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I heard somewhere next season is going to be a completely different cast. Did anyone else hear that?
heroes is the best show ever its like the only show u can watch on wednedays here in Australia everything else sucks
Well thanks for bringing this thread back... I had forgotten about it, lol.

Heroes is back in a week! I can't wait! The previews with the Nickelback song are just ridiculous. Only 5 episodes left until the season finale!!
For those wondering, Heroes continues starting from tomorrow again ! Yay !
Holy Jesus.

That was fucking awesome. Heroes never fails to disappoint me.
Not to be a treasure Troll in here, but am i missing something with this show. I can honestly say I gave Heroe's a fair shot, I watched most of the episodes until 24 came on, and really, I haven't been that impressed. Now i'll admit, i haven't watched since 24 came on, but the first run just seemed to be too unbelievable for me. There was no centralized story, the characters seemed boring, and it just wasn't interesting. Now before I get bashed, I will go on record as saying I am an avid fan of X-men and have an assload of comics. I just feel the show is a giant rip off of our merry mutants.

Again I'm not bashing. Am I missing something or is it really that good. Does it appeal to a more teenage audience? Like I said, I gave it a fair shot and just didn't get hooked. It's not horrible, but it didn't interest me. Someone jsut tell me if I jumped the genrational hurdle.
No way... Heroes is incredible man, and keeps getting better. I love it, and I'm not a teenager, so it doesn't have to appeal to a teenage audience. I personally watch just about anything from One Tree Hill to 24 to Scrubs to Smallville to Prison Break to the Office and Heroes is really high on the list... Incredible show, too bad it's so new and I can't buy two seasons worth of DVDs and watch them all at once :p.
Shockie, I think you just weren't paying close enough attention... You're several years older than I am but I consider us to have similar personalities, from what I know about you.. and I'm completely in love with the show.

There is a central storyline, it just one of those cases where it takes several episodes for it to become apparent. They're trying to save the world, and all the characters are interrelated in some form or another. Every episode we pretty much find out about a new link between characters. It's just a matter of building to that event.

As for the characters, how can you say they're boring? They all have friggin superpowers for god's sake! It's friggin sick! And like half of the actors are going to be stars within 5 years. Hiro is an amazingly entertaining character, the Nikki character is great too, Peter is amazing, my favorite hero, Claire is close behind, I absolutely love Bennett. the Characters are great, especially now that we have a little bit of a back story to all of them.

As for the comment about it being an X-Men ripoff... yeah I thought that too after a while. It truly does seem like this is what the backstory to X-men would be exactly like. But Stan Lee did a friggin cameo in the show, so I think he's Ok with it or linked to the project somehow. It's possible that they're telling the back story to the X-Men in some way, shape, or form... or maybe you're just supposed to use your imagination.

But yeah, you're really missing something... first 10 episodes I found great, but they were slower because they were building characters, but after that it just got fucking ridiculous, it's amazing.

Honestly, best show on TV right now..
Holy Jesus.

That was fucking awesome. Heroes never fails to disappoint me.

Was I the only one yelling at my TV for like half of the show for them to just take the fucking piece of glass out of Peter's skull until Claire did it!?!?! I almost had a heart attack!

Linderman is friggin amazing!

Anyone else catch the revelation 10 minutes to the end? My sister didn't get it until I told her. About Issaac and the comic book? I figured out what he put in it and I was like efhewfhowvnvwn9- !!!!!!
Anyone else catch the revelation 10 minutes to the end? My sister didn't get it until I told her. About Issaac and the comic book? I figured out what he put in it and I was like efhewfhowvnvwn9- !!!!!!

Uhh care to elaborate on this "revelation"??!?! I usualy catch the "hidden" stuff in the shows but maybe I missed something??
I didn't want to ruin it for anyone so I was cautious about posting it, so you've been warned, even though it already happened...

Ok when Sylar was killing Issaac, Issaac was all like Whatevs, you're killing me, it's ok, I've accepted my faith.

But then he said something about being able to to save the world and warn everyone about how to stop the bomb anyway... I don't know if you caught it. Sylar looked a little confused but killed him anyway.

Earlier in the episode, Issaac gave his latest and last installment of the comic book to the messenger, which I'm now 100% sure contains instructions on how to stop Peter from blowing up the city! (and I'm sure there's something in the sketch book too).

You probably caught that and it's not much of a revelation now that I think about it... but I felt it was kinda cryptic, especially considering my sister was sitting right there and didn't even catch it, lol.
Was I the only one yelling at my TV for like half of the show for them to just take the fucking piece of glass out of Peter's skull until Claire did it!?!?! I almost had a heart attack!

Totally. They took their sweet time, it was awesome when he came back to life. I got to mark out like a little girl.

"What do you do with something that kills you?"

"Put in under your pillow?"
Am I the only one who thinks next week's episode is going to be one of the best of the season (and that's really saying a lot)?

Last week's was great but it was kind of all over the place. Next week it's all 5 years in the future. Petrelli's president, we get to see future Hiro, Mohinder's in the office too, OH MAN.

But they haven't shown Claire, Peter, etc. in any of the previews... I wonder what happens to them...

Shit, thanks Boss, I didn't even notice that! (and I'm Canadian and I saw that preview! hahaha!). Probably too busy dying from how badass that preview was in general.

Cyric I've already bought a pacemaker.

And, p.s., does anyone think Claire is like 5 times hotter with brown hair? OH MAN I can't wait.
C'est rowr

And from what i've heard, this episode is going to be HUGE (in more than one way!)
Well? THAT EPISODE WAS THE SHIT! I CANNOT WAIT FOR 3 MORE EPS. I have a pretty good idea on how the season will end...thoughts on last night anyone?
Damn ! That was amazing ! Lol I loved the future Peter, who would of thought that he would be a badass ! 3 more to go OMG.
SHIT that episode was the best one of the season! What an ending too! Man the way they've built this up this season could literally go anywhere. And I don't know if it was here or if it was someone else who told me but apparently anyone who survives this season will come back next season, which was NOT the original plan, so that means pretty much anything can happen.

Can't wait for next week!
Alright boys it's almost time for episode 21! Any thoughts? Predictions? I'll post mine in a little bit.
my sister told me this episode's going to be mostly about Sylar. Hiro and Sylar will have a showdown at the end of the episode, as the preview suggested. As to what will happen, who knows anymore with Heroes!!! lol.
Can someone answer a question for me? I was just looking at IMDB and I couldn't remember something...

why would one of the more recent episodes called .07%?
Ah yes. ".07 %" is the percentage of the world's population that could potentially be destroyed in the explosion. That's why Nathan is having a hard time coming to terms with his decision.
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