and once again bitch slapped them back to the end of the line.

The only thing TNA has over WWE is the women's division.. everything else is Botchamania galore.
Okay he's spoiling the storyline, I don't see how that helps, And if he goes face, this will be beneficial. He could get TNA back in the right direction and disbanden Immortal. unless Immortal start to claim there "immortal"
TNA best roster and best product? lulz.

TNA really thought they had done something special with Destination X and the 'E' came in with Money in the Bank and once again bitch slapped them back to the end of the line.

The only thing TNA has over WWE is the women's division.. everything else is Botchamania galore.
You're still orgasming over MITB? One good thing in almost a decade. I can see why you're so excited.

As far as the two products go, it's hard to argue which is better. You'll root for WWE, I'll root for TNA. It's very subjective and goes either way, depending on who you talk to. However, when it comes to roster TNA is blowing WWE out of the water, and has been for quite some time.

And one last thing ... while MITB was a splendid PPV it was more of a Botchamania than Destination X. As a matter of fact, just you saying that makes me doubt whether you saw DX or not.

Regardless of that, please don't come to TNA forums and shove that Punk thing in our faces. I can go into smark ninja mode on at the drop of a dime and dissect it and its many plot holes you can drive a truck to, but I liked it too much so I find no reason to complain.

I suggest you do the same as well. Stop being a ********er. Both PPVs were amazing, both companies knocked it out of the park and you should be glad we got great stuff from TWO companies for a change, unlike the usual yo-yo between TNA and WWE.
TNA best roster and best product? lulz.

TNA really thought they had done something special with Destination X and the 'E' came in with Money in the Bank and once again bitch slapped them back to the end of the line.

The only thing TNA has over WWE is the women's division.. everything else is Botchamania galore.

You obviously are a fucking idiot just to put it delicately. Anyone who wants to resort to the jibber jabber that you are resorting to by coming onto a TNA thread and bashing the product just to put WWE over. Well lad, WWE doesn't need your help in promoting itself by the by. They are dong just fine without having some idiot mark orgasm over their PPV.

You see this is the thing, a REAL wrestling fan is allowed to have their bias and is allowed to feel strongly about their preference. However, you on the other hand are some little cunt ass dumb fuck troll who wants to come over and be a stupid mark.

I'd like to see if some wiseass like you could even be a tenth of an athlete that any TNA or WWE wrestler is. My take is that you probably can't, hence why you talk so much shit.

Go fuck off.

P.S. Fuckwad, we were also talking about Hulk Hogan and whether or not he was really spoiling a TNA storyline, so you score bonus douchebag points for not sticking to the subject. Again proving that you weren't here to contribute to the thread but just to find another reason to talk shit about TNA. Fucking moron.
Well shit, by that logic there's no excuse why WWE hasn't reached a 5.0 and SmackDown a 3.0.

Screw the 2.0. SmackDown averages 2 million viewers. TNA about 1.7 million. That's not too bad, is it? Almost as much as WWE's second show. The ratings have been stagnant for a while, and will continue to be until TNA starts going on the road more. Doesn't matter how good the shows are when you're taping in a shoe box. People will never take you seriously. Thankfully I don't give a crap about where they tape, but a lot of other people do and it helps their credibility.

You are wasting your finger energy my friend. You are trying to convince WWE zombie fans that Impact Wrestling is actually pretty decent when you give it a chance. These fans I like to compare to a dog and its owner. The owner being Vince and the dog being the fans. A dog will eat whatever piece of garbage snack its owner feeds it and that is exactly what the WWE zombie fans do. Whatever Vince does is great and everyone is horrible to them. They can NOT think outside the box.

As for the original topic? Hogan revealing that does nothing as you knew already he was going to turn. HE ALWAYS DOES. Now if he would reveal winners of future titles at future ppvs then yeah thats a problem.

No problem here.
I'm surprised in Bischoff, he actually had some decent ideas back in WCW with stealing talent he just was possessed by Hogan's aura and the wrestlers of the 80's and early 90's, he's a very smart man I'm surprised he isn't really trying to get the ratings up and to do more with TNA backstage.
You obviously are a fucking idiot just to put it delicately. Anyone who wants to resort to the jibber jabber that you are resorting to by coming onto a TNA thread and bashing the product just to put WWE over. Well lad, WWE doesn't need your help in promoting itself by the by. They are dong just fine without having some idiot mark orgasm over their PPV.

You see this is the thing, a REAL wrestling fan is allowed to have their bias and is allowed to feel strongly about their preference. However, you on the other hand are some little cunt ass dumb fuck troll who wants to come over and be a stupid mark.

I'd like to see if some wiseass like you could even be a tenth of an athlete that any TNA or WWE wrestler is. My take is that you probably can't, hence why you talk so much shit.

Go fuck off.

P.S. Fuckwad, we were also talking about Hulk Hogan and whether or not he was really spoiling a TNA storyline, so you score bonus douchebag points for not sticking to the subject. Again proving that you weren't here to contribute to the thread but just to find another reason to talk shit about TNA. Fucking moron.

wow someone needs a hug. and tna is a shit product from top to bottom. tna fans are so easily butthurt by criticism. not that i am criticizing, im beyond that, i just stab them with words every chance i get at this point.

oh and nothing gets your point across like cussing and name calling. tna fans must be democrats too lol.

"a REAL wrestling fan is allowed to have their bias and is allowed to feel strongly about their preference." gotta love the hypocrisy of saying that while bashing someone for not liking what you like!!!

anyway back on topic

if you think hogan spoiled a storyline, then that means you didnt see the face turn and the yellow and red coming back at some point, which also means you should crawl in a whole with a book on how to think ahead and just read. i feel silly now for assuming that anyone with synapses firing knew without a doubt that hogan would return to the face character. its something that has already been done meaning it is mandatory for tna to do it...again.

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