His Best Feud: Ted Dibiase

Ted Dibiase's Best Feud

  • Hulk Hogan

  • Randy Savage

  • Hercules

  • Jake Roberts

  • Big Bossman

  • Dusty Rhodes

  • Virgil

  • Natural Disasters

  • Steiner Brothers

  • Razor Ramon

  • Other

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The Brain

King Of The Ring
I’m back to keep on rolling through the best feud series. Next up Ted Dibiase. The Million Dollar Man of course, not Ted Jr. Dibiase is one of the most respected performers of the late 80’s and early 90’s. He wrestled for six years as a top heel for the WWF and did it beautifully. He was the man you loved to hate. I think you’d be hard pressed to find many members of these forums that don’t respect Dibiase. While thinking of Dibiase I realized he didn’t seem to have one defining epic feud. He had a lot of good feuds, but nothing jumped off the page as #1. Is that good or is that bad? You could argue if none stand out then maybe he didn’t do a great job with his feuds. I’ll take the opposite argument. Dibiase was solid in all his feuds. None stand out as #1 because he worked well with everybody. This should result in some interesting debate. Here’s my list:

10. The Steiner Brothers
9. Razor Ramon
8. The Natural Disasters
7. The Big Bossman
6. Hercules
5. Randy Savage
4. Dusty Rhodes
3. Virgil
2. Hulk Hogan
1. Jake Roberts

As usual a few quick notes on the list before I cover #1. As you can see I put a couple tag teams on the list. While he’s remembered more for his singles work I wanted to acknowledge Dibiase’s time in Money Inc. You’ll notice Hogan is #2. This was Dibiase first feud in the WWF. For a new guy to come in and feud with Hogan right off the bat is pretty incredible. Usually you had to be a 400 pound monster to do that. He was getting title shots after only being in the company for a few months. He was instantly over as a heel. I liked the feud with Virgil as it was the only worthwhile thing Virgil ever did as a wrestler. The two were together for three and a half years before Virgil finally stood up to Dibiase. Nowadays a team like that would last six months, maybe a year, tops. Being together for as long as they were is what made this feud special. It’s also notable that his feuds with Virgil, Hercules, Bossman, Razor, and the Natural Disasters all turned those guys from heel to face. I don’t know what that says exactly, but it says something.

I decided on Jake as my #1 not to please my pal byrnside, but because these two were great rivals for each other. This feud lasted a full year beginning at WrestleMania V and ending at WrestleMania VI. Jake missed most of the summer of 1989 due to injury, but they worked that into the storyline nicely by having Dibiase “cause” the injury. The feud wasn’t forgotten in Jake’s absence. Dibiase would continually brag about putting Jake on the shelf. When Jake returned they picked up right where they left off. I remember these two meeting up in the Royal Rumble match in 1990. Dibiase drew #1 and threw out the next two opponents easily. Jake drew #4. When Jake’s music hit the crowd erupted. They didn’t fight for long, but simply watching Jake stare Dibiase down on his way to the ring and Dibiase’s reaction while the crowd was going crazy was awesome. Eventually Jake would steal the million dollar belt and keep it in his bag with Damien. They finally had their blow off at WrestleMania VI for the million dollar belt. Dibiase won in what was the second best match of the night in my opinion. Although the finish was a little anticlimactic as he won by count out. What made this a great feud was the mic work with these two. They were two of the best promo men in the company at the time. Of all time for that matter. They cut some good promos on each other and really talked you into wanting to see their matches.

I’m satisfied with my choice for #1, but I could possibly be convinced to change my mind. Did I get this one right? Let’s hear some feedback.

One more small thing. It's feud not fued. I see fued all the time and for some reason it bothers me. No big deal. Just a stupid pet peeve I suppose.

You raise a lot of good points here, but I'm going to have to respectfully disagree. I don't think they ever actually fought, so I'm not sure how great I'd say the feud was. Plust it brought one of the worst gimmicks of the 90's, the fake UT.

On a more serious note, I'd say this is pretty right on. I'm sure he probably had some good feuds in Mid-South/UWF, but I don't know enough to speak to that. It be great to hear some input from someone who does though.
For those of you who've read my posts in the past, I'm sure you've assumed I was going to pick Jake. But I think some of you might not realize, that while Jake holds one of the top spots in my heart as far as the old school is concerned, the Million Dollar Man is not far behind. While Jake the Snake seems like a good choice, I really don't remember much about that feud, other than Jake stole the Million Dollar belt and hid it in the snake bag. I'm going to go back and try to find some of the promo work these two had just because you speak so highly of it Brain. I did of course love Jake's promo before their match at Wrestlemania.

Virgil would be a good choice if I were still 7 years old, but looking back Virgil should have never made the switch from body guard to in ring performer, because he was pretty terrible. I think the story behind Virgil's faceturn and feud with DiBiase woud've been about the only thing to make it great. Lowly body guard tries to shine, he even won the Million Dollar belt.

I think the most natural choice has to be the Hulkster. These two feuded off and on for the better part of half a decade. The story was perfect, Hogan was your working class, all american hero and Ted was the rich snob who paid the "little" people to do demeaning things. When Ted tried to buy the WWF title from Andre, well, that was priceless. Pun intended. I feel like when the WWF ran out of heels for Hogan, they always went back to DiBiase, and that was smart. I can't tell you how many times DiBiase had a match with Hogan, and made Hogan look amazing.

edit: the misspelling of feud drives me crazy too Brain.
On a personal level the Hogan feud stands out...as I started watching wrestling in 1999 and rely on old wrestling videos this is the only one I have really seen. And I loved the ring and promo work for it so yeah, I think this is the best option.

Just My Opinion
I personally really enjoyed the feud Dibiase had with Jake Roberts, two of the best wrestlers on the mic they delivered killer promos and their matches were pretty good as well leading to a memorable clash at WM6.
dusty rhodes. sappire and and sensetional sherri even got invovled. to me that feud was one of the best in the early 90s. thats why im such a huge fan of legacy becasue of what there fathers did during this feud
His feud with Hogan was his greatest and his longest. Dibiase came in, feuded with Hogan and caused Hogan to lose the belt to Andre on the Main Event in 88 when he paid the twin referee off, which was HUGE. Just think about it, he was the man responsible for ending Hogan's over 4 year run as WWE champion. That feud alone launched him into stardom. Hogan and Dibiase were involved in so many memorable encounters over the years such as Summerslam 88 where the Mega Powers fought the Mega Bucks, Survivor Series 88 where they clashed again, the following year again at Survivor Series 89 when the Hulkamaniacs fought the Million Dollar Team, and all of their encounters in between including their singles matches at Saturday Night's Main Event, and the numerous house shows they worked.

Dibiase's feud with Jake Roberts comes in at second in my view.

The rest i agree with you on.
This being my first post I couldn't say who his best feud was with but to me my most memorable one, however brief, would be the Fabulous Freebirds. It was a young Dibiase against the 'birds. If I'm not mistaken they supposedly broke his neck with 2 piledrivers on the concrete at TBS studios.. Just my personal favorite...
You got it right, Brain. I don't think he had any full closure to his feud with Hogan as they didn't have many definitive matches. Roberts and Dibase were very evenly matched and had a strong story as you documented. If I were to nominate anyone else for #1 it would be Virgil, as that feud had a very good story, story history, a feel good face turn, and definitive matches with closure. #3 is very high though so I can respect that.

Although I agree with you on this one, just make sure in the future you don't sleep on those underdogs. I mean 1-2-3 Kid and Virgil both could have been #1. Kid for the Razor feud series and Virgil for this one.....even though Virgl and the 1-2-3 Kid werent exactly big stars, you can argue that they both had the best stories and feuds with those guys. But like I said, I can concur with Roberts at #1.
although it wasn't entirely their feud.. Macho Man Randy Savage vs Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase was always so emotional..after their wrestlemania 4 main event title match!!! how could you 4get Ted main evented WM!! then they had amazing house show cage match where a fan climbed the cage to help Randy!!! i bet they worked tons of house shows back then.. too bad he didnt have a good run with Bret..cause they clicked great too.. (survivor series 90, snme..) but as a whole feud goes.. Jake Roberts 1st..dusty rhodes 2nd.. virgil / piper 3rd.. hogan was great with ted too i always thought ted and henning did best work FOR hogan.. andre had alot to do with ted vs hulk..and after the title incident..they never really had a meaning in 89.. but great pre-match promos gotta love his fist drop! for guys with no WWF bodies..jake and dibiase were the best storytellers from that era
Hands down his best feuds were with the megapowers.. Hogan and Macho man... They should have gave Ted at least one tittle run in the WWE.. He was a great heel.. Hogan helping Savage win by hitting ted with that chair was a classic momment. We saw the hulkster cheat for the first time.
I hated Ted's run as the Million Dollar man ! His stuff pre WWF was so much better to me ! So here's my picks:

Jim Duggan- He and Ted had a great feud in Mid-South after Duggan turned face and left Dibiase's Rat Pack.

Magnum T.A.- While not that long they had some great matches in Mid-South over the North American title back in 1984.

Tommy Rich - Some great matches between these 2 back in late 1983 including Ted winning a loser leaves town match in Georgia Championship wrestling.
His feud with Hogan was his greatest and his longest. Dibiase came in, feuded with Hogan and caused Hogan to lose the belt to Andre on the Main Event in 88 when he paid the twin referee off, which was HUGE. Just think about it, he was the man responsible for ending Hogan's over 4 year run as WWE champion. That feud alone launched him into stardom. Hogan and Dibiase were involved in so many memorable encounters over the years such as Summerslam 88 where the Mega Powers fought the Mega Bucks, Survivor Series 88 where they clashed again, the following year again at Survivor Series 89 when the Hulkamaniacs fought the Million Dollar Team, and all of their encounters in between including their singles matches at Saturday Night's Main Event, and the numerous house shows they worked.

They were also involved in the main event at Survivor Series 90, remember the "tournament" format where the survivors met in a final match of survival?

The main event was Hulk Hogan, WWF Champ Ultimate Warrior, and Chico Santana vs. MDM Ted DiBiase, Rick Martel, Power, GLory, and the Warlord. DiBiase ate it up in the interview as well that Hogan was on that team!
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