Hernandez wasted

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Can anyone explain what was up with having Hernandez cashing in on the Feast or Fired case last night? Didn't it just end up overcrowding the main event? Maybe they just go tired on the whole Feast or Fired angle and wanted to drop it quickly.

However, wouldn't it have made more sense to have Hernandez cash it in on the next Impact after AJ had won and was 'weakened' after the brutal 4-way. Then you could have the World Elite cost him the match which would seem to be more significant than having the WE taking him out of the main event last night. Because once Hernandez was out, you still had the originally planned main event, thus losing any significance of the Feast or Fired concept. I don't know, it seems like it could have been booked better.
The problem with that scenario is that it makes AJ look weak. He's a cruiserweight at heart, so that's all well and good. However, they should wait until after he defeats Sting to begin undermining him.

No such luck for Hernandez, who they made metaphorically throw his title shot out the window. You're right - it didn't make much sense. Not even by TNA standards.
It could've been done on the next Impact, but I think it was handled fine. You get Hernandez in the main event of a PPV, but you don't make him look weak. He also had to drop the briefcase because that'd further the WE feud. If they didn't interefere and screw him over, he really wouldn't have anymore reason to keep absolutely destorying them. Also, it gets Hernandez out of the main event scene for awhile.

It's rather clogged up with the other 4 guys at the moment, so Hernandez doesn't really fit in. Hernandez's booking hasn't been perfect, but at least he has been made to look strong.
I didn't get to watch, only read the review on the main page. First, I was pretty steamed that Hernandez only got about 20 seconds in the ring with Eric Young, since he only had a few seconds with Big Rob in his last PPV match.

Then I saw he cashed in the case, and was floored. Why would you cash it in when there'd only be a 20% chance of winning it? He's a great wrestler, and I hope they keep him in the title scene, but I have a bad feeling that he's going to get stuck in a poorly booked feud with Homicide, that can really only end with them reforming LAX. He deserves a title run, and hopefully it comes after AJ retires Sting.
I don't really see how Hernandez deserves a title run NSL. There are nearly a dozen guys who would be better choices for World Champion right now, and among the very top of that list is AJ Styles.

I don't see why this surprises everyone. It's obvious that a Homicide-Hernandez feud is coming, you'd have to be blind not to see it. This frees Hernandez of the briefcase and has his character focus solely on the World Elite. Hernandez simply isn't ready yet in my opinion.

Hernandez is good, but I really don't see him as world champion material. Not yet at least.
I don't really see how Hernandez deserves a title run NSL. There are nearly a dozen guys who would be better choices for World Champion right now, and among the very top of that list is AJ Styles.

I'm not saying I'm not happy AJ is the champ. I'm ecstatic over that. I was surprised to see he won, and am hoping they go with him retiring Sting at BFG.

Who else should get the title before Hernandez though? Outside of Matt Morgan, I don't see anyone that fits the title of champ. I wouldn't buy Nash, Foley, or Lashley as champ right now, so Hernandez should be next in line, along with Morgan. Either one of them can work a shirt feud with AJ until they either win the belt or move on, and then slide the other one in.
I would of liked to have seen Hernadez get some offense in the main event before Eric Young took him out. I guess they didn't want to overcrowd the main event though. It does set things in motion for a Hernadez/World Elite feud, but it completely diminished Hernandez being in the main event for now. However, there are so many competitors in the main event now, there isn't room for Hernadez. I'm fine for now watching TNA build him and help him find his way to the main event.
as i watched this all i could think was he would win the title but when eric young came out and cost him the match i couldnt help but think to myself this is the most idiotic thing i ever seen done in wrestling first you give him the push and then you throw out the window for a feud that has already seen hernandez kill young earlier in a 2 min match what was they thinking someone fill me in
I guess they did'nt want to take to much PPV time so instead they did it as the match started, but then again, it could've been worse, Hernandez could've cashed in before the match, beat Kurt for the belt 1 on 1 and then get screwed during the four(now five)way by EY( that would piss us of alot more), but then again that briefcase has been worthless since they "came up" with the concept anyway.

Side Note:Or maybe they were to stupid to think about doing it on iMPACT!
However, wouldn't it have made more sense to have Hernandez cash it in on the next Impact after AJ had won and was 'weakened' after the brutal 4-way. Then you could have the World Elite cost him the match which would seem to be more significant than having the WE taking him out of the main event last night. Because once Hernandez was out, you still had the originally planned main event, thus losing any significance of the Feast or Fired concept. I don't know, it seems like it could have been booked better.

A convient way for the new writers to get rid of someone else's idea. R&F?
Whilst I think that putting him in the match didn't make his character look too smart it made him look confident, which is important.

Here is a man who is so confident in his abilities that he doesn't feel the need to attack an almost unconscious champion. In fact he is so confident in how good he is that he feels he can beat four of the best that his company has to offer.

I don't know if that is what TNA was aiming for but thats how it came off to me and I feel that to be a good thing.
is it just me or can yall see a super mex vs angle fued just because of the way he beat the shit out of angle i could see angle going on impact next week saying if not for super mex's attack he would have retained
He got 2 cases or shots already for the title after he won it he cashed it in against Sting on an episode of Impact! last year. Plus the feast or fired match is next month at BFG so that's y they had him drop the case. Hopefully HBK is proud that at least one of his kids r still on TV.
I agree that was booked badly. BUT, remember he got screwed the 1st time he cashed it in against. Sting I believe on Impact and Foley gave him another shot in the future before his neck injury. Perhaps that will happen again. Maybe something like running the gauntlet against the entire World Elite to gain his shot. We'll just have to see how it plays out!
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